27 May What Would I Do If I Had To Start Over?

Over the years, I’ve had several of you ask me the same question:
Caleb, what would you do if, knowing what you now know, you found yourself in a new country, with no money, no contacts, and no job?
It’s a good question.
I have a good answer.Most of these guys are asking in the context of business and money, but some of them have asked in terms of women, dating, and sex. Today I’ll answer both since, as I talk about in The Unchained Man, a man requires both regular sex and money if he wants to be long-term happy.
-By Caleb Jones
Before we begin, we have to make several assumptions. The first is that I speak the language of this hypothetical country. If I didn’t speak the language that would obviously complicate things and obscure the real answers that interest most guys who ask this question. To summarize, if I didn’t even speak the language there, I would do my damndest to get out of that country and get to a country where I did speak the language, even if I spoke the language poorly. If, for whatever reason, I desperately wanted to stay in that country (which would be very unlikely), I would focus on learning the language. As Arnold Schwarzenegger has said, even an idiot living in a new land can learn that country’s language within two years at the very most, with some effort, just via trial and error and watching TV.
The second assumption is that I was physically healthy and had all of my usual energy.
The third assumption is that this country was not a third-world shithole, but rather the “typical” country with all the usual basic infrastructure most countries possess, at a standard level of economic activity. Maybe not ultra-high-end like Singapore, but not Africa or Bangladesh either.The fourth assumption is that I am the same race as the dominant race of the country, so that I could not use my Evil White Western Privilege™ to get what I want and coast on the fact that I’m A) a man, B) white, C) American, and D) have blue eyes. Let’s assume that wherever I was, was filled with mostly people who looked like me, just to keep the playing field level.
The fifth assumption is that I was me as I am now, but not married, no kids, and 100% single; totally alone.
The last assumption is that I would have a backpack of basics, like 2-3 outfits, toiletries, a shitty laptop or tablet, a basic phone, and at least wifi internet access, since having these kinds of basics these days wouldn’t be out of the ordinary even for someone starting from ground zero. (I know, and have met plenty of very poor people in many different countries, and they have all of these things.)
So yeah, let’s say I suddenly found myself in some mythical country called Slarbobia. I was on the street with no home, no sex, no friends, no contacts, no money, no job, no income, and no assets. Given the above assumptions, here’s exactly what I would do.
Priority one would be to take care of the immediate problem: food and shelter. I don’t fear being homeless. While I’m no Dog The Bounty Hunter, I’m a tough guy so living on the street for a few nights would be doable in a pinch, particularly if it wasn’t freezing outside. (I’ve been poor and, unfortunately, I distinctly remember what it was like, and I survived it.) But beyond that, being homeless would be problematic to say the least. So I need a place to stay and I need food.
Using sites like Craigslist, I would locate anyone giving away anything for free, as well as various yard sales. I would go there, grab those free items, as much as I could carry. Then I would list those items on sites/apps like Ebay or Facebook Marketplace and sell them. Rinse and repeat, even if it took me a few days of sleeping on the street and going hungry (both of which would be unlikely).
This would give me more than enough to stay at a backpacker’s hostel at $7-$10 per night. I might have to share a room with one or two other people (women included, which presents sexual opportunities), but hey, one thing at a time. It would also be more than enough to get me eating very cheap beans-and-rice meals. I’d be homeless and foodless for less than three days at the very most.
Priority two would be to get out of that hostel so I could have some privacy, both for sexual reasons and to focus on my work. I’d spend my day at the local coffee shop with my laptop (or library or cyber café if I had no laptop or tablet, but let’s assume I have one) scanning the local business registries for any small or medium-sized B2B (business to business) companies that sold really high-margin, high mark-up products. There are tons of possibilities but the ones off the top of my head would be medical equipment or office furniture. Let’s go with medical equipment.
I’d put on the best shirt I owned and I’d walk into the business and try to get a quick, ten-minute appointment with the owner/manager, in person. If that didn’t work I’d try to do it over the phone. If that didn’t work I’d try talking to the sales manager. If that didn’t work I’d move on to the next company. Rinse and repeat until I got my in-person or phone appointment with one of those people.
I’d offer my services as an outside sales rep and tell him that I would work for free but that I wanted a huge commission on any sales I produced; we’re talking 50%, 70%, or higher, as much as I could negotiate. Again, this would be a company selling high-margin products so commissions that high would be doable. I’d also want some kind of leeway in negotiating price with prospects, particularly if they bought in bulk.
