28 Aug Joss Whedon –The Stupidity of Male Feminists and the Women Who Buy Their Bullshit

-By Caleb Jones
Because god loves me and smiles down upon everything I do, he sometimes sends me miraculous and wonderful gifts that bring further joy and entertainment to my already bright life. Something has just happened that is so hilarious that I don’t think even the most talented fiction writers could have thought it up.
Joss Whedon, the man behind everything from the Avengers to Buffy The Vampire Slayer, is getting divorced from his wife after 16 years of marriage. No surprise there; long-term monogamy doesn’t work, so the vast majority of people who attempt the silliness of traditional monogamous marriage will indeed get divorced and suffer all the usual life catastrophes because of it.
But ohhhh no… this gets much better.
Joss Whedon, if you didn’t already know, is not only an avowed SJW left-winger, going out of his way to make small films to bash Republicans and support other corrupt corporatists like Pussy Barack and the Lizard Queen, but he’s also a male feminist. This is a moniker he’s worn proudly, and he goes out of his way to reflect this view in much of his writings.
According to his ex-wife, Whedon unsurprisingly cheated on her throughout the marriage with actresses, co-workers, friends, and groupies. Again, of course. But in some emails (or letters) he wrote to his ex-wife, guess what part of his reason was for his cheating?
The patriarchy.
Oh, sweet honeyballs. Like I said, you can’t make this shit up.
There’s now actually a controversy about whether or not you can be a male feminist if you cheat on your wife.
(I’m laughing right now as I type these words. Seriously. It’s hard to stop. This is one of those times where the collapse of Western Civilization is really, really funny.)
Let’s dig into this hilarity. His now ex-wife wrote an article about all of this here. Granted, we have to take some of this with a grain of salt, since wives in the middle of a divorce are the most sociopathic, angry, irrational, vindictive creatures on Earth. She even admits she’s been “diagnosed with Complex PTSD” (what the fuck?), so there you go. Therefore, not everything she writes may be the literal truth. However, Whedon has not denied any of this, and even if she is lying, there are always grains of truth in these things.
She says:
Let me begin by saying I am a very private person and the act of writing this is antithetical to who I am and everything I stand for.
Raise your hand if you actually believe that.
There were times in our relationship that I was uncomfortable with the attention Joss paid other women. He always had a lot of female friends, but he told me it was because his mother raised him as a feminist, so he just liked women better. He said he admired and respected females, he didn’t lust after them.
This goes to the heart of what a “male feminist” is, and I’m not the first person to make this observation: a male feminist is a weak, pathetic, usually high-intellect beta male who doesn’t know how to get laid, and thus, uses the bullshit umbrella of “male feminist” to get in good with the left-wing women he knows in order to score some pussy.
That doesn’t mean the male feminist isn’t a left-winger or is lying about everything. I’m sure Whedon, as well as other male feminists, are indeed leftists in regards to most of their their political views. Instead, I’m saying that these men don’t give a shit about feminism nearly as much as they say they do. They’re doing it not because they really believe the bullshit about 77 cents; they’re doing it to get attention, accolades, and sex from left-wing females. And since most women are left-wingers, this works method can work pretty well.
I believed him and trusted him.
Problem number two. As is usual in these cases, you have these stupid, delusional wives who actually believe that their wealthy, powerful, famous husbands who have hot, young babes constantly throwing themselves at them will never cheat. When they find out they are, and they always find out, they do what Tiger Woods’ stupid, delusional wife did and lose their minds, reacting with shock and surprise to something a 13 year-old could have easily predicted.
Fifteen years later, when he was done with our marriage and finally ready to tell the truth, he wrote me, “When I was running ‘Buffy,’ I was surrounded by beautiful, needy, aggressive young women. It felt like I had a disease, like something from a Greek myth. Suddenly I am a powerful producer and the world is laid out at my feet and I can’t touch it.” But he did touch it.
Exactly. Of course he did. Men aren’t superhuman. When a man has hot babes throwing themselves at him day in and day out, eventually he’s going to take some of that action, regardless of any other promise he’s made to anyone, and even regardless of how much he loves his wife or girlfriend. Sexual monogamy doesn’t work. Human beings were never designed for it. Stop being an idiot.
He said he understood, “I would have to lie — or conceal some part of the truth — for the rest of my life,” but he did it anyway, hoping that first affair, “would be ENOUGH, that THEN we could move on and outlast it.”
Cheating beta males often think, “I’ll do it just this once,” but that’s almost never what happens. Once you get it, you’ll like it, and you’ll want more. Again, it’s all normal, natural human nature.
Joss admitted that for the next decade and a half, he hid multiple affairs and a number of inappropriate emotional ones that he had with his actresses, co-workers, fans and friends, while he stayed married to me.
Yup. Because he could.
I’m not defending Whedon here, by the way. I’ve said forever that I’m fervently against cheating and against lying to women. I’m also against emotional affairs when you are married, even if it’s an OLTR marriage. The point I’m making here is that his wife shouldn’t be shocked or surprised that these things occurred. Of course they did.
He wrote me a letter when our marriage was falling apart, but I still didn’t know the whole truth, and said, “I’ve never loved anyone or wanted to be with anyone in any real or long-term way except for you ever. And I love our life. I love how you are, how we are, who you are and what we’ve done both separately and together, how much fun we have…” He wanted it all; he didn’t want to choose, so he accepted the duality as a part of his life.
I believe him. Since men were never designed for sexual monogamy, men who cheat on their wives usually still love their wives, still love their kids, and still want to stay with and support their families. Just because they bang someone on the side doesn’t mean they love their side-women. That’s very unlikely. Again, this is all very normal and predictable.
…to help me understand how he could have lied to me for so long, he said, “In many ways I was the HEIGHT of normal, in this culture. We’re taught to be providers and companions and at the same time, to conquer and acquire — specifically sexually — and I was pulling off both!”
Yes! YES! The patriarchy made me do it!!!
Those right-wing conservative MEN made me cheat on you and lie to you for 16 years, honey! It’s their fault, not mine! I conquered and provided at the same time! You should be thankful for my successful navigation of traditional marriage vis-à-vis male feminism, god dammit!
Despite understanding, on some level, that what he was doing was wrong, he never conceded the hypocrisy of being out in the world preaching feminist ideals, while at the same time, taking away my right to make choices for my life and my body based on the truth. He deceived me for 15 years, so he could have everything he wanted. I believed, everyone believed, that he was one of the good guys, committed to fighting for women’s rights, committed to our marriage, and to the women he worked with. But I now see how he used his relationship with me as a shield, both during and after our marriage, so no one would question his relationships with other women or scrutinize his writing as anything other than feminist.
Like most modern-day “feminists,” you seem to be forgetting something about feminism, sweetheart. Allow me to refresh your memory.
As I’ve talked about many times on this blog, the original second-wave feminism of the 1970’s was largely anti-monogamy. Those real feminists (as opposed to the bullshit feminists of today) were reacting against the monogamy and traditional marriage that, in their view, were forced upon them by men and the patriarchy. True 1970’s feminism was about the liberated woman who could have sex with whomever the hell she wanted, being released from the prison of “men’s” monogamy. Those feminists were encouraged to date around and / or have open or polyamorous relationships rather than be monogamous, which they viewed as oppression.
Indeed, the true feminists of the 60’s and 70’s were at level six on the Six Levels of Monogamy Belief, meaning they were actually more opposed to monogamy than I am.
So if your husband was nonmonogamous during your marriage, he’s actually acting more in accordance with what true feminism really is, not in opposition to it. Indeed, he’s not the feminism hypocrite, you are.
Like most of today’s feminists, you have perverted what actual feminism truly is. True feminists wanted freedom from monogamy and marriage, which they viewed as men oppressing women. You, on the other hand, want it both ways. You want the independence and freedom of the 1970’s feminist still reaping the financial protection of traditional marriage and monogamy to a man like the 1950’s housewife. You can’t have both of those things at the same time. You must pick one or the other, precisely as I analyzed right here.
Again, I agree that he should not have lied to you. But, outside of that, your husband who you are now calling a hypocrite is more of a feminist than you are. (And he’s barely a feminist.)
I thought we were a couple, a team. I was a powerful influence on the career choices Joss made during the 20 years we were together (we lived together for four years before marrying). I kept him grounded, and helped him find the quickest way to the success he so deeply craved. I loved him. And in return, he lied to me.
Uh, no. In return, you’re now going to get millions upon millions of dollars in alimony and communal property for literally no reason, as mandated by the State of California, which is perhaps the worst place in the entire world for men to get legal marriages to women, as Whedon found out when you divorced his ass.
You’ll do just fine, sweetheart. Don’t try to bullshit me.
My entire reality changed overnight, and I went from being a strong, confident woman, to a confused, frightened mess. I was eventually diagnosed with Complex PTSD and for the last five years
Of course, the “strong, confident woman” bit. I was waiting for that. That’s the price you pay for being delusional and stupid, sweetie, for actually believing your wealthy, famous, powerful husband who hangs around hot chicks all day would never cheat on you. “Strong and confident” indeed.
As I’ve said many times before, being stupid and irrational comes with a very high emotional price. I’ve said this to men too.
Oh, and I’m sure that because you’re so “strong and confident,” you will donate all those millions of dollars you’re getting at gunpoint from this dork to charity. Right? Since, you know, you don’t need it and can Make Your Own Money™? Right?
Until recently, Joss was still letting the illusion of our marriage stay intact. Now that it is finally public, I want to let women know that he is not who he pretends to be.
On that, I agree. He’s trying to let women know he’s a male feminist, when in fact, he’s just trying to get laid. But even then, he’s more of a real feminist than you are.
I want the people who worship him to know he is human, and the organizations giving him awards for his feminist work, to think twice in the future about honoring a man who does not practice what he preaches. But no matter what happens, or how people interpret this statement, I no longer have to carry the burden of Joss’ long-term deceit and confessions. I am free.
Yeah. You’re free until you, a “feminist,” gets into another traditional monogamous marriage (something a real feminist would never do) to the next powerful man who lies to you and promises to not bang other women behind your back, which you will stupidly believe. Then you can write another self-righteous article about what a strong, confident feminist you are, and those of us who are capable of objective thinking can laugh as much as I did while writing this article.
