24 Jul Chart – The Typical Man As He Ages

-By Caleb Jones
Click to zoom:
Remember that this is the typical man. There are exceptions to the rule, and the exceptions prove the rule.
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Posted at 10:30 am, 24th July 2017How would you even calculate something like this? Line graphs are made to chart hard numerical data points, how could you ever assign a trackable numerical value to something like “propensity for oneitis”?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:51 am, 24th July 2017The two financial ones I took from various stat sites. If you Google around you’ll see the same approximate figures. The sex one I took from here. The other non-financial ones are from working with and communicating hundreds/thousands of men over the last ten years on these issues. The numerical values are estimated. It’s non-scientific but pretty close to accurate in my experience.
Posted at 12:41 pm, 24th July 2017How about Alpha Male 2.0? Another chart would be great to compare.
E batches
Posted at 12:55 pm, 24th July 2017I appreciate this visual and soaking in which ones go up as the others seem to rise with or decrease in correlation.
and onitus is just way up there lol
Caleb Jones
Posted at 01:37 pm, 24th July 2017Can’t do that, since the above is an age-based chart, and men become Alpha 2.0 at various ages. (I didn’t get there until I was in my very late 30’s.) And no man is going to be an Alpha 2.0 right at age 18.
Yeah, I didn’t even notice that until I saw the completed chart, since I originally plotted all the lines separately. Younger men tend to be more poor and needy, though they have more sex, and older men tend to be less needy, have less sex, and have more money.
The goal, of course, is to be completely non-needy and have plenty of money and sex regardless of your age.
Posted at 04:32 pm, 24th July 2017The only thing i can share and does not mean i am right, i am 45 been single for close to 5 year ish now, never had kids, and as time goes by i feel great. I love the MGTOW life style combined with alpha male lifestyle, i do not reject women but i gave way too much to get nothing in return. I don’t plan to ever have kids or get married.
When you live alone for a long time, you get used to it, and having someone with you all the time feel awkward.
Posted at 09:11 pm, 24th July 2017@Yannick
where do men who are 50+ 60+ without kids,wife hangout ?
look to meet few in my local area or meet in south asia on my next trip
curious to meet men in this age living great life as reference for my future not to worry about wife,kids
Posted at 09:35 pm, 24th July 2017To confirm, is it the ‘need’ to settle down (as in, the man benefits from settling down) or the ‘desire’ to settle down (something he wants to do, do to SP or whatever, but is not necessarily served by it).
Posted at 03:16 am, 25th July 2017@DM
Men never benefit from settling down. Not in any single instance, unless you’ve found a unicorn.
Remember that (short-term) monogamy is the sexual strategy of women; the sexual strategy of men is polyamory. Always has been, always will be (from a biological standpoint).
It’s the desire (mostly from SP) that he is describing. Your friends / parents / TV will tell you that men without wives are miserable and lonely, and that if you don’t find one right now you will die alone. Thus, your mind acts accordingly and your scarcity mentality kicks in, making you a needy oneitsy-prone excuse for a man, unless you are aware of the SP coming your way. Even most Alphas (1.0) end up settling down at some point due to the tremendous SP in this exact area.
Posted at 08:48 am, 25th July 2017I like the drama tolerance graph at 55-56. Been there. I can vouch for its accuracy! 🙂
Gil Galad
Posted at 09:29 am, 25th July 2017Does the graph mean that (statistically), if you resist the urge for kids until age 36-45 or so, it gets easier to keep refraining from having them ?
I “desire” kids but I don’t (rationally) “want” them. I reckon that my sisters will make it easier for me to remain childless if they give me nephews.
Posted at 09:32 am, 25th July 2017The need to settle down….is the caveat “if he hasn’t yet” referring to currently in a relationship?
I’m at the peak age of that line…..45……and running screaming in the other direction.
Of course, I’ve been in a LTR for 21 of my 24 adult years (all of them, oddly enough, with women under 30).
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:40 am, 25th July 2017The latter.
Speaking in general, yes, though there are plenty of exceptions. For example, some over-45 childless men end up having kids anyway because they pair bond, the new wife demands them, and the men cave due to oneitis. That’s not a result of desire though.
Yes. It says so in the chart.
If a man has already been married (or long-term co-habited) and divorced he will obviously be sour to the idea of doing it again.
However! Statistically, most such men eventually settle down again many years later. So the “sour period” can last many years but is still temporary.
