13 Apr The Biggest Dangers Younger Men Face

In preparation for the Alpha Male 2.0 Younger Man Lifestyle Toolkit coming in three days and the free online training I’ll be giving on Thursday the 16th at 2 p.m. EST, you younger guys need to fully understand the dangers unique to younger men in the modern era. While there are many huge and fantastic opportunities now and in the near future for younger men (massive technological growth, longer and healthier lifespans, blockchain technology, the economic rise of Asia, and many others), there are plenty of dangers as well. Once you understand these, you can more aptly avoid them… or take advantage of them. I’ve listed these dangers in no particular order.
-By Caleb Jones
Danger #1 – Younger men are entering a world of soft and/or debt-ridden economies.
The economies, job prospects, currencies, real wages as adjusted for inflation, and standards of living of most Western nations are lower now than they were in decades past. Lifetime employment at with “good job” at a “good company” used to be the norm for my father’s generation. Today it’s completely gone. Years ago, even a relatively lower-income man could maintain a decent household. Today in many cities, men considered in the middle class can’t even afford rent and are forced to live with parents, relatives, or roommates to help split the costs.
Most Western nations (as well as many non-Western nations) have governments, banks, and citizens that are trillions of dollars in debt, with no end in sight, unlike anything that has ever been seen in all of human history. Worse, as increasingly irrational voters continue to elect corrupt, corporatist leaders, this debt is increasing by massive sums.
All of this means that as a younger man you can no longer rely on the standard models that well served men in prior generations. Things like college education, jobs, long-time employment, solid pensions, stable industries, and so on are either gone or worthless. Younger men who rely on these kinds of things for a stable life are in for horrible shockwaves of life problems, regardless of what their well-meaning parents and friends may say.
The Alpha Male 2.0 younger man of the modern era needs to rely on new models instead. These would be things like location-independent small businesses, diversified income, solid savings and investments knowledge, and international business and connections.
Danger #2 – Younger men are entering a deregulated sexual marketplace.
Readers of my blogs already know all about this. Back in the 1950s, even weak beta males were almost guaranteed to marry a wife at an early age. That’s just how the culture and stronger economies were back then. Women were reliant on men and even low-income men had plenty of money to take care of women.
Today, none of that is true. Women don’t need husbands or boyfriends at all, and can instead either get their own jobs, or rely upon the government welfare state funded by taxpayers, or, in a pinch, get an older sugar daddy. At the same time, men don’t have any money anymore and can barely afford to pay their own bills, much less have a stay-at-home wife or kids. If you’re talking about people with no children, women in their twenties today make more money than men in their twenties.
All of this is very bad news for the typical younger man. You hear younger men bitching about these very issues on the internet every day.
However, it’s fantastic for the younger Alpha Male 2.0. Since few men have any money, the younger man who has even a modicum of money (ideally the Alpha 2.0 minimum of $75,000 a year) is almost like a little king. Since beta males are now the norm, women are desperate for any man who is not a beta, so any younger man who focuses on his confidence and outcome independence and becomes even a partial Alpha can get far more results than such a man could back when I was a young man in the 1980s. (As much as young men today complain about things like Tinder, we young men of the 1980s would have FUCKING KILLED for something like Tinder.)
Danger #3 – Younger men are right in the middle of the largest civilizational collapse in human history.
As I’ve been showing at my blogs for years, with the possible exceptions of Australia and New Zealand, the entire Western world is in a slow state of collapse and has been since the late 1990s. There is no stopping this collapse since that window of opportunity is long gone.
Europe is completely fucked. The USA has a little more time, but not much, and the coronavirus crisis has, at least in my opinion, knocked approximately ten years off the already brief remaining lifespan the USA had left, meaning we are now suddenly ten years closer to its end. Canada isn’t quite as bad as the USA or Europe, but when the USA goes, so does Canada.
Younger men of yesteryear entered into a growing, booming economy and society on the rise. They barely needed to try hard to get a good life. But unless you were born and raised in Asia, that’s not you anymore. Normal, everyday younger men living in the Western world are in big trouble, more so than even they realize.
However, clever, maneuverable, think-outside-the-box younger men have a massive opportunity to cash in on the changing trends as the West sinks and Asia rises. Millions of dollars can be made during collapsing economies (as long as these collapses are somewhat slow, and so far they have been). Economic downturns simply mean that the cash and opportunity move from one group of people to another. While normal younger men will get crushed while sitting around waiting for their governments, parents, institutions, or politician-heroes (Trump, Sanders, Merkel, et. al.) to fix their problems, Alpha Male 2.0 younger men will be doing the right things, getting laid and getting paid.