Good times.
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Posted at 05:52 am, 28th August 2017I don’t think there’s such a thing as ‘real’ feminism or ‘true’ feminism. The Feminist movement freely contradicts itself. Find me a feminist who believes something and I’ll find you a feminist who believes the opposite and still calls it ‘feminist’.
A Guy From Arizona
Posted at 05:56 am, 28th August 2017Up until I came across this article I thought Joss Whedon was gay. (No crossed fingers.)
Posted at 06:00 am, 28th August 2017To me feminism is not about “anti-monogamy”, but rather about women’s rights and freedom of choice, monogamy or not. It is ultimately against traditional system where men are by default breadwinners and women have no other choice but to be obedient housewives. It is an outdated and oppressive system, which I must admit, on subconscious level I, as a man, still find attractive, but impractical.
Slightly off topic, but one thing I have noticed to be mentioned a lot on this blog is constant references to right/left wing views and “collapsing western culture”. As a guy living in Europe, I find such language and classifications rather strange. Seems like Americans are indeed really into their politics. Barely anyone around here pays much attention to politics.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 06:04 am, 28th August 2017I love this line! So both Joss Whedon and his cunt wife admit that feminism is about liking women “better,” which sort of gives the lie to their “equality” façade.
Whedon has always been a bigoted female supremacist very pissed at the fact that men in our culture are second class citizens instead of third class citizens, but as a straight man with sexual urges, he was also always extremely self-hating, even as he hated and trashed other men for being men. The man is, and always has been, pure SJW scum!
But this goes to show that nature beats nurture every time. Will he learn his lesson? Of course not. He’ll double down and flog himself even harder like the feminine dork that he is.
If he were really smart, he’d blame feminism on his cheating, saying he did it because he just loves and respects women so much that withholding orgasms from them would be an act of patriarchal cruelty. But the man is not smart; just a female supremacist bigot. Oh well.
Posted at 06:07 am, 28th August 2017I don’t think Whedon is using his feminism to get laid. He’s just a leftist who believes in principle in the idea of “equity”, but also enjoys getting laid and couldn’t stop lying to his wife.
Posted at 07:50 am, 28th August 2017That photo of him,, he looks like a chode that needs a solid fist to crack him in the nose. What a pussy
In the other hand maybe I’m just jealous because he has got superior pussy than me over the years by being a little bitch.
Posted at 09:04 am, 28th August 2017Just for once I had read the letter before. And then I read a blog post where the male writer rambled for thousands of words on how he had just decided he felt he could call himself a feminist, even with how he doesn’t suffer like a woman blah blah blah. They sound like teenage cult members telling each other all the time how proud and unworthy they are to be admitted into the cult.
Reading so much mental gymnastics in the wife’s letter, in Whedon’s (supposed) pleas and in the blog post, I started feeling down. Like the couple of evenings I recently spent with my friend’s neckbeard friends playing at home. I think there’s a connection, that spending time in beta-male, “modern feminism” ambients sucks the testosterone out of your system and makes you unhappy.
It’s a bunch people refusing to accept responsiblity, all privileges this, patriarchy that. I already feel better after reading this. 🙂
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:29 am, 28th August 2017I took my daughter to Comic Con a few years ago, and we saw Whedon on stage do a long Q&A session. He does indeed come across as a very confident, intellectual gay man; so that’s what I thought too. Though I have nothing personal against the guy (nor gay people) and never have.
1. I’m not sure about Europe, but yes, here in the USA, politics has (very sadly) infested almost everything, from dating advice to sports. It’s gotten really bad (and will get worse).
2. The reason I occasionally mention politics and the collapse of the Western world is very different from when most Americans talk about it; read this.
Posted at 09:45 am, 28th August 2017I hope now Joss can fully dedicate himself to a life’s mission of bringing back Firefly.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:49 am, 28th August 2017Haha! Never gonna happen. Firefly was a show with strong libertarian overtones. Whedon would never go back to such a show today. Never.
Posted at 10:17 am, 28th August 2017Yeah!
Posted at 10:22 am, 28th August 2017Fixed. It does NOT take a lot of intellect to buy into collectivist nonsense and blindly follow it. Not anymore at least. And that’s because…
My mother, a member of NOW in the 70s, has also said this time and again. Only my mother was ousted from their circles by choosing monogamy. She says that today’s feminists are attempting to replace patriarchal power structures with matriarchal ones, which doesn’t really solve anything.
But what many collectivists don’t understand (well, they probably know but do not care) is that absolute power corrupts absolutely. Meaning if you begin a collective movement that seeks to take power from one entity and give it to another, you MUST be aware that your movement will be perverted. This goes for ANYTHING collectivist btw.
And this is EXACTLY what happened to the 70s Feminists. Many of them don’t care about women’s issues now because whatever they wanted to get solved, got solved. Then they BACKED OFF and went on with their lives. But then they got replaced by female supremacists who want more and more. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
What we should be attacking or making fun of is collectivism in and of itself, not just women’s movements. Or at least we need to know how much is enough with our collective goals.
Posted at 10:42 am, 28th August 2017Maybe after his wife divorce fucks him hard enough and removes his ability to see his kids, he’ll change his political views? Stranger things have happened….
As already pointed out, I don’t actually see how his actions actually demonstrate a lack of feminism. A lack of honesty, yes. But there’s nothing anti feminist about “empowering” a young and hungry actress….heh.
I’m not proud to admit it, but having been a male feminist in the modern sense not all that long ago, it appears I had been doing it wrong. Perhaps that is for the best, if I had actually gotten laid that way, I probably never would’ve learned better. On the other hand, my self hatred at the time was strong enough that getting laid by the superior sex wasn’t even on my radar, I was happy to settle for not being (openly) mocked.
Harry Flashman
Posted at 11:14 am, 28th August 2017You just have to laugh sometimes. Bitchy “strong independent woman” SJW gets cheated on by pussy beta “male feminist”. I’m not even sure who’s side I’m on. It’s like the Iran-Iraq war. Headline could read, “Wealthy, Powerful Man Does Exactly As Expected, Wife and World Shocked.” A pox on all their houses. Have fun paying that lefty California-inflicted alimony, Joss! The irony is sweet.
Posted at 11:41 am, 28th August 2017Really cannot understand why those powerful guys are so disturbed. They have:
– money for a hundred generations;
– fame beyond anything;
– the easiest route any guy could have to hordes of hot young pussy;
They don’t have to improve looks, learn seduction or find out about dating techniques to be attractive…none, zip. Yet they are able to find the most amazing ways to fuck up their own lives in the biggest possible fashion. Talk about powerful and dumb LOL.
I mean, it’s either that or the crazy Alpha route like Mayweather, R Kelly or the other famous wackos you already mentioned here.
I have zero respect for guys like Mr. Whedon. A guy with all the tools to be a smart dominant Alpha who chooses to be too afraid to face and accept the challenges of his own masculine nature. That said, the only thing I can salute him for is for bringing my childhood heroes to the big screen – in a very honorable and honest way!
Posted at 12:24 pm, 28th August 20171. Not all liberals are SJWs. Just wanted to throw that out there again. I’m liberal but I’d consider myself a ‘Bill Maher’ liberal (my own term). Aka I’m liberal but I don’t take it that seriously, am 1000% for free speech (unlike young SJWs). I also think you can take issue with “Islam” and “immigration” (which have valid pros but also very real concerns/ cons) without being labeled “racist”. Maybe Whedon was a SJW, but just saying. It’s really the < 26 crowd that is primarily SJW. I think trolls like Milo are hilarious, btw.
2. I’d consider myself vaguely ‘feminist’ although it’s a loaded term. The two sexes CLEARLY are different in multiple ways, and it’s a joke to say they are identical. Why have urinals in the men’s room? Why have separate men’s and women’s MMA leagues? Uh, immutable biological differences, that’s why. BUT – I do believe in equality under the law (14th Amendment) – in jobs, housing, education, etc … all else being equal. I’d consider myself ‘feminist’ in that respect, in that I’m not big in creating some ‘underclass’ in society or legislating against someone for looking funny.
3. I agree with everything you said bout Whedon. Hell, I said the same thing about Chris Pratt!! He just ended a LOOOONG marriage with Ana Farris. I posted on Reddit — of course he dumped her. He became an A-lister, had probably hundreds of groupies even hotter than J-law begging for his dick every night. You just can’t stop that. It’s like leaving a dog in a house alone with filet mignon, bacon, ribeyes, hotdogs, fresh salmon just strewn about, and expecting nothing to be eaten. There’s even a scene in Parks and Rec where Pratt says (in character) “Men are dogs, that’s why.” Of course, on Reddit, my suggestion that his massive fame would make it inevitable he would slaying pussy left and right was meant with MASSIVE disapproval. And “not all men!” And “you don’t speak for my gender!” bullshit. Same thing happened with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, considered top shelf pussy at some point. After 10 years, he got sick of fucking the same pussy. Happens. It’s sad but there is some truth to “men are only as loyal as their options.” That’s not 100% the case, but it’s a big factor. IE, if you’re married but literally no attractive woman wants anything to do with you, of course you won’t cheat. It would take a Herculean amount of energy.
In chemistry, they call a certain minimal amount of energy to start a chemical reaction “activation energy.” A loser dumpy guy needs a HUUUGE amount of activation energy to screw a novel attractive woman.
An A list celebrity, or even better, major super-wealthy Hollywood producer? For them it takes a massive amount of energy NOT to screw legions of whores. They need to actively toss them off their dicks, literally. NEGATIVE activation energy.
Tell this to some women or men who are fully plugged in to “Disney-vision 5000”, and expect to be met with massive hostility on this subject.
Posted at 12:40 pm, 28th August 2017Oh yeah and most male feminists are definitely spouting that nonsense to get laid. Some may actually convince themselves they believe it, but yeah. Not sure how much it actually works though. Do any women actually want to fuck some sterilized, self-castrating wussy?
I don’t mind a woman who has feminist ideas (obviously, she is a woman, have some self-confidence by all means) … but if she’s the militant variety that has really gone off the deep-end, it’s a liability, but I can see playing along.
