25 Sep Why We Have Sex – A Philosophical Perspective

-By Caleb Jones
We have sex because we’re horny. We have sex because our biology compels us to. We have sex to have babies (well, not usually, but sometimes). We have sex to deepen a connection to another person (well, not usually, but sometimes). In some cases, particularly with men, we have sex to let off steam or de-stress. In other cases, particularly with women, we have sex because we’re getting something financial out of the deal. We all know those reasons, and they’re all valid, or can be.
I think there are deeper reasons.
I’m a man, so I look at this from the masculine perspective. I can make some educated guesses as to these deeper reasons for sex (if any) from the female perspective, but I will never know for sure what it’s like to be a woman, so I’ll stick with the masculine perspective for the moment.
Something that has been on my mind lately is that we men have so few ways of expressing our primitive feelings and characteristics. I realize I’m not alone in making this observation, that many men, from Jack Donovan to Sylvester Stallone, have been complaining about this for years.
I still remember the feeling of pure exhilaration I felt as a kid during the few times I was allowed to compete in full-contact karate (we didn’t have MMA or UFC back then). There were times I would leave the center of the dojo battered and bloody, literally bloody, and I felt fantastic. (I discuss one of these times in detail in my book.)
We don’t fight in combat anymore, at least not the vast majority of us, like we did hundreds or thousands of years ago. Men don’t experience that anymore. Even if we do experience combat, usually it’s in a controlled environment where you’re wearing protective equipment and not allowed to do certain things. That’s fine, but I don’t think we can truly tap into our full, primitive masculinity that way.
Even guys in the military serving in war zones these days are under all kinds of the most insane, politically correct restrictions, even often being forced to radio in to get permission to fire back if you’re being fired upon. I have many readers in the military and I hear many of your stories about this. (Funny story. I still remember talking to an old friend way back in the 1990’s, and I was saying, “Jesus. Just imagine if this baby boomer generation actually had to go to war. What a cluster fuck that would be!” Well, now we know.)
That’s just combat. What about fighting animals or nature to get our food? For most of the human existence, we men had to do that. Its true that ancient man ate mostly fruit, vegetables, and nuts, but we also used to hunt, kill, and eat all kinds of beasts, from sabre-toothed tigers and buffalo to antelope and even lions. Often, if we didn’t hunt and kill something, we’d be in big trouble, including starvation or banishment from our tribe.
Imagine going out with your buddies, with no armor, armed only with wooden spears, to go hunt a fucking sabre-toothed tiger. I’m serious now… really think about that. Hell, even hunting buffalo was extremely dangerous.
That’s what I’m talking about.
Think about this. When was the last time you were literally in fear for your life because of a close and real danger? I don’t mean bullshit like “North Korea might nuke us,” or “This guy on the internet threatened to kill me.” No no no. That kind of bullshit is just modern-day beta male hand-wringing. I mean, when was the last time a man pulled a knife on you with the intent to use it? Or the last time you were in the wilderness and a bear reared up in front of you while roaring? Or the last time you fell off a mountainside and were clambering for dear life?
Do you see what I mean?
I’ve talked at length about how much I love technology, am pro-technology, can’t wait for more technological advancement, and how I can’t wait to explore virtual worlds or become a cyborg. I’m serious.
At the same time, I admit we men have lost something. Something precious. Something many of us crave. Movies like American Beauty, Falling Down, and Fight Club tapped into a lot of this. I think any time you see an action movie and witness the conflict and death, and have a smile on your face (as I often do during action movies), we’re tapping back into this, just a little bit.
I also think there’s another way we tap into this as men: sex.
I think sex is one of the few ways we men have left of going back to our ancient roots, a time of raw physicality, danger, and dominance. When we have sex, assuming we really let ourselves go (and many men can’t or won’t), we go backwards in time to our more caveman essence, that state of being we don’t need anymore, yet still crave deep within our viscera.
I know I do. When I have sex, most of my brain shuts off and I become a pure Alpha Male 1.0 caveman. I love it. I know not all men do this, though, since many women have told me most other men in their sexual pasts are very calm, reserved, and quiet during sex.
That sucks! That tells me that men aren’t enjoying sex nearly as much as they could. In my opinion, during sex is the only time as a man that you can truly cut loose and be as caveman insane as you want. This is particularly true if you’re having sex with a trusted woman who is on real birth control so a condom isn’t needed and you can gush inside her to your heart’s content. (I realize that’s not often the case, but you can still go crazy while wearing condoms too.)
Unless you’re engaged in regular martial arts / MMA, are active military in a war zone, or some kind of extreme thrillseeker (regularly doing things like skydiving, base jumping, sport climbing, etc) then you really have no other way of tapping into this core masculinity other than having sex. Yes, you can watch action movies or play violent video games, and those are all great, but it’s not the same thing.
When you’re done having sex, go back to your normal, rational self. (I do.) But during sex, don’t worry about any of that. Sex is a gift… one of the last ones we have of its kind.
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Posted at 05:31 am, 25th September 2017I remember the times I’ve felt most alive were when my life was in danger.
Twice, once when me and my girlfriend got swept out by a riptide in the ocean. She shut down and I had to swim us back to shore. Pro tip: Swim sideways towards the waves and let them take you back. Swimming straight to the beach against the riptide and you will lose.
Second time was when I and the same girl had sex on the beach far away from the city and it started to get dark. We saw a water moccasin and had a maze of sand and grass between us and the car as it gets darker and darker.
She’s freaking out and I get this serene calm and eventually navigate us out.
Adrenaline from life or death situations is amazing. I don’t ever wish to be in one, but when it happens and you survive, best rush ever.
Posted at 06:15 am, 25th September 2017C’mon BD! You are projecting again here..
You backward rationalizing your subjective experience, in order to justify your own behavior.
It doesn’t work like that.
You conflating between desire and need, one is primal the other is personal(preferences).
In ancient world, sugar(high carb sources) is pretty fucking rare. Whenever we found that we consume it like the last god send (which probably true at that time). Now try extrapolate this to modern world…
When it’s time to draw the line between an old biological programming and self induced pleasures?
Think again.
Posted at 06:15 am, 25th September 2017That feeling after you have sex with a new girl for the first time is the best. For the next day or two I feel like the manliest of all men dead and alive, total alpha. It is really quite incomparable with anything else.
Posted at 06:50 am, 25th September 2017Isn’t this the point of endurance sport competitions? Pushing your body and brain to the max fueled by endorphins.
Posted at 07:31 am, 25th September 2017And the only gift that is renewed daily for free. 🙂
BL Swagger
Posted at 08:35 am, 25th September 2017That’s why I shoot guns competitively at USPSA…United States Practical Shooting Association. It’s run-and-gun at its best. Nothing says you’re a primal man like running around shooting a handgun at paper targets and steel plates, adrenaline rushing. If you’re not running, you’re reloading like a Boss in a second to a second-and-a-half. If you’re not reloading, you’re running your ass off to get to the next target array so as to do the other two things again.
Just think of the John Wick movies if you want to know what USPSA is like. In fact, Keeanu Reeves trained with USPSA Grandmaster Taran Butler.
After 20 or 30 seconds and 35 rounds, it’s all over (that’s how long it takes to shoot a stage). But after that, I can’t remember shit. I can’t remember when I reloaded or where I fired. You know what most shooters say? After the buzzer goes off (to signal you to start shooting), your head goes up your ass and you can’t remember a thing!
Posted at 09:18 am, 25th September 2017You can also tap into that when you go ape shit in the gym (and it’s good to do that sometimes) or perform any heavy physical labor designed to use brute force – like chopping wood or moving heavy objects.
Also walking great distances in the wild – in a place you’re not familiar with – will do the trick sometimes.
Anyway, it’s funny you mentioned sex because I’ve been noticing a trend where chicks ask me to go rougher and rougher with them, especially on male>female dominant positions…they def seem to miss our primal side.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:49 am, 25th September 2017I don’t see where I’m doing this or even we disagree. Perhaps if you were more specific.
For certain people, perhaps. Though I suppose you could make the same argument regarding guys who love doing drugs.
I’m not sure as a trend so much as women being more open to express those hidden desires more with more Alpha men.
Posted at 11:55 am, 25th September 2017There is a very famous spiritual teacher by the name of Eckhart Tolle who wrote a best seller called The Power of Now. His book was very revealing because it explained many things about the workings of human consciousness and helped me and millions of people understand other people better. One of the things that stuck with me is how he explained why people does dangerous sports like mountain climbing, racing, hunting, parachute jumping, etc. (ie masculine activities, like fighting or sex which you mentioned).
Apparently, according to him and in my experience too, most of human suffering is caused by thought. By this he means unnecessary and unpractical thought, a “background noise” that you can’t shut down, for example wallowing over past miseries (which you can’t change) or spending your life worrying about the future (which hasn’t yet come) instead of acting to prevent these bad deeds from happening. So what does this have to do with these activities? Dangerous or thrill causing activities make you stay in the present moment. When you’re hanging from a cliff, or speeding your motorbike at 180km/h or being attacked by wild boars your brain knows shit’s real and has no use for all the noise that would get in the way of actual problem solving, so it will shut down all the background noise that’s causing you all that suffering. That’s why people gets themselves in such risky situations, just for a moment of mental clarity away from all the suffering caused by not being on the present moment.