Who wouldn’t want free business like that? I’d guess I’d have at least one guy agreeing to this within a week or two. Once that happened, I’d hit the internet researching and looking for companies who bought medical equipment in bulk. Hospitals, dental associations, small provider networks, whatever. Once armed with a decent list, I’d start calling all of these companies and navigating who their buyers were, what their needs were, and how much they were paying for their medical equipment. I’d negotiate my prices down to get them lower than they were currently paying while still giving me a decent commission (even if it was a little less than what I originally planned).
I would also call my competitors (other companies selling medical equipment) and offer to call on their prospect lists that didn’t pan out for a commission from them if I was able to close any of those deals.
Doing this all day long (since, very unlike today, I’d have plenty of time), I’d be able to put together at least one deal, probably two or three, within three weeks or so, which would generate an income for me anywhere from $4,000 to $25,000 or more. I’d move out of the hostel and into a normal apartment, get some decent clothing, and start eating like a normal human being. I’d also start an exercise routine to keep my energy levels up.
I’d then head over to Upwork.com and hire two or three virtual assistants in Thailand or the Philippines to do my market research and make research calls for me (though I’d still be the one closing the deals), freeing up my time to deal with priority three, which would be to get an FB or two on rotation. I mean, hey, it’s been about a month since I’ve had sex, and that’s bullshit. I need regular sex in order to maintain peak efficiency as a man.
In all honesty, at my age (47) and current experience level with women, I would probably just whip up a few hundred bucks, go on whatever sugar daddy site the country had, and quickly hook up two sugar babies under the age of 22. I’d have that all wrapped up in about a week. If you want to know what I’d literally do, that’s probably it. However, I realize some guys may view that as cheating, so let’s pretend I don’t do that and instead use standard online dating. That would work as well; it would just take a little longer.So instead of the sugar daddy thing, I’d go hire a cheap but hungry photography student with a really good camera and spend 2-3 hours one morning taking hundreds of pictures of me in three different outfits. I’d then go through all the pics, pick out the best two or three shots of me, using all of my techniques that I know by heart.Then I’d sign up on every damn dating site and dating app in the city that was used by anyone (5-7 at least or more), pay whatever fees these sites/apps had to upgrade the membership, and use my 1-3 awesome photos. I’d also install an autoswiper app (if available) for as many of the sites/apps as I could.
Targeting only low-ASD women age 18-27, I would do thousands upon thousands of swipes and send out hundreds of openers on all of these sites/apps. My first-date-to-sex ratios are extraordinarily high, and I only need one or two FBs right now, so I would only need four or five first dates at the most. I’d have these scheduled within a few weeks at the very most. I’d have sex with two of those women, and the odds are 74% per woman that they’d become a long-term FB. (If one didn’t, I’d go on two more first dates and get another one.)
So, to be very conservative, I’d have two new FBs within two months on the far outside. I would not focus on any MLTR at this point. I need to focus on building my income and my infrastructure and get my income back up to six figures so I can feel normal again. FBs take very little time and emotional energy; that’s why they’re awesome.
Once my FBs were installed, I would continue to expand my medical equipment sales company and get my income up to at least $10,000 per month. This would happen within six months, if not sooner. That, or I would consider moving to a different country with more favorable tax laws and hotter women. Since all sales and deals would occur over the phone, this income would be mostly location independent, so that would certainly be doable. I would also work to close more deals with more equipment companies so I wouldn’t have to rely on that first client. Having all your income from just one source is a terrible idea. It’s as bad as monogamy.
From there it’s just business as usual; multiple Alpha 2.0 businesses with a few FBs on the side, eventually throwing an MLTR or two into the mix.
That’s pretty much what I would do. There could (and would) be many variations on this of course. Instead of repping a product company I could work with a service-based business, but I think products in this case would represent quicker sales, and since I was near-homeless I would need money fast. It also doesn’t have to be medical equipment, nor does it have to be B2B. It could be furniture, prescription drugs, diamonds, wine, toys, vertical market electronics, beauty products, and so on. Doesn’t really matter as long as the margins are high enough to give me a kickass commission even if I need to drop the price a little.
If I didn’t want to sell a product (but I probably would in this scenario) I could sell a service. I could buy some cheap window washing equipment and call on commercial building owners and sell window washing services, under-cutting whomever they currently used, particularly if they had multiple properties to service. Then I could hire some Mexicans (or whatever the Mexican equivalent would be in Slarbobia) to actually wash the windows while I put together more deals.