I’m an atheist, but if some perfect 10, huge breasts woman and I were on a date and she started talking about “Jesus” — I’m sorry to say I’d probably act like I cared about Jesus just to get her in the sack. Of course, none of this is news, right?
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 01:57 pm, 28th August 2017No. He’ll just flog himself even harder, retreat deeper into self-hate, say that he deserves it, and probably beg family court to take even more money from him because only “the evil patriarchy” would force him to pay so little for his “evil male sins.” Then he’ll probably do a TV show about how evil men are today and how anyone who cheats on a woman gets eaten by a monster at the end of every episode.
Feminists now believe that he’s a rapist because his wife would not have continued sleeping with him if she knew he was cheating. So he “took away her ability to make choices about her own body based on truth,” thus committing the feminist definition of rape multiple times, hence now being considered an anti-feminist. In the matriarchal world they wish to build, feminists would give him the death penalty for “rape via deception.” The fact that he’s still alive and continually rich feminists will now attribute to his “white male privilege.”
Yup, that’s exactly how Joss is. He wants every man to bow down to the “superior sex” in exchange for the great generosity of not being openly mocked, but only privately in “female spaces.” Disgusting.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 02:37 pm, 28th August 2017But Joss Whedon is, and always has been, a politically correct SJW misandrist and a self-hating heterophobe. Just watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It’s dripping with man-hate throughout!
There are no pros to Islam.
Great men like Milo are the only ones telling the truth.
Then you’re a humanist. Feminism isn’t about anything you stated, at least not anymore. It’s become nothing more than a cult for bigots and lesbians.
Why is that sad? Rejecting monogamy is a happy thing, not a sad one. Both men and women need to be less “loyal” in the sexual sense,
What’s with the slut shaming?
Milo said it the best. A male feminist is due to a combination of two things – suicidal thoughts and lack of sex.
No, but they do want to enslave him and reinforce his delusions via lots of kisses on the cheek. Women want beta slaves. If these men knew the truth, who would hold women’s bags while they shop? Who would buy fancy houses for female bums? Who would give women’s boyfriends free rides to their house from jail? Male feminists serve as women’s secret service agents, janitors, personal shoppers, emotional tampons, etc… Women want them.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 03:10 pm, 28th August 2017Yup. Actual, real feminists from the 70’s hated monogamy.
Nope. People very rarely change their core political views, nor their views about things like marriage. Like most divorced men, he’ll eventually get traditionally, monogamously married again, and do this shit all over again. Just watch.
I agree completely. It absolutely staggers the imagination. I too have been in amazement about this stuff, going all the way back to watching George Clooney and Brad Pitt in the 90’s dick around with all the problems of serial monogamy for literally no reason. Simply amazing.
Though I understand why they’re doing it: SP and OBW, as always.
That’s still nothing to brag about. Bill Maher gave $1 million of his own money to Obama, a man who bailed out the banks, cozied up to big insurance and big pharma, killed thousands of innocent civilians with his drone strikes, never closed Gitmo, had 7 wars going when he left office, etc. You left-liberals are part of the problem, SJW or not doesn’t really matter. SJW vs. normal left-winger is mostly a difference in rhetoric, not actual differences in governmental policy.
Yeah that one was easy to predict.
Yes, just about every over-33 woman in the country. (Yes, I’m exaggerating.) Like Jack said above, women LOVE beta males… at least for a while.
I would not. I don’t lie. It’s part of my personal Code. Nor do I need to lie to get laid.
Though as I’ve said, if all you are one-night-stands, feel free to lie all you like. Since I don’t do one-night-stands and only do ongoing relationships, I don’t lie.
Gil Galad
Posted at 03:13 pm, 28th August 2017I am just SO glad to learn he’s finally separating; he’s one of the actors I used to regularly check on wikipedia to see if they’ve finally broken up. The thought of a clearly cool actor surrendering his balls like this is both sad and disgusting. Hope he won’t jump straight into another TMM. Divorce usually screws the man even harder than mere mortals in the world of rich actors and directors, but it’s still a better event in their life than marriage, from my point of view.
C Lo
Posted at 03:23 pm, 28th August 2017I had no idea this man existed before this article, and I don’t care now.
However, having just went through a California divorce, my schadenfreude pool is drained, and I recognize that’s it’s gonna suck real bad for the guy.
I used to occasionally listen to Tom Leykis 15 years ago, and found him funny but too jaded. I was wrong, he was right.
Posted at 04:10 pm, 28th August 2017Um yeah they are. Do you believe that other people should solve YOUR problems. That makes you an SJW. In this case, SJW = Collectivists. When people begin to understand that being a collectivist in and of itself IS a fight for social justice (which is really just cheap vengeance), THEN we’ll begin to actually improve as a species. Collectivists = SJWs. Left wingers = SJWs, Right wingers = SJWs, Alt Right = SJWs, Fuck me senseless even some Anarcho Capitalists have become SJWs.
But that won’t happen. I’m not holding my breath. Oh well. “Its your funeral” is all I have to say to any collectivist.
Once you get seduced by collectivism, it isn’t a choice and you have already pretty much given up your masculinity. Accepting any collectivist side and joining their ranks = Feminine behavior.
There’s nothing honorable or honest about Hollywood. Yes the movies are cool, but that’s about it.
Whedon could die tomorrow and I wouldn’t even shrug.
Posted at 04:29 pm, 28th August 2017This, I don’t fully agree with. There are those who pretend to be ‘male feminists’ for the reason you mention (Whedon, Hugo Schwyzer, any high-profile Democrat male politician, etc.).
….But then there are true believers, who really do put women on pedestals, and DON’T get action. Rather than just spouting the lines, they also jump to do favors for women, with no clue about how this repels women.
The biggest example of this is David ‘Manboobz’ Futrelle. He works hard to post daily articles, and is yet to prove that any woman wants to be alone with him at all..
Of course, he is also a pedophile, which has been well-documented.
But there are two very different types of ‘male feminists’.
September Skye
Posted at 04:53 pm, 28th August 2017“In this case, SJW = Collectivists. When people begin to understand that being a collectivist in and of itself IS a fight for social justice (which is really just cheap vengeance), THEN we’ll begin to actually improve as a species. Collectivists = SJWs. Left wingers = SJWs, Right wingers = SJWs, Alt Right = SJWs, Fuck me senseless even some Anarcho Capitalists have become SJWs.”
Bullshit. But you’re getting drunk on your own oh-so-clever twisting of the truth to fit your view of how superior you are. “Ha ha, I just proved they are all SJWs for not having my opinions!”
The word SJW was invented by the manosphere and the alt-Right, and means left-wing extremists attacking people and trying to destroy their lives for criticizing feminism, mass immigration and the push for homosexuality. You claim that all “collectivists” are SJWs, which is a lie. Sorry, you didn’t invent the word SJW and you don’t get to define it. But you are welcome to make yourself sound like a moron by claiming anyone not a libertarian is a “collectivist” and therefore the same, ta-da. Go nuts.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 05:47 pm, 28th August 2017Dammit Joelsuf! Are you really gonna make me do this? Sigh. Fine:
The 12 beliefs and doctrines of Social Justice Warrior-ism
1. There are no human rights, only circumstantial rights: SJWs believe that your legal rights should depend on your genetic characteristics, physical attributes, skin color, DNA, how you were born, and your social, financial, and environmental circumstances. The more disadvantaged you are, or are perceived to be, the more legal rights you should have. The more privileged, or happy, you are, the less legal rights you should have. So, for example, Free Speech is only for the “oppressed,” not the “oppressor.” Different races and groups of people should have different laws governing them. Equality under the law should be abolished because it helps the “naturally privileged.” All equality should be abolished for the same reason.
2. The psychological and the physical are the same thing, so speech is violence: SJWs believe that “emotional aggression” is the same as physical aggression, which means they should have the right to kill you in self defense if you have a political belief that they disagree with. The First Amendment should be repealed and all thoughts, words, and expressions should be rigidly policed and monitored for “micro-aggressions.” Trigger warnings should be given before discussing anything controversial and “safe spaces” should be erected to protect people’s feelings from “violent words.”
3. White people are a cancer on humanity and are born with original sin: White people shouldn’t exist and should be genetically bred out of existence. All white people are responsible for the actions of all other white people, both in the present and in the past (even before they were born) via the mechanism of “white privilege,” which allows them to be judged, not by their individual personalities, but by the color of their skin. A world free of misery is a world free of whiteness. All white children must be educated in self-abuse and taught to not have any more children. Since all whites are born racist, creating more whites makes you part of the problem. White genocide is the end game.
4. Men are inferior to women and must be treated as second class citizens at best until a way can be found to make children without sperm, at which point all men should be exterminated to prevent the continuation of human suffering: SJWs claim that the source of all evil in humanity (and in the animal kingdom) is masculinity, manhood, and the Y chromosome. All methods must be made to chemically abolish testosterone and everything else that makes a human being biologically, genetically, or psychologically male. Turning men into women by convincing them that they are women via trans-gender brainwashing from childhood is ideal, until more scientific methods can be found to breed a race of all women. Until then, men, just like whites, must bow their heads and defer to their genetic superiors – women and non-whites.
5. All heterosexual sex is rape, unless first prefaced with autistic verbal procedures previously employed by only the brain damaged and all male heterosexuality is misogyny and objectification: The SJW is usually a sexless virgin, a lesbian, or a fat woman. For this reason, they demonize that which they can’t have (in this case, heterosexuality itself). They believe that heterosexuality contributes to the fictional “population problem,” creates issues like rape (because women aren’t politically strong enough to consent due to power differentials in a patriarchal society), and generally is a sexual orientation that humanity would do better being without. Besides, heterosexuality is the main cause of homophobia, transphobia, and other bigotries against the poor and downtrodden.
6. There is no such thing as objective truth. Reality is fictional: The most offensive thing you can say to an SJW is that something objective and immutable exists beyond their control. They believe that truth is what you make it. This makes Free Speech, at best, pointless (because you can’t get to a truth that doesn’t exist) and, at worst, oppressive towards the “marginalized,” because the concept of objective truth is just a tool that evil white people use to oppress everyone else. Science and the scientific method are “racist white inventions” and should be abolished. There should be no objective standards of beauty or ugliness – no standards of symmetry or asymmetry. Geometry is sexist. Fat pigs are beautiful.