I’d say most of the “venting out” activities that people does, be they having a beer with friends, having sex, doing martial arts or shooting up some targets get a big part of their value from the fact that are activities that allow you to appreciate the present moment through various means like drowning thoughts in alcohol, adrenaline and whatever else.
You may be interested in checking up Eckhart’s book someday if you haven’t, it has changed many people’s lives and it explains so many things about the mind and human nature.
Posted at 12:01 pm, 25th September 2017I too, am suspicious. BD’s observation that sex is the one time where men can go caveman crazy for a few moments to me is OBW. BD admits that he’s a high sex drive person as well so there’s kind of a bias. Also there are other things men can do besides have sex where tension is released. I will also admit that my sex drive isn’t like BD’s, so there’s that.
I’ve always viewed sex as just another form of power thirsting. Chicks desire it because it means they might have kids after so then they’ll be able to have the poor guy on a leash the rest of his life. At least chicks admit this. Men desire it because it means that they have “conquered” the chick. Then again, I see a lot of things as power thirsting, so there’s that as well.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 12:39 pm, 25th September 2017No, there’s nothing valid about having sex for money. Having any type of sex for any non-sexual, or gender neutral, reason, is, by definition, an invalid and illegitimate use of your sexuality. Sex should never be used as a means to a non-sexual end. That is prostitution, which is a form of female supremacy – the belief that the vagina is worth more than the penis.
Such toxic and cancerous women are precisely the ones which most red pill men have condemned. We want nothing to do with such women. Our goal in the seduction world is sex for sex. Symbiosis is an essential part of the sex act. When sex becomes parasitic instead, it becomes perverted, toxic, unhealthy, and anti-male, resulting in acting, deception, fake orgasms, and extortion. We instead want the real thing.
hey hey
Posted at 12:57 pm, 25th September 2017It’s easy. Long term happiness. If your OBW makes you long term happy it is not obsolete. If you are not long term happy then you need to search two things: SP and OBW. Then you know you are doing something wrong in either of them.
Sugar is a bad example as it damages your health in the long term. Even if it is a pleasure and it makes you happy momentarily it causes diseases. Sex is an all around positive activity and for men especially it is not a momentarily boost but overall it gives confidence and drive in the long run.
If you have lower sex drive, you only need fewer sex sessions than a higher sex drive man. It doesn’t remove the need. Rare sex means your happiness levels are mediocre at best, whatever your sex drive. You can do any manly man activity you can think of, but if you fuck once a year then I’m sure you are not that happy.
This is how the line is drawn.
Posted at 01:02 pm, 25th September 2017I think I understand what BD is saying here.
I’ve done BJJ (grappling) for about a year, ran in marathons, pushed myself in the gym, etc.
Combat sports are a completely different world than pumping huge iron, or running a marathon and pushing yourself to the limit. Yes, they each require pain tolerance and a certain “will of the warrior.”
But you don’t feel MASCULINE when running a half-marathon. Iron-willed, sure, but you’re not exerting dominance, or your will. Pumping iron (at least heavy weights) can make you feel like a beast, but it’s mostly ego-driven, in my experience.
Combat sports, as BD mentioned, are just a different, untapped outlet. It’s like — the “bullshit” is gone. The bullshit being civilization and manners and games and all this hoopla. It’s just you, and your opponent, competing.
And the odd thing is, in combat sports, usually in most decent gyms where people are mentally stable (and all the elite guys) – they are actually angry during any of these matches. It’s not a pissing contest at a bar, where two hostile idiots both feel insecure and try to beat each other and usually walk away feeling like a massive dipshit.
Nah it’s just an honest competition but it unlikes a primal instinct, and a feeling like “this is physics. No emotion, no persuasion, no insults — just two guys trying to exert their wills upon each other.” And you do tap into a mettle, a mettle that doesn’t quite exist in sport running because you’re trying to survive (at least in theory, you’re not actually going to be in serious danger in any decent gym).
Sex is the same thing, obviously. Exerting your will and dominance (from a male perspective) onto a woman. Not in a rapey fashion, but I think you get the idea. A woman does ‘submit’ to sex and is more vulnerable, I think this is obvious.
Of course, BJJ isn’t really sexual, even with women you have to roll with sometimes, but yeah.
Sadly I will say from experience, injuries are very common in BJJ, accidents happen, knees elbows shoulders etc can be banged up pretty bad, esp. if your older. I had to stop doing it from a rational perspective, but the sport itself (BJJ) is extremely addictive and strategic. Even nerdier guys really get into it because of the strategy and leverage components (aka it’s difficult but you can take down a bigger opponent).
Posted at 01:12 pm, 25th September 2017When I look back after sex, or look forward to sex when I know it’s going to happen, one of the things that I think of is the pure animal passion of it when I really get going, which is different from any other activity. I guess that’s sort of what BD is talking about here.
One thing that no one seems to have mentioned (or I might have missed it) is the sheer physical pleasure of sex. I know that goes without saying for almost all men, but somehow that’s part of its animal appeal too.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 01:15 pm, 25th September 2017No, he is not a “spiritual teacher.” He’s paid CIA.
Yes, and the only goal of that book is to create a population of slaves. Ever read the children’s story about the ant and the grasshopper? His book tells you to be the grasshopper. The children’s story tells you to be the ant because the grasshopper will starve in the winter due to lack of long term planning.
The idea of “living in the now” and that long term vision is “the source of suffering” is an idea that is meant to regress your mind to the level of a small child who has no choice but to be dependent on welfare and the “generosity of government” for even your basic survival needs, due to your own incompetence brought on by your deliberate narrowing of your thought processes to the present moment.
Do you know who lives in the now? Amoeba. And other species of bacteria. There is nothing which the controlling oligarchy would love more than for you to stop playing chess with your life and start playing checkers instead. Live exclusively for today – for the present moment – while powerful and influential men plan out the rest of your life for you and think about the next 500 years, and prepare in advance for what will happen 200 years from now!
The difference between winners and losers is long term planning. The Power of Now programs you to be a loser and ensures that the 800 people who run this planet will always be 600 steps ahead of you.
Reducing the thinking of western people to the borderline retarded thinking of the Australian aborigines or sub-Saharan Africans – where there are no winters and no one ever learned how to think in advance – has only one motive – to give the elites peace of mind and allow them to solidify their control over you and make it permanent.
Eckhart Tolle is a conman, a charlatan, and a paid agent of at least one intelligence agency. Every intelligent person should tell him to go fuck himself! Be the ant, not the grasshopper!
P.S. No one thinking “in the now” would ever write a book and sell it.
Posted at 06:26 pm, 25th September 2017LOL damn. Tell us how you really feel JOTB. Can you prove this? I’m not challenging you, I’m just curious. What are your opinions of Tony Robbins? He preaches similar stuff. Kind of. I’ve been reading a lot of Tim Ferriss right now, he’s pretty legit.
I think Tolle’s whole “in the moment” thing has its place but only in certain disciplines. But yeah I can see how it can be a form of degeneracy as well.
Posted at 09:14 pm, 25th September 2017What’s your opinion on BDSM sex with rope and lash, inflicting pains and splitting on girl’s face? That’s even more caveman, more rough and tap into our core masculinity even more I guess? Vanilla sex, no matter how rough you think it be, can’t match that.
I consider dipping more into BDSM but not sure if it corresponds to Alpha 2.0 lifestyle? In that community you see angry, jealous, dominant A1.0 everywhere and it may have a negative effect on us. An article on your view with BDSM would be appreciated.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:03 pm, 25th September 2017Anything is fine as long as it’s between two consenting adults, period. I’m not into BDSM since it doesn’t turn me on, but if it turns you and and it turns her on, fuckin’ go for it!
Absolutely it does… if she wants it. If she doesn’t want it and you’re pressuring her or bullying her into it, no. At that point it’s pure Alpha 1.0.
I know.
Ok. I’ll add it to the list, though it would be helpful if someone could bullet-point summarize it for me, since I’ve seen a lot of conflicting definitions on what “BDSM” actually is.
Gil Galad
Posted at 03:14 am, 26th September 2017Um…am I imagining things or is Joelsuf caving in to both tradcon AND radfem propaganda ? I mean you do have a tendency to say things just to be a contrarian or to watch a few people get blue in the face, but man. Is this the moment you tell us you weren’t really being serious and just entertaining a fun theory ?
Okay, is sex between lions or salmons or grasshoppers a form of power thirsting ? Unless you mean something not conscious at all and just the mindless design of evolution.
Posted at 05:43 am, 26th September 2017Salmon and grasshoppers possibly not. Lions, who can say? Lions and the other cats are intelligent animals, though of course they can’t verbalise their intelligence.