Posted at 11:42 am, 25th July 2017I’ll tell you what, man…..I’m putting more trust in an Internet stranger than I should, trying to build an Alpha 2.0 lifestyle. It’s partly because my window for fucking the under 30’s for free is perhaps a decade (after which I’ll be older than all of their dads)……but I’m feeling pretty far from sour right now. I get to do what I want, when I want….I’m adulting like a warlord. It would be a damn shame if it’s all for naught, as I could have gone on ProviderHunter I mean Match a year ago.
I couldn’t imagine throwing away all of this effort. At least before 60. I’ve been busting my ass to raise my SMV & fix my Frame for a year now. Being a Beta was so much easier, just go with the SP flow.
I just had a conversation with an ex (we’re still close, and she actually visited for a few days) who was getting on me about the Lonely Old Man threat……she was forced to admit I could adventure for the next 15 years and easily win over a family afterward, if I wanted, with a well preserved widow/divorcée who has adult children having children, adult children who would be delighted to have a strong and experienced man enthusiastically contributing to helping raise their kids with 0 drama hangover never having had kids of his own……this would be trivial on the track I’m on, to which she had to agree.
If I do it before I’m 60, shoot me. After that, it might be viable, or something entirely different might be viable (thinking sugar baby game, and just keep on doing my own thing). I guess we’ll have to circle back in 15 years.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:03 pm, 25th July 2017That’s my point. You’ll probably do it after 60, but you’ll still probably do it.
Contrary to what you may read in the manosphere, the percentage of men who live through their entire 50’s and 60’s without ever pair-bonding with a woman in some way is extremely small. They’re certainly out there, and they’re very vocal, but they represent a very tiny percentage of both men and Alphas/players/PUA’s.
Posted at 01:13 pm, 25th July 2017You forgot the downward spike for net worth in the forties (divorce).
Also relevant would be a decline after mid-20s in inclination to acquire new information and paradigms (old dogs/new tricks).
Basically this all documents the Blue Pill reality.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 01:25 pm, 25th July 2017Yes; it’s interesting; I’m curious if the data usually presented for net worth over a man’s lifetime accounts for divorce. I assume it does, but it’s entirely possible it does not! That calls for more research on my part.
Posted at 02:33 pm, 25th July 2017Cool idea! It would be interesting to see a similar graph for women.
C Lo
Posted at 09:07 am, 26th July 2017I agree with the chart, except:
Divorce is the randomizer that screws up the “average”. At 45 it grenaded my net worth to bankruptcy, set me up to be PRIMED for oneitis, and spiked my need to settle down before it was ‘too late’. And…..It also brought me here.
My tolerance for drama tends to be correlated to a need to either settle down OR a desire to stay settled down, and the chart implies the opposite. Im not disagreeing with your chart, but it doesn’t seem reasonable that those two are anything but inversely correlate.
Maybe I’m missing something.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:35 pm, 26th July 2017Good idea.
Yep. Again, divorce can “shock” all of these line trends into sharply negative zones. The problem is that while the vast majority of men get divorced, they all get divorced at different times, so it’s hard to integrate that into a single chart like this.
Posted at 02:51 pm, 26th July 2017I’m not sure you know what “the exception proves the rule’ means.
It does not mean — if there are exceptions, therefore the rule is correct.
It does mean — a rule is tested by its exceptions.
Prove used to mean “test whether something is true”, not to “demonstrate that something is true” as is does today.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 03:21 pm, 26th July 2017If you want to get technical and nitpicky, “the exception proves the rule” means “the presence of unusual exceptions are a very strong indication that the rule is correct, otherwise the exceptions would not be exceptions, but the norm.”
Posted at 08:21 pm, 26th July 2017Why is the amount/frequency of sex for early 20s so low (albiet the spike into 30s) compared to mid-age (low testostrone, dead bedrooms)?
According to this chart a typical 60 year old man has the same, if not more sex than a young 20 year old?
I find that hard to believe.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:46 pm, 26th July 2017The current generation of young people are having the least amount of sex as compared to prior generations, by far. Our culture is full of sexual imagery, but not a lot of actual sex. Read this:
And for any of you who think that young men are having a lot of sex (which they are not), you should also read this:
and this:
Ron Gordon
Posted at 10:48 pm, 31st July 2017Love the chart. How do you think going to medical school at 48 would affect the net worth of such man?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:27 am, 1st August 2017I think going to medical school at age 48 would be a bad idea.