Danger #4 – Younger men are entering into a world transitioning away from traditional, monogamous marriage.
As I’ve said many times, there will always be a decent percentage of people who attempt long-term sexual monogamy via traditional marriage or similar mechanisms (this would include dominant people, needy people, religious people, stubborn people, low sex drive people, and so on). These people will fail, as the divorce rates (among people who actually get married) and cheating rates continue to climb every year. At the same time, with every passing decade less and less people will get married, at least in the traditional way.
Younger men raised in more traditional, right-wing, or religious households are in for a ghastly rude awakening when they get traditionally married as instructed by their culture, parents, or religion when they end up divorced by age 30 and fighting in family court for the right to see their own children, trying to pay attorneys with money they don’t have because they lost it due to unfair child support, alimony, and communal property laws.
More and more other younger men will go in the exact opposite direction, furious that they can’t get married like their grandfathers could back in the 1950s, and will go incel instead, spending the rest of their lives angry and bitter, hating women almost as much as they hate themselves.
However, those few younger men willing to take a few steps into the Alpha Male 2.0 realm will be (and are!) able to create entire harems of cute FBs and MLTRs with more ease than even I could 13 years ago when I started doing this. Having freedom-based non-monogamous relationships with cute or hot women is going to get easier and easier as TMM continues to fail… but only for those younger men who know how to implement non-monogamous dating and relationship processes.
All you need as a younger man is a blueprint on how to navigate this different but exciting new world so that your financial life and woman life is the best it can be by taking advantage of all of these changing factors.
The upcoming course, the Alpha Male 2.0 Younger Man Lifestyle Toolkit available on Thursday, will show you how to do all of these things, plus more. Click here to register for a free, live webinar training with a Q&A session I’ll be doing on Thursday when the course becomes available (for just five days).
Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.
Jordan B
Posted at 06:28 pm, 13th April 2020I’m curious: how come Australia and New Zealand are possible exceptions to Western Collapse? Is it because of their close proximity to Asia?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:02 pm, 13th April 2020In order of importance:
1. Far less debt than the rest of the West.
2. Proximity to Asia.
3. Not as reliant on the USA; currencies not tied to US Dollar or Euro.
4. Much smaller population than most major Western countries (smaller countries are always easier to manage).
Note that Australia and NZ won’t do well; they’re socialist and left-wing as all hell and are doing a lot of things wrong. They’ll likely just stagnate forever like Japan (which is not good). These are not countries I would invest in for the long-term. The point I made above is that they probably won’t collapse.
Posted at 09:04 pm, 13th April 2020Nice! I agree with a lot of this even as someone who doesn’t fit into the “young” category.
This article actually inspired me to write about four more dangers that young people (no matter the gender) face, although it has to do more with distractions and overarching mentalities than what your article covered.
For anybody who is interested, you can check it out here.
Can’t wait for the course and the conference before it!
Posted at 02:44 am, 14th April 2020Personally right now I would choose 80s anytime. Now, especially in the last 5 years, the quality of girls and the men-to-women ratio in nightclubs has gone worse. Many of the girls who prefer not to go to clubs, don’t have to go there anymore to find a man, because there is tinder. Traditional NG is my preferred style of gaming.
If you are under 30yo (about 26-28 seems to be sweetspot) and you have looks going for you, tinder is amazing. I’m 35 so not so much for me (but I tested to set my age to 27. Amount of matches skyrocketed).
Posted at 05:32 am, 14th April 2020Your comment makes no sense. If you make it work with 27 then why arent you using that. Clearly that works for you. In my experience most girls either dont care or never ask about your age. I am 34 and I found out if I put 24 and go on dates with girls they never question it. It just shows how arbitrary and meaningless age is a dating criterion.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:16 am, 14th April 2020That’s because you’re a night game guy, which is fine, but an exception to the rule. The vast majority of men in the world will never do night game.
Uh… huh? What you just said proves that Tinder can work for you, so I’m not sure what you’re complaining about.
