4 Reasons Feminism Isn’t a Threat

first date advice, first online date, online dating advice, meaning of an open relationship, alpha male traits

-By Caleb Jones

Feminism seems to strike fear, or at least strong anger, into the hearts of many men online. I’ve always found this amusing, since what we call “feminism” today is tiny group of oddball extremists that no one likes and who have no power over greater society.

Of course, left-wing progressivism is a problem, a big one. One that has already won. But that’s not feminism. I will discuss this more as we go along.

Feminism doesn’t make me angry. It makes me laugh. Here’s why:

1. Feminism has a bad reputation among typical citizens and most women dislike it.

One thing that is very clear whenever I talk to women in the real world or watch women in most news videos is that the majority of women are turned off by feminism. I am repeatedly hearing from women about how feminism has a bad reputation and how feminists are “just angry” and/or “don’t make any sense.”

There seems to be a fear among men that feminism is this vast army, constantly recruiting hordes of angry women to their cause. The reality seems to be the opposite. I have no numbers to back this up, but I would bet real money that the number of women who are not college students and who call themselves “feminists” has probably declined in the last 15 years, and that the perception of feminism among everyday women has worsened, not improved.

I’m quite convinced that when people see an angry, purple-haired feminist screaming at the camera about male oppression, most women are turned off by it just as much as us guys.

Here’s a quote[*] from a left-wing, politically correct, female YouTube movie critic Grace Randolph that sums up women’s opinion of feminism. Don’t forget, this is a very left-wing woman saying these words:

Everybody searching for equality and representation want to be part of the bigger group. They don’t want to lead the group. They don’t want to stomp on the group. They don’t want to start their own group. They just want to be part of the group. That’s something that sometimes, unfortunately, feminism just doesn’t understand this, and why, I think, feminism has such a difficult time of it. And such a bad reputation. Ugh! The reputation of feminism is horrible!

If the goal of feminism is to recruit more female members (outside of young and moronic college students who will quickly snap out of it once they enter the real world), then feminism clearly gets an F. It’s pretty hard for me to take this group seriously.

2. Overt feminist / girl power messaging always loses money. Always.

A few recent pop culture nerd facts that you can quickly Google to confirm:

1. The infamous girl power Ghostbusters trailer is now the most disliked movie trailer in the history of YouTube. (I actually think it’s the most disliked video on YouTube now, but I could be wrong on that.)

2. Marvel’s female-centric Agent Carter TV show was just canceled.

3. DC’s Supergirl TV series, loaded with feminist overtones, was just moved from CBS at $3 million per episode to the much smaller CW network at $1 million per episode, a place focusing on male-centric superhero TV shows (like Arrow and The Flash) that are very profitable.

4. Comic books and TV shows that only feature teams of superwomen, such as Birds of Prey, Gotham City Sirens, and X-Men 2013 always fail. Always. They get a few issues or episodes in, and are always canceled due to lack of sales.

At least in the movie / comic book zone, focusing on feministy girl power seems to be a reliable way to lose money and piss people off. Audiences, women included, don’t like it when the girl power message is overt.

Now don’t get me wrong. As I’ve explained many times on all of my blogs, we live in a left-wing world now, and this left-wing BS is increasing. So women do respond to pro-woman portrayals. It’s just that they like it when it’s subtle and not overt. Examples would be the movie Frozen, the perfect Mary Sue character in the last Star Wars movie or the Charlize Theron character in Max Max Fury Road. But this is more because of the encroaching left-liberal transformation among all of Western culture, not because of feminism. Feminism specifically has nothing to do with it. (Again, I’ll discuss that more in a minute.)

3. Most of the big feminist arguments are obviously silly, even to women.

Women may be irrational, but they aren’t stupid. When feminists scream their heads off about how all these men are raping and oppressing women all over the place, normal women look around and don’t see any of this. Instead, they see the same things you and I see. Things like men getting needy and oneitis for their girlfriends, wives bossing their husbands around, men getting financially raped in divorces even if they didn’t do anything horribly wrong, young women making as much or more money than young men, women getting abortions whenever they want, single women having babies whenever they want and getting enthusiastically supported when they do so, and so on.

The feminist psycho-rhetoric doesn’t match what women see at all. This is one of the biggest reasons why most women roll their eyes at angry, ranting feminists.

Amazingly, women are even starting to admit that the 77 cents for every dollar thing is bullshit, which of course it is.

4. Women Hate Women

Women will never rule the world. I’ve been saying this for 20 years, long before there was a manosphere or anything like it.

Do you know why I’ve always thought that? It’s simple; because women hate women.

If you have ever worked in the corporate world or have watched any reality TV show, you know exactly what happens when a group of men focus on a task vs. when a group of women focus on a task.

When a group of men focus on a task, usually, not always but usually, they buckle down and get it done. Even if some of the men don’t like each other, they put their feelings aside long enough to accomplish the task at hand.

Does this happen when a group of women get together to get something done? Ah, see that smile on your face? You already know the answer to that, don’t you? Of course you do.

When a group of women try to focus on a task, a few of the women are focused, but several of them always get catty, snotty, and bitchy towards the other women in the group. Drama ensues, continues to get worse, sucks the other women into the arguments, and before long you have a completely dysfunctional group. The task either doesn’t get done, or gets done poorly or behind schedule.

Over the course of my 25-year business career, working in literally hundreds of companies, I’ve seen this happen many times. It doesn’t happen every time, but it happens enough that whenever I see a group in a company compromised of 100% women who actually get shit done well and on time, I’m actually surprised. This isn’t because women are less capable than men; it’s because generally speaking,

1. Men work well with men.

2. Men and women work well together.

3. Women can’t work well with other women.

(And yes, you nitpickers, there are always unusual exceptions to all of the above.)

Even women know this, which is why most women prefer a male boss. How the hell can feminism be winning if this is the case?