7. Evolution is a myth. Secular creationism should replace it: The concept of having a physical body is largely a fiction and leads to the sexual objectification of women. Everyone should be considered as having a beautiful soul and nothing else. Thus, all ideas, concepts, behaviors, personalities, and cultural norms are socially constructed fictions. Human behavior has zero to do with biology or the physical body. Most science is racist, sexist, homophobic, and transphobic and should be abolished!
8. Capitalism is evil and should be abolished because it’s based on merit, qualification, and objective truth instead of feelings and needs, which is offensive to losers: Everything that is “merit-based” hurts the feelings of those who have no merit. To rectify this, all meritocracies should be replaced with the Oppression Olympics. The cis-gendered straight white man shouldn’t be allowed to speak at all because he is a racist monster by blood, even if his ideas are brilliant. The first person who’s ideas should be adopted is the trans-gendered, morbidly obese, and physically disabled black lesbian midget because she’s more oppressed. The fact that her ideas are batshit insane is of no consequence and pointing that out makes you an evil oppressor who should probably check their privilege. All capitalism and merit-based thinking should be replaced with needs and feelings.
9. All western countries should be abolished and put under the control of a world government while all non-western countries should be nationalistic and pursue their own destinies unhindered by evil white, western imperialists: White people have lost the right to have countries. All white countries should be either abolished or put under the control of a sovereign super state controlled by racial minorities who will have the absolute power to tell the white countries what to do, while the non-white countries remain as free and sovereign as possible. Eventually, white people should be replaced by non-whites via immigration and inter-breeding in order to find a cure to the plague of whiteness, thus eliminating all suffering from humanity.
10. Climate change is real and a consequences of whiteness, masculinity, and heterosexual imperialism: Being white, male, or straight is ultimately an offense to “mother Earth.” If white people don’t disappear from the planet, the planet will die. Eliminating white culture, the concept of gender, heterosexuality, and capitalism is the only way to get back to our “ancient roots” and perhaps even surrender technology (except for iphones and Tumblr blogs) for the good of the planet.
11. Linear time is a myth. The past is the present: The concept of forgiveness – a symptom of the concept of “linear time” – is an evil white invention designed to protect white people from the consequences of their own evil deeds. Apologies should be extracted, not as a first step in the forgiveness process, but as a way to extract confessions and use those confessions against the person who apologized. If people were oppressed 10,000 years ago, then they are still oppressed now because their children carry that psychological trauma in their blood, just like the oppressors carry evil in their blood. The concept of “the past” must be abolished as we evolve into a new spiritual reality that dictates that everything is the present, thus requiring us to relive tragedies, miseries, and sins over and over again for the rest of our lives and wallow in misery . Anything less marks one as an oppressor.
12. No one may experience any happiness if even one person on the planet is sad: Human individuality is a myth. Only the collective is real. We must sink or swim together. We are all chained to each other. If one person is sinking, everyone must be reduced to that lowest common denominator, or suffer immeasurable guilt and shame for their evil “happiness,” which should ideally be taken away from them by force. If they complain, they should be accused of not having empathy. All individualism should be abolished. Individual human beings are fictional. Only the collective is real. Therefore, equality of opportunity (which leads to different choices, and therefore, an inequality of outcome) should be abolished in favor of equality of outcome (which requires the destruction of all human individuality and free choice).
Note: Social justice warriors are also known by these other names:
1. Regressive Leftists
2. Cultural Marxists
3. Post-Modernists
4. Leftist Cultural Authoritarians
5. Mental patients
Gil Galad
Posted at 06:13 pm, 28th August 2017Lol, I’m totally PC-saving JOTB’s 12 points. I’m agnostic towards capitalism and believe in climate change, but most of the rest is absolute gold.
Posted at 08:29 pm, 28th August 2017Yup I am totally “making” you do this. I dragged you over to your PC, placed a gun to your head, and made you type up a diatribe about SJdubs that made you look like an SJdub yourself.
Just look at what JOTB wrote up. Does that not appear to you that it is an effort performed by someone whose jimmies got so rustled by me saying that collectivists all want the same thing (which is unlimited rights and privilege for their group and no rights or privilege for any who don’t agree or those who won’t join)? Take a look at his language. Only collectivists speak like that.
Scientology, The Spanish Inquisition, The (manufactured) Middle Eastern battles between Israelis and Palestinians. Collectivists borrow from all three (especially Scientology).
If you want to delude yourself that there is a difference (because you want to protect your kind), then go right ahead.
Sure. Oh wait, BD himself already did it for me. How do you like that? And from the article:
This is the default argument of the collectivist. In this example, its the alt-right collective. But all you have to do is swap out “Anti-Man” with “Anti (whatever group the collectivist wants to be the master race/gender) and you pretty much have all of their arguments. If it isn’t their argument now, it WILL be going into the 2020s. I mean, White Nationalists and AntiFA are already killing each other for what I can only call “victim points,” and if you don’t think that this is going to spread in the west, then its your funeral.
I actually agree. That’s a good observation. Touche. But guess what, I’m doing this behind a computer screen, dicking around with commentators on a blog. Quite harmless, no? If BD doesn’t like it, he can get rid of it. You don’t have to read it, you can just ignore it. You’ll never see me gather a whole bunch of useful idiots and go on an “Anarcho Capitalist March to “Save The World” from statism (although thanks to Adam Kokesh, this kind of nonsense has been happening, ugh). That kind of stuff is unavoidable.
I do have a method of how individualist libertarians and anarcho capitalists can address this, but I won’t post it here. This isn’t my blog, and I’ve already said quite a bit here.
Posted at 08:56 pm, 28th August 2017Women behave the same way all the time when they get out of a relationship. 1-They play the victim, seek sympathy and support. 2-Publicly shame the man.
Posted at 09:28 pm, 28th August 2017This passage is 100% about lining up her ducks for the divorce. Same old bullshit that every wife of a rich and talented man trots out.
Posted at 10:31 pm, 28th August 2017Mr dragon do you think feminism benefits women? Or maybe the early stages of feminism only? I see so many lonely alpha females at my workplaces. Plus my manhating mother and sisters are absolutely miserable.
As long as a guy never gets married, he can have a blast reaping the benefits of women’s sexual freedom.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:07 pm, 28th August 2017That’s a complicated question, because by women’s very nature, they will be upset with any system you force upon them.
No, the “liberation” (i.e. be alone, angry, and dependent on the welfare state) bullshit of feminism clearly won’t make them happy, as today’s women stressed-out, opiate-addicted women clearly indicate. However, I also know that 1950’s freedomless housewives, while being taken care of financially, were also repressed and unhappy. (I do not believe the manosphere narrative that women were “happy” being 1950’s house-slaves, and I’ve read and heard evidence to the contrary.)
How do you make a man happy? It’s easy. How do you make a woman happy? That’s very complicated… and likely impossible.
Of course that’s true and I’ve said that many times. As an Alpha, I’m very, very happy feminism happened. The easy access to sex is utterly fantastic, and I would not be a happy guy if I had to live in the 1950’s because of it.
Posted at 01:37 am, 29th August 2017No pros to Islam? I am fine with the four wives and divorce rights that favor husbands, as well as an effective social system that keeps Muslim women from acting on their slutty instincts. Blackdragon has said it before, it is a religion for Alpha 1.0’s, and that is why it will defeat the West, which is in terminal decline. Might as well convert now, because Islam is the future.
Posted at 01:53 am, 29th August 2017Guys! We’re missing the critical, most important question of all here, which Joss’s ex raises but does not answer: WITH WHOM was he having a secret affair on the set of Buffy?
That’s what I wanna know.
I really like a lot of Whedon’s work, though I have always mentally edited out all the proto-feminist malarkey.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 01:58 am, 29th August 2017Ah slut shaming! My favorite thing to rip apart Let’s go:
Nope. Not even one.
Really? Having even one wife would be a nightmare. And you want FOUR? Government in the bedroom – which is what marriage is – needs to be completely abolished!
There should be no divorce rights because there should be no marriage rights. There should be no husbands. There should be no wives.
Haha! So you’re against sexual liberation and belong to the cult of virginity.
All women should act on their “slutty” instincts. All of them! Islam is a religion of heterophobia and slut shaming and…..you think that’s……GOOD??? And……why are you posting on a sex-positive blog?
Married women acting on their slutty instincts have given me some of the best sex of my life. And you wish to deny me this? Shame on you!
Exactly. A religion of heterophobes and sex-hating, virgin worshipping hymen sniffers! In other words, the exact opposite of what we’re about here.
No, it won’t defeat the West. The western elites are using Islam as a tool of destabilization. As soon the elites get tired of it, or feel it has outlived its usefulness, the Muslims will magically become peaceful. The elites have Islam in the palm of their atheist hands.
So the future is the 7th century? No. Islam is trash. Medieval filth. Their aggression betrays enormous insecurity and an awareness of their own ultimate loss. That’s why they are so patently hostile and jealous. Islam, just like Christianity, will be on the ash heap of history.
It will be defeated just like Christianity was – target and destroy the Muslim family unit and convert the daughters into “whores” via “education.” I assure you, sooner or later (depending on what the elites want), this will happen! And everyone who converts to Islam will end up looking like a fool.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 03:55 am, 29th August 2017What the fuck are you rambling about? Which of their 12 beliefs do I agree with?
I’m still waiting for you to answer which “collective” you think I belong in.
Which specific rights or privileges do I advocate taking away from SJWs?
Hahaha! So you’re attacking my image while completely ignoring the substance of everything I said. Classic SJW tactic, just so you know.
Perhaps you’d care to share which part of what I wrote you disagree with? Did I say anything about SJWs that isn’t true? Did I mischaracterize them in any way? You know, an actual intellectual critique of what I wrote, instead of this social justice image bashing which you seem to have going on?
What the fuck are you rambling about?
You seriously contend that there is no difference between me and a person who believes in the 12 things that I wrote?
Posted at 07:13 am, 29th August 2017Is it a chick thing or just human nature to air one’s dirty laundry in an apparent attempt to seek validation (or perhaps victimhood status)?
