01 Sep Aging and The Alpha Male
Most guys reading this blog are under the age of 40, but I still want to address Dennis’s point. This is because YOU, regardless of how old or young you are, will be over the age of 60 someday. (Take it from an older guy…time goes by much faster than you think.)
A while back I made a post about the freedom an Alpha Male 2.0 experiences. Dennis made this comment:
I propose that your Alpha2 man is fiction and totally dependent on age. Right now you are in your prime, health wise and earning potential wise. Fast forward another 20+ years. If you haven’t worked out nor ate right you will have health problems to deal with. Also your earning opportunities will be limited and slowly disappear because of your age and/or health. If you haven’t made it, earning-wise or wealth-wise by 60, you are doomed to a life of trying to make ends meet..talk about stress! With respect to women, forget about 20 yr olds you are in the ewwww box. Single women in their 40s , 50s and 60s all have emotional baggage which means drama. Also the number of attractive women in that age group that will fuck by day3 exponentially decreases with age. That is, the supply of attractive women gets a lot smaller. Also to fuck this smaller supply of women by day1, day2 or day3 depends on what kind of shape you are in. Also because of these women’s emotional baggage, and their lack of female hormones(menopause) they are less forgiving of you fucking other women at the same time. Just my experience. I’m in great shape, have good money and fuck these women. Not one has lasted more than 3 months.
Can a man this old live the lifestyle I talk about? Or is he screwed due to his old age, his lackluster appearance, and the advanced age of his available women? Once you get “old”, is a man forced to either be alone or “go beta” because he has no other options?
Since I will never get monogamous no matter how old I become, these are legitimate questions for me, and I hope they are for you. Since turning 40 almost two years ago, aging has become something I’ve started to pay very close attention to. It was one of the big reasons why I started losing weight.
Since hitting my late thirties, I have focused more on things like proper eating, exercise, skin care, vitamins, water intake, and supplements. When I was younger, these were things I never gave a shit about (outside of my brief weight-lifting phases).
The Endgame In Our Old Age
Before I get into the specific topic of the aging Alpha Male, let’s get our contexts and goals straight.
I’m not one of these guys like Howard Stern who’s going to sit here and announce “GRRR! I’LL NEVER GET MARRIED AGAIN!!!”, only to have to eat my words a few years later when I get married. It’s not a question of marriage or love or children or living together. It’s a question of monogamy. I shall explain.
Regardless of any strong opinions I have or lifestyle I live, I’m still a human being with human needs. This means that as time goes on and I get older, I might do all kinds of things. I might have more kids. I might live with a woman. Hell, I might even be married in my older years
The only thing on the “never” list is absolute is monogamy. I will never promise monogamy to anyone. Period. Never ever. It is the one thing, the only thing, I will never compromise on, regardless if I’m 35, 41, 50, 65 or 75 years old.
Don’t believe me? I understand, but just watch. I walk my talk. Check back in with me in 25 years when I’m 65. I still won’t be 100% monogamous. Yeah, I’ll be an old bastard by then, so I might be in looooovee and may even act a little like an NRE lovestruck beta. I might even agree to a stupid Disney fairytale wedding. All of those things are possible as I age into my golden years. But I will never be monogamous, nor will I ever promise it. No matter what happens, there will always be at least one FB on the side I’ll be playing with at least occasionally in addition to my primary woman. Many times and in many places I’ve described how other men have done this and how I will do it, especially right here.
The only way I could ever be sexually monogamous is if I lose the physical ability to have sex.
Granted, as I age I will probably back off on the activity level; I probably won’t be having 4 different women on rotation when I’m 65. It will likely be one very special woman and one FB on the side that get rotated and replaced once every few months.
The point here is to determine what an acceptable goal is for you when you reach your old age, and I define “old age” for this blog post as age 60 and beyond. I have said before that if you get monogamous at age 60, I still don’t agree with it but it’s also not the end of the world. Of course I still will be poly at that age, but if you hold off on monogamy and then finally surrender when you hit your sixties like Gene Simmons did, I won’t be screaming bloody murder.
Or you may be the opposite kind of guy, and want to live the Charlie Sheen lifestyle (being a player and fucking tons of women) or Hugh Hefner lifestyle (a core group of 2-3 “girlfriends”, really MLTRs) for the rest of your life, well into your old age. That’s fine too. It’s all up to you.
Goal 1 As You Age: Above Average Physical Health and Appearance
Let’s start addressing Dennis’s points. First he says:
Right now you are in your prime, health wise and earning potential wise. Fast forward another 20+ years. If you haven’t worked out nor ate right you will have health problems to deal with. Also your earning opportunities will be limited and slowly disappear because of your age and/or health.