Trust me, you guys who are terrified that women will eventually take over the planet and enslave all of us guys have nothing to worry about. Even if women did take over the Earth (never gonna happen) within a matter of minutes those women would immediately start backstabbing each other, shit would fall apart, us men would clean up the mess, and we’d be in charge again. Don’t worry about it.

Now I can see some of you angry men’s rights types about to explode, so let me say one more thing about this just to be clear…

The Western World Is Moving Inexorably to the Left, but It’s Not Because of Feminism

Most guys upset about feminism point to all the crazy, left-wing crap going down in the last few years. Well, yes. As I have described in great detail here and at the CJ Blog, the entire Western world is moving from the right to the left as it descends into slow collapse. But this isn’t because of feminism. Feminism is one of the many symptoms of this, not the cause.

This Western move to things like socialism, massive debt, political correctness, mass immigration, and a greatly expanded welfare state is part of a huge cultural shift that’s been grinding on for several decades now. A few chubby feminists on YouTube didn’t do this. Society as a whole did this, including men. Leftists are not just women. Hardcore leftists, at least in the US, are made of at least 48% of men. (I shudder to think what that percentage is in Europe.)

This isn’t a feminism thing. This is a left-wing thing. It’s the inevitable societal shift all great civilizations have suffered, from freedom and prosperity to socialism and chaos, with collapse coming shortly after. Historically, it happens all the time. And it’s happening again (sadly).

When the shit finally hits the fan around here, and it will, it will be because of left-wing progressivism (and right-wing neoconservatism and authoritarianism) as a whole, not because of a few feminists with stupid haircuts ranting on Tumblr. No one takes those people seriously.

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  • Al
    Posted at 05:14 am, 9th June 2016

    More common sense BD, as always.

    Surely all these women achieve is isolating themselves from the rest of society, male or female. And if they really hold to the values that they spout, then it’s just as well, as no man (or woman) with a brain would go near them. So quite how they expect their message to be taken up by anyone is beyond me. 🙂

    Therefore there is no threat.

  • Nick Mgtow
    Posted at 05:21 am, 9th June 2016

    Maybe most women dislike feminism. It might be true. But they surely don’t dislike alimony, palimony, vaginamony, 50%+ of your earnings, your house, your car, your boat, your children (who are never yours to begin with). And finally you pay child support. For a kid who probably isn’t even yours especially if she picked you up as her beta provider. They dislike feminism but NOT all those pro-female laws that benefit them.

  • Eddie
    Posted at 06:16 am, 9th June 2016

    @Nick Mgtow

    Haha, right on Nick.

    BD, as always you make solid points…but you can’t dismiss the fact that Feminism is winning.

    Feminism’s true agenda was to replace Sexism and The Patriarchy. (which has been accomplished at the lower and middle-class levels…while claiming a few victories at the Upper Class) with the ultimate goal of wielding systematic POWER to obtain and control RESOURCES.

    So you’re right, Feminism is NOT a threat because it’s already kicking ass and taking names while destroying the majority of men.

  • Kaminsky
    Posted at 06:49 am, 9th June 2016

    Does anyone else love the

    “[New Post]”

    on their email list as much as me? Thanks BD.


    I diverge a little bit on this one because I think a lot of women play the “I’m not feminist” (INF) card and reap all those social rewards of being the cool chick. Kind of like the cool chick who watches football. But watch where they tread. They tread right along in the wide, burned out swath blazed by the blue hair screeching nutbag Dunhamites. They get to play the cool INF girl but they are nearly all feminists to me. It’s some kind of version of the Trojan Horse. It’s not a perfect  metaphor because the “INF” crowd doesn’t ever storm out to fight. They let the blue-hairs do the fighting and they take the spoils of the new ground won. For example, most women believe campus rape statistics, pay-gap nonsense, imo. They don’t screech and go blue hair but they nearly all have a deep, inherent belief in the feminine imperative. If 85% of men swear allegiance to the feminine imperative then certainly more women do. If that makes them feminist or not could be wrangled with a bit but it doesn’t matter that much. I just don’t buy it that there are many woman who are anti-feminist deep down. Maybe on the social surface but not deep down.  I guess I’m from the Northwest so that might explain my take.

    I fully agree that they are harmless to a man who is living right, anti-fragile, etc. and who, most importantly. has taken the time to learn and read about his own current culture.

    I feel bad for any guy who got screwed in a divorce but for those who are free of it, I say to you;


    They are the shrill assholes who woke most of us up to the redpill, are they not? What if they weren’t 80% obese and full of shit?  What if they were pretty cool and slim and not so overt about wanting to steamroll any facet of the culture that men enjoy? Then we would have all gone down the same, chivalric fem-centric path without even knowing there was any other way to live. The fifties would have lasted for six extra decades. It would have been impossible to smoke out how much the feminine imperative controls the normal path of life for men.

    Feminism’s aggression in divorce courts, higher-ed, DV laws etc. is really what set me free.  I had to be pushed into a (for me overseas) male imperative lifestyle. I would have never made the leap myself. If feminists (women) hadn’t been so freaking ridiculous, I would have never second guessed the normal life path.

    Also, you can take some inspiration in how ruthlessly they follow their own imperatives in life. Be inspired by that. The very second a Western woman thinks she would be one milligram of serotonin happier by leaving her man, she just fucking road-runner’s it right there, that very second. Fuck the kids (keep them, sure, but fuck their need for having a father, FUCK THAT). Fuck their future and their psychology. Certainly fuck her husband and all he’s done for her. This is about HER. You should seek to be one-tenth as sociopathic as the average Western female in following your own imperatives in life.


  • CrabRangoon
    Posted at 08:09 am, 9th June 2016

    Many women say they are feminists but for one, they don’t really know what that even means and two, they still prefer men to be in charge,  Not only in the workplace but in their personal lives as well.  It’s in their nature.  Want to see a women’s vag dry up fast?  Never make a decision and let her make all the calls.  She’ll eventually hate you for it.