As to humans, we tend to think abstractly about virtually all our activities, whether we want to or not and whether consciously or subconsciously. Consider some of the biological imperatives that we do. We need water, food, shelter. But we don’t just drink water, we enjoy various types of liquids; most of us expend far more energy on what we eat than we need to just to stay alive – some people prepare and cook food, some people spend lots of money paying someone else to prepare food for them (typically in our culture in a restaurant), lots of people do both; most of us don’t simply have shelter, we have homes that we beautify and try to actively enjoy being in. Same with sex, surely: we give it more meaning than its purely biological function. One person’s overlays of meaning might be different from another person’s, and one person’s emphases might be different from another’s but that’s so for almost all of life.
Gil Galad
Posted at 06:17 am, 26th September 2017@Roberto: what I mean is that we may do plenty of things for the feeling of “power” that they may give us, but reducing sex to “power” is just ridiculous, and it also falls under Occam’s razor: sexual desire has its root in evolutionary processes megayears ago and includes many animal species – including many nonhuman species that do have nonreproductive sex – , when even the concept of being power drunk or whatever didn’t exist, therefore the *root* cause of sexual desire cannot be conscious thirst for power. It’s a far left BS construct.
Posted at 07:43 am, 26th September 2017I don’t disagree that sex is the most primal thing most men do.
There is a contradiction in the Manoshpere, though…..BD, you teach to always make them cum. In my experience, a fairly technical progression is the best way to go, a calibrated rising of the temperature until she goes off, then roll on the condom and have your fun…..provided that a necessary part of the technical progression is that they turn you on and you let them know it and enjoy the process (I’m good at this with hot women…..last time I tried with a not so hot woman, I just couldn’t do it). Many, if not most in the Manosphere advocate a far more wild approach that does not take the female orgasm into account……or argues they cum from this too, but it doesn’t matter, because “She Cums First” is “Blue Pill”. Now, I’m not a ripped 25 y/o brodude, and I’ve been fucking since before they were born, so this is probably an apples to oranges type thing.
What’s your call on this? I mean, I get that after they go off and we’re on to fellatio & my turn, I let them know I’m having fun, they love it, as you said in your post. But what of the initial, technical progression to get her off first? What do you hear from women on that? They can’t all expect to just be thrown on the bed and ravished, right? Or put differently…..while they might enjoy that from a 25 y/o brodude, they would have a different expectation from an older lover who presented himself as someone who knows what the fuck he’s doing.
Posted at 08:46 am, 26th September 2017@Gil Galad – I don’t think I disagree with any of that. [Well, I’m not sure about the “far left” bit (sounds a bit conspiracy theory-like to me), but even there I know what you mean.]
C Lo
Posted at 09:39 am, 26th September 2017I have had a high variance, risk filled life that shocks everyone who knows me. I’m clean cut, have a Masters degree, attend church 3x a week, and otherwise appear very vanilla.
Three years ago, my wife and I split. In the moments afterward I was involved in a car accident where the other guy was walking toward me, loading rounds. I talked him out of shooting me.
Last summer, I got lost with my then girlfriend and stumbled upon a enormous pot grow in a Santa Cruz. About a week later, she and I were face to face with a bear cub and could “hear” momma in the brush in the Sierras.
July fourth I made small error on my mountain bike above Santa Barbara and fell down a 20′ sheer cliff, and missed the next 200′ leg down when I got lucky and got laid out on a manzanita. Just scrapes and bruises:
Last weekend I scrubbed my front tire on a trail and smashed my shoulder into a giant granite boulder, knocking me out of the pedals, nearly bouncing me off the trail down another 30′ sheer cliff.
And this is just the high points. I have this sort of stuff happen all the time.
I love sex, but I have no desire to have a chick right now. Kinda perplexed me as to why. In fact, it bothered me because I seemed like my sex drive was lacking compared to most of you guys. I guess if you have enough adrenaline in the rest of your life it’s not so important.
Then again, I can pick up the phone and roll over to my ex place anytime I want so maybe that’s it.
Interesting article.
Posted at 09:40 am, 26th September 2017BD, thought you might enjoy this article. It hits on many areas I have read on your blog.
Posted at 10:31 am, 26th September 2017Yes many of the ideas are what BD writes about, and at the same time second half is complete SP bullshit. A very confused woman. But the key message for me from this article is indeed in line with what BD says (perhaps indirectly): Stay the hell away from women over 30.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:21 am, 26th September 2017I never said she had to cum first. Many times I cum first then she does.
I also said she doesn’t have to cum if you’re just after one night stands.
I just said she has to cum every time if you want an ongoing, long-term, low-drama relationship with her. Because those are the facts.
As always, I base my techniques on how effective they are in the real world, not based on any ideology or philosophy. (You will notice that I purposely avoid terms like red pill and blue pill for this reason.)
Also, don’t forget than many in the Manosphere are talking about getting laid and one night stands, not ongoing, long-term, low-drama relationships like I am.
Pretty much standard stuff. Men are “louts” because we don’t want to get divorce raped (false). Women are growing up faster than men (true). It sucks to be an over-33 provider hunter (true). It takes a village to “raise” a husband (false). Etc.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 12:04 pm, 26th September 2017There is evidence galore all over the Internet that the entire New Age Movement was invented by various intelligence agencies for the purpose of putting people to sleep and motivating them to “ignore the negatives” of any particular situation and not be angry. It is also meant to be the one world religion of the one world government they’re setting up. Narcissistic New Age lunatics are grabbing all the other religions saying that they’re all the same and are all subordinate to the higher truth of New Age, which means you can be a Christian and a New Ager, a Buddhist and a New Ager, etc… They are trying to imprison all human thought and philosophy within the construct of New Age so that no free thinker, no matter how radical his thinking is, can possibly leave that construct. Scary shit. Start here:
Tony Robbins is just a narcissist. Narcissism is indeed a facet of the New Age Movement (you are your own god, so worship yourself and be baptized in your own bodily fluids, etc…), so he feeds in to it, but he’s not smart enough to be an intelligence agent. Most likely, he’s just a useful idiot who is teaching people to end up here:
I have no problem with Tim Ferriss, except that his marketing strategy makes starting your own business sound many orders of magnitude easier than it really is, thus setting many people up for disappointment and demoralization.
The garbage that Tolle is spewing aligns perfectly with the slime that the elites have been pushing unto the masses for quite some time now. The trash that he promotes is truly sickening. He says things like, “ignore all things negative in the world,” which, of course, ensures that they will never get fixed. And, “planning causes suffering.” This idiot might as well tattoo “CIA” on his forehead!
And my personal favorite quote: “Unfortunately, western people are the least constituted to live in the present moment. Dogs and cats live in the present moment, but humans – especially western humans – are too complex and addicted to their emotions, memories, and dreams.” Uhhhhhh, yeah, that’s what makes the West the greatest civilization in the history of the planet! Need I say more?
Posted at 12:06 pm, 26th September 2017Nah its a legit observation of mine, only it is certain men (most alt right manophere fags) and chicks (most 33+ provider hunters) who use sex as a weapon. I WILL argue that using sex as a weapon (mostly by chicks) is becoming more and more permissible. I mean there is a lot more stud shaming out there than slut shaming. Calling men who enjoy sex “fuckboys” and rapists is permissible, but calling out a chick who has lots of sex so she can get free shit is “slut shaming?” hmm…
I didn’t mean to overgeneralize if that is how I came across. I’m just stressed out by a number of things and for a moment I projected. Whoops.
Gil Galad
Posted at 12:49 pm, 26th September 2017When I say something is a construct originating in a given political current, I don’t always mean they made it up on purpose. Their own biases and assumptions (eg, how many of them completely divorce human nature from biology) built the “sex is about power” idea, organically, with no conscious “let’s conspire to construct a lie about sex” effort.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 01:09 pm, 26th September 2017https://witchwind.wordpress.com/2013/12/15/piv-is-always-rape-ok/
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 01:14 pm, 26th September 2017https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_gJYxM6cMA
Oscar C.
Posted at 01:41 pm, 26th September 2017It is a reasonable explanation.
My sexual experiences are very limited: late 20s, have never had sex without paying for it, probably around 10 times in total. So I can not really talk from a position of authority.
However, I have had a long time to think about this, and I would say that sex is important because ultimately it is what sets men apart from children. A child can do all sorts of “adult stuff”, pretty much everything but sex. A kid soldier in Africa, who has probably seen and done unspeakable things, is no more than a man that a boy his same age in America. I think this fact is what accounts for the angst and shame of virgins, rather than just missing out on a pleasurable experience.
You also say at the end:
When you’re done having sex, go back to your normal, rational self.