Posted at 08:31 am, 14th April 2020Hi Caleb,
I hope you are well I am 25 years old Indian but born in the United Kingdom in terms of your new course coming out how would the content be different compared to the unchained man I am aware there will be 4 hours of audio in the new course
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:54 am, 14th April 2020If you’re referring to the book The Unchained Man, the Younger Man Lifestyle Toolkit is different because it focuses on specific techniques (most of which are not covered in the Unchained Man) that apply specifically for younger men, age 18 to 34.
Posted at 12:14 pm, 14th April 2020I guess that he is complaining that he has to lie with his age to get matches, and as you said many times, we should never lie to women.
Posted at 12:21 pm, 14th April 2020Currently deregulated for women, regulated for men. If the SMP was currently deregulated for men, prostitution would be deregulated and dating sites wouldn’t be installing all the algorithmic roadblocks for men that they currently do. I can see this trend slowly (i.e. over several decades) changing in the future as this SMP deregulation bubble deflates for women once things like sex robots become developed and commonplace, understanding of how men and women behave biologically and sexually becomes more widespread (as you said in your most recent podcast, even women have accepted that monogamy doesn’t work), and the state governments slowly start to change their minds on the prohibition of prostitution and start to lift that (20-30 years ago recreational marijuana was illegal in most states, and over the past ten its been either legalized or decriminalized in half of the country).
Yup, collapse of the Roman Empire 2.0. I call the current period the USA and Western World is going through the Crisis of the Third Millennium.
Still good places to set up a home base and chill in your later 30s/40s and onwards once you’ve gotten things out of your system in your 20s/early 30s with women, have grown your business income, and have saved up enough money. I’m entertaining the idea of building a tiny house near Sydney or Perth after reading your Australia post. The weather in those areas seems nice enough to not warrant having HVAC (which costs a ton of money, as a result I have started factoring in climate into my criteria for looking for places to live) and the women in Sydney are hot (dunno about Perth though), and overall lifestyle costs might be reasonable for me as I age into my 30s.
Abdul Nguza
Posted at 01:18 pm, 14th April 2020Hey Caleb a 19 yr old with no business experience, will this course benefit me in terms of finding an industry that will benefit me?
Posted at 06:00 pm, 14th April 2020When do you see American Civilization collapsing? Im curious to see your timeline on how this is gonna go down.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:49 pm, 14th April 2020That doesn’t sound like his complaint.
I have also said numerous times that you can set your age to whatever you want on any dating site or app just to get the matches/responses and then come clean during the online conversation or the first date, which works very well in most cases.
It will help you with exactly that question. There is an entire lesson just for that specific topic.
Read this.
Caid Vero
Posted at 02:55 am, 15th April 2020Just discovered this blog tonight along with all of the content you’ve posted the past decade. Amazing stuff man, very timely for me. I’m 18 years old living in SoCal. I can’t even leave the state right now. Gotta get TF outta here asap when this quarantine is lifted. Have you moved out of the US yet? If not, where do you plan on moving? Thanks again for what you’re doing.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:04 am, 15th April 2020No. That will be first quarter of next year, 2021. (Unless the quarantines go way past May or June; if that’s the case it will likely delay my move a little.)
Read this.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:25 pm, 15th April 2020I was referring to the standard red pill definition of a deregulated sexual marketplace, not a legal one.
I’m going to restate my position that prostitution will never be legalized in any sweeping way (not little pockets like Nevada) in the USA, ever, because keeping it illegal is one of those weird issues upon which both left-wing women and right-wing men agree. Read this for more info.
That’s because the left-wing has always wanted it and the USA becomes more left-wing every year. Today’s left-wing, particularly left-wing women over age 30, are horrified by the concept of legalizing prostitution and giving men that level of sexual power.
It’s just not going to happen here.
Posted at 06:51 pm, 15th April 2020“As much as young men today complain about things like Tinder, we young men of the 1980s would have FUCKING KILLED for something like Tinder.” – I don’t think so. Tinder released stats that showed that 80% of the guys on Tinder get pretty much nothing out of it. And judging by your looks and weight you would have not been on the winning side if Tinder existed in the 80s.
Posted at 12:55 am, 16th April 2020If its that powerful then how come you dont openly advocate that men should do it rather than can if they meet criteria?
Judging by your comment you dont understand how to make tinder work for a man and probably are amongst the 80%, correct?
El Barto
Posted at 06:32 am, 16th April 2020It was something that needed to happen. The (Western) Roman Empire had been stagnant for centuries.