Dennis is absolutely right here. If, between the ages of 35 and 60, you decide to eat whatever the hell you want, drink and smoke whatever you want, not exercise as often as you need to, pay no attention to your skin and hair, and pay little or no attention to your key health numbers (weight, body fat percentage, blood pressure, testosterone, cholesterol, vitamin D, insulin, etc), then yes…you are going to be a fat, ugly, old-looking sack of shit by the time you reach your sixties. And you’ll be fucked.
One of the many reasons I hate monogamy so much is that in many cases, men are actually encouraged to look like shit as they age. They feel like their wife will “be there no matter what” so they don’t need to worry about how good they look, and many wives will actually encourage their men to look bad to help fight off other competing women.
The primary Alpha Male goal when it comes to aging is, then, to not do these things. If you want to live the Alpha Male 2.0 lifestyle well into your old age, then once you hit age 35 (at the latest!) your physical fitness and attractiveness as an old man should be one of your top two goals in life. Let me say that again: One of your top two goals in life.
You do not have the luxury of aging easily and lazily like a normal man. You simply can not, can NOT be the typical guy in his fifties or sixties with the wrinkles and dead eyes and slow walk and the fat stomach and the thinning hair and outfits that are 20 years out of style. Between the ages of 35 and 60, you need to work at your body and your relatively youthful appearance.
Is this fun? No, at least not for most of us, especially if you have shitty genetics in this area. Fitness has always been my weakest life area and likely always will be, but I still put in the work every damn day. I eat the yucky vegetables, put on the moisturizers, drink the water, take the vitamins, lift the weights, etc. I want to live this lifestyle for the rest of my life, so I have no choice.
Set any goal you want, but the physical appearance goal for my forties that I’m working towards is this: If you put me in a room with 99 other random men who are my age (currently 41), then brought in 100 super hot young chicks in their twenties and had them rank all the men from most hot to least hot, I want to be in the top 15.
I don’t need to be the best looking guy in the room, and thanks to my genetics I never will be. But I do need to be in the top 15% as compared to other guys in my age range. I’m well on my way to this goal…as a matter of fact I might already be there. (New pictures coming soon.)
Again, I’m talking about other men my age. In terms of physical attractiveness, I will probably never be able to compete head-to-head with some 23 year-old six pack guy who has the youth, testosterone, and the spare time to spend 15 hours a week in the gym. But the good news is I don’t need to. I just need to look damn good for my age. Even now in my forties I regularly have sex with women as young as 18, so as long as my appearance doesn’t look bad, my confidence, outcome independence, fashion, wit, and level of game will deal with the rest of the age-difference slack.
Goal 2 As You Age: A Good Income
Dennis continues:
If you haven’t made it, earning-wise or wealth-wise by 60, you are doomed to a life of trying to make ends meet..talk about stress!
Right again.
I’m going to repeat the advice of Mr. Steelballs himself, the immortal R. Don Steele. The following is not a quote, just my summary:
By the time you’re middle-aged, and certainly by the time you’re old, you need to be making some damn good money. No, you don’t have to be a millionaire (although I (Blackdragon) think every man in the western world should have a net worth of one million dollars by the time he’s 50, but most of you aren’t mentally ready to hear such a radical opinion, so let’s discuss that one at another time). But you do need to make enough money where you live in a decently cool house/apartment, have a nice car, own some nice clothes, can easily afford to dine in nice restaurants and perhaps travel a bit. By middle age you should have some decent investments, have no problems paying your monthly bills, and no major debt issues.
None of what I just described requires millions of dollars or a six-figure income. It does require a good income and solid financial management.
You need to make decent money! I’ve been saying this forever. I’ve also reported the findings of numerous surveys and studies that clearly show most men aren’t truly happy until they make at least $75,000 per year (that’s 56,000 euros for my European brothers). 50% of all the content in my SMIC Program is all about accomplishing this.
As I mentioned just last week, being poor damages everything there is about being Alpha, and being poor AND old is even worse. Don’t do it.
Goal 3 As You Age: Maintain A Focus On The Youngest Women Possible Based On Your Age
Dennis continues:
With respect to women, forget about 20 yr olds you are in the ewwww box. Single women in their 40s , 50s and 60s all have emotional baggage which means drama. Also the number of attractive women in that age group that will fuck by day3 exponentially decreases with age. That is, the supply of attractive women gets a lot smaller. Also to fuck this smaller supply of women by day1, day2 or day3 depends on what kind of shape you are in. Also because of these women’s emotional baggage, and their lack of female hormones(menopause) they are less forgiving of you fucking other women at the same time. Just my experience. I’m in great shape, have good money and fuck these women. Not one has lasted more than 3 months.