    Tosh made a funny comment once saying chivalry is not dead, it’s just on vacation until women figure out that true equality sucks(always paying half, working the same dangerous and arduous jobs, etc…)

  • Bobby
    Posted at 08:26 am, 9th June 2016

    @Crab…   You are sooo right dude.   It’s very true… women don’t even know what feminism is any more.


    I have been expecting a huge backlash to occur at some point because of all the women who feel completely misrepresented by these modern waves of feminism.   Maybe I’m wrong, or maybe it’s already happening??   What do you think?


  • Freeman
    Posted at 08:33 am, 9th June 2016

    I understand your reasoning, but you’re not seeing what’s going on beneath the surface. “Feminism” has gotten a bad rep these days and now most women simply say they disagree with it, etc. but still act like it, because it’s just a covered way of making (eligible) men THINK that the woman standing before him is different (the NAWALT card). But it’s nothing more than a smokescreen.

    Bar Bar (look him up on youtube or his blog sheddingoftheego) explains this in excellent detail. A brilliant mind. Men don’t need to fear anything. All of this was unavoidable. It’s simply put women’s nature doing what is possible when the conditions and circumstances allow for it. A simple example of this are the recent cultural changes in India. Nobody there calls themselves a feminist, yet they are now acting the exact same way as the “Western women in the Western hemisphere.”  But that’s just one of the many examples.

    I’m for one very happy that traditionalism is dead and slowly dying out everywhere else, it’s time for a whole new world and I’m looking forward to it. Traditionalism, Feminism… both on a different side of the same coin; Gynocentrism. Your relationship model is a perfect example of this “new world” and I’m 100% for it. Definitely my way of living life.

  • Paul
    Posted at 09:42 am, 9th June 2016

    @Nick You pretty much summed up everything I was going to say. Sure, maybe women are disgusted by the blue-haired tumblrites and the man hating, but how many of them do you think oppose things like alimony, VAWA, etc.? Even the “good girls” who are “not like the rest” don’t want to get rid of it.

    No, I think feminism is a bit like giving unlimited cake to a small child. She doesn’t realize it’s bad for her, she just likes the way it tastes. Sure, when that other fat girl eats the cake, she finds it disgusting, but never in a million years would she ask her parents to stop giving her cake.

    Also, we act like women are collectively holding men down, but the fact is most beta males support all this feminist crap too (at least until they get fucked by it). Hell, without all the men working for the government instituting and enforcing these shit laws, the women would be powerless.

    No, I kind of agree with BD about western society being fucked. But the fact is that even if most women reject the feminist “label” (because they realize good men don’t fuck 250 lb. screaming tumblrites), they still agree with everything it has done. In 20 years, women (and betas) will agree with everything it is currently doing today. The only thing that can stop the trend is if shit really hits the fan (e.g. starvation or invasion), and men are forced to pull their heads out of the sand. Otherwise, I suspect we’ll slowly deteriorate until we get replaced by a better civilization (which will be patriarchal again, much like medieval European society after the collapse of the Roman empire).

  • Ash
    Posted at 10:17 am, 9th June 2016

    Good things to think about.

    The concept of feminism has been going through an identity crisis. When I think of feminism, I think of Gloria Steinmen and first and second wave feminist efforts, not pissed off tumblr trolls of today calling everything men say as mansplaining.

    I consider most people pretty feminist, men and women. Even the ones that believe they are anti-feminist, because most people who say they hate feminism still think women should have basic human rights. It seems like anyone who rejects the notion that there is a rape culture and doesn’t like the tumblr trolls thinks thats what it means to be anti-feminist.

    But I don’t know, maybe I’m the one who is confused.


  • WS1835
    Posted at 10:29 am, 9th June 2016

    The average American women is much like a ‘moderate’ Muslim.  They disclaim support for radical feminist ideology, yet openly partake of the benefits and refuse to oppose their radical brethren in any substantial way.  Be that as it may, BD has a point that modern feminism is (and always has been) a tool of radical leftists.  A very effective tool for the destruction of the male directed nuclear family.  Read a bit about the post-WWI cultural marxists, and you will see how essential that destruction is to the advancement of the collectivist cause.

    This is not a new development.  In the past, many advanced societies (e.g., Rome) have fallen prey to the same poison once they were rich/decadent enough to not worry about daily survival.  Then SHTF, life gets tough, and everyone goes back to men leading as nature intended.  It is a cycle built into human nature.


  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 11:19 am, 9th June 2016

    They dislike feminism but NOT all those pro-female laws that benefit them.

    Correct. Of course if the goverment hands women free cash from men, they’ll take it. But because they dislike feminism these normal women aren’t going to be fighting to pass those insane laws in the first place. They’re too busy with other shit in their lives. The typical non-feminist woman isn’t marching in the streets for more alimony or “equal pay” or whatever. Thus they aren’t a threat.

    BD, as always you make solid points…but you can’t dismiss the fact that Feminism is winning.

    Feminism isn’t winning. Left-wing progressivism is winning, and frankly, has already won.

    What you call “feminism” is simply one of the many tentacles of the kraken that has already taken over Western civilization.

    Feminists didn’t take over our society. Left-wingers did. No one listens to feminists.

    They let the blue-hairs do the fighting and they take the spoils of the new ground won.

    Exactly my point. Normal women don’t fight for this stuff.

    Many women say they are feminists but for one, they don’t really know what that even means and two, they still prefer men to be in charge,  Not only in the workplace but in their personal lives as well.  It’s in their nature.


    I have been expecting a huge backlash to occur at some point because of all the women who feel completely misrepresented by these modern waves of feminism.   Maybe I’m wrong, or maybe it’s already happening??   What do you think?