I’ve heard it said that if you confiscated all the money from everyone on the planet and then equally redistributed it back to everyone, giving everyone in the world an equal amount, within two years most of the rich people would be rich again and most of the poor people would be poor again.
It’s true.
Your financial condition, and your sexual condition, is your fault.
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Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.
Posted at 07:08 am, 27th May 2019Not bad for a lazy Bastard! I think you will do ok! haha 😀
Posted at 08:01 am, 27th May 2019The bottom line is that knowledge is power.
You can lose everything, but if you know how you can build up capital and are not limited by your health/time, success is inevitable.
Interestingly enough, more and more yell that higher property taxes will solve everything…
Posted at 08:49 am, 27th May 2019Mexicans huh? You couldn’t just say hire somebody to take care of the labor. You said Mexicans or the equivalent. Smh
Posted at 08:58 am, 27th May 201974% success pulling long-term fb’s. Do you have anything on this blog or in the books specific about how to just get long-term fb’s? While I have had some long-term fb’s, mltr seems to be more long-term and fb seems to be more commonly shorter-term 3-9 months. Sure they likely come back eventually, but I guess more specifically, information about how to get long-term fb’s that are consistent. Too often mine LSNFTE quicker than an mltr will and are also gone longer at times, other times only LSNFTE for a few weeks, but overall just much more inconsistent.
I ask this because there are times I’d be ok with not having an MLTR if not for the consistency, but having FB’s-only, seems too unreliable to me.
Posted at 08:58 am, 27th May 2019I have been living for years in a country where I do not speak the language. The situation here is that almost everyone speaks fluent English. Of course it does limit the options though. The conditions are very good here for some things but this is one of the big downsides. On the other hand learning the language makes no sense – its a substantial investment of time and effort doing something I hate (learning languages for me) for what? The language is near useless outside of this country.
Posted at 09:04 am, 27th May 2019It was rather course, but the meaning he wanted wasn’t just “hire some labor”, it was implying “under-the-table or below-average-cost labor” in my opinion. It was his way of implying more without saying it. I could see how one could find it offensive though.
Eric C Smith
Posted at 09:08 am, 27th May 2019I dig it. trying to break this for the first time and really relate and appreciate this wild west alternative salesman model. was literally pontificating options of how i can get more sales in less time for the company I work for in exchange for not being bound to clocking in and hourly wage, and just cranking out the sales like no one’s ever seen.
perfect timing and I can see how some of the not being able to give discounts for bulk sucks as a drone and has gotten me before. multi thousand dollar sales I cant do thanks to location and regulations.
I can almost see it.
thank you. this helps bridge the gaps on what I need to do and learn.
Posted at 11:36 am, 27th May 2019Yeah, maybe its location specific. I don’t know how its in the US but over here the girls vanish after a few dates if you dont give them some date like behaviors. MLTR seems to be only viable option here for anything longer than a few weeks. I think I only had one sucesful long term FB who didn’t become a gf/mltr and who stayed for many months and she was not from here.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:40 am, 27th May 2019I love Mexicans. One of my FBs is a Mexican. Now please read this, then stop reading this blog. You’re in the wrong place.
This entire blog and this entire book is about exactly that. You just follow all of my relationship management advice. There is no fundamental “difference” between getting a long-term FB and any other kind of long or short-term nonmono relationship.
That’s normal, for me too. And 94% come back. So with LSNFTE I still consider them long-term.
Not possible on a statistical basis. That’s like asking how to get a monogamous marriage where you’ll never get divorced.
Humans aren’t designed that way.
If you’re able to make location-independent income work as an Alpha Male 2.0 to the point where it doesn’t matter if you don’t speak the language in your country, that’s fine. I was talking about it in the specific starting-over-from-zero scenario; I’d much rather be in a country that spoke my language if that was the case.
But me as I am right now? Sure, I could easily move to an Asian or South American country where I didn’t speak the language at all and be perfectly fine.
Correct. In the USA, that’s Mexicans. If it was Hong Kong, I would have said Filipinos. If it was Dubai, I would have said Indians. It has nothing to do with Mexicans specifically, and only a very touchy (or very ignorant) individual would think otherwise.
Only a fragile snowflake would find it offensive, and such men should not be reading this blog, as I’ve said many times.