For me this is the hardest part of it all. How do people manage to balance both things, sexuality and “normality”? I find it very hard to change that “normal” self into a sexual one, and yet such change is key in order to get laid since women can not really be talked into sex. I also have never felt this urge to “unplug”, or “unwind” some people have… I agree with the usual pop psychology cliché of happiness being in the small things, and I am pretty satisfied with doing them (eating something I like, writing on a piece of paper, listening to a song, etc). However I think sex ruins the possibility of easy happiness because (as a man) you have to constantly hunt for it, and you always depend on somebody else to deliver. In that sense I really miss being a kid, completely oblivious to such urges.
Gil Galad
Posted at 01:50 pm, 26th September 2017Man that was disgusting. I wonder how many people actually believe this shit. Truly insane.
Posted at 04:20 pm, 26th September 2017Why do you think it has to be physical? Is something like begin a debater not the same – confrontation, “verbal violence”, victory, high intensity. Or even more – in something like like MMA you are not allowed a complete victory, a complete finishing off your opponents. In a debate you (sometimes, rarely) are able to achieve a more complete victory, literally obliterating your oppontents views, points, ideology and so on. A bigger and a more complete, more profound and meaningful victory than a knockout.
Posted at 05:05 pm, 26th September 2017@johhnybegood – “Combat sports, as BD mentioned, are just a different, untapped outlet. It’s like — the “bullshit” is gone. The bullshit being civilization and manners and games and all this hoopla. It’s just you, and your opponent, competing.”
Sorry to inform you, but combat sports are a bullshit. Let’s start from point one – what was proven working in a real world. There’s a memoair book from soviet gulag camps. 50% political prisoners, 50% criminals – so fights happened. No arms of course, and the system didn’t care what happened to the loser. The only technique that worked was immediate gouging of the eyes of your opponent. The rest of styles of fighting (boxing, grappling etc.) lost completly to this simple one. (This is by the way a very popular technique that chimps use while fighting). So if you are not using this winning technique, then you are doing “The bullshit being civilization and manners and games and all this hoopla.”.
The second point is that for most of the part tha last 2.5 million years humans have been using weapons during fights. Combat sports that don’t use weapons, but just empty hands, are a denial of human nature. A fake stuff – in a real world a side with better weapons, and a will to use it, wins.
The third point about the real world is that stealth wins. This is what modern military pays for in a new generation equipment – being invisible, undetected. Showing dominance like a gorilla is the opposite of stealth, opposite of the winning tactics.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:12 pm, 26th September 2017That really is a personality style thing. I have a much more compartmentalized personality than most, so its easier for me to quickly switch “modes.” For example, I can switch from horny/sexual to focused/workaholic in just a few seconds. You may be a more emotional person; I could see the problems with “switching” if that were the case.
You’re right, it doesn’t have to be physical. Not only do I enjoy engaging in (and winning) debates, but I really get excited when I play very advanced tabletop war games with other guys; my competitive streak comes out. It’s the same during those rare times I play complicated strategy computer games as well.
Yet I don’t think any of this gives the intensity of physicality.
Posted at 09:24 pm, 26th September 2017Only 400 or so people follow that blog, and her last post was 2 and 1/2 years ago. So I really don’t think anyone would believe it. Or no one we would care to meet, for that matter.
Pretty sure she gave up on whatever she was trying to say.
Either way yeah it was stupid, but probably just more psychological projection, which degenerate collectivists pretty much do by default lol. I wouldn’t expect anything less out of someone like that.
Posted at 02:51 am, 27th September 2017LMAO!!!!
I also believe this.
Jingos Jack Outside The Box you have outdone yourself on this thread.
Posted at 04:24 am, 27th September 2017https://witchwind.wordpress.com/2013/12/15/piv-is-always-rape-ok/
I laughed so hard. This is so ridiculous I could not even get remotely upset, please understand such individuals have serious mental and emotional disorders and should not be taken seriously.
It is pure madness and majority of the women I know honestly do not subscribe to this nonsense.
Someone should take her internet access away immediately.
Posted at 06:50 am, 27th September 2017Perhaps I’m naive, but I have great trouble taking stuff like that at all seriously. It would be truly worrying if many people believed it, but do they? People who espouse views like this try to make a lot of noise about them, naturally, and they’re often reported by mainstream media (either in horror or admiration, depending on the outlet), but do they really carry many people with them? Of course, as @joelsuf said, I wouldn’t choose to meet anyone who espoused those views, so my circle of acquaintances is no doubt limited, but even so…
Probably more worrying are people who take less extreme views along the same sort of lines, and I do come across those people, though many of them are amenable to rational discussion, if you feel energetic about taking them on. (The author of the quoted blog gives the impression that she would not be willing to discuss anything about her chosen subject if you didn’t agree with her. In any case, as a man I suspect that I wouldn’t get the time of day from her.)
Posted at 07:29 am, 27th September 2017This is just you trying to sound clever when you’re actually nothing more than a meathead
Posted at 08:06 am, 27th September 2017Me? I don’t think I sounded very clever at all.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:16 am, 27th September 2017James – First and last warning. Personal attacks against other commenters are not allowed at this blog. Read this.
Posted at 12:41 pm, 27th September 2017True story. Only it isn’t just New Agers, its collectivists in general. Between the progressives and the alt rights, they too are also imprisoning human thought within the construct of new age. Its been going on for awhile now, but since the 2010s its been a lot more noticeable. Fortunately this kind of stuff has only been putting the west in a stranglehold, and there is plenty of time to prepare.
Exactly. Like I said, only 400 or so people follow that blog and it her last post on it was 2 and 1/2 years ago. Now if 400000 people followed her blog and her last post was 2 and 1/2 days ago that would be different. It WILL become the narrative in the west, but that won’t be for decades from now.
I too come across those types. Usually edgy looking (and pretty much any nonwhite, particularly black) VYWs. And its a defense mechanism for most of them. Which makes sense, since many men under 30 nowadays act like try hard fuckboys because of PUAism. So all in all, they are protecting their own kind. Like 1 in 100 (if that) would actually protect their own kind at someone else’s expense. But like I said, soon it will be 2 in 100, then 5 in 100.
As of now you certainly can have a rational discussion with them. In a decade or so, however, not so much. This is just a prediction of mine, but I think it is quite accurate.
Marty McFly
Posted at 04:11 pm, 27th September 2017Blackdragon, a bit off topic, but do you really expect someone to be able to land a big corporate job nowadays with hardly any credentials by simply being persistent? Seems highly unlikely.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:37 pm, 27th September 2017More than a bit.
Posted at 07:07 pm, 27th September 2017BD,
I view sex as a massage excercise more than anything. Just massaging each others private parts for the most part.
Posted at 09:34 pm, 27th September 2017This is interesting: Wide-faced people may have a higher sex drive
“Both men and women with a higher FWHR – meaning that their faces are shorter, wider, and more square – reported a higher sex drive.”
I find wide-faced women rather less sexually attractive than the neotenous look, but thinking back over my experiences I’d have to say that the study may be right. Small sample size, though.
BTW Hef died. RIP.
Posted at 11:07 pm, 27th September 2017Also sex may just be a massage I do realize only certain women that have decent body and face Im motivated too possibly excercise massage with and enjoy them fully sexually. I also notice theie are certain women I would only let massage me w mouth oral but dont want anything else to do with them sexually cause their not that attractive to me. Basically chicks who you only desire head from sexually but dont want anything to do w their vagina lol.
Posted at 12:10 am, 28th September 2017It is very possible but you have to be next level persistent and make it clear to the decision maker that you have potential they can develop. You must research the company first an formulate a strategy then you need to be absolutely unwavering in your confidence. Be cocky but respectful. Present facts and remember you are their to make them money, they are not there to supply you with a cushy job.
I came from a lower income family with no prospects, the future looked indeed very bleak. Armed with ambition like no other and a high school diploma I set out to be more than a Bambi Eyed receptionist.
Read every book you can find so that you are knowledgeable, they are going to test your knowledge and possibly make fun of you. Remember you gutsy and you’ve shocked them, most people wont dare.
And please don’t expect to walk into management immediately, us millennial’s can be so entitled we shoot ourselves in the foot.
lastly I find corporate jobs are boring as fuck, I cannot wait until I don’t need this anymore.
All the best. 🙂
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 01:02 pm, 28th September 2017She isn’t a lone nut. She articulated a core belief of radical feminism that has been flourishing since the 1970s and is believed by thousands upon thousands of women throughout the entire western world. Here’s more nuanced and way longer dissertation from a different, but no less crazy, radical feminist, concerning why they feel that all sex is rape:
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 01:04 pm, 28th September 2017https://radtransfem.wordpress.com/2012/02/29/the-ethical-prude-imagining-an-authentic-sex-negative-feminism/
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 01:05 pm, 28th September 2017Joanna – She’s not some lone nut. She is articulating a core doctrine of radical feminism that has been around since the 1970s and is believed by thousands upon thousands of women within the West. Here’s another radical feminist with a more nuanced and way longer (but no less crazy) dissertation on why they believe that all sex is rape:
Posted at 01:07 pm, 28th September 2017@TomR
You’re mistaken in thinking that the point of physical combat, in the primal animalistic sense, is to fully defeat your opponent by killing them. It is not. It is to defeat them to the point that they show submission signals and then you can both walk away alive, knowing who is dominant and who is submissive. All animals have a way of signalling submission via an “okay you win, I give up” signal which is designed to immediately stop the opponent and works very effectively.