There’s a few things I disagree with Dennis’s above statements, but the gist of what he’s saying is accurate….but it’s not as bad as you think.
First of all, yes, if you’re 65 years old, you’re probably not going to be fucking 19 or 20 year-olds unless you start throwing some money around. I’ve said this before and I fully agree this is probably true. Even if you’re in that top 15% of sixty-something guys, 19 year-old hotties probably aren’t going to go there unless you go full on sugar-daddy or hooker-john. (Yes, there are always unusual exceptions to every rule.)
But let’s talk about who will go there. I know several men in their mid-fifties who are dating women in their mid-twenties, as young as 24 years old. These men are not famous, have had no plastic surgery, and most of them are no where close to being a millionaire. But! They have followed my above advice; none of them are fat, they take very good care of their health, hair, and skin, and they all make decent incomes.
So let’s say I told you that you could never again have sex with a 19 year-old hottie, but you could have sex with 25 year-old hotties all you wanted as long as you patiently put in the numbers (which you should be doing at any age anyway). Would that make you cry and tear your hair out, or would that be okay? I think it would probably be okay. By the time you’re an old bastard you probably won’t even give a shit at that five or six year difference anyway.
Let’s add another 10 years. Now you’re 65. Can you still fuck 25 year-olds? I agree this might be a stretch (but I still think it’s possible). However, if during the prior 30 years you’ve kept your appearance/fitness up, your income decent, and maintained strong game, you could get with women who are 31 or 32, certainly 37 or 39 or 45. I’ve seen many couples like this and you probably have too, particularly in larger cities.
As a matter of fact, C.M. just sent me this email a few days ago:
Hey BD,
You’ll appreciate this: So my latest addition is a 39-year-old divorcee (very artsy, free-spirit type) who is still rocking out about an 8 with a great rack. Seeing as she’s my oldest ever (11 years older), I asked her the oldest man she’d ever slept with…60!…When she was 24! Some art exhibition director. That’s gonna be you in 20 years, buddy. Haha
The point here is just because you’re over 60 doesn’t mean you are doomed forever to only date other old people, especially if you’ve taken my advice over the last 30 years and kept your health, appearance, and income at decent levels.
Future Advances In Aging
One last thing about this, and it’s a very important point no one ever considers.
Look at some old 1950s movies and observe how old the men in their fifties look. Compare that to men in their fifties today. Tom Cruise looks younger than me, and he’s 51. Granted, he’s Tom Cruise, so let’s look at an ugly guy: Jon Stewart, also in his early fifties. If he dyed his hair brown, he would look 35. Hell, Jimmy Fallon is just two years off my age and the bastard looks like a child.
Never forget this wonderful secret: Due to technological and lifestyle advances, the more time that passes, the younger human beings look. If you’re now 35, you’ll be 60 in 25 years, but that doesn’t mean you’ll look like people who are 60 years old now. Due to advances in medicine and fitness, you’ll look about as old as Tom Cruise does now at age 51 (unless you don’t take my advice and let your looks go as you age).
So if you’re 50 or 60 now, then yes, you’re stuck with how men who are 50 or 60 now look. Do the very best you can to look as good and young as you can, within your genetic limitations. But if you’re 40 or 30 or younger, in a strange way, time is actually on your side in terms of how youthful people are becoming.
So if you want to live this lifestyle well into your old age, focus on your youthful appearance for the rest of your life, get your income up, focus on the youngest women you can, and take full advantage of all medical breakthroughs that come your way. Then in your old age, all or most of the Alpha lifestyle I talk about will be available to you.
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Posted at 07:27 am, 1st September 2013what do you think would happen if, with future tech, everyone was goodlooking? Do you think the obsession with sex would decrease or increase?
Posted at 07:29 am, 1st September 2013I am the same age as BD and I can tell you that being “alpha” or clued up and confident with life and women, is all about stage and not age.
Posted at 08:27 am, 1st September 2013Thanks for the timely post BD. I’m 48; recently and happily divorced. I’ve always been in decent shape but stepped the exercise & diet over the last year. Didn’t lose much weight because of the added muscle but dropped from a 36 inch waist to less than 30 inches. Upgraded my wardrobe and continued the financial rebound from an employer that folded.
And all that works. I was with a 31 year old woman, took my shirt off and she didn’t believe my age. She said there was no way I was 48. I’ve had random women ask to take my picture (I have an impressive mustache). I’ve been nearly mobbed by sales-girls in shops. And when I become a regular at a restaurant there is always at least one waitress that goes crazy for me. The last one was 24.
So, I’ll continue to keep as young looking as I can. I’ve recently started doing more skin care as you recommend in your books. I’ll continue to work on my charisma (game). Though I’m quite charming already, learning game helps me lead the interaction to where I want it more quickly. I’ll find activities & hobbies that puts me in proximity to younger women (salsa & country dancing perhaps).