Posted at 08:31 am, 29th August 2017@Entropy-7
Mainly a chick thing but I’ve seen some really pussy beta guys do it too. Men don’t complain nearly as much and just soldier through most of their bullshit. If I happen to scroll through FB, there are a few girls that constantly bitch and moan almost daily about their problems. A huge chunk of FB is just cries for attention. The other big chunk being narcissistic bragging. Oh and look at my kids look at my kids!!!!!
John Smith
Posted at 10:54 am, 29th August 2017That reminds me of my ex-wife. While we’re married she kept saying “I don’t want to work.” As soon as the divorce was filed that magically changed to “I gave up my career for you,” so I should pay her money forever. Funny how that works. o_O
Luckily, she relied on her friends with their own string of failed relationships for advice rather than a lawyer, so she got no spousal support from me. 😀
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:11 pm, 29th August 2017It’s mostly a woman thing. And it works very well.
Posted at 10:02 pm, 29th August 2017I feel bad for the guy. He did the best he could with his conditioning. The post (and more so the comments) are pointlessly mean-spirited and jealous.
Guess what? He can lose the California 50% and still be richer than all the commenters put together.
Posted at 02:53 am, 30th August 2017You have to wonder would she buy his BS if he was not a rich producer? No. She would walk away.
His employees are hot, his friends are hot, he’s got complete hot strangers reaching out to shake his hand on the internet. You surround yourself with hot young things for decades, are you gonna ignore it all? You surround yourself with uncounted cash lying on the floor around you with no one else in the room, are you gonna not pick up some for yourself?
Oh I am Joss the male feminist. As feminists we do not pick up uncounted cash on the ground and put it in our pockets. As feminist we never have sex with feminist actresses wanting to advance her careers, we won’t have sex with feminist friends who want us to treat them out to first class nights onto the town, we do not respond to hotties with no talent and no skills who want to brag to their immediate social groups that she managed to have sex with a famous producer. No a feminist male producer is happy to spend thousands on regular nights out with female friends while always getting nothing in return, sorry I Joss do not pay for male friends ever.
Posted at 07:12 am, 30th August 2017Yes, when you start trying to look good to everybody else and flush your own individual happiness down the toilet you’re pretty much done. Powerful Alphas who have their shit together are a dying breed for sure – the ones I can think of are really old and from a different era.
Man, chill LOL. I said the way he brought those characters to life was honorable, which is only a compliment to the man’s talent (and he is extremely talented).
About Hollywood and mainstream movies, I just take the best parts, have lots of fun and ignore the rest of the leftist stuff they attempt to shove down my throat. Honestly, it’s kinda of amazing because these days I can watch 5 secs of a trailer and gauge how much BS that movie is gonna try to feed me, hahaha.
Posted at 08:34 am, 30th August 2017BD himself already said it in a number of his previous posts, but you are part of the alt right, even though you’ll never admit it. And like BD, I happen to agree with much of the philosophies of the alt-right. However, I also agree with progressives about certain things. But there is a big difference between simply picking and choosing what philosophies to agree with and posting long winded responses that so intimately detail the other side (which I have not ONCE encountered offline btw).
I’m talking about the toxic cult mentalities that many collectivists seem to exhibit. We aren’t seeing them now, but we WILL see them in the future. Individuality is the new original sin.
Not really. If your jimmies are so rustled by those who simply disagree with you to cause you to do something like that, how can I trust you to not be part of any group who is willing to believe in 12 other philosophies that strip people of their individuality?
The difference between you and me JOTB, is that you are being seduced by collectivists to save the world, and to do it by defending your own kind and changing the minds of others. I’m trying to defend myself from those who wish to save the world at my expense, but I don’t care if I change anyone’s mind in doing so. Just because I dislike collectivism doesn’t mean that I want it magically erased from the planet. That would make me a hypocrite.
Its not even about impressing others as much as it is about making sure that only your kind prospers, which is what the western world is so addicted to nowadays. But yeah, what I call the high school mentality (what you just described) is a big part of that. Only we’ve also been seduced into thinking that impressing others will increase our individual happiness, which is completely untrue.
Posted at 11:58 am, 30th August 2017Meh. That was before Obama took office. Everyone thought he was a magical unicorn then (at least liberals).
Now he’s considered pretty ‘meh’ with his extralegal activities, deportations, Gitmo, and generally centrist policies. Not as corrupt as Trump though.
Meh I don’t agree with Maher, it’s just the idea that you can be for free speech & taking religion to task (Islam and Christianity alike) and against identity politics, but at the same time, don’t think Big Business should exploit the working man, environment, fair play, non-fraud, etc and every other collective good in this country in the name of $$$. I’m aware others disagree.
And no, not every liberal is a SJW, that’s mostly just liberals under 26 and some older nutjobs with purple hair. You don’t get to redefine “SJW” people. Those are the people who banned Maher from UC Berkeley. Maher is a liberal and they banned him. You people have been watching too much Alex Jones. No, Obama wasn’t mind-controlled by aliens, like Alex Jones says.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:33 pm, 30th August 2017Incorrect. He did it for Obama’s re-election campaign in 2012, after he knew full well what a piece of shit Obama was.
Bill Maher, like most left-wingers like you, supports people he knows are warmongers and corporatists, and is thus directly responsible for the continuing collapse of the USA.
No, but Hillary was more corrupt than Trump, and I’m pretty sure you and Bill Maher voted for her. See my point? It doesn’t matter if you’re “SJW” or not.
Correct, but you do that by using less government that backs and bolsters big business, not more. Read this.
Posted at 04:32 pm, 30th August 2017They seek external solutions, not just for themselves, but for others. They want to use their philosophies to determine what is best for others, a millennia old collectivist activity. This is what I call “Justice.” They want an outcome that favors their kind.
I can’t redefine the term “social justice warrior?” Is it patented? Is it intellectual property? Is Matt Forney gonna come to my house, place a gun to my head and say “stop redefining my terms or else!” Is Milo Stewart going send out a tweet saying “Joelsuf is stealing our identity! Don’t let him do it!” No, they aren’t. And no one else is either. Your love affair with the term shows exactly how collectivist you’ve become. Read some Ayn Rand before her books get burned.
But alright I’ll humor you. I’ll name it something else: Social Vengeance Warrior (SVW). Go ahead and steal it if you want. On my blog I call them “Paranoid Oppressed Supremacists” (POS for short). Steal that one too, I don’t believe in intellectual property.
Collectivists fight for two things and two things only: Vengeance and Power. They don’t care about justice, they never cared about justice. They want a better place for their own kind and their own kind only. This is not JUST the goal of SVWs (see, I’m using MY term now!), it is also the goal of the religious, it is the goal of the alt-right, it is the goal of any group that says “we know what is best for the world.”
Me getting heat for lumping them all in together and stating this observation scares me quite a bit, and proves BD’s observation that nearly every form of discourse in the west is about social issues, politics, and identity politics.
Posted at 04:34 pm, 30th August 2017So instead, you want big government to exploit both. Seems legit.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 09:21 pm, 30th August 2017You mean, I’m a tradcon? How many times have I ripped apart tradcons here and acknowledged that they are worse than feminists?
I am absolutely sickened by half of the beliefs coming from the alt right.
But you know what, Joelsuf? You talked me into it. Get some popcorn and buckle up:
The 12 beliefs of the Alt Right and my responses to them:
1. A high trust society: The foundation of all other Alt Right beliefs is the belief in communitarianism, or anti-individualism. This is otherwise known as a “high trust society.” Like in the 1950s, the Alt Right thinks that we should all live in “close-knit communities” and small villages and towns where “neighbors observe neighbors” and cultural conformity reigns supreme. This way, the so called “weirdos” or “non-conformists” will be shamed into submission, creative thinking will be limited, and sexual liberation will be non-existent because privacy will be non-existent. Everyone should stick their nose into your business and neighborhoods should self-police by enforcing “community standards” of behavior unto everyone. Every neighbor is your authority figure and has a moral duty to make sure you’re not doing anything “immoral” (like group sex). Collective trust and collective intimacy eliminate the need for bureaucracy, paperwork, background checks, and other inconveniences as far as employment and private business is concerned. All bureaucracy should be replaced with “trust” based on “fellow feeling” and “brotherly love.”
My response: Strongly Disagree: The above scenario (which is the foundation for the other 11 Alt Right beliefs) is what introverts like me refer to as “pure hell.” Sexual liberation is impossible in a “high trust society” because a sex-positive lifestyle requires privacy and discretion. Privacy and discretion, in turn, require societal atomization and individualization. Neighbors need to mind their own fucking business and stay out of my sex life. There should be no shaming whatsoever based on sexual lifestyle and no finger wagging community of any kind. Everyone needs to mind their own business and treat each other like total strangers. That way, friendships will form only from a position of strength and affirmative desire (instead of by force of geography), thus making friendship, intimacy, and human connections exclusively ideological in nature, based on our true personalities. This will allow us to get to know our true selves instead of being the victims of geographical or environmental circumstance. A low trust society is what is needed for the purposes of privacy, discretion, sexual liberation, individualism, and creativity. And if you have a falling out with your friends or sex partners, you can rid them from your life without moving physically because you’ll just stop seeing them and make new friends whom the old ones don’t know, since it’s a big city where most people don’t know each other. Societal atomization is essential for sex-positivism and social freedom!
2. A gender based economy: Women shouldn’t work. They should be financially dependent exclusively on men. They also shouldn’t vote or participate in politics. This way, they will be forced to be virgins until marriage because, by the time they’re 18, they’ll be forced to look for a husband or starve to death. Because they will be financially dependent on one man, they will have sex with only one man in their life. And since they will be forced to pick rich men instead of hot men, their heterosexuality will have to take a back seat to their non-sexual financial considerations, thus effectively turning every woman in the world into an asexual or prostitute (otherwise known as a housewife).
My response: Strongly Disagree: As a sex-positive man, the above repulses me to no end. Our economy needs to be 100 percent gender neutral because that is the only thing that makes female sexual liberation (and therefore, male sexual liberation) possible. Instead of picking the rich guy, women should pick the hot guy, because if a woman isn’t attracted to me, I can’t get turned on during sex. Her decision to sleep with me must be based on pure lust, which means she must have her own money. Only then do I know her true personality and that she is honest with me instead of sleeping with me due to her survival instincts which suppress her true personality and facilitate survival-based deception.