    No. I think this is some men’s fantasy but I don’t think this will happen, or at least won’t happen any time soon. As the guys were saying, if anything, normal women enjoy the left-wing, pro-woman bullshit that results from left-liberal control of society.

    I have said, many times, that if MEN got some fucking balls and simply refused to marry women EVER (instead of saying “Just wait until I’m in my 30s, then I’ll get married,” like they do now), things like alimony would be repealed almost instantly, BY WOMEN. The problem is men don’t have the balls do to this. Thus, the left-wing continues to dominate.

  • The Dude
    Posted at 12:13 pm, 9th June 2016

    BD –

    If you constrict the definition of feminist to the oddball extremists that no one likes – i.e., low SMV women who are vocal about pushing for policies that will level the playing field when competing with higher SMV women – then I agree with you that most women will not want to associate with that group. 

    However, when people complain about feminism ruining society, I think for the most part they are referring to the fact that so many left-wing progressive policies overlap with gynocentric feminist views. Of course left-wing progressivism encompasses a broader range of issues. But with respect to gender/sex issues, it is almost identical with gynocentrism. 

  • The Dude
    Posted at 12:16 pm, 9th June 2016

    Ah – Just saw you addressed this point in last comment.

  • Zelezny
    Posted at 12:17 pm, 9th June 2016

    It’s never been women vs men. It’s men vs government

    Femminst push the herd minded/left agenda and women follow the herd.

    This leads to increase Government power in all aspects of our lives (guns, marriage, kids, religion ect)

    Femminism is a very powerful tool in the Government’s arsenal. Don’t underestimate it.

    Also don’t forget it powered the ‘sexual revolution’ (along with the pill) which lead to the spiral of most girls into whores/bad wives which eventually lead to the creation of blackdragonblog.com

  • johnnybegood
    Posted at 02:28 pm, 9th June 2016

    I think your “female-centered” entertainment argument needs to be clarified.

    There are plenty of female-centered comedies, or dramas, that do just fine. Female-centric movies in general are very rare, but it happens. I personally find slapstick-style shit like The Heat or ‘Spy’ (very funny) with Melissa McCarthy pretty entertaining. I know not everyone likes her. I also think Schumer’s sketch show is pretty damn funny too.

    The problem are the all-women movies where the whole “schtick” is the fact that — hey we’re all women! Or … girl power, feminism, yeah fuck the man! We’re edgy! That alone can’t prop up a movie. And also, going on some feminist crusade (like Neighbors 2 saying Sororities are not allowed to host parties) is not edgy in 2016, it’s been heard ad nauseum 1000 times, and the audience doesn’t want to feel lectured by a some ‘holier than though’ creative team. They are there to escape, fart, have a few yuks, and enjoy themselves.

    Ghostbusters Female version? That movie went one step beyond the “girl schtick”. (Would anyone say the Danish Girl was using ‘schtick’? Of course not). It was genuinely, genuinely horrifically bad (I can confidently say this based on the trailer alone). Even Bill Murray himself couldn’t save that one. The writing was horrible. The fact that it was dumpster-fire abortion was irrespesctive of gender, but then the streak of ‘yeah we’re all women, what of it?’ just added fuel to that dumpster fire.

  • Makeshift
    Posted at 03:00 pm, 9th June 2016

    I don’t know man. Feminism is a specific subset of leftism, but in the issues it focuses on, it’s a pretty big problem. The CIA and the IRS are both government agencies, and it would be accurate to say that government itself is the issue, but they deal in distinct areas.

    Title IX, Yes means Yes, wage gap, rape culture, patriarchy, these are all things pushed by feminists. It doesn’t matter if people take it seriously; it only matters if it has tangible impacts on society and policy, which sadly it does.


  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 04:24 pm, 9th June 2016

    It’s never been women vs men. It’s men vs government

    Well said.

    Femminst push the herd minded/left agenda and women follow the herd.

    Incorrect. Leftists push the left agenda, and the heard follows. And yeah, a small percentage of these leftists are feminists.

    The problem isn’t feminism. The problem is the left, which is supported by millions of men who are not feminists. I’m going to keep repeating that over and over.

    Also don’t forget it powered the ‘sexual revolution’ (along with the pill) which lead to the spiral of most girls into whores/bad wives which eventually lead to the creation of blackdragonblog.com

    And don’t forget that if it weren’t for the sexual revolution, I would not be able to have multiple FBs and MLTRs and live the wonderful sex life that I now enjoy. I’m very happy we had the sexual revolution, and you should be too.

    And if you want to go back to the way the world was before the sexual revolution, read this.

    Title IX, Yes means Yes, wage gap, rape culture, patriarchy, these are all things pushed by feminists. It doesn’t matter if people take it seriously; it only matters if it has tangible impacts on society and policy, which sadly it does.

    You are proving precisely my point about how men overreact to this. You’re attaching all these things to feminism that you think are huge issues in society, when they aren’t huge issues at all.

    Title IX

    Yes, I agree that’s a problem, but the rest…

    Yes means Yes

    That isn’t a law, just a stupid rule some college campuses have. Outside of these campuses it’s a nonissue.

    wage gap

    Which as I said in the article people are waking up to the fact that it’s bullshit.

    rape culture

    It’s obvious bullshit and everyone knows it, including most women.


    An utterly meaningless when feminists toss it around.

    You see these huge threats where there are none, or very little, then you attach these false threats to a few purple-haired overweight feminists on YouTube. I don’t fear these false threats, and I don’t fear these women.

    If you guys spent all this fear and anger you spend on feminists and redirected it to real issues (like the Federal Reserve for example), at least that would make some sense. (Not that you can fix that either; the Western world is fucked.)