So in this way, BJJ, MMA and other combat sports that have a submission signal to end the fight are extremely natural and follow how normal animals who are not in overcrowded situations behave. When males (whether humans or chimps) start actually trying to kill each other rather than merely asserting dominance, it is a signal of overpopulation and overcrowded situations without enough resources and territory. Both gulags and long term war are symptoms of overpopulation that essentially turns men mentally ill and genocidal, but that is not normal behavior in non-stressed environments. If humans lived at a natural population density these things wouldn’t happen as males naturally fight to prove dominance, but only kill each other when there isn’t enough territory and resources for every man to sustain a family.
Point is I totally disagree that combat sports are unnatural or not primal or have false limits bc of rules where you don’t kill each other, as fighting strictly to show non lethal dominance is in fact a more natural and primal instinct. A man living in a tribe at naturally low population density would soon find that if he didn’t respect submission signals, someone would just get rid of him by bashing a rock over his head when he slept. Easy problem to solve and that behavior would be weeded out of the population pool. We’ve all evolved to naturally respond to signals of submission just like we do to signals of dominance, and not responding to such signals is itself arguably a form of mental illness.
The line between physical animal pleasures and rational future oriented analytical behavior is always hard to find. I disagree with JOTB’s conspiracy theories, but certainly agree that people who indulge in animal instincts too much never seem to accumulate wealth or take care of their long term interests. OTOH, only saving and acting for the future all the time can make you so miserable that the entire point of living comes into question. Not everyone finds it as easy to switch from one mode to the other. I am rather slow to do so myself.
A big reason my current favorite past time is rock climbing is bc when you are on the wall it consumes your entire focus mentally and physically 100% with no space for thought, other than not falling off and how to get up the next few feet. I also really love grappling and would do BJJ but am too afraid of getting hurt…I actually have a fantasy about starting some kind of women’s wrestling gym which I think would be as popular with women as rock climbing, but I can’t figure out how to make it happen without it turning into a male spectator sport, or maybe that isn’t a problem. Though unlike men I don’t think most women want to be watched while they exercise. It’s funny to me to see how in climbing gyms, women often outpeform men who are much stronger, which I think is only bc their ego isn’t as invested. I have seen how much guy’s performance can suffer when they think younger and stronger men, or pretty girls, are watching.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 01:27 pm, 28th September 2017These aren’t “conspiracy theories.” They are fact-based observations dependent upon empirical evidence and left brain rational deduction harmonized with right brain intuition.
Stigmatizing them as “conspiracy theories” is a subversive tactic that most intelligent people can see right through.
Posted at 02:15 pm, 28th September 2017@ JOTB conspiracy theories are exactly what you get when you combine left brained rational deduction (pattern seeking) with primal fears and suspicions about power. A conspiracy theory provides a comforting way to understand a cruel and chaotic world and feel like one is at least “in the know”. Which is why smart guys on the internet are prone to them.
I don’t disagree with much of what you observe about the workings of the world, merely with the idea that it is deliberate, thought out, or orchestrated. By the CIA or anyone else. People are way too prone to mistakes and incapable of keeping secrets for most such ideas and what we see is a result of human nature and random circumstances. Humans are capable of doing terrible things without even trying and little forethought. I’ve almost never in my life known people to be capable of keeping secrets, they LOVE to gossip and run their mouths and the idea that hundreds of people would ever be capable of keeping a secret or planning things out with a decades long timeframe is just not believable. People like new age beliefs bc they’re nicer and much, much less demanding than old school religious beliefs, and most people prefer fantasies to reality. Our whole economy literally runs on selling fantasies to people to distract them from thinking about reality. The people selling them at the top are the ones profiting for sure, but they didn’t even have to collude or plan it consciously, exploitation is natural to men.
JOTB do you mind me asking how old you are? Completely curious just based on your ability to retire from law yet I think you aren’t that old. I know and enjoy the sharp minds of many lawyers but haven’t known many who manage to retire early, though not having kids certainly helps. Am I right that you’re roughly 40? If you don’t want to tell me that’s cool I am just curious, I think you must definitely be generation X…I find we are typically cooler and more independent thinking and cynical bc our parents didn’t center their lives around us and we practically raised ourselves.
Posted at 04:07 pm, 28th September 2017If I recall correctly he is 33 or 34.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 05:14 pm, 28th September 2017“Instinct is something which transcends knowledge. We have, undoubtedly, certain finer fibers that enable us to perceive truths, when logical deduction, or any other wilful effort of the brain, is futile.” – Nikola Tesla
Then you should watch that 4 minute video that I put up with Yuri Bezmenov in response to Joelsuf’s question.
These people gossip a lot to each other. It’s a big club. They also gossip to us and tell us the truth under the guise of movies, jokes, sarcasms, and other fictional entertainments. The whole point of Hollywood is for them to gossip to us.
I’m 34 now. I retired at age 33 on purge night 2017. With certain side projects I’m working on (activist and otherwise) it will be roughly 10 years or so before money starts being even a minor problem for me. And my girlfriend and I will be having a baby in the near future.
Yes, I’m a GenXer on the cusp of millennialism.
Posted at 10:05 pm, 28th September 2017This is quite impossible, because there’s a huge variety of “what it is”. I can give a quick rundown, however, since I’m familiar with the scene.
On the plus side:
Women are always naked at events. Topless at least, usually fully naked.
Monogamy is extremely rare. Like, there are women that (frequently) complain that they want a monogamous partner.
Going along with the above, sex is both easy and hard. You’ll move to sex quickly if you fit in, and by that I mean you could (and I have) met someone at an event and ended up having sex with her at the same event in under 30 minutes.
Fanatical devotion to consent (this is also a minus). On this side of things it means that a discussion about sex is trivially easy and expected before playing with someone. What turns them on, off, what they enjoy, don’t, best things they’ve done, the list goes on. This makes it easy to up buying temperature and/or transition into talking about sex. On the minus side, you’ll need to talk about and explicitly ask about certain things.
For other things: BDSM involves, well, more than just fucking. There are some women there that do not want sex, or do not want it until much much later. The vast majority of the guys in the scene are “doms” but are really betas in disguise. There are very few alphas 1.0 or 2.0. There are people who are just into rope, tying or getting tied. Suspension (similar except you’re in the air), Sensation (not pain, prickly sensations, pokey ones, massages, etc), Pain (obvious, but…Paddles? Floggers? Hands? etc), Sex/exhibitionism (rare for this to be the only thing someone is into), and a host of other types of play.
For the most part, unless you are also into some of those things, even without sex I’d stay far away from the scene. You’ll end up frustrated. Or, alternatively, go with someone you can fuck.
There are also the people who are into more protocol than play. For them it’s about master/slave or power exchange dynamics; making their master happy is what gives them pleasure, and if master wants to cause pain, they will take it. Or fuck someone in front of them, or some other kind of thing. There are people where that’s a 24/7 dynamic, and others where it’s only during play. This is somewhat more rare, and is kind of separate from the alpha/beta dynamic for the most part (except 24/7, obviously).
Or, to sum it up, the scene is way too big to sum up with a blog post about types of people, or even typical types of people. It’s kind of separate from alpha/beta, but very similar to everything you’ve known to be true in other places — most men are betas, even when they’re beating the shit out of someone (consensually)…with one exception: the few alpha 1.0s mostly accept that their women are going to be having sex with other dudes, or at the very least other women, and the women know that the guys are going to be fucking around and playing with other women. They most likely have some rules about when/where/etc that can happen, and that most likely causes the same drama as it’d cause in a normal relationship.
Posted at 11:50 pm, 28th September 2017That sounds like swinging.
Gil Galad
Posted at 02:41 am, 29th September 2017Um… JOTB… just saying, quoting Tesla to defuse an accusation of irrational or intuitive conspirationism is like saying “I’m not homophobic, I just hate gay people”. Tesla, Gödel…, there’s a long list of people who were otherwise very smart but also said a ton of crap. OTOH, intuition as some direct channel to absolute truth is one of the best refuted ideas nowadays, you just have to have stumbled upon the arguments. Intuition inherently encourages believing that it is true, by definition. “I intuitively believe that intuition is truth”. It’s OBW evolved to ring true as powerfully as possible, hence its greater effect than reason on human minds.
Other than that I’d rather keep following your exchange with Kate, we’re not a good fit for discussion 😛
Posted at 03:03 am, 29th September 2017Jack, you do need to provide evidence that ‘the entire New Age Movement was invented by various intelligence agencies for the purpose of putting people to sleep and motivating them to “ignore the negatives” of any particular situation and not be angry’. And no, the video isn’t remotely close to such evidence because all it states is that a particular intelligence agency made use of a particular cult leader to affect particular influential people. That such agencies use various brainwashing techniques to target specific individuals is well known, but there’s no evidence anyone was ever able to move the masses in any direction the masses weren’t already moving. At best, someone can steer the masses a bit, aggravating existing xenophobia, or nipping something in the bud.