One piece of advice that I don’t believe you stressed enough is getting your testosterone checked. If it’s low, which is likely over age 35, it cuts deeply into your masculinity without you realizing it. Low T turns you into a bitch. Boost your T and you’ll feel like a lion again.
There is one downside that I’ve discovered via online dating. I’ve been on a couple of BD-style first dates where the ladies were a just few years younger than me. Also heavier than their photos suggested. My SMV was way higher than theirs and they figured it out quickly. One almost fled. So I’ve had to tighten my search parameters and lower the ages, which reduces the amount of openers I send. Searching for those Type 2s.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:54 am, 1st September 2013I don’t see why it woudn’t increase. However there are other future factors that may pull things the other way. (Good-looking sex robots that don’t need to be “dated”, more compelling “computer girlfriends” like Japan has, virtual reality, etc.)
Fantastic point and 100% agree.
Posted at 10:40 am, 1st September 2013I’m in my mid thirties now and most of the people I meet think that I’m 28 at most. I’ve been doing sports and working out all my life and added healthy eating in the last 2-3 years. My hair is starting to recede and there are some wrinkles forming under my eyes, so it’s about time to get serious on these matters as well, which I don’t have a problem with.
So Goal 1 – check.
I’m getting laid regularly with multiple women aged 19-27.
So Goal 2 – check.
Where I’m struggling though is the Goal 2. I live in an Eastern European country. I’m earning some money as an employee, but it’s nowhere near 56k EUR a year. The money covers my needs for the time being, but it doesn’t allow me to live any bit above the local average or travel, which sucks. I’ve got some debt in the amount of my one year’s income and I can’t really find a good business opportunity here (trying to set up something for 2 years now). What do you think BD (as a guy who travels the world) -is it worth to let’s say move abroad and start from scratch, if you saw more possibilities in the income area?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 06:33 pm, 1st September 2013Of course my answer is yes. Why do you think I’m moving to China in a few years? I follow money and growth.
If I was an adventurous, motivated entrepreneur with no children who wanted to make money, I would move to one of the growth areas like China (or one of the surrounding growth Asian countries, but not Japan), India, Brazil, or Chile. If I was really, really adventurous I’d move to Africa (but that’s a little much for most people). Russia is a wild card so I would probably skip that place. I would avoid dying areas like North America and Europe, and stagnant areas like the Middle East, again, assuming my goal was income growth.
Posted at 09:15 am, 2nd September 2013Insightful post BD.
I’m 20 right now and slowly orienting my thinking to looking good in my 40’s and 60’s. Hands down, the biggest area of lack is my income. I only work full time during my co-op terms at school and make no money in between. Luckily, I go to school in one of the best startup ecosystems in the world and plan to get involved in some capacity. I’m also a licensed realtor planning to be involved with commercial, new developments/condominiums transactions when I graduate, and am thinking about starting my own marketing consulting business (though I lack experience).
My question is, I have a shitload of plans and ideas when it comes to business and income. Is it better to calm down, focus on one area at a time, work for someone else in a relevant field to learn as much as I can, or just work my butt off, lay down the foundation now and try to build it as much as possible?
Always love reading your financial and lifestyle related posts!
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:39 am, 2nd September 2013You’re only 20 so you’ve got plenty of time. Your plan should be a combination of what you mentioned. Calm down, work for someone else for a while, just a few years, learn everything you can, save money, stay out of debt. Then in a few years, armed with your knowledge and savings, start your own business, and focus 100% on it.
Field-tested. 🙂
Then you’ll be very happy with what’s coming shortly. 🙂
Posted at 10:59 am, 2nd September 2013Ok Blackdragon – I’m eating my brussels sprouts right now. This had better be worth it… 😉
Posted at 06:18 pm, 9th September 2013For another example of 55 then vs 55 now, take a look at the first Doctor, William Hartnell. and the 12th, Peter Capaldi.
I think Peter looks like he’s in his mid fifties, but I was shocked to learn that William was also 55 when he first played The Doctor – he looked OLD.
It also gives an example of how society views sex and aging because some people are talking about how an older Doctor would allow the series to avoid romance story lines with his companions. Here’s an example from the comments on one article:
“sexual tension between a 55-year old man playing a thousand-year old Time Lord and his twentysomething human companion could get real icky, real fast.”
But then a Type 2 shows up and makes it all better 🙂
“Are you kidding? Over-50 or not, that man is fiiiiiiine.”