  • Gil Galad
    Posted at 04:25 pm, 9th June 2016

    BD, this is not related to the article but for some reason it reminded me to ask: do you have any rules regarding man-woman friendship ? Some recommend avoiding that altogether, as in, you’re either fucking a woman or she’s a remote acquaintance, not a friend. The way I see it there is one extreme (hot girl you desire or really like, if you couldn’t fuck her then avoid friendship entirely), another extreme (ugly chicks, possibly nothing problematic about being friends with those), and everything in between (really not sure about being friends with girls in the 5-7 range whom you don’t plan to pursue but wouldn’t mind fucking).

    As for this article itself, I’ll use what I said in another comment, https://alphamale20.com/2016/06/02/use-many-categories-labels/#comment-277687
    and generalize that the problem with feminism is that it is spreading a general pattern of logical incoherence, and to a much more significant portion of society than just a few zealots. It would take way too long to really develop this so I won’t, but in short: “woman logic” has always existed, that’s true, but deep down women have always known that it is bad logic and at least tacitly acknowledged it in really serious contexts (military, etc); feminism is taking that away, teaching women that they can be irrational in any context and have the power to institutionalize irrationality through laws. Even science, the par excellence field where critical thinking is needed, is no longer immune to that.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 04:41 pm, 9th June 2016

    BD, this is not related to the article but for some reason it reminded me to ask: do you have any rules regarding man-woman friendship ? Some recommend avoiding that altogether, as in, you’re either fucking a woman or she’s a remote acquaintance, not a friend.

    Correct. I am 100% opposed to platonic friend zone with a cute girl you want to fuck but can’t. It’s an abusive and one-sided relationship that damages your self esteem and frame. If you’re sexually attracted to her and can’t fuck her, stay far away, and instead spend time with your guy buddies and/or cute women you’re actually having sex with. It’s not difficult. Data here and here.

    “woman logic” has always existed, that’s true, but deep down women have always known that it is bad logic and at least tacitly acknowledged it in really serious contexts (military, etc); feminism is taking that away, teaching women that they can be irrational in any context and have the power to institutionalize irrationality through laws. Even science, the par excellence field where critical thinking is needed, is no longer immune to that.

    Correct, but I’m going to say it again: it’s not feminism that is fucking up things like science and the military. It’s left-wing progressivism that’s doing that, the belief in a warped, communistic, collective society where authoritarian goverment forces everyone must be the same, economically, socially, and yes, biologically. Feminism is a tiny sliver of this, not the cause, and not even the primary cause among many.

  • 66Scorpio
    Posted at 06:05 pm, 9th June 2016

    “The battle for women’s rights has largely been won.”

    Margaret Thatcher made that observation about 30 years ago and feminism has made a lot of advancement since then.

    Feminism is not leftism but it is part of leftism. If leftism has won, then to a certain extent, feminism has won.  It’s bad reputation today isn’t because the 80% of women who don’t identify as feminists are against feminism, it just that they are willing to be graceful in victory and not pursue a complete rout. What carries the mantle of feminism today is composed of a bunch of sore winners.

    But forget Thatcher and the 80s, we have had the Equal Pay Act for another two decades beyond that, and yet Hillary Clinton is pushing the Paycheck Fairness Act, a rather feminist bit of legislation. There is nothing fringy about this: she is the leading candidate in the incumbent political party with a decent shot of being in the White House early next year.

    It’s not particularly comforting to hear something like “well, at least things can’t get worse” because we know what happens once you jinx things like that.

  • Jacob Gypsum
    Posted at 08:08 pm, 9th June 2016

    I don’t see the clear distinction between feminism and left-wing progressivism (or the sex-related aspects of it).

    Not a threat?

    – More and more countries have gender quotas in company boards.

    – A tech conference gets cancelled because all speakers happen to be white males.

    – Anti-discrimination laws are more and more enforced with a presumption of guilt, often resulting in de facto quotas.

    – Tech companies vow to increase the number of women in tech (and sometimes take actual, discriminative steps), to appease feminists.

    – Sexual harassment laws which can get one fired for pretty much anything don’t get changed.

    – Affirmative consent as a rule and de facto presumption of guilt in rape cases at US universities. These rules are made by federal and state governments, not far-left university administrators. It’s only a matter of time before some jurisdictions extend them to all citizens.

    Etc. You may say this is left-wing progressivism and not feminism, but people consider these measures feminist, and the politicians who push them consider themselves feminist. (Male left-wing party leaders or PMs of Canada, UK, Israel and perhaps others have declared themselves feminist. There was no controversy that Ed Milliband dared declare himself feminist, but there was some controversy when David Cameron dared refuse to do so.) Feminism is not just butch haired extremists spewing idiocies.

    This stuff (along with other left-wing shit) happens even if the majority of people doesn’t support it. My theory as to why: If you (as a company leader, public personality etc.) support left wing causes, people who oppose them will at worst consider you wrong, or an idiot. If you oppose the left wing causes, people who support them will consider you immoral: misogynist, racist, homophobic, intolerant, insensitive etc., who should be fired, boycotted, fought as a person. Being considered immoral is a far bigger risk than being considered an idiot, so left wing/feminist measures are a threat even without majority support.

  • Clarence
    Posted at 10:58 pm, 9th June 2016

    Not a threat?

    You’re hilarious. Or more to the point, ill-informed.



    I’ve heard of sticking your head in the sand, but this is ridiculous.

    What do you think feminist lawyers guilds DO?

    A seperate movement of mostly radical feminists took hold of the ‘shelter’ movement 40 plus y ears ago. Back probably before you were born, and when I was just being born. They’ve kept their power , influence, and control of the narrative on domestic violence to this day. Indeed, they are the primary reason why just about any accusation of domestic violence (an increasingly broad term that now encompasses mental and ‘financial’ abuse as well as the very smallest of physical altercations) can destroy a family or a dating relationship.

    Sexual harassment law is another area where feminists have all the power and make all the rules. All based on female feelings.

    What do you think Obama’s appointment of feminist radicals to various parts of the education department does? Hint: produce things like the “Dear Colleague” letter.