I have literally never been offended by anything I have ever read on the entire internet, even negative stuff written about me personally.
Why do you think that is?
If you’re going to sell stuff, sell it in bulk. If you catch a net full of minnows, you have a netfull. But if you catch one whale, you have an entire boatfull.
Posted at 01:21 pm, 27th May 2019Let me check if I got this right.
So basically, come up with something to sell or a service. Bonus brownie points if you manage to sell to business directly instead of final consumers.
Posted at 03:12 pm, 27th May 2019motherfucker, Lets go! lol
hmm 10 30 unit sales would roughly get me a years worth of nuclear. or 30 ten unit sales.
60 5 unit sales, or! 5 60 unit sales. I would love to only have to close 5 people or less instead of 300. or 3 100 unit sales. first time being open to the idea. I wass up selling for 100 unit sales for novelty for a little bit but then stopped when one actually fell in my lap out of no where and missed the opportunity…when really, that proved that being open to the idea of catching the whale can lead to something.
I got discouraged but time to sack up and get back on it. rinse and repeat for my other financial obligations. with nuclear I will get the mentorship I want to rinse and repeat this, and push it through the gauntlet 3-4 times. I just mapped it out. I tried the from scratch scenario 4 years ago in Hollywood, CA and fell short and went back home to the family. This post reaffirms the worthy ideal.
This is THE post for me. Have literally been drawing up how I’m going to pull all of this off as my roommate is moving out and going 100% financially independent from the family…while remaining free from backsliding…thanks.
When marketers know their customers god dammit, I’m about to be a very very happy guy.
Nubian King
Posted at 03:27 pm, 27th May 2019Hey Blackdragon amazing post as usual. I was wondering if you have any recommended ressources for business and sales etc? Your recommended ressources pages isnt available at this moment
Any book/document you could recommend would be really appreciate
Caleb Jones
Posted at 07:07 pm, 27th May 2019Something to sell with very high margins and where you can sell many of them in one sale.
5 60 unit sales. Even better, 1 300 unit sale, if you can do it.
An Alpha Male 2.0 Recommended Reading List is on the to-do list. For the time being, read this and this.
Posted at 08:40 pm, 27th May 2019I’ve always wondered what I’d do starting out in a new city with no money, just a few possessions and no contacts, etc. One of my friends actually did this in Miami for a few months – he managed to get by but he was also 22 at the time.
I’d probably do as follows (in the year 2019):
1st few days => earn immediate money via day jobs posted online (like craigslist)/simple street businesses/hustles like washing car windows, selling bottles of water.
Get a few free 1-week gym memberships and/or a 1 month memberships to stay clean maybe take naps
Once I’d increased savings, I’d find a place to sleep like a hostel, then apartment
I don’t currently have much sales skills/experience, so I probably couldn’t make decent money quick in that manner. But I would target doing lower/mid-price tech contractor jobs in the first week until I was “back on” my feet (had a place to stay). Basically where 2-3 hrs would pay for lodging and food for the day. I’d also look for app-based simple jobs like food delivery in the first month or 2.
Then I’d start looking for better work/business, etc.
Since I was out and about all day in the street/cafes/etc, I’d probably focus on “day-game”.
Posted at 04:54 am, 28th May 2019I did it in Jakarta a few decades ago. Start with about a hundred bucks and reasonably good Indonesian language skills. Stayed in four dollar a night backpacker dorms, two or three bucks a day for food at stalls. Hustle for an English teaching job, with plenty of spare time. First month I got a full salary, I spent the lot on a computer and lived on fried rice for the rest of the month. Started doing some translation work and realized that if THAT was the quality of writing people were getting away with, I could do better than that. Had a lucky break and ended up writing corporate annual reports and such, for about a month of a teachers salary for three or four days work. It was quite fun for a while, going around and meeting the BoD of big companies, asking questions to get their story for the year. I built on that.
I gotta say, it wouldn’t be that easy these days. It was the wild west back then. Great fun. It’s all a bit more organized and rigid these days, and a lot more smart local kids, much more difficult for a foreigner to move in and find a niche.
Posted at 09:28 am, 28th May 2019BD, the thing that I wonder about is: what about us guys who were never into sales and have no idea how to sell in the first place….because in the article it seems like you’d already had a lot of knowledge/expertise with selling and know exactly what to do in the circumstances. Like, you said you’d call up places looking to sell your products, but I’ve never sold anything so I have no idea what to say to try and make myself knowledgeable about selling.