The Alt Right doesn’t want human beings to know themselves or each other. Instead, the Alt Right wants to limit and suppress human consciousness by forcing our external circumstances to make decisions for us (as per #2 and #1 above). This retards our consciousness to the level of animals in the jungle, which do things because they’re forced to, not because they want to. In other words, the Alt Right mandates dishonesty based on ulterior survival motives, thus blocking our true selves from flourishing, both sexually and spiritually. The entire tradcon philosophy of the Alt Right makes me truly sick. Women should be considered the equals of men, hence the necessity of fighting the tradcons and feminists.
3. Massive slut shaming, man-hating, and a lack of distinction between sex and rape: The Alt Right teaches their daughters, like all traditional conservatives, that men are pigs for wanting to have sex with women and that their daughter having sex with a man is so damaging that the father needs to take a shot gun and murder the man for “defiling his daughter’s innocence” no different than how a normal father would react to his daughter getting raped. For the Alt Right, all sex is rape as far as their daughters are concerned – damaging and traumatic. This is identical to the beliefs of Social Justice Warriors and Radical Feminists. Sex before marriage, and especially sexual promiscuity, is “degenerate,” turning men into “pigs” and women into traumatized victims of sex. Women who love sex and insist on it need to be shamed as the scum of womanhood. Virgins should be praised as angels and good wives and mothers.
My response: Strongly Disagree: Sex is good. In fact, sex is absolutely wonderful. There should be no double standards between men and women, as far as sexual lifestyle is concerned. Just like men should be encouraged to become “studs,” so should women. The ideal age to lose one’s virginity is 12 or 13. Both sons and daughters should be encouraged, as soon as they reach puberty, to have as much sex as they possibly can with as many people of the opposite sex as they possibly can. The best soulmate is a person who is massively familiar with the psychology of the opposite sex and doesn’t fall in love easily (thus making the love honest), as distinguished from an incompetent virgin who falls in love with the first person they kiss. In order to intimately know the opposite sex and increase one’s love for them, teenagers should start early and be encouraged to explore their sexuality as much as possible. If a teenager (whether a son or a daughter) hasn’t had sex with at least 10 people by the age of 18, something is wrong. If they haven’t had a threesome by 21, something is very wrong. Being a player (whether male or female) also boosts confidence in every other life endeavor and people who get laid are relaxed and happy all the time. This is how we may eventually end all wars and usher in world peace. The government should make its policies (especially towards Islam) with sex-positivism in mind.
4. White Nationalism, white separatism, and white supremacy: The Alt Right wants to model America, as well as all other western countries, after Israel – a racist and xenophobic ethno-state. Ideally, they want all non-white races to leave the West and go back to their native countries and allow the white race to rule the West. If that is not possible, then the non-whites should be a sub-culture within the West and accept their status as second class citizens. This means they’ll be treated as guests at best and slaves at worst. In some areas, genocide against them may be proper. The ideal goal, however, is white separatism so that “true diversity” may be achieved by admiring each other from afar and letting each race be its own culture and stand on its own in its own civilization. Whites should be considered the master race in America and the West, just like the Jews have fashioned and shaped Israel on the philosophy that they are the master race over there.
My response: Strongly Disagree: I believe that racism is wrong and that culture is not inherently genetic. All races should be considered equal and a multi-racial society is what we should strive for as long as it isn’t multicultural. Cultural assimilation of the minority races into western culture is crucial if we’re going to maintain our western identity. But this can be achieved through education and cultural reinforcement. Western values should reign supreme in the West regardless of which skin color is promoting those values. There should be no white, or racial, separatism of any kind. All the races should mingle together until there are no distinctions between the races. Israel should be considered a global embarrassment and condemned by the entire planet for its ethno-supremacy and Nazi-like “Jewish master race” garbage philosophy. If Israel can’t survive without the philosophy of Jewish supremacy, then Israel should be dismantled. All of these racist “master race” philosophies – regardless of whether they’re coming from whites, Jews, blacks, or anyone else – need to be dropped.
5. The Jews are a parasitic cancer upon humanity and should be either exterminated or sent to Israel and contained: The Alt Right believes that, regardless of religion, the Jewish race is inherently genetically evil. The Jews wish to enslave the entire human species and treat us like cattle (goyim) and they largely have. An anti-Jewish uprising is required in order to take back our white countries from Jewish oppression, which the Jews perpetrate in the form of multiculturalism and immigration (divide and conquer), sexual liberation (infertility designed for white genocide), economic enslavement (corporatism and banking), individualistic freedom (moral relativism), and globalism (anti-nationalism). All of these supposedly Jewish things must be replaced with white identity politics and communitarianism because anti-Jewish kryptonite is a group of people who are (1) organized and (2) not Jewish – the Jews’ worst fear – hence their divide and conquer strategy via multiculturalism, immigration, etc…
My response: Strongly Disagree: While there are indeed racist Jewish supremacists in the world, they comprise a very small minority of Jews. They may be a powerful minority and, as a matter of mathematical and statistical fact, are in control of banking, the media, finance, and education, but there is nothing inherently genetic about this. It is cultural and religious. The vast majority of Jews know nothing about this and are not racist supremacists, nor do they follow the Nazi-like teachings of the Talmud. This small Jewish minority is indeed a problem, but racializing this problem (instead of culturalizing it) is uncalled for. No one should be judged negatively because of their race or blood. Every individual – Jewish and otherwise – should be judged by his or her own merits, based on individual personality. Being racist towards the Jews makes the Alt Right no better than the racist Jewish individuals who think all non-Jews are cattle. We must not fall into the trap of racism and must instead rise above.
Furthermore, regardless of Jewish motivations, things like sexual liberation, societal atomization, a gender neutral economy, an individualistic culture, and a low trust society (thus facilitating privacy, discretion, personal empowerment, female financial independence, and sexual liberation) are great things because they make freedom possible (both sexual and otherwise) and allow us introverts, individualists, and creative types to breathe. Children can and should be created (preferably based on the polyamorous open relationship model).
6. Free Speech should be absolute, political correctness, SJWism, and anti-white racism is a plague: The politically correct concept of “hate speech” is nothing more than an ideological vehicle for justifying the progressive narrowing and ongoing limitation of acceptable human consciousness and human thought. The concepts of “hate speech,” “political correctness,” and “SJWism” are cancers which seek to retard our species to the pre-school level and eventually limit human awareness to the level of a base animal (except for the controlling oligarchy, which would then have total control over the masses). As such, all PC, SJWism, and restrictions upon Free Speech must be fought with all our might. There are no unacceptable words or ideas. If something hurts someone’s feelings, that does not give that person the right to forcefully censor those hurtful statements. Everyone must take ownership of their own feelings. Emotions aren’t important enough to be reinforced or regulated by the government. Anyone aiming for government censorship in order to prevent “hurt feelings” is simply a narcissist who is making a play for power and everyone should see through it! Most PC code words and concepts like “diversity” and “multiculturalism” are just code words of anti-white bigotry. All racism against whites should be stamped out.
My response: STRONGLY AGREE!
7. Islam is a plague upon humanity and threatens our most precious freedoms if it were to be allowed to go unchecked. Government should make it’s policies with this in mind: The Muslims want to convert the whole world to Islam, impose Sharia law, and enslave us all. The Alt Right agrees with virtually every Muslim belief, and yet, considers Islam a plague because it’s predominantly non-white, non-western, and wants to destroy Christianity. For this reason, we must destroy Islam before it destroys us, our civilization, and our values.
My response: Partially agree: Islam is indeed a plague upon this world, but not because it’s not white and wants to destroy Christianity and replace white/western culture with Islam, but because the contents of Islam are anti-freedom, anti-sex, anti-women, anti-individual, and pro-conformist. The Alt Right is all those things too, but they reject Islam because it cuts out westerners from being the true totalitarians. Whereas I’m against both Islam and the Alt Right precisely because both are anti-freedom and totalitarian.
8. America needs to divorce itself from the rest of the planet, rip apart all international treaties, reject all global or international institutions, and become a rogue/nationalist nation again: What left wingers call a “rogue nation” used to just be called a “nation.” A nation means it is a sovereign entity and doesn’t take orders from anyone other than itself. Therefore, the Constitution and Declaration of Independence are our highest authorities. No United Nations or international tribunal’s opinions are relevant or should even be listened to.
My response: STRONGLY AGREE!
9. All Free Trade Agreements must be abolished and protectionism must be restored to capitalism: American law cannot treat Americans and foreigners equally or as equal competitors. Americans should always be legally, economically, and culturally preferred over non-Americans within every single subject, including the subject of capitalism and economic matters. As such, free trade agreements are a threat to American sovereignty and American prosperity. Capitalism should be confined to American borders and patriotism should always overrule it if the two are ever in conflict. The global economy should be dismantled in favor of nationalistic /protectionist capitalism.
My response: STRONGLY AGREE!
10. America has the absolute right to control its borders, all illegals should be deported, and all legals should assimilate or be deported as well: A country is not a country if it doesn’t have borders. Borders aren’t really borders if they can’t be controlled. A country is not really sovereign if its own people have no right to decide who comes in and who doesn’t and what conditions have to be met by those who do come in. As such, all illegals should be deported immediately. All legal protections for illegals should be withdrawn. Since the law can’t protect someone who doesn’t legally exist, laws against murder, rape, and so forth shouldn’t protect, or apply to, illegal aliens. All of them should, therefore, be either deported or killed. A huge wall should be built on the US/Mexican border to keep them out. All legal immigrants should be forced to learn English and assimilate into American culture and become proud Americans. If they refuse, their legal status should be revoked and they should be deported. All of this must be done with zero mercy, zero apologies, zero humbleness, and zero sensitivity. All babies born in America to illegal parents should be taken from their parents and placed in American foster homes. Their parents should be deported. If the parents refuse to cooperate, they should be killed.
My response: STRONGLY AGREE!
11. Objective truth is the reality. When it conflicts with feelings, feelings should always lose: The universe is a universe of objective truths, not sensitivities. Reality does not care about whether or not we like it, nor should it. Thus, if reality hurts someone’s feelings, then that is a cue for that someone to change themselves, not change reality. There is an objective standard of beauty and ugliness. Beauty is geometry and symmetry. Certain people are physically ugly in the objective sense. Fat women are grotesque and hideous and should be shamed into improving themselves. All PC and feelings based nonsense should be rejected and laughed at.