    Do you think Hillary will be any better, assuming she beats the Donald?

    Do you understand the meaning of “institutional power” or “march through the institutions” ?

    Yes, things are good for you. For now. But as usual, the pattern has been the laws get tighter and tighter and cover broader and broader categories of sexual behavior, criminalizing what was once normal, and people like you  can’t be bothered to try to do anything about them.

    The good thing is, they are indeed coming for you too, Mr. “Alpha Male”. Whether they criminalize all sex involving alcohol, or apply Yes Means Yes to the general population (something you ignorantly claim they aren’t trying, with some success, to do), raise the age of consent to 21 (and hell, retroactively make ‘child porn’ anything under 21 ), or whatnot, it doesn’t matter. Your days are numbered at this point. Better enjoy them while you can.

    I won’t shed a single tear when you are taken down.


  • Clarence
    Posted at 11:13 pm, 9th June 2016

    Oops. Second link is wrong one. Here’s the more relevant one:



    The money quote: “But the Yes Means Yes opponents should not be too encouraged by this one victory. The fact that the American Law Institute was even had a vote on adding this standard to the model penal code would have been unthinkable 25 years ago, when Antioch College‘s adoption of Yes Means Yes made it a national laughing stock. In the last five years alone, the Yes Means Yes forces have won victory after victory, persuading hundreds of colleges to adopt standards like Antioch’s, and even persuading state legislatures to formally codify them. A generation of lawyers is being trained by an increasingly left-wing academy that enforces Yes Means Yes for its students. So the American Law Institute vote 10 years from now may yield a very different result.”


    I presume you are smart enough to get out of Dodge before then.


  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 12:19 am, 10th June 2016

    I don’t see the clear distinction between feminism and left-wing progressivism

    Ok. You’re welcome to your opinion, even if it conflicts with the facts, rationality, and the dictionary.

    You may say this is left-wing progressivism and not feminism, but people consider these measures feminist, and the politicians who push them consider themselves feminist. (Male left-wing party leaders or PMs of Canada, UK, Israel and perhaps others have declared themselves feminist. There was no controversy that Ed Milliband dared declare himself feminist, but there was some controversy when David Cameron dared refuse to do so.) Feminism is not just butch haired extremists spewing idiocies.

    Since the left-wing has already taken over the world, yes, more and more men will now start self-identifying as “feminists.” But it was not feminists who took over the world to cause this phenomenon. It was leftists. You’ve got it backwards. (Oh wait, you don’t follow the dictionary so you think leftists and feminists are the exact same thing. I forgot. Never mind.)

    The good thing is, they are indeed coming for you too, Mr. “Alpha Male”.

    No they won’t. I won’t be here. I’m moving out of the country by 2025, and you should too.

    Whether they criminalize all sex involving alcohol, or apply Yes Means Yes to the general population (something you ignorantly claim they aren’t trying, with some success, to do), raise the age of consent to 21 (and hell, retroactively make ‘child porn’ anything under 21 ), or whatnot, it doesn’t matter.

    Nope. Read this post and scroll down to objection number 1.

    Your days are numbered at this point. Better enjoy them while you can.

    I won’t shed a single tear when you are taken down.

    I won’t be taken down. I’ve completely detached from the system and will be leaving the country in a few years. If you choose to stay in this soon to be collapsed civilization to stay angry and fight these feminists, you will be the one taken down. I’ll be smiling at you from afar while getting a blowjob and having a lemonade.

    You clearly haven’t read very much of my stuff. I advise you to read more blog posts here and at http://www.calebjonesblog.com before you make a bunch of hilariously incorrect assumptions regarding my opinions and life structures.

  • Jacob Gypsum
    Posted at 01:59 am, 10th June 2016

    “you don’t follow the dictionary so you think leftists and feminists are the exact same thing”

    It’s obviously not the same because leftism cares about a lot of other things as well – that’s why I added that little parenthesis, that feminism mostly coincides with the leftist view specifically on sex/gender questions. (Of course there are moderate and extreme feminists, just like there is center-left and far-left in general.) Since a non-centralized movement like feminism doesn’t have a formal definition, it’s natural to use the way most people use the word, particularly its proponents.

    A dictionary definition would typically be about “bringing about equality of sexes” or similar, which is even broader, rather than narrower as you claim, than my definition. A dictionary attempts to cover popular usage too, tough it’s often outdated.


    In any case, debating definitions is pretty useless. Your main point was that many people feel threatened, or are angered, by feminism, and they are wrong. Are you sure that these people are not angered or feeling threatened by the progressive views on sex (the stuff I listed), rather than the extremist views you consider feminism?

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 04:48 am, 10th June 2016


    Also don’t forget it powered the ‘sexual revolution’

    What’s with the “quotation marks?” The sexual revolution was a great thing. But those were sex-positive feminists and they don’t exist anymore.

    (along with the pill) which lead to the spiral of most girls into whores

    Ah slut shaming! We meet again! Being a “whore” as you define it, is what truly makes a woman awesome. If she’s not a so called “whore” than she’s a stuck up prude who isn’t worth my time. All women should be “whores” in your sense of the word. The fact that you look at female sexual enlightenment negatively tells us that you don’t belong here.

    bad wives

    Since marriage is a bad thing, being a bad wife is much better than being a good wife. Although it’s better to be no wife at all, if you’re going to be a wife, at least be a bad one. Good wives make me sick because they reinforce traditional values of sexual purity and heterophobia. Marriage should be abolished. In the meantime, bad wives are awesome. They give great sex!

    Stop trashing feminism for the good things and start trashing it for the bad things like “yes means yes.”

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 05:00 am, 10th June 2016

    That isn’t a law, just a stupid rule some college campuses have.

    You’re wrong BD!

    Yes, it is a civil law. The California state legislature passed, and the governor signed, the bill into law. Same with New York State, Connecticut, etc… But the law applies only to college campuses which receive government funding (which includes 97 percent of private universities).