Posted at 09:35 am, 28th May 2019Hi Caleb, why is getting two girls from sugar daddy cheating for some men?
I suppose you can be honest from the beginning as the girls are taking money and probably don’t care.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:24 pm, 28th May 20191. This article is about what I would do in that circumstance, not what you would do. Obviously you’d have to do something different. Look at the comment above about the guy who taught English as a second language. You always have lots of options.
2. As I’ve said many times, sales (and marketing) is the most important business skill to have in the entire universe. If you don’t have that skill, you need to learn it and get it to at least an intermediate level. You don’t want to just throw your arms in the air and say “but I don’t know how to sell.” Learn!
Because some hardcore Thrill of the Hunt types will say it’s not real game therefore any sex you get from it doesn’t count.
As I said here and here, paying for sex via sugar daddy game is a perfectly valid way to get laid provided 1) you know you can get sex with cute girls without paying for it and 2) you’ve got plenty of money (both income and net worth) to afford it. If both those things aren’t true (and they aren’t for most men), then you need to stick with normal game for the time being. But if they are, it’s fine.
Some things make sense for some men, but not others.
Posted at 02:00 pm, 28th May 2019BD,
Why did you give the example of window washing as a profitable service option? Is it random or does it have some meaning beyond of what you described?
Also, could outdoor cleaning and maintenace of warehouses for example be a valid service for a beginner? I mean, it’s similar to your window washing example.
Posted at 02:31 pm, 28th May 2019Can you elaborate on how you target only low-ASD women? How do you determine that before meeting face-to-face?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 06:25 pm, 28th May 2019Random, but a good example. Just a basic service, sold to companies, that many companies need whether they want it or not, that can be easily outsourced.
As I keep saying, the possibilities are endless.
You can’t determine it, but you can put some of the odds in your favor. Examples: Avoiding more provider-hunterish web sites / apps like Match.com or Coffee Meets Bagel can help. Avoiding women whose first lines in their profiles are about how they want a serious relationship or are “tired of players” or “where are all the respectful men?” Avoiding women whose first suggestion in their communication is that you “go have dinner,” and so on. None of those things work 100%, but they help a little.
Posted at 11:40 pm, 28th May 2019every time i read a black dragon article saying sex is required for a man i feal like shit because ive basically lost my sex drive. im 55 years old but this has been going on for years. i work out, im healthy and im on trt . i monitor all my hormone levels which are good. ive talked to drs read everything etc. i want to want to fuck but i just dont care. i know this is getting off topic
Posted at 11:55 pm, 28th May 2019I have this too. I’m mildly worried about it and it’s costing me my FB roster because I get booty calls and think “can’t we do something else instead?”. Once in that mood, I roll my eyes and think “omg doesn’t she have anything interesting to say?” and that’s obviously a major turn-off. I don’t want to turn into a sour mgtow dude but it feels like I’m on my way there 🙁
But this is off-topic.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:54 am, 29th May 2019Then it’s fine. If you’re doing everything right (and it sounds like you are) and are healthy for your age (and it sounds like you are) and you’re being 100% truly honest with yourself (and it sounds like you are), then don’t worry about it.
You’re a very unusual exception to the rule though; keep that in mind when you read my articles or write comments.
And yes, it’s off-topic so this will be my last comment on it.
Posted at 06:13 pm, 29th May 2019i dont want to be the exception. maybe a topic for a new post in the future
Posted at 07:48 pm, 29th May 2019I hope you do better than that in your $500 add on course for older men. If an older guy feels bad about losing his sex drive, there’s probably a lot more useful advice you could give than just “don’t worry about it.”
Posted at 04:09 am, 30th May 2019A key takeaway from this is he would sell to a businesses – at no point does he mention selling to individuals. Selling to a business is where the real money is at. Selling to consumers is very difficult and the odds are against you.
lazy guy
Posted at 09:53 am, 30th May 2019@ compeliminator:
Body chemistry can be subtle but consequential (insidious). Your pH balance might be too acidic; not enough alkaline (easily fixed). You might have undiagnosed food intolerances which are creating undiagnosed inflammations in your body (can be organs, brain, joints, etc.). Inflammations can really reduce a person’s physical capacities, thus reducing his inclinations or desires. Some people feel amazingly better two weeks after cutting out all forms of wheat, and/or dairy, and/or corn (which can require much scrutiny of ingredients — i.e. “maltodextrin”, “sorbitol” etc.).