My response: STRONGLY AGREE!
12. Christianity is the heart of western civilization and should be supported by the government, thus implying that Christian morality should be legislated: The Alt Right believes that Islam should be thrown out of the West, not because it’s totalitarian, but because it’s the wrong kind of totalitarianism. The right kind is the western kind, which is Christianity. Although freedom of religion should be allowed in a limited sense, the government should reinforce and encourage Christianity and make laws based on Christian virtues, including virginity before marriage, the criminalization of drugs, prostitution, and pornography, and in general encourage the Christian tradition.
My response: Strongly Disagree: Although not as bad as Islam, Christianity is a plague to the very concept of freedom. America’s heart isn’t Christianity, but the European Enlightenment and the libertarian values that sprang from it. The government needs to restrict its domestic policy to just prohibiting human rights violations and letting the people do what they wish with their own bodies, especially sexually, but also in terms of drugs and other subjects pertaining to bodily autonomy and freedom of choice. No religion should be encouraged by the government and no religious philosophies, or philosophical principles based on religion, should be the basis of any government policy. Government policy should be based on freedom, the Enlightenment, libertarian individualistic autonomy, and choice!
Amount of disagreements with the Alt Right: 6
Amount of agreements with the Alt Right: 6
Final Verdict: I am Alt Lite. (A.K.A. Cultural Libertarian)
Posted at 11:02 pm, 30th August 2017Alt Right is a bullshit term made up for political purposes.
There is no such thing as the Alt Right!
Groups of like minded individuals who get tagged as Alt Right are SO different from each other that trying to umbrella them into one group is meaningless!
I can’t believe so much time and writing is spent on this fictional group!! But it does make me laugh.
Niteride Mick
Posted at 04:25 am, 31st August 2017BD Do you think this bloke does not fit in the Alpha mode You say betas are pussys who only get a shag if there luckie on there birthday and Xmas day Seems this bloke gets plenty of good sorts to shag Is smart talented makes a lot of money ,as you say outcame independent Cheats on his wife but as you say successful men cheat on there wife’s plus’s all the drama that goes with it When caught out Look at Bill Clinton,Arnold Schwarzenegger,Clint Eastwood They have done the same .Only thing this bloke has done is he not a man’s man So you can’t really say all betas are pussies He has been shaging his butt off just like a alpha male
He has a angle like playing on his feminine side gets the woman ,half his luck Cheers
Posted at 05:31 am, 31st August 2017@Niteride Mick
Really? You need to do some more study about what an Alpha is! This guy is NOT alpha no matter how much pussy he gets. Women are women. He has money, power and status.
That’s why he gets pussy. But that does not mean alpha! Lots of beta guys get pussy!!
Posted at 08:54 am, 31st August 2017Not really, no. Not because it’s patented. Just because, well, having a common language where apple = apple, and not apple = orange, makes us all able to communicate better.
SJW are people highly engrossed in identity politics. Their main talking points these days are that muslims/ transgender/ women are oppressed, and that pretty much all straight white men are complicit and tacitly evil, no matter what they do, by virtue of their being white males. They believe in ‘safe spaces’ instead of free speech. And ‘microaggressions’ and the like.
They have not much in common with a 40 year old union worker on the docks who thinks his wife should have maternity leave option like every other developed nation on earth, aka mainstream liberals.
If we allowed everyone to redefine “SJW” — it would cause confusion. For instance, I can say … well, all Trump supporters are SJWs!! Because I said so!
Nah, not really. The term is the term. Yeah I can use it incorrectly, but I really shouldn’t if I want to be taken seriously.
SJWs and the alt-right are basically the extreme wings of both parties. They probably each represent 10% of the country, so 20% total. Meanwhile, the relatively normal 80% gets distracted arguing about pointless shit like abortions and gay marriage, as the Country’s Owners fuck us up the ass. Same old shit as always in world history. Same shit, different century.
Posted at 10:05 am, 31st August 2017JOTB:
I didn’t think you had that kind of observation. I agree, and have had the same observation myself. In fact, this is one of the best observations I’ve seen from you. I’m glad you have been able to snuff the alt-right out like this. Nicely done!
Now allow me to do the same kind of analysis that you did.
First, the progressive philosophies:
1. There are no human rights, only circumstantial rights:
Agree with the observation, disagree with their follow through. Never forget what George Carlin said about “rights” in his final HBO special before he was (more than likely) poisoned and killed by state supporting elites. He said that we don’t have “rights” but instead, “temporary privileges.” He was onto something. But of course, SVWs want to make sure that only their kind have rights at all. That’s what I mean by their follow through.
2. The psychological and the physical are the same thing, so speech is violence:
My stance: Disagree. Actions ARE the words. And I think if more progressives started seeing things on a case by case basis, they would also come to this conclusion. But when it comes to collectivists attempting to save the world at the expense of the individual, this is 100000% true.
3. White people are a cancer on humanity and are born with original sin:
Kind of agree with the observation, but not with the follow through. A blogger I follow had a distinct observation when talking about the AntiFA vs White Nationalism riots. She pointed out that most of those individuals were white. So maybe this means its another white man’s burden, hmm? But white people don’t have some magical “malevolent gene” like most SVWs believe. Also, most progressives tend to be white consumerist college kids. I wonder why that is…?
4. Men are inferior to women and must be treated as second class citizens at best until a way can be found to make children without sperm, at which point all men should be exterminated to prevent the continuation of human suffering:
I’ve never fully encountered this philosophy online or offline, but I disagree. And I really don’t think that many would even say that and be 100% forthright. Maybe some chicks say this kind of stuff as a defense mechanism, but that’s about it. This belief is smoke and mirrors and not real at all.
5. All heterosexual sex is rape, unless first prefaced with autistic verbal procedures previously employed by only the brain damaged and all male heterosexuality is misogyny and objectification:
I disagree, but again, this is smoke and mirrors. There’s been talk about classes that dudes must take in college where they learn about this stuff, almost like etiquette classes. But since going to college is a choice (for now) I don’t really care. Also, etiquette classes in college have been a thing since the 18th century. This hasn’t changed. Also again, this is a defense mechanism, smoke and mirrors. Also, I see it as passive eugenics. If you are too shitty in bed to please a chick while having sex with her, then yeah, maybe you shouldn’t be having sex. But that’s my interpretation. Its just chicks wanting to BECOME the rapists they despise. Typical collectivist SP. Take the collectivism out of it and view sex on a case by case basis, and you have an arguable observation (which many of these would be if they weren’t so collectivist).
I think this observation is chicks saying “we are sick of betas and alpha 1s, so when is an alpha 2 gonna come along and not ‘rape’ us?”
6. There is no such thing as objective truth. Reality is fictional:
This is the ONE thing progressives are spot on about. “Truth” comes in two forms. Opinions that have been thrust upon you (usually by the collective or SP), and epiphanies that you come up with that make your life better. Truth is nothing but opinions that have been bolstered by consensus. This is not a fact based exercise. But it goes both ways, and that’s what most progressives (and collectivists as well) don’t understand.
7. Evolution is a myth. Secular creationism should replace it:
Disagree with both the observation and follow through, but most SVWs I’ve interacted with seem to only support religion or science when it benefits THEM (no surprise there). In fact most SVWs worship what I call “Science preachers” such as Bill Nye, Neil Tyson, and Stephen Hawking, all three of which are Statist communists. And we should ALL know what I think of statist communists.
8. Capitalism is evil and should be abolished because it’s based on merit, qualification, and objective truth instead of feelings and needs, which is offensive to losers:
Oh yeah, I’ve had some legit shouting matches with SVWs about this one. I’ll defend against this observation physically if necessary. They want everyone to be just as unsuccessful as they, that’s their follow through.
9. All western countries should be abolished and put under the control of a world government while all non-western countries should be nationalistic and pursue their own destinies unhindered by evil white, western imperialists:
This is the follow through of the previous point. And it is exactly what I mean when I say that all collectivists are SVWs. They only want their own kind to prosper and/or survive. But this isn’t a progressive thing, it is a collectivist thing.
10. Climate change is real and a consequences of whiteness, masculinity, and heterosexual imperialism:
Disagree with that, and one observation I have is that Progressives use the climate change topic to fuel their conspiracy theories just like any collectivist would. Its them saying: “We know what’s best for the planet more than you do.”
11. Linear time is a myth. The past is the present:
Yup, this concerns me quite a bit. In fact, I wrote a blog post about it. There is a good reason why most progressives have an obsession with 18th and 19th century folklore. And that is because they preach revisionist history. And AGAIN, that is a collectivist thing not specifically a progressive thing.
12. No one may experience any happiness if even one person on the planet is sad:
I dislike this observation as well, but I have interpreted it like this: “No one may experience any happiness if they disagree with us.” Again, this is a collective thing, progressives are just louder about it.
Progressive stuff I understand, if taken into context and viewed on a case by case basis = 1, 3, 6
Progressive stuff I see as smoke and mirrors/defense mechanisms = 4, 5
Progressive stuff I find silly and negligible = 2
Progressive stuff I see as a threat to the individual (this is what I meant when I said on the CJ blog when I said that collective sentiments are violence, I meant that they are attacking the individual) = 7-12
I’ll admit, this is fun. I’ll be analyzing the other side in a bit.
Posted at 10:53 am, 31st August 2017And now, the other side:
1. A high trust society:
Agree with the observation, but we know what the follow through is. And that follow through is -*drum roll*- supremacy.
2. A gender based economy:
I don’t agree with this at all, and similar to the progressives’ “all sex is rape unless WE are the rapists” narrative, its just negligible psychological projection. Elliot Rodger had a similar philosophy. Hmm, I wonder why?
3. Massive slut shaming, man-hating, and a lack of distinction between sex and rape:
Pretty much the same as the last observation, its sexless men trying to “control” chicks because they feel like victims for not getting laid. Which makes me question the masculinity of the alt-right.