    Read the law here:



  • Zoe
    Posted at 06:05 am, 10th June 2016

    @Jack Outside the Box, Jacob Gypsum, Clarence, 66Scorpio, Gil Galad, et al.

    Would you care to share any books you’re currently reading or that you’ve recently read? I’d really appreciate it.

    I’m compiling a list: Books that intelligent alpha males read. (Is it redundant to say “intelligent alpha males”?)

    (already know what BD is reading from his personal website)


  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 09:59 am, 10th June 2016

    Your main point was that many people feel threatened, or are angered, by feminism, and they are wrong. Are you sure that these people are not angered or feeling threatened by the progressive views on sex (the stuff I listed), rather than the extremist views you consider feminism?

    They’re angered by both. And the stuff you listed was implemented largely by leftists, not feminists (though I agree there’s often some overlap).

    I also don’t think they’re wrong per se. In some cases they are,  ex: “Feminists are going to take over the world and make pickup illegall everywhere!!!!!” In some cases they’re not wrong, but they’re being alarmists and overblowing it, ex: “Feminists are going to shut down all of your web sites BD!!! You’re screwed!!!”

    Yes, it is a civil law.

    I stand corrected, but my argument remains the same: Yes Means Yes is one law in a few states in one country that only applies to college campuses. Not concerned.

    Men shouldn’t be going to college anyway, unless they want to become doctors.

    Is it redundant to say “intelligent alpha males”?

    Haha of course not. There are tons of stupid Alpha Males, just like there are tons of very smart betas.

  • Joelsuf
    Posted at 03:49 pm, 10th June 2016

    Anyone who feels “threatened” about the Yes Means Yes thing needs to read this:


    Chicks aren’t gonna accuse you of rape if you are actually good in bed.

    Realize that Yes Means Yes wouldn’t have meant shit in the Brock Turner thing. He had sex with a chick when she was passed out lol. How meaningful could that have been for him? I should think it would be better if he just dragged her to his place and had sex with her there. Let’s switch things up and say that the chick had sex with Turner when HE was passed out. She would still be convicted of rape just like he did (possibly, hopefully, maybe). Anyways none of this shit means anything in my daily life. My partying days are over, and I’ll never be in those kinds of situations even if I was part of the college party scene. Not stupid enough to have sex with drunken passed out chicks, not stupid enough to let a chick stick my dick in her while I’m passed out.

    The chicks I have sex with aren’t ratchets or college girls who are so impressionable, therefore they aren’t gonna accuse me of regret rape. I’ve had sex with exactly two drunk chicks (there would be a third, but she wanted me to hit it raw and I knew that she was baby trapping me so I said no). Its not as fun as these stupid college romcoms portray. The chicks smelled like a sewer, I had whiskey dick cuz they made me drink, and it was really awkward getting into certain positions.

    The only thing this gender war has shown me is that its gonna divide normal people from weird, psychotic SJWs and Tradcons who have some fetish for their own sense of justice while still having antiquated, draconian views of sex. All it says to me is to avoid them irl, but keep trolling them and making them butthurt online.

  • Gluteus_Maximus
    Posted at 06:47 pm, 10th June 2016

    that if MEN got some fucking balls and simply refused to marry women EVER


    Men shouldn’t be going to college anyway


  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 06:31 am, 12th June 2016

    The money quote: “But the Yes Means Yes opponents should not be too encouraged by this one victory. The fact that the American Law Institute was even had a vote on adding this standard to the model penal code would have been unthinkable 25 years ago, when Antioch College‘s adoption of Yes Means Yes made it a national laughing stock. In the last five years alone, the Yes Means Yes forces have won victory after victory, persuading hundreds of colleges to adopt standards like Antioch’s, and even persuading state legislatures to formally codify them. A generation of lawyers is being trained by an increasingly left-wing academy that enforces Yes Means Yes for its students. So the American Law Institute vote 10 years from now may yield a very different result.”

    I’m going to be the voice of optimism for a change (skip to 0:50):


  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 06:40 am, 12th June 2016

    Yes Means Yes is one law in a few states in one country that only applies to college campuses. Not concerned.

    The American Law Institute (ALI) recently rejected the affirmative consent standard as the standard by which existing criminal laws against rape will be interpreted. And they rejected it by a wide margin!

    You have no idea how much easier I’m breathing right now. If the ALI would have adopted the standard, all of our criminal rape laws nationwide would be interpreted by our court system through the affirmative consent lens. This means you’d have to verbally ask for consent before you’d even be allowed to hold your girlfriend’s hand, or risk criminal prosecution under existing laws against sexual assault.

    The ALI laughed off the affirmative consent standard by a huge majority, but, holy shit, that was too close for comfort!

  • Jacob Gypsum
    Posted at 07:28 am, 12th June 2016

    @Jack Outside the Box: The ALI vote was a model penal code vote. As far as I understand, it was about a recommendation of law to make, rather than an interpretation of existing law.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 03:19 pm, 12th June 2016


    @Jack Outside the Box: The ALI vote was a model penal code vote. As far as I understand, it was about a recommendation of law to make, rather than an interpretation of existing law.

    If the ALI would have voted in favor of affirmative consent and added that interpretation to the model penal code, every member of the legal society (judges, district attorneys, defense attorneys, etc…) would have fallen in line and began interpreting existing criminal rape law nationwide in accordance with the new “recommendations” within the model penal code.

    No member of the legal society goes against interpretive recommendations of the model penal code from the ALI. The only judge who spoke out against it and made the claim that recommendations from the ALI should be treated with no more authority than “the opinion of any other respected lawyer whom you’re speaking with over a cup of coffee” was U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. And look what they did to him!