Posted at 07:55 am, 1st December 2013I seem to be the only woman commenting here, so here is my take guys. I am in my early 50’s, look 40, have young guys hit on me all the time and would rival any of you. I make lots of $$$, am married and have children. If I was single the last person I would date is some old guy my age or even 5 years younger, I would rather be alone. If I met any of you I would chew you up and spit you out, but you would never see it coming. I am an alpha woman who was a player before she married and I am good at disguising it; I have been like this forever. So old guys, who view yourselves as alpha males….continue to work out, continue to play mind games with women. I recently had someone like you try to play his game on me, an old guy who is 52, works out, all of the things you recommend and a serial cheater whose ex wife got wise. Now living with an aging model of 50 whose own husband cheated on her…and she has no idea of what he is doing. There are stupid women out there, and those are the ones you will attract. This guy has been trying so hard to get me it’s really entertaining. He’s a player, serial cheater and he is so stereotypic. So are all of you. REMEMBER this though, those younger girls that you manage to snag either have significant emotional problems or better yet are using you. Do you really think they want an old guy with an old body when they can be with a hot young guy. Even I don’t want to be with an old guy, it’s gross. I’m with my husband for more than his looks. I know this guy will be with me no matter what. My advice to you, RATHER than focusing on how many veggies you eat, and on how much you work out with the goal of banging a younger woman is to focus on your mental health and figure out why you are like this. It’s because at the root you have low self esteem, you want control, you have no empathy for people (narcissism) and you are wasting the little time you have in this world on bull****.
On a side note, I’m on this site for a paper I am doing on sociopathic personality disorders in men….
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:13 am, 1st December 2013I can’t speak for the other commenters, but it looks like you and I agree on just about everything you said. I’m completely against cheating and lying just like you are. I’m dating many women right now and my favorite one isn’t young at all; she’s 39. And I agree younger women won’t be attracted to a fat, disgusting older man, which is why I advocate for older men to look good.
If you’re studying this site further for your research, I’m glad, since you’ve clearly jumped to all the wrong conclusions after reading just this one blog post.
Posted at 12:53 pm, 1st December 2013Thank you for the above. Yes I may have based my opinion on one or two posts but it seems like this is pervasive in the dating world. It’s always a good thing to remember their is always the flip side to everything.
Posted at 05:00 pm, 11th May 2014I am a woman that has to comment. I am not trying to start an argument, but honestly. I stumbled upon this website after a Dr. I work with told us nurses about it. He is getting a divorce and wanted to know our opinions on dating older men. I myself, am almost 49, married 16 years, wear a size 8, my abdomen isn’t what it once was, neither is my bust, but otherwise my body is in shape. I bike, mountain bike, swim, jog, paddle board, snow board, and rock climb. My husband and I have sex on average of 4 times a week or more, and our sex life is still exciting and very very satisfying. I don’t have problems with dryness at all, and have never, ever, slept with anyone who didn’t comment on how tight I am. MY husband still comments on it (2 kids). There is so much talk about formulas, younger women, and the alpha male. I am considered a strong woman, usually float to leadership positions without trying. My husband is also very strong and I don’t threaten him, but he knows how to handle me, as I know how to handle him. I know when he wants me to be more vulnerable and demure, and when he likes to see my feisty side. I have always had a good appetite for sex, although can count my partners without double figures. At almost 49, I am confident in bed, know what I want, what I don’t, and I am more adventurous than I was when I was younger. I dare say, as good as sex was in my younger years, it’s fantastic now. I read some of these comments, how great it is to be with a younger woman, but I would challenge more of these men to sleep with an older woman. I am confident I could rock their world. When I was in between marriages, I dated, younger and older men (I was in my early 30’s), and was told the sex was addicting, best they ever had. Yes, women who are older come with baggage, but do you think men don’t? Do you really believe that the younger women are with older men because of attraction or love? Maybe in some cases, but in most cases, it’s money, what you can do for them, or there are Daddy issues. I know this for a fact, I work with young nurses who date older Drs./men. The conversation would be mind blowing for you. Most of them laugh. at. you. And how long will these younger women stay with the older man? Eventually, you can no longer hide your age, you think a women approaching mid 30’s, 40 or 50 wants to be with a man who is 65 or older heading to being a true senior citizen? Ummm…no. Then where are you? Alone, really old, too old to find a companion? Too old to date except at BINGO. And what do you have in common? At a certain point, age difference matters. And you talk about dry vagina’s and saggy boobs. What about penis’ that no longer work? Or man boobs, or saggy testicles sacks. It’s no more attractive, believe me. I mean, these alpha blogs (not just yours) and the books are hysterical. Just as funny as the books written for women to find a man. And everything I am saying counts in reverse. Really, in my opinion, good sex comes from 2 compatible people who find one another sexy and appealing, have fun together, and great conversation. These formulas, all of it – I think it’s crap. It seems like a bunch of insecure men with issues trying to justify why they can’t maintain a relationship.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:21 pm, 11th May 201449Chitown – Here are the answers to your points, though I only speak for myself and not other other commenters.