KGB, for example, did have great control of the Orthodox Church, but they didn’t force priests to indoctrinate people in a particular way. They used it to spy on people, to blackmail someone where possible (again, targeting specific persons of interest).
Jack, what evidence is there to distinguish between your statement and the obvious null hypothesis that this all is just a natural byproduct of human progress?
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 03:50 am, 29th September 2017I hate your debate style, Gil Galad. I hate it with every fiber of my being.
Instead of challenging my positions, you challenge the legitimacy of my human consciousness behind those positions and will not even permit me the dignity of having legitimate, even if potentially false, opinions. Instead, you say garbage like, “Well, you only believe X – regardless of whether X is true or not – because you have confirmation bias. You see, humans are creatures which fool themselves, blah, blah, blah, blah…..and if you’d talked to me 10 years ago you might have believed the opposite, but your brain has been structured in such a way that it becomes impossible for you to…blah, blah, blah…..”
Posted at 04:02 am, 29th September 2017Jesus I couldn’t even finish the article, the rubbish was giving me a headache. So my final conclusion is that there are clearly thousands of people (radfems) out there with a very very warped view of life.
Hate mongering at it’s best of which I take a very dim view.
Where do the fuck do these redfems think they came from? If it wasn’t for PIV then they wouldn’t even have the privilege of life to afford them the opportunity to take to the key board with such poppycock.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 04:15 am, 29th September 2017Gil Galad – Instead of challenging my positions, you trivialize and delegitimize my very human consciousness behind those positions and will not even permit me the dignity of having a legitimate, even if potentially false, opinion.
Instead you say garbage like, “Well you only believe X – regardless of whether I believe it as well – because human brains have evolved to trick themselves to such a degree that you have no choice but to…blah, blah, blah.”
You’ve deconstructed my very soul – and reduced my brain capacity to an easily manipulated inanimate object – before you’ve even directly tackled a single word of what I said. Only after you’ve shown off your superior enlightenment do you address the subject matter at hand, either pro or con (if you feel like it by then).
You think you are being compassionate to us mere mortals, but you’re really condescending as fuck.
I seriously ask you to never speak to me again on any subject whatsoever. And when you speak to others, I strongly suggest you challenge their arguments only, while giving them the dignity of a legitimate life essence behind them.
Gil Galad
Posted at 04:18 am, 29th September 2017These theories are partly the result of a Blank Slate-ist view of human behavior, where biology is denied and so people had to come up with something to explain why Homo sapiens individuals frequently mount each other and exchange fluids. Since marxism was all the rage back then, the most obvious template to come up with an explanation was the whole “power/classes/oppression” crap.
The irony here is that these theories were at their peak in the 60s-70s, precisely at the same time that sociobiology and evolutionary psychology were coming onto the scene to provide a biological framework for sexual behavior and even behavior in general. And the backlash was extremely harsh; if you google Edward O. Wilson, or Steven Pinker, or The Selfish Gene, and maybe add “politics” or “gender” as a keyword, all I can say is enjoy the shitstorm.
Gil Galad
Posted at 04:21 am, 29th September 2017@JOTB: that’s another way of asking me never to rationally call out ideas I consider invalid. Not gonna happen. I may stop directly addressing you, but I will definitely respond to whatever part of your comments I disagree with when I feel like it.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 04:29 am, 29th September 2017Judging just by this sentence, you haven’t heard a word I said.
Gil Galad
Posted at 04:39 am, 29th September 2017Getting offended for being told that one may be deceived by their own thought processes is ridiculous anyway. Few things are more necessary in rational thought than being open to the possibility that thought itself has some inherent biases we need to correct for; if we’re banning that kind of claim as “dehumanizing”, we might as well ban all debate. Besides, any blue piller may characterize ALL of your red pill rants as incredibly condescending (talk about acting like the enlightened one or describing others as soulless drones, lol. give me a break). You’re just not self reflective, that’s all.
In response to the second comment: I actually read everything, I’m simply being very dismissive of it. Anyway, my point about the two of us being too incompatible for discussion is being proven. Again, I’ll follow part of your request by trying to remember not to address you directly, because gratuitously pissing people off is not my thing; OTOH I will definitely keep objecting to any idea I feel doesn’t deserve impunity, regardless of who wrote it.
Posted at 08:19 am, 29th September 2017That sounds like swinging.
Very very different things. You’re not going to an event with someone and hooking up with someone else at the event. Plus, the events are more about BDSM than sex. While it happens, it’s not the reason most people attend.
Posted at 08:35 am, 29th September 2017Some are legit, such as all of the elites knowing each other. Sanders probably high fived Trump after he won, to where Trump said “don’t worry buddy, we’ll go back to being the USSR in the 50s, in due time. Let me “trick” the libertarians first.”
Power structure is all a process. All of the people who hold the world on puppet strings secretly know each other and laugh at everyone who isn’t them. So this observation that conspiracy theorists have is very much accurate.
Its the same with Illuminati puppets, in some cases. This article explains quite a bit, although the author of it can get edgy at times, especially with the Jew hate and the whole “race mixing is degeneracy” thing. I mean the guy who wrote it isn’t white but he’s coming across as a white nationalist. Hmm…
The edgiest of the conspiracy theories are about pretty much exterminating anyone who isn’t a tradcon christian (just check out the youtube channel the vigilant christian for some laughs), trying to prove that the earth is flat, and attempting to make any marriage that isn’t between a white man and white woman illegal. Just go to stormfront and you’ll see all of that lol. So as long as JOTB doesn’t go down that rabbit hole (I mean he dislikes tradcons just as much as radfems, from what I can remember), I don’t mind most of his observations. And if is that edgy, I’ll just laugh at him. I don’t take edgelords too seriously.
As far as radfems go, I’m still convinced that their “D in V = Rape” observations is just them projecting and again, being edgy. I showed one of those articles to my mom and she was like “yeah, whoever wrote that is probably just a raging lesbian who had shitty sex with her last boyfriend/husband so now she thinks that every chick should be a lesbian.” I mean my mom was a member of NOW in the 70s, but she disliked bra burners. And even the bra burners (I was FBs with one) dislike what today’s radfems say.
As far as those two blogs who were arguing that all sex is rape, the last post from this one is from 2013, four years ago. And her last post got two likes. So I’m pretty sure this was just some edgy phase. Also, if she was given the chance to tie up a dude and jump on his dick, she would take it no doubt. I see right through this kind of stuff. Radfems want to BE the rapists they despise. They want to replace patriarchy with matriarchy. Whatever, they are defending their own kind. Because collectivism and narcissism has been coded into our DNA, its become human nature now. Now if her blog was like BDs where it had a massive following and had consistent posts, I’d be worried. But at the moment, I’m not. It WILL get there, but not until the 2020s. Maybe.
hey hey
Posted at 09:12 am, 29th September 2017This is exactly what extreme conspiracy theories are.
Posted at 12:57 pm, 29th September 2017What, accurate? That they are all in on it together to make sure that there is no such thing as individual freedom?
THIS is an extreme conspiracy theory.
This too.
I have no problem with conspiracy theories that attempt to call out big government. When they get all edgy and talk about the Illuminati and stuff, that’s when I can’t take them seriously. But that’s the nature of conspiracy theories: Different groups of people have different ones for different means to power. The ones who talk about the Illuminati want Christian Theocracy. The ones who talk about big government want Anarchy. And so on and so on.
Here’s another example, my dad was a conspiracy theorist as well: Was similar to Hawking (who is another government plant,) in wanting a world government and a world without commerce. He would keep saying that the world would be better without advertising and stuff lol. Although he leaned more towards Anarcho-Communism than straight up Communism which is what Hawking wants.
Bottom line, this observation is very accurate involving conspiracy theorists:
Only I take it a step further and also see it as an attempt to gain power (which, along with narcissism is pretty much coded into our DNA). A fair amount of conspiracy theorists have similar traits to cult leaders.
Posted at 01:20 pm, 29th September 2017Take a look around Gil, that kind of stuff happens literally everywhere you see no matter who it is. I mean you call me out on it all the time but it doesn’t affect me any.