Maybe your problem is circumstantial — lacking reasonable hope of having the option to bed the women you find most desirable — women like the ones with whom you most enjoyed sex in your best years past. Opportunity is one factor; having a mentality of positive anticipation (‘I can get what I want most’) can be crucial too. Maybe for you great sex requires really liking the woman, and lately you aren’t meeting women you really like. Maybe you need to see that the woman is honestly really turned on by you, but lately you’re not meeting women who meet all these requirements. Needing these elements doesn’t mean something is wrong with you.
Maybe you’re depressed by subconscious negative self-perceptions, such as guilt or shame. Feeling rotten about yourself (past or present) can kill your libido. Xaviera Hollander was a long-term pro hooker (wrote a best-seller, ‘The Happy Hooker’), and she advised other hookers ‘First get his ego up; then he can get it up’. Having a lot of deep anger but repressing it can kill libido too.
Many wise respectable older men have written that their loss of libido gave them considerable advantages — parallel to not caring about other peoples’ opinions. Indifference can give you a good form of freedom. Our culture (mass media advertising, consumerism, etc.) is always working to keep us enslaved to desires and illusions of needs. Also we’re trained to celebrate being a slave to our desires; to celebrate being dependent on non-essential external conditions, addicted, etc., as if being enslaved that way brings joy, or as if it’s something to brag about (admirable, impressive). So, IF you eventually conclude that there is no remedy for your lack of sex drive, perhaps you could choose to view your condition in a positive light.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:31 am, 30th May 2019You called it; I won’t. That entire course will be a 3 minute video telling men to not worry about it. It’ll be the easiest money I’ll ever make.
The man I was responding to doesn’t feel bad. I suggest you go back and re-read his comment. Slowly.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:34 am, 30th May 2019Correct, and not just selling to businesses, but selling to businesses who can buy in bulk.
Not exactly. Selling to consumers isn’t difficult, it just takes longer. You’ve got to build trust, build a brand (or do shitloads of advertising), and so on. The above article is about when you need money fast; that means you sell to businesses.
Posted at 04:00 pm, 30th May 2019In the example you gave you suggest to sell stuff from an existing brand / business to someone else. When doing the same as selling to consumers I’d say its the same if you also sell existing stuff to them but the issue is that you cant easily sell in bulk to a single client.
Posted at 05:32 pm, 30th May 2019thanks for the response lazy guy
Posted at 02:12 am, 31st May 2019@BD
What I think compeliminator means is that not having his sex drive is making him unhappy to a certain extent. Probably for similar reasons as the ones you stated on this article, in which you justified why you probably wouldn’t take a pill that could theoretically eliminate your need for sex:
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:29 am, 31st May 2019Good idea. Added to the list. This is very off topic so this will be my last comment about it in this thread.
Posted at 02:09 am, 1st June 2019Where do we send suggestions for articles / courses? By randomly commeting like this? I think you are very good at marketing and copywriting so it makes sense to see some more articles and paid courses on these topics.
Posted at 04:23 am, 3rd June 2019Thanks for the detailed answer lazy guy.
For quite a while I thought “well if I don’t desire it, why would I care?” I felt pretty good about the disappearance of this urge. Even despite the societal pressure (which I don’t care about too much). But this blog tells us that we should care about it, because not having it is unhealthy and has all kinds of bad side effects.
Posted at 05:59 am, 4th June 2019No, wanting sex and not having it makes you unhappy. If you’re perfectly happy not wanting sex and not having sex that’s great! One less thing to take time away from your mission.
Posted at 06:56 pm, 27th June 2019A blog post on your brief times homeless would be interesting, BD.
Caveman Lenox
Posted at 07:38 am, 17th August 2019This is my favorite BD article ever. I’ve read and reread it multiple times. I regularly revisit and share it.
I even practice it. Have a sales job now with 40%. High-ticket item with a multi-year contract setup. Every sale I make I get repeat commission for the lifetime of the contract. So I make 75K this year, I’ll make that every year for at least 5 years.
I encourage everyone to read this article repeatedly and commit to the action therein. Plus all the kills here apply to ALL areas of your life. Fitness, women, recreation, family, etc.
Posted at 03:22 pm, 22nd March 2020Greetings Caleb.
Appreciate your great article!
How will you do it differently in case you have to start during epidemic of corona virus, when everything is closed down?
Thanks in advance for your response.