1. It’s great that your marriage is great. However you must admit that if you want sex 4 times a week after 16 years of marriage, you are a very unusual exception to the rule. The vast majority of women your age in long marriages are not like that, and I think you know that. To present yourself as the typical older woman is disingenuous. You are not. (And that’s great you aren’t! Well done!)
2. I date older women all the time and I think they’re great. The problem with older women (women over age 33) is that they refuse to have sex on first, second, and often third or even fourth dates. The “make men wait”. Men of all ages HATE that. (You don’t have to agree with men, but that’s how men “work”.) Women under age 33 do not do this. This is why younger women often “beat out” older women for higher-quality men in their 30s and 40s. (If your response to this is to bash younger women for being “sluts” or something, then you’ve done nothing but prove my point.)
3. You are correct that once a man gets VERY old, like well over 65, he’ll be physically unattractive. Of course that’s true, as it is true with women that old. At that point, a man will either have to settle for a fat, wrinkly, old woman who is 65+ with saggy tits and missing teeth to be his companion, or throw some money around and get a hotter, younger woman who will indeed probably only like him because of his money. Neither choice sounds great, but I think I know which one I’d pick if those were my only two options.
Dawson Stone
Posted at 06:13 am, 21st May 2014I am nearly 50 years old but I keep myself in excellent shape and still have my hair. Most of the women I date and sleep with are between 18-24. A 25 to 30 year age difference is easy if you know what you are doing and have taken good care of yourself. And this can be done without having them reaching for your wallet.
I would agree with BD, that once you are talking about a 35-40+ year age difference it is a bit of a stretch. Then it kind of slides into creepy/Hugh Hefner mode.
Posted at 11:35 am, 29th May 2014What do you think of the age-difference axiom that says it generally (HisAge/2)+7 is the lowest age to to pursue?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:43 pm, 29th May 2014I think it’s false Societal Programming as usual. That means as a 42 year old man I’m not allowed to date any women under age 28, and that’s obviously insane.
Does that mean I would get into a serious relationship with a 19 year-old? Of course not. Bounds of reason and all that. But if I wanted to have a relationship with a 26 year-old, or a have a 19 year-old friend with benefits, that’s perfectly fine.
Posted at 07:37 pm, 24th September 2014I love this page and thank you for giving me the motivation i needed to get back on the horse. My ex girlfriend left me after 9 years to be with a guy she met at her job, i never cheated on any of my girlfriends, i was always faithful and a men that takes care of is girlfriend not beta male, i stand by my beliefs and will make my point.
At 42 i am still trying to get in to this dating game again, i am not interested in having sex with a zillion women i would very much like to get back into a relationship and start over again. Problem is that i am very active i started losing weight again but i have been training since i am 13y old i got broad shoulders and many people say i don’t look my age at all. All of this is very confusing reading how women act around a men, because i get touched sometimes by women anywhere from 21 to 65. i tough that it meant nothing and now by reading alpha books i realize it does, i am also tall 5 feet 11, and got a good chest. Its at my age that i am starting to learn that women are really into guys that train and not the young ones all the time, its like men when they see a big pair of boobs. Like i said i am getting back into this whole dating game its true that women in there 35-45 that i have met have there baggage but i got mine too, i will not settle for any kind of women i dated a chubby women in 2000 for 3 years and it was hell. If i cannot find a fit women that love to move and do lots of activities i might as well stay single. I am on some dating websites but this seems to be the worst place to meet women, and i am just not attracted to the 21y old women, i had fun with a few of them in Cuba last year amazing what a tan slim body will do and some grey hair and i don’t make a lot of money either.
Posted at 12:26 am, 13th December 2014“Lacey” is a perfect example of self-entitled feminist hypocrisy. She gloats in her post about how she used to be a “player” before she got married and about how she gets hit on by younger guys and would not date a guy her own age if, THEN she proceeds to bash men for being “players” and wanting to date younger women. This is a common attitude among feminazis, they spend their teens and early 20s having as many flings as they’d like, then when they get to into their 30s they bash men for wanting to do the same thing.
And yeah, the first thing that comes to mind for her when she thinks of “sociopathic” is men who want to date younger women. The thought process of these feminazis never ceases to amaze me.
Lacey, I’m assuming you’ve read about Narcissistic Personality Disorder. One of the hallmark traits of NPD is thinking the rules don’t apply to you.