Gil Galad
Posted at 01:43 pm, 29th September 2017@Joelsuf: it must be the fatigue, but I didn’t get it. You mean I call you out all the time for being offended or for being “deceived etc” ? You’re more of a chill guy imo. See JOTB otoh: I REALLY only wanted to make a side remark and then keep following his exchange with Kate. Instead he chose to get offended about my “condescension”. People who call themselves SP-free should deal with the fact that it’s not “rude” to make claims about what may be biasing them: the bio origin of intuition is a scientific hypothesis with lots of arguments behind it, and it’s SP to think that science – or calling out a bias – can be “rude”. He doesn’t mind responding to blue pillers in a way that THEY may find incredibly condescending, or one that assumes too much about the workings of THEIR brain, but when it’s done to him it’s like I insulted his ancestors down to the first fish. I don’t respect double standards and am more likely to actively disrespect them. But if your point is that I won’t change anything I agree.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 03:25 pm, 29th September 2017To the readers, the comments in this thread are a great example of outcome dependence. Letting other people piss you off and “get to you,” caring too much about what anonymous strangers say on the internet, and so forth. The examples here are educational.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 08:51 pm, 29th September 2017@Joanna:
The heterophobia originated in the 1970s with the radical feminist movement. The first woman to explicitly say that “all sex is rape” was Andrea Dworkin. She was a morbidly obese pig who was pissed that even the worst type of man didn’t want to rape her. So, in order to make herself seem desirable, she came up with the “rape culture” and “female objectification” myths (as an indirect way of convincing herself that all the men secretly think she’s beautiful, but only patriarchal social conditioning supposedly prevents them from “raping” all the fat women they supposedly desire), while maintaining a façade of dignity in the form of complaining about it.
Never forget the brilliant words of H.L. Mencken:
“The woman who is not pursued sets up the doctrine that pursuit is offensive to her sex, and wants to make it a felony. No genuinely attractive woman has any such desire. She likes masculine admiration, however violently expressed, and is quite able to take care of herself. More, she is well aware that very few men are bold enough to offer it without a plain invitation, and this awareness makes her extremely cynical of all women who complain of being harassed, beset, storied, and seduced. All the more intelligent women that I know, indeed, are unanimously of the opinion that no girl in her right senses has ever been actually seduced since the world began.”
Feminism is a sexual trade union. It is a means for ugly women to demand from beta men, using guilt, that which hot women get from beta men for free, using sex. That’s why they’re so mad at the alphas. Alphas are immune to both guilt and sex, since they get sex anyway and are too confidant to be guilt tripped by a 400 hundred pound pig.
Many of these radical feminists had traditional conservative fathers. As I’ve said in the past, radical feminism is simply the publication and politicization of what conservative fathers tell their daughters in private – that sex will damage her, that any man who has sex with her should be shot and killed, etc… If tradcons are bewildered by this, they should find the closest mirror!
Posted at 06:33 am, 30th September 2017Calling me out for being deceived. Which is true. My observations aren’t designed to save the world, they are designed to help me make sense of it. That’s why I don’t get mad. That and getting mad over what someone on the internet says is a tragic waste of energy.
JOTB wants to save the world.
Posted at 06:38 am, 30th September 2017Those who call themselves SP Free shouldn’t be developing their own forms of SP, which is a pattern I’ve seen quite a bit. It makes them hypocrites. Although JOTB doesn’t do this as much as the general manosphere, he’s approaching that line, in my estimation anyways.
Gil Galad
Posted at 09:18 am, 30th September 2017Fair enough.
Completely agree.
Posted at 09:19 am, 30th September 2017Jack, could I ask you again to provide evidence proving that ‘the entire New Age Movement was invented by various intelligence agencies for the purpose of putting people to sleep and motivating them to “ignore the negatives” of any particular situation and not be angry’ as per my comment above?
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 02:35 pm, 30th September 2017@Joelsuf:
There is indeed a Jewish conspiracy, but it consists of approximately 4 percent of Jews. The remaining 96 percent (these are rough estimates) of Jewish people know nothing about it and, for the most part, are completely innocent and decent people who don’t want to hurt or oppress anyone.
Indeed, I myself have a preference for Jews in my social circle due to (as BD has acknowledged) their ultra sex-positive beliefs and (in my observations) the incredible individualism of liberal Jews and their extremely impressive IQ. There is a lot to admire and emulate about them. My own girlfriend is Jewish by race. Luckily, she’s Wiccan by religion, so it didn’t require a huge argument for her to quickly agree that I will not allow our future son to have his genitals mutilated because of some barbaric middle eastern garbage.
With that being said, however, despite the overwhelmingly high number of decent Jews, there is a microscopic (but extremely powerful) minority of Jewish supremacists (Zionists) who have inserted themselves into key positions of power (most notably in our banking system) and believe that only Jews are human and the rest of us are goyim. If you read the Talmud, it actually calls for the genocide or enslavement of non-Jews. These types of Jews exist and are a problem. This explains the “Jew hate” within certain conspiracy circles. The mistake they make, of course, is the same one that all racists make – they judge the entire group for the actions of a small few within their ranks.
Ha! Tradcon garbage! Although there is certainly nothing wrong with two people of the same race having kids, it is my opinion that all the different races should mix as much as possible. Not only will it give the baby a stronger immune system, but it will completely end racism, including racism against white people (which is the prevailing racist problem today) because if everyone has whiteness (and every other race and color) in their genes and this is partially reflected in their physical appearance, race baiters will have no more arguments (including those who hate whites today).
White nationalists should be thrown into the same garbage can as black supremacists, Mexican “chicanos,” and Jewish Zionists. Same crap!
Isn’t that that Neo Nazi shit? I’m behind on my crazy.
In my honest opinion, the retarded notion that the Earth is flat is a notion that was put into the conspiracy movement by certain intelligence agents in order to make all so called “truthers” look like mental patients. And it’s largely working. No intelligent red piller would ever believe any flat Earth trash. All creation, from the smallest atom to the largest star, is spherical. But the flat Earthers were put there to discredit serious red pillers.
All marriage should be illegal. That is to say, the entire concept of “marriage” should be privatized (taken out of government) and eventually drift into cultural irrelevancy and non-existence. “Marriage” is an anthropological relic from our barbaric, tribalistic, and communitarian past!
No, I’m not a Nazi, a racist, a white nationalist, or even a conservative. Before I could become any of those things, I’d first have to become a sexual prude. I’m a sex-positive libertarian and a red pill individualist (although I do believe in government, as I’m not an anarchist).
They are both anti-sex and anti-freedom. Opposite sides of the same coin.
Radical feminists believe all sex is rape. Mainstream SJWs believe all sex is rape, unless you first preface it with autistic verbal procedures previously employed only by the brain damaged and the BDSM community.
As do all feminists (except the sex-positive ones). And the ugly ones (read: all of them) secretly want men to want to rape them, as this would supposedly affirm their own fictional desirability while allowing them a dignified way to complain about it in public that’s indistinguishable from bragging.
Yeah, this heterophobia is leaking into the mainstream via SJWism.
Posted at 05:22 pm, 1st October 2017I’m glad you know this, it seems like the alt-righers think its ALL Jews which I find stupid.
I agree. In fact, they have to be incahoots with each other, just like I believe PUAs (like the ones on RoK) and Radfems are incahoots with each other. They certainly give each other enough agency.
lol yeah it is. Its quite disturbing but funny at the same time. There’s this obscure hip hop artist who wants to raise money to prove that the earth is flat or something. And people are calling him red pilled haha. That’s why I am with BD with the whole “red pill” thing. It means different things to different people.
I haven’t seen this at all. What do you mean, like asking if the chick is good before having sex with her or something? I don’t really see a problem with that. I mean most of the mainstream SVWs (I call them “social vengeance warriors because to me Justice = Vengeance) specifically want to crack down on drunken frat kids having sex with unconscious high school girls. At least that’s the narrative that I’ve been seeing in the last 15 years.
When they talk about “rape culture” I think they are only talking about the frat kids/athletes. And secretly, as I mentioned before, many SVWs are ugly chicks who want to rape the frat kids (and sorority chicks too, as most all chicks, and pretty much every SVW is bisexual).
Before I hit it I usually ask “you good?” while we are fooling around. If that is the verbal procedure that you are talking about then I really don’t see the problem. Chicks feel very vulnerable when they have sex with someone new.
Now if I had to ask her each and every time if she was good before I hit it, that would be different (unless she is a VYW and I was like the first guy she was with). If that is what SVWs want then yeah, I would agree with your observation. But that’s not what I’m getting from them.
Maybe we have different observations? The reason why I think mainstream SVWs want to become the rapists they despise is because I had an FB who had SVW views and she forced herself onto me and was really mad when I decided not to have sex with her (she wanted me to hit it raw and I don’t hit it raw unless I actually want kids or know that she’s on birth control).
Posted at 10:37 am, 2nd October 2017But when it’s “only” 4% = 600,000 Jews you don’t find it stupid?
Posted at 03:13 pm, 2nd October 2017No. Cuz its a very small minority who I will never really need to deal with (unless I’m in Israel, where that number jumps up to probably half, at least). Same with Muslims being terrorists, that’s only 4% of Muslims too (maybe a little higher, like 10%). And thanks to these asshole rooftop snipers (see the latest thing that happened in Vegas), we’re now starting to include white people as possible terrorists. Well a small minority (again, around 4%-10%) of white people murder large groups of people too. No shit they are possible terrorists. Any person from any race is a possible terrorist.
