I can finally announce the dates and lesson curriculum for the most important online course I’ve ever done, and perhaps ever will do. The Maximum Freedom Alpha Male 2.0 Course, the course I’ve been working on for years, the course that covers your entire life including business, money, women, relationships, physical energy, time management, and so much more will be open for enrollment on Friday, August 30th, 2019. That’s two months from now. Enrollment will be open for exactly one week, and that’s it. At midnight on Thursday, September 5th I’ll shut it all down.

Click here to take a look at the full listing of all the content and lessons that you’ll receive. We’re up to over 15 hours of content for this course. Add that to the 13 hours of audio content from the audiobook version of The Unchained Man, plus over 70 podcasts you’ll receive via your free Gold membership to the SMIC program as part of the course. All of this adds up to over 63 hours of video and audio content as soon as you sign up for this course. You get the coaching, the video conferences, and everything else.

Go here to see the gigantic listing of all the lessons you’ll get in this course. It’s crazy.

The cost of this course will be $1797 which is $100 less than what I was planning and you get $400 off that if you’ve purchased any prior courses from me (and didn’t get a refund) which makes the new price $1397.

Current SMIC members at the Diamond and Titanium levels get a 25% discount on top of that (and Nuclear members get it for free). If you want to sign up for SMIC just to get the discount (or free courses), you may, but click here and scroll down to the FAQ section for the details on how that’s done. SMIC members also get access to the course about a week before anyone else (which means, yes, they get an extra week to get the course.)

We are offering a payment plan too, as always; it will be five monthly payments of $397. You get all of your stuff when the final payment is made, and you can pre-pay at any time with no penalty.

As I mentioned earlier, there are also two optional add-on courses, Alpha Male 2.0 Lifestyle For Younger Men (guys age 18-34) and Alpha Male 2.0 Lifestyle For Older Men (guys age 35 and up) with additional lifestyle design techniques tailored to each age group. Click here for the younger man course and here for the older man course. These add-on courses will be $397 each or $647 if you want both of them, which is a discount of $147. Unlike prior courses, guys who choose the installment plan will be able to add in one or both add-on courses as optional final payments, so you won’t miss out on these if you choose the installment plan.

I have been working on this course, in some form or fashion, for about four years. It’s the course I’ve wanted to do for that long. (Seriously, you have no idea how badly I’ve wanted to do this!!!)

My staff and I have been busting our asses for weeks getting this ready. I’ve been in Panama and Paraguay over the last few weeks (I’m in Paraguay now) working on my residencies, and I’ve still been working on it almost every day.

We’ve also integrated many of your suggestions from prior courses, including using multiple lovely assistants, a large monitor and graphics instead of a hand-written whiteboard (just like in the video above), a more logical flow of the lessons, and so on. The production costs for this course are quadruple what they were for the last course (which was over double the course before that!), so you can see I’m quite serious about this.

This course is the core of everything I talk about.

Click here to see all the goodies you’ll get in August when you sign up. More details coming soon.

Want over 35 hours of how-to podcasts on how to improve your woman life and financial life? Want to be able to coach with me twice a month? Want access to hours of technique-based video and audio? The SMIC Program is a monthly podcast and coaching program where you get access to massive amounts of exclusive, members-only Alpha 2.0 content as soon as you sign up, and you can cancel whenever you want. Click here for the details.

9 Comments on “The Maximum Freedom Alpha Male 2.0 Online Course

  1. Looking forward to this!

    Just curious, though nuclear members get the course free, do they still have to get it within that one week time frame?

    Thanks for doing this!

    That podcast download opportunity is an amazing value. On top of that, the parts dealing with the family, friends, and social pressure are worth the whole thing imho!

    Rereading/listening to some Ayn Rand so I can stay “selfish.”


  2. Just curious, though nuclear members get the course free, do they still have to get it within that one week time frame?

    I think you’re asking if you sign up for Nuclear months after the course is released if you still get the course. The answer is that I don’t know since I haven’t made a solid decision on that, but I’m leaning heavily towards no. I can’t set up a scenario where a guy can sign up for Nuclear for just one month, pay $997, get thousands upon thousands of dollars of courses and books, and then quit.

    So yes, to be safe, you need to be a Nuclear member during that week to get it for free.

    Thanks for doing this!

    You’re very welcome.

    Is it US$1800 + tax?

    No tax.

  3. It feel different (and better) to read ths blog after seeing its author.

    Thanks for letting even casual readers see you 😉

  4. It feel different (and better) to read ths blog after seeing its author.

    Thanks for letting even casual readers see you 😉

    No prob. And I’ve got a LOT of regular video coming, starting next week!

  5. Just curious the main differences between this and the Alpha 2.0 Business Course and the Consultant Course. I have both of those but  I honestly haven’t had the time to go through them and implement them into my life yet. I’ve been pretty successful and already have a high paying job, but would like to start a business on the side. I’m decent with women but I guess in that area it always helps to have extra too.

  6. Just curious the main differences between this and the Alpha 2.0 Business Course and the Consultant Course.

    All three of those things are completely different courses with completely different information.

    Business Course – How to start your own location independent Alpha 2.0 business, of any kind you want.

    Consultant Course – How to make six-figures specifically as a B2B consultant.

    Maximum Freedom Course – How to live a more free life, with money, women, logistics, lifestyle, and so on. (Refer to the specific curriculum here).

    You’ll get $400 of the Maximum Freedom course if you have either of the other courses.

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