Posted at 12:33 am, 13th December 201449Chitown, I find it interesting how you first talk about how you had sex with younger men and how they found the sex with you so great and how you are so much better than the younger women, THEN you claim that young women who date older men tend to have daddy issues or do it for money and that they usually aren’t into the guy at all. Double standard much?
Posted at 07:58 pm, 3rd February 2016Stem cell tech is coming and will be on the market within 10 years. This means that you can look like 30 at 65 or older. So make your money and plan on that.
The whole aging thing is going to be turned on its head in a decade or two. 65 won’t look anywhere near 65 today. No one will even be able to tell but you will need to keep from being fat and looking like your grandpa if you want those young hotties.
What’s the difference between old men and not? Musclularity. Just do what BD does. HRT and go to the gym. Make it a priority. If you are well off financially and look good, you can keep going far longer than you believe possible. I am 48, girls think I am 30 if I don’t tell them how old I am.
Yes, I know what I’m talking about. Biochemist.
Posted at 05:39 pm, 1st June 2016my question is:
with a big age difference, how would a 40+ man would technically meet a 23 year old?
i mean social circle is no, online probably no cause she’s looking at the number…and clubing etc might be also weird, so just daygame?
personally i don’t remember seeing any big age difference couple except on tv, tho had a 23 yr telling me she had a 38 boyfriend
Caleb Jones
Posted at 06:27 pm, 1st June 2016Online and daygame both work great. I’ve made both work past age 40 with women under 23, and so have tons of other guys on here.
Mike Hunter
Posted at 07:07 pm, 21st July 2016Good article! You basically sound like me. Nice to hear that 50 year old codgers are still pulling local talent in their mid 20’s. Honestly when I hit 50 or 60 if I can no longer pull decent talent I have no problem running sugar daddy game. Throwing out the promise of a sugar daddy relationship as bait in exchange for one night stands or short flings; then cutting things off before I have to pay out. Or even importing talent from 3rd world countries.
I knew a younger guy who would fly women in from eastern europe. They were more then happy to bang him silly for a week in exchange for a free trip to a large american city. He worked as a baggage handler for the airlines so he didn’t have to pay for the flights or anything else other then food. I also met an attractive young woman while attending university that had an older married “sponsor” that brought her over from Indonesia. She came over on a student visa. She ended up marrying some beta to stay in the country. I’m sure you could do this on the cheap by enrolling a woman in an english language course at the local community college. With the expectation that after 3 months to a year she either has to find a sucker to lock down and marry; or go back to where she came from.
I know a lot of people look down on using your money or the promise of it to get women. But I’m reminded of an exchange between a reporter and Donald Trumps wife.
Reporter: “You wouldn’t be dating Donald Trump if he wasn’t rich!”
Melania Trump: “True, but he wouldn’t be dating me if I wasn’t beautiful. So there you go.”
Posted at 10:30 pm, 22nd August 2016“The only way I could ever be sexually monogamous is if I lose the physical ability to have sex.”
What’s the point of having any personal relationship with a woman if sex isn’t an option? Would you really have time for all the bullshit? Would you still please her sexually without reciprocation?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:11 am, 23rd August 2016There are several possible reasons:
1. Companionship in your old age.
2. Help raising children if you have them or want them.
3. To possibly avoid loneliness.
A relationship, even a serious one, takes as much or as little time as you decide. It’s up to you, not her, and not society. Plus, my relationships never involve “bullshit” because I soft next, hard next, or downgrade if there’s ever a problem.
Of course not. That’s beta shit. I would need reciprocation. Sex is a two-way street.
Posted at 08:32 pm, 23rd August 2016“1. Companionship in your old age.”
The bullshit I’m referring to are womanly tendencies like speaking “womanese” or using emotion to decide then backwards rationalizing, like you detail here
If you take sex (and kids) out of the equation, do women still have anything to offer over guy friends? I still can’t tell if other men tolerate stuff like that to enjoy their bodies and rationalize liking them as people, or actually appreciate such behaviors.
“2. Help raising children if you have them or want them.”
Umm.. Children at 60? Is that a thing?
“3. To possibly avoid loneliness.”
How could you possibly be lonely with the knowledge you’ve accumulated and keep adding to every day? You will always have something to offer people, not like the old farts who have lost their soul somewhere between a mundane job and a demanding wife. Not to mention as an introvert there’s so much fun to be had by yourself.
“Of course not. That’s beta shit. I would need reciprocation. Sex is a two-way street.”
Since you could not have sex anymore, I guess that would mean she couldn’t either. But if she was still physically capable to have sex, wouldn’t that lead to frustration for her?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:48 pm, 23rd August 2016I think most old men over the age of 60 would say yes, and the answer they’d probably give is romantic love. I would probably agree with them.
I was speaking generically about all ages.