Same with Social Justice (or Vengeance) Warriors. As of now, they only represent maybe, maybe 1 in 50 total people that I come across. And I’m being generous, that was when I was living in a college town. Where I’m at now, its probably 1 in every 100. And I’m not talking about people who go their soapbox on social media and go all collectivist about it. We have already become a collectivist society. I’m talking about people who, in person, have told me that I am a bad person because I am a white male.
The last time someone even remotely said anything like that to me was 2 years ago in a writing workshop, and that was only because she misunderstood one of my characters. I can’t recall any other times.
BD has an article about this called the 2% rule. 2% of everyone ever are going to do bad things no matter what. If someone has an observation that 4% of Jews are holding the world on puppet strings, it makes sense to me. 4% of any race, gender, or creed has absolute power over something. Its not like its all Jews which most alt righters would have you believe (because they secretly want to BECOME the Jews).
Posted at 04:39 am, 3rd October 2017?!
In the US there are about 250 million white people. Are you saying that there are 10 to 25 million mass murderers in the US? JFYI, about 15 thousand murders are committed in the US per year (not all by white people, but whatever). Apparently each is perpetrated by a group of about one thousand criminals, giving an entire new sense to the term “mass murder”… : )
Posted at 06:23 am, 3rd October 2017@joelsuf: Not sure what you mean when you say that “they secretly want to become the Jews”? Is it that they hanker after the label of God’s chosen people (though I doubt that they think that), that they consider all Jews are rich (a surprisingly common misconception), or – related to that – that they want to usurp what they see (I would say mistakenly) as Jewish people’s influence and power? Or something else?
Posted at 08:03 am, 3rd October 2017Potential ones, yes. If they were given the chance to do it without any punishment, they would do it. This doesn’t even take into account those who consider being violent. Violence is one of our longest and nastiest addictions (right alongside collectivism). I’ve been taking this to the grave since high school.
This. The process of collectivism is as follows:
See something that is negatively affecting your “group” —> Tell others that if they don’t address this negative thing then they ARE the negative thing (currently, the Libs are doing this, but tradcons were doing it too, up until the 2000s) —> Become, either accidentally or otherwise (usually accidentally, to be fair) the negative thing that affects other groups.
So yes. The Jew hating conspiracy theorists want to take what the Jews have (or what they think the Jews have) for themselves, because they believe they know what to do with it more than the Jews do.
Just like Jews in Israel want Israel to become a world empire. This has been their goal since it was founded in 1948. Many Israelis will gladly admit this as well. How do I know this? My father’s side of the family is from Israel.
Just like Feminists want men to be seen as sex objects and to tell men to get back in the kitchen and “know their place.” They aren’t even keeping this secret anymore. How do I know THIS? My mother was in NOW in the 70s and many of my FBs were feminist types (and not surprisingly, they all enjoy being on top. I wonder why that is?).
But in the end, what happens is that you have a whole new set of problems that another collectivist group wants to save the world from. And on and on and on. Been going on for literally hundreds of thousands of years if you go back in history enough.
Collectivism is the root of all this. Collectivism = Obsolete Biological Wiring.
Posted at 09:34 am, 3rd October 2017That’s not what you said, you clearly said 4 to 10 percent of white people “murder large groups of people”. Or are you applying this correction (“potential”) to the Jews as well? In that case the figure of 4% of the Jews wishing to be world-ruling conspirators seems to be grossly underestimated : )
Anyway you’re beginning to sound like a typical crazy conspiracy theorist, you do need to substantiate your points with facts. Unless being taken for a nutjob doesn’t bother you that is : )
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 06:23 am, 4th October 2017Okay, Anon, let’s take this step by factual step. Let me know if you dispute these two facts:
Fact 1: The Jews are no more than 2% of the population of any nation they inhabit (not counting Israel).
Fact 2: A small group of Jews have an overwhelmingly disproportionate amount of direct control, as well as indirect influence, over the following centers of power:
1. Banking institutions (including the Federal Reserve Bank) and other monetary centers (Wall street, etc…)
2. Universities and higher academia
3. Hollywood and entertainment
4. The mainstream television media and the print media
5. The Federal Government via the Zionist Israel lobby – no politician can get elected without promising loyalty to Israel, whereas promising loyalty to Belgium would get you hung for treason.
Question: Do you deny, or in any way dispute, the above two facts?
If you do, let’s talk about it. If you don’t, here’s my next question:
Question: Don’t you think that both of the above statistical facts put together should cause any sane person to, at the very least, raise their eyebrows? I mean, such an overwhelmingly tiny group enjoying such inordinate overrepresentation is at least……..noticeable. Agree or disagree?
If you disagree, let’s talk about it. If you agree, we’ll move on to what the Jewish Talmud says about the goyim and the Jews being the master race, as our next factual step. Let me know.
Posted at 02:44 pm, 5th October 2017So you’re basically saying:
1. Of the people in power, disproportionally many happen to be Jews.
2. And that’s a bad thing.
3. The above is a result of a conspiracy in action.
Statement 1 requires further qualification. That >10% of billionaires are Jews is true, and that money brings power is true, but in no way does it imply the existence of any structure that has all those wealthy and powerful Jews fulfilling its will.
The most testable sub-statement you included was that “no politician can get elected without promising loyalty to Israel”. What evidence do you have supporting this?
Statement 2 contradicts what you said above, that most Jews are “completely innocent and decent people who don’t want to hurt or oppress anyone”, regardless of what Talmud has to say about goyim. What evidence do you have that this does not apply to Jews in power?
Statement 3 requires evidence as well, of course. As with the other conspiracy theories, said evidence has to account for lack of whistleblowing, for example, from wannabe politicians that were prevented from getting elected due to refusal to promise loyalty to the supposed Zionist lobby (where are their recordings of meetings with mighty Jews that demanded such promises?).
Disclaimer 1: I’m not a Jew.
Disclaimer 2: Talmud has bad things to say about heretics.
Disclaimer 3: So does the Bible. Who cares.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 07:53 pm, 8th October 2017Anon, you’re being wilfully obtuse and purposefully insistent on seeing each fact in a vacuum. I’m asking you to connect some dots with commonsense.
Slow down. I didn’t ask you if you think it’s a bad thing. We didn’t get there yet. I asked you if you think it’s noticeable, considering how tiny the Jews are in terms of numbers.
So do you think it’s a pure coincidence?
No, I wasn’t referring to money at all. I was referring to occupying key positions within politically, economically, and culturally sensitive areas, such as being a college professor, a museum curator, a Hollywood producer, a banker, as well as other professions which concentrate themselves around sensitive topics concerning critical human thought!
That’s because you’re getting ahead of me. We haven’t gotten there yet. My next question was going to be if you know what the Jewish Talmud says about non-Jews. Slowly, but surely, I would help you connect all of these disparate dots using empirical evidence, knowledge of human psychology, intuition, and commonsense. But you’re skipping to the end.
Are you serious? You can’t be serious. Look into the work of the Anti-Defamation League and the SPLC.
No, it doesn’t. Those 4 percent of Jews who do want to hurt people have concentrated themselves purposefully within extremely powerful circles precisely because they are not within the 96 percent of Jews who aren’t interested in dominating everyone else.
Again, you’re being deliberately obtuse and wide eyed:
Dot 1: The Talmud says that non-Jews are worthless cattle and should be ruled by Jews.
Dot 2: A very small group of Jews believe this.
Dot 3: A very small group of Jews have infiltrated key power positions and are guilty of nepotism towards other Jews in their hiring practices, in violation of civil rights legislation (which is what the Talmud orders).
Dot 4: The practical result of this is a very small group of Jews ruling over non-Jews as if the non-Jews are cattle and giving preferential treatment to innocent Jews while those innocent Jews sincerely believe they received their professional positions due exclusively to merit.
Connect all four dots and don’t look at each one in a vacuum.
This is where politically correctness comes in, which cripples these politicians’ ability to speak out. They’ll just be called racists, Nazis, and anti-Semites, plus an entire plethora of other buzzwords invented by the 4 percent to precisely deal with such whistleblowers.
It wouldn’t matter if you were. Jews aren’t immune to logic and commonsense.
Doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is that the Talmud says bad things about people based exclusively on those people’s essential genetic characteristics which those people were born with and cannot change. No other major religion glorifies any type of racism whatsoever!
The Bible does not glorify or encourage any type of racism whatsoever. The Talmud does.
Again, are you saying that a very small group of Jews believing in the Talmud which orders them to enslave non-Jews AND a very small group of Jews positioning themselves in key positions of power is just a strange coincidence?
Can’t we agree that racist beliefs within Judaism have at least some practical effect on non-Jews, especially since the Jews who believe them have very high IQs and can and do accomplish much? Or is it just coincidental?
Also, ask Joelsuf about his racist Jewish father who believed that the Jews are the master race and forbade him from dating non-Jews in high school.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 08:28 pm, 8th October 2017Here’s some more direct evidence for you, Anon:
Posted at 04:04 am, 9th October 2017nice