  • Anon.
    Posted at 03:41 pm, 12th June 2016

    To whoever asked for some good reads:

    Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss is an excellent recent book on the emotional side of the negotiation process. Note one constraint that the author doesn’t really address: for the advice to work, you do have to be in the right. Ah, how easy it becomes to get people to do what’s right after you force the same on just one person—yourself.

  • Zoe
    Posted at 04:59 pm, 12th June 2016


    Thanks for the book recommendation! Just looked it over on Amazon, and it will be a compelling read. On my reading list now.

  • Gil Galad
    Posted at 07:45 am, 14th June 2016

    Would you care to share any books you’re currently reading or that you’ve recently read? I’d really appreciate it.

    @Zoe: To me, one of the smartest and at the same time “everyman” criticisms of modern leftism is, ironically, a book by the allegedly socialist George Orwell: 1984. There are literally hundreds of quotes worth copypasting in that book.
    Apart from that, I think that any person who wants to understand human nature while at the same time sharpening their neurons should read me some evolutionary biology. The Selfish Gene, The Blank Slate and The Red Queen are staples; they are from decades ago and some stuff has changed (and I don’t agree with 100% of the content of course), but the general ideas and especially the stone-cold logic will always remain relevant. And the pdf version is free.

  • Zoe
    Posted at 11:31 am, 14th June 2016

    @Gil Galad:

    What a smart collection of books. I’ve been meaning to dive into some Richard Dawkins, and this one book looks like a good place to start. I’m interested in evolutionary biology and sociology, so I’ll happily add these to my reading list. The Red Queen will be a good read. It looks like it explores ideas that have become of interest to me after becoming a frequent reader of Blackdragon. Maybe The Red Queen will be a good companion book to have as I read articles on this site 😉

    As for Orwell’s 1984, I wish I could tell you why it’s taken me this dang long to read it. Thank you for the reminder! I’m glad I’ll have a lens through which to read it.

    Thanks for taking the time to share!

  • Throughfare
    Posted at 12:18 pm, 28th June 2016

    Great article Blackdragon,

    There’s something that fits into your theme that many have not considered. All this hand-wringing about how “the evil feminists are destroying the world” may have it completely backwards.

    What if feminism is a **symptom** of far bigger forces than most people imagine, rather than a **cause**  of the micro-effects most people see in their mundane day-to-day.

    I like to refer people to this video that makes the case in great detail that feminism is a symptom, not a cause


  • Lee
    Posted at 07:59 am, 15th July 2016

    BD, you may have to revise this article. google search the new hate crime laws regarding men chatting up women in the UK town of Nottingham.

  • Al
    Posted at 08:36 am, 15th July 2016

    @Lee. As a former resident of the UK I thought I’d take a look at Google as you suggested. Bloody frightening I’d say. Most frightening is the fact that some senior officer (a woman) is making her constabulary take this seriously.

    I can remember when some women complained because they hadn’t been whistled at. 🙂

    (Shakes head in disbelief, sighs and goes back to work. )

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 11:24 am, 15th July 2016

    BD, you may have to revise this article. google search the new hate crime laws regarding men chatting up women in the UK town of Nottingham.

    No I don’t. I already addressed that issue a log time ago. As I already said above, go to this post:


    scroll down, and read Objection 1.

  • Lee
    Posted at 02:57 am, 16th July 2016

    BD, I read your “objection 1” and its unhelpful and ignorant of current trends towards men. what has become law in Nottingham (have you actually read about it?) is now proof that your article thesis or assertion is now wrong. there are now real world effects on genuine men who want to approach women, in a non creepy way, and a head in the sand denial or the extreme “just move somewhere else” isn’t reasonable.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:59 am, 16th July 2016

    Lee – There’s no way to respond to your comment without repeating things I’ve said literally hundreds of times, so I’m going to be brief, and if you want more information you can read more articles on this blog and the CJ Blog.

    – 1 city out of 50,000 in the world enacting this silly law does not mean feminists are winning.

    – Thanks to leftists and stupid voters, the entire Western world is slowly becoming a collapsed, authoritarian, left-wing shithole. Europe is on the vanguard of this collapse and will be the first to fall. You will not be able to stop it.

    – If you say my advice isn’t helpful, then its incumbent on you to provide better real-world, actionable advice men can follow. My advice for men is to make plans to move out of the Western world within 5-15 years, which is exactly what I’m doing, as I’ve discussed in detail over at the CJ Blog. What is your advice? Voting for certain politicians will not stop this collapse/trend. Bitching on Manosphere sites will not stop this collapse/trend. Mass movements and/or protests will not stop this collapse/trend. (Did Occupy Wall Street make the banks smaller? Did the Tea Party make government smaller?)

    You may not like my solution and that’s fine. But at least I have one.

  • Lee
    Posted at 05:40 am, 17th July 2016

    I know that people with their own blogs rarely have robust inner editing systems, but you don’t have a solution: you have resignation. The new Nottingham “hate crime” laws are a precedent and that’s a sign of coming change. It probably means nothing to you because you don’t daygame, and that in itself is revealing about you, but when these people turn their gaze to online game, and they will, then you might be a bit more proactive and helpful with your ideas.

  • Douglas McKegney
    Posted at 10:52 am, 29th September 2018

    BD, I agree with much of what you say here but you have left out an essential point. We are not just dealing with feminists, we are dealing with an unconscious cultural alliance of feminists and beta males.

    The beta males run the institutions that provide the power base for feminists, and feminists provide the coercion-through-shaming that the betas running institutions use to dominate men at large.

    The conditioning that makes this work goes back centuries and flies below the radar of conscious thought. That in turn disables mens attempts to think this through and locate the real causes of what is going on.

    You are correct when you say that feminism per se is not the problem, but the ranting of feminists is a good marker for tracking what the institutions are up to.

    Men sense the currents in the world, hence are angry about feminism. But what they need to do is learn to say no to the culture that propels all this, which includes saying no to being betas.

    That in turn means saying to women from time to time, and that is the real test.

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