Huh? Loneliness has nothing whatsoever to do with knowledge. It has to do with personality and temperament. Lifestyle is also a factor but a smaller one. I haven’t experienced loneliness in at least 15 years, so I’d probably be okay, but most men over 60 are going to want to be with someone, sex or no sex.
If you’re talking about married women over 60, no. My anecdotal experience very clearly shows, and men over 60 tell me overwhelmingly, that most women over age of 60 don’t have sex anyway, (whether married or otherwise). All the more important to have a nonmonogamous marriage if you’re a married man over 60, so you can still get laid when your wife stops.
But hey, you don’t need to convince me of anything. If you would end a relationship with a woman if you lost the ability to have sex, go ahead.
Posted at 09:04 pm, 9th September 2016Well I think some people are afraid of loneliness and cling to the ideas of companionship at all costs . I look at being alone as a peaceful finality of life. Time to enjoy thought , books, philosophy, relationship with God . Leaving the hassles and problems of the world on the doorstep
This could be spiced by an occasional interaction with friends , male friends of younger ages because as a true Alpha 2 you will have very little in common with your own age at this point . At 53 I already have good friendships with several younger men because men my own age don’t share my interests .
I take a line from Robert De Niro ” I’m alone , but I’m not lonely”
If you have had children you have visits from them and grand children, and have a variation of people in your life.
Add interesting hobbies, travel, college classes that are free after 68 , and your life is full . Plan your retirement as an escape from drama permanently. If you do that how could you be lonely ? Do you need a live in companion? Only if your debilitated, then life has dealt you a spade , and you should look to peaceful medical incarceration if possible . That is expensive, and can drain your wealth quickly, so plan accordingly. The best bet is to stay healthy . I think this should be the next topic , the progression to Alpha 3 ?
Posted at 09:40 pm, 9th September 2016I failed to add why no women where mentioned. Looking at the virtual war with love and women that was fought for the previous 70 years, and an assumed absence of the urge for sex. Why would an Alpha 2 want a woman in their life? If sex is off the table, why deal with drama, illogical thought , and possible care taker of an elderly woman.
No I would much prefer an occasional chat with a twenty something, just to hear the voice, and maybe smell of youth , and pleasantly return to my solitude with a smile. If sex is on the table at 75, rather than trash your life with drama. Plan a Southeast Asia trip once a year, and have all the sex you can handle for a week. Take two trips a year if needed , but leave drama on the doorstep .
Posted at 10:52 pm, 9th September 2016The last comment I really wanted to say to BD Why do you tolerate, talk to, or AGREE with that feminist vampire Lacey???
Do we have to listen to that crap on s male website. She and her ilk are the reason we are all here anyway, Geeez
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:52 am, 10th September 2016Perhaps you didn’t read what I said to her:
you’ve clearly jumped to all the wrong conclusions after reading just this one blog post.
Leah Lee Walker
Posted at 03:19 pm, 21st October 2016The study of alpha males is actually pretty intriguing. Have read a great deal about you all, but was wondering if, with women seemingly to try and turn their men into girlfriends, if you were all still out there.
Did you know that women of all ages are looking for you ?? If that were not true then would “50 Shades of Gray” have sold over 160 million copies in the first 6 months of its release…..or would the erotica romance book market be a $2 billion industry?? You are on about every 8 pages doing some pretty interesting things both in and out of the bedroom. You might check out Sable Hunter’s series “Hell Yeah” to see if her authenticity is correct (especially since women think that is who you are—or could be).
There was one blog I read discussing what country has the most alphas……and it would seem the consensus on that sight was Europe. Been there many times but have not run into tons of them there — have met a few in my client base.
As for me—well, not really a player—that all seems like way too much work. As most professional women….we work out, we travel, and spend our free time —well I guess we “read”.
This is a great sight to provide a view behind the “alpha” curtain.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:26 am, 22nd October 2016Haha. I like to think so. 🙂
Leah Lee Walker
Posted at 04:15 pm, 22nd October 2016Here is what I tell my college alphas who have questions about women…..read what they read. Not to become the characters in the books—-but to see why Darcy is a favorite in Jane Austin—-or the McCoy brothers in the “Hell Yeah” series (more erotica romance with only apha male characters). Just some info so you know what you are dealing with in the female mind.
Most strong professional women I know are not interested in being in charge in the dating gig…..and all women want to feel protected—and safe……
Not sure where this metro-male came from…..but I am thinking it was the male undecideds as to what team they are really playing on…….have no personal experience with that type so am only going on what I read, observe and am told….
Oh, they are looking for you…..I hear it all the time! …..and based on this blog—-am guessing many are finding you all in large numbers—-happy hunting 🙂 LL