And maybe it can be a good thing for the West in the long run. What I see on a national and international level is a lack of willpower and ambition. It will mean for 2 or 3 or more generations that the West is irrelevant. As BD has stated in his article that it probably won’t be a Mad Max kind of dystopia, but the West will be sidelined in one way or another compared to Asia. Europe and America will become the playground for Asian tourists and businessmen, much like the’re already doing in small countries like Nepal.
The Corona virus can be an opportunity to reverse this, but I highly doubt that will happen. The funny thing is, I can see a lot of ambition among some my peers who do see the opportunities. Even my younger brother, who was always stuck working for one company or another. I have him convinced to start building a Alpha 2.0 Business. Maybe I can convince him to buy your book as well 🙂
Caleb Jones
Posted at 07:45 am, 16th April 2020Correct. That’s because 80% of men do online dating incorrectly. More than 80% in fact.
If I’m so hopelessly fat and ugly how do you explain my consistent success with online dating over the last 13 years? (Excluding Tinder which doesn’t work well for older men as I’ve said many times, but in the 1980s I wouldn’t have had that problem.)
For the numerous reasons I stated here and here.
This is probably the most likely outcome, yes.
Posted at 01:57 am, 17th April 2020Simple, you’re just fucking relatively average looking women.
Ain’t a single iota of proof anywhere to be found on this website. I 100% believe you’ve had sex with a lot of women, I just strongly suspect they were largely old or overweight.
Posted at 05:48 am, 17th April 2020Its clear he has money though, you can get loads of hot women with that alone with minimal dating skills.
Posted at 06:27 am, 17th April 2020Because I would need to lie about myself. I know your stance about this matter but personally I won’t violate my core principles. And in the end – if you lie about your age…why stop there? There is plenty of effective ways to get laid if you are willing to lie. We all just have different tresholds for lyings and I rather keep my integrity even tho it gimps my results.
That being said, I’m not complaining that tinder doesn’t work for me – I just personally would prefer 80s over 2020 because of better possibilities for NG.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:52 am, 17th April 2020Correct. Read item #2 here for why.
80-90% of them were hot. Over 60% were under the age of 23 and that includes non-sugar daddy game. If you think I’m lying, read this and rationally and logically respond to the three points I made there.
The vast majority of women I’ve had sex with cost me $0-$27 to have sex with and most of them stayed with me for over 1.4 years consistently before the first LSNFTE while I was spending little to no money on them.
That’s the entire point.
Posted at 11:18 am, 17th April 2020Caleb ,
You say that young men in Asia ( which I currently am ) are going to live in booming or atleast growing economies. Well see here’s where I for the most part disagree with you.
I believe China was the engine of economic growth for east asia in the 2000’s and early 2010’s. Unfortunately due to Xi Jinping’s policies China’s growth has really slowed down. You simply CANNOT trust the GDP growth figures under the current leadership
My family does extensive business with China and the country is no longer as dynamic as it was 10 years ago.
This is because bureaucrats-private sector companies which previously used to work together freely are now afraid to do business because of risk of ” corruption ” charges. The ” Anti – corruption ” movement , which really as a political purge and power grab by this Authoritarian prick Xi Jinping. The decision making is only in the hands of a few people which means China is considerably less free- market than it was a decade ago.
I visited China as a 19 year old in 2009 and the energy was so damn exciting. NOT the case anymore and the world will suffer for it.
For young men this personally means a world without growth potential anywhere
This piece of human garbage Jinping is the new Mao Zedong and till this guy breathes China will never become the great bacon of growth and inspiration for the world in the 21st century the way it was destined to be , as predicted by the great Jim Rogers ( who I follow)
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:51 pm, 17th April 2020I didn’t say China. I said Asia. China is a strong part of Asia but it’s not Asia.
Correct. Instead of 10%+ growth rates China has “slowed” to “just” 6% annual growth. That’s triple America’s pitiful 2% growth and Europe’s negative growth.
Just because China is much worse now than it was 10 years ago doesn’t mean it won’t very quickly surpass the Collapsing West. It still will, easily, to say nothing of SE Asia’s fantastically meteoric rise which I discussed here.
Incorrect. SE Asia. (And China too, just not nearly as much as before.)
Posted at 10:33 pm, 27th April 2020If dating apps don’t work then how come all of my buddies and I get plenty of women from Tinder, Badoo and so on?
I advise you to check the demographics in your area. If the W/M ratio is < 1 pick up another area and game there.