4. White Nationalism, white separatism, and white supremacy:
This is pretty disturbing, but even MORE disturbing is that they are modeling themselves after Israel, yet we paint Israel as “good guys.” I’m more concerned about Israel than White Nationalism tbh. Alt-Rights are stupidly all over the radar with this. Progressives and Israelis are under the radar with it.
5. The Jews are a parasitic cancer upon humanity and should be either exterminated or sent to Israel and contained:
Again, this is just WNs making sure that Israel doesn’t beat them to the punch. They are both the same. I’m not seeing many differences between Israelis (at least in previous generations) and neo-nazis. At least the current generation of Israelis aren’t interested in world conquest, at least.
6. Free Speech should be absolute, political correctness, SJWism, and anti-white racism is a plague:
Ahh, this is where the hypocrisy of the alt-right comes in. Because they don’t believe in absolute free speech either. Try rustling one of their jimmies online (which is what I used to do for hours as a time wasting hobby). You’ll be ousted in seconds. Try saying that you are gay around one of them. Try saying that you don’t care the military industrial complex around them. They’ll hit you with PC stuff too. Yes they may be under the radar about it while progressives are all over the radar, but they want to control words, thoughts and actions as well.
7. Islam is a plague upon humanity and threatens our most precious freedoms if it were to be allowed to go unchecked. Government should make it’s policies with this in mind:
The Nazis and Jews borrowed tactics from Islam. So I agree with this partially as well. Muslims are even MORE alt-right than alt-rights themselves are and are four times more collective than SVWs. Their conquests gave root to collectivism. That being said…its against my personal values and principles to eliminate them. This observation is a dick measuring contest between alt-rights, muslims, and Israel. But this hurts the individual.
8. America needs to divorce itself from the rest of the planet, rip apart all international treaties, reject all global or international institutions, and become a rogue/nationalist nation again:
I agree with this, but this shouldn’t be a permanent deal. Maybe a small phase. Don’t let anyone in, don’t kick anyone out, see if we need help (unless the US becomes Anarcho Capitalist, we would, that’s why I say a small phase).
9. All Free Trade Agreements must be abolished and protectionism must be restored to capitalism:
Freedom of enterprise. I agree. But The alt-right doesn’t want this in the abstract. Because of 4 and 5, the alt-right will eventually want freedom of enterprise for their kind and their kind only. Just like progressives want freedom of expression for their kind and their kind only.
10. America has the absolute right to control its borders, all illegals should be deported, and all legals should assimilate or be deported as well:
During the phase in item 8, I agree. Otherwise, I am a fan of completely open borders and sovereignty for all. Ya know, the Anarcho-Capitalist thing.
11. Objective truth is the reality. When it conflicts with feelings, feelings should always lose:
I agree, but what is “truth?” Stuff that the alt-right says is true? Stuff that progressives say is true? Also, alt-rights betray this quite a bit. They see someone or encounter something they don’t like, it rustles their jimmies. So they are hypocrites for this.
12. Christianity is the heart of western civilization and should be supported by the government, thus implying that Christian morality should be legislated:
Yeah this is stupid. And like the Scientologists, Alt-Rights are now being violent about it, attempting to recreate the Inquisition. But progressives have been doing this as well. Both will begin doing it by the 2020s and the individual will be forced to pick a side.
Alt right stuff I understand, if taken into proper context: 6, 8, 9
Alt right stuff I find silly and negligible = 2, 3, 5, 11
Alt right stuff I find as a legit threat to the individual = 1, 4, 7, 10, 12
Posted at 03:21 pm, 31st August 2017Eh, you give this woman too little credit by assuming she’s stupid and delusional. Here’s my theory:
All along, she understood implicitly that her rich, powerful, admired husband wasn’t perfect and was subject to the same urges as any other man. It just so happens that she discovers proof right around the time SHE’S getting bored of the marriage, no longer into it sexually, and willing to strike out on her own anyway.
Now she’s playing the oblivious scorned woman for extra sympathy and, of course, alimony.
Nah. This lady’s a shark. This was the long con.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:56 pm, 31st August 2017Entirely possible, yes.
Posted at 08:46 pm, 31st August 2017This is without a doubt the most likely scenario!
Posted at 09:33 pm, 31st August 2017Boom nailed it. This is like 80% of all chicks at least, and good for them. The other 20% or so are missing out.
I’d be doing the exact same if I were a chick. If you’re getting used by anyone, you’re a dummy dumb who deserves to get used.
Mike Hunter
Posted at 10:32 pm, 31st August 2017Great article. But I don’t think there’s anything such as true feminist ideals. Feminism is just a lobbying group for liberal women. Feminism’s belief system revolves around man hating and whatever happens to advantageous to those with female plumbing at any given time. Sometimes that means feminist lobbying groups such as NOW make conflicting arguments at the same exact moment. For example:
o Women are independent, reliable, as well as mentally and physically tough enough to be able to serve in infantry as well as special forces roles in the military. But women are weak, dependent, and need to be financially supported by their ex-husbands with lifetime alimony.
o No one should be able to control a woman’s body. But men should be forced to labor with their bodies without compensation (the definition of slavery) to subsidize women’s reproductive choices.
o Female genital mutilation is a barbaric practice that is rightly outlawed. But male genital mutilation… no big deal. In fact not only will we keep it legal; and we’ll force taxpayers to pay for the procedure though Medicaid.
o When a woman doesn’t want to become a parent after an unwanted pregnancy: Your body your choice! You go girl! But when a man who doesn’t want to become a parent after an unwanted pregnancy: DEAD BEAT! Man up and take care of your responsibilities!
o Don’t you dare judge a woman by her physical appearance (fat acceptance, I don’t have to shave) or sexual history (slut shaming)!!! But when a man says something that a feminist doesn’t like: ‘You’re just a fat, neck beard, virgin, who’s mad that he can’t get laid!
I could go on but you get the point.
Posted at 01:20 am, 1st September 2017“”Now she’s playing the oblivious scorned woman for extra sympathy and, of course, alimony.
Boom nailed it. This is like 80% of all chicks at least, and good for them. The other 20% or so are missing out.I’d be doing the exact same if I were a chick. If you’re getting used by anyone, you’re a dummy dumb who deserves to get used.””
Too bad we don’t have a divorce lawyer in chat. Higher amounts of alimony are it is demonstrated he or she cheated, the more times the better. The more violent he or she is towards the other person. Women say more lies for more money. Amber Heard remember her public facade. The more violent he or she is towards their kids. The judge will rule in court whether in this case the woman will get an extra $1000 or $2000 a month. [Real amounts are higher duhhh.] This is tax free $1000 or $2000 every month for life. You can all post here that it is not money but I’m sure $2000 tax free each month upgrades your living place, clothes, restaurant, more purchases.
Posted at 12:19 pm, 1st September 2017> Nah. This lady’s a shark. This was the long con.
Calling her a “shark” pulling a “long con” is just emotional spin. She may have been (probably was, I would guess) sincere at the beginning of the marriage.
But at this point, that’s irrelevant. Now she’s merely someone exercising a contractual right that entitles her to half of a nine-figure fortune.
Looked at this way, she is losing hundreds of millions of dollars by NOT divorcing him.
Anyone on this board would exercise that right. Huffing and puffing about cons and sharks is silly.
(As is signing a marriage contact.)
If you are the earner, a marriage contract simply guarantees your counterparty a windfall for dumping you later. The harder you work – the more you succeed – the bigger the incentive gets.
There is no stupider contract you could sign.
Posted at 07:44 pm, 1st September 2017The fan site “Whedonesque” shut down overnight when that letter came out…
It seems to me that he would have been better off not calling himself a male feminist, but it seemed to work pretty well for him until now. He shoulda divorced her before directing Avengers and becoming a big name director.
As for his girlfriend, I always thought it was Charisma Carpenter, a very hot woman who played Cordelia in Buffy and then in Angel, then abruptly left the show after getting married and pregnant and disappeared from the Whedon circle. But who knows?
Posted at 02:08 pm, 2nd September 2017“…men who cheat on their wives usually still love their wives, still love their kids, and still want to stay with and support their families. Just because they bang someone on the side doesn’t mean they love their side-women. That’s very unlikely. Again, this is all very normal and predictable.”
So, what´s the fuzz about?
Posted at 07:56 pm, 2nd September 2017Exactly. Gender politics have nothing to do with it. If I had that opportunity I would take it too.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:07 am, 3rd September 2017Yes, but that’s the problem.
Agree 100%. I’ve said many times that I have absolutely zero sympathy for men dumb enough to get legally married in the traditional way.
At the same time, we live in a culture where, as you said, there are huge incentives for women to divorce rape men. That should not be the case.
The problem is on both sides.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:08 am, 3rd September 2017The unhappiness cheating and traditional marriage eventually causes for men.
Posted at 12:40 pm, 3rd September 2017> At the same time, we live in a culture where, as you said, there are huge incentives for women to divorce rape men. That should not be the case.
This actually cuts both ways. I happen to know a female show runner (not as successful as Whedon) whose hubby divorced her, taking half her earnings. What’s more, it was even worse, because he alleged that he had become used to a higher standard of living. And that was her fault – when she started making a ton of money, she upgraded everything, and he was along for the ride.
So he took her to the cleaners.
And the hilarious part? He was a physician — an anesthesiologist – making huge money himself. But *nothing* compared to what she made. So she got fucking reamed.
Hate the game — or hate California — or hate your own emotionalism. But if you hate the law governing contracts you willingly signed, you are a loser.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:51 pm, 3rd September 2017Correct; I’ve written about that before. That’s the exception to the rule and doesn’t change a thing I said.
Again, I agree completely.
But that isn’t the only problem.
Posted at 04:08 pm, 3rd September 2017Not arguing with you, btw, and I apologize if it came off that way. But some commenters seem enraged at women for what is standard and utterly predictable *human* behavior.
Chode Stuttercock
Posted at 05:12 am, 28th September 2017Airing out someone’s laundry is epically useful for both repelling them from your life and sending the message that you aren’t anyone to be fucked with. Don’t cry foul NOW. The world isn’t just for men anymore. Not since you pussies sold it to women to fuck over Chad. Though THAT happened thousands of years ago like Black Dragon has said.
Congrats idiots. “Female” tactics are now YOUR tactics.