02 Oct “What If Everyone Did That?”

-By Caleb Jones
One of the dumbest, lamest, most irrational responses to some of my techniques is this:
Oh my GOD! What if EVERYONE did that?!? That would be a nightmare because…!
Sometimes I get its little brother, the excuse of,
That’s stupid advice! Not everyone can do that!!!
Honestly, I get this excuse all the time. I was hoping to not actually write an article describing why this is stupid beyond belief, but I guess I have to. I shall address the “what if everyone did that” and “not everyone can do that” questions/excuses to each of the topic areas people tend to throw that excuse at. They are numbered in below no particular order. And before you ask, yes, I really do get people saying these exact things in comments and emails.
1. What if every man on Earth became an Alpha 2.0? How would society function?
Every man won’t. Only a small percentage ever will. Even if I became nationally known and famous, regularly featured on mainstream shows like Oprah, Ellen, Fox News, CNN, and Dr. Phil, and even if these sources supported my message instead of attempting to sabotage it, only a very, very small percentage of men would actually start businesses and go nonmonogamous as I recommend.
As I talked about in detail in part two of this article, my goal is to help the top 10% of men to achieve this lifestyle. That’s it! The other 90% of frightened beta males or happy-to-be-unhappy Alpha 1.0’s are going to keep right on doing what they’re doing despite my messaging. I have zero interest in helping these men.
I only have an interest in helping those betas who are tired of being slaves and those Alpha 1.0’s who are tired of the work and drama. I roughly estimate that to be about 10% of men, at best. Moreover, only a small percentage of those men will actually implement my ideas into their lives; the rest of them will nod their heads and say “Damn, this is really good stuff!” and then do nothing. So if you do the math, only 2-5% of men at the very most are going to become Alpha 2.0.
So asking about every man in the world becoming an Alpha 2.0 is, frankly, very stupid. Not even a majority, not even a plurality will even get close. Ever.
2. Not everyone can start their own business! Not everyone can be a successful entrepreneur!
I addressed this already in item number five in my Response To MGTOWs article. To summarize, as I already stated very clearly in my Manosphere article, I’m not giving advice to “everyone” here at this blog. News flash: not “everyone” on the planet reads my content. Not even 1% do or ever will. So WTF?
All of my writings, my blogs, my books, etc, are geared toward you, not “everyone” and not “society.” As I’ve said many times, and shown with many facts and stats, “society” (in terms of Western society anyway) is already fucked no matter what you or I do. I don’t give a shit about “society” and haven’t for a very long time.
Instead, I give a shit about you, the guy reading this article right now. Of course not “everyone” can start their own business and make a little money doing it, but you can. If you’re mentally retarded or live in North Korea, then okay, maybe you can’t, but I have a strong feeling you don’t fall into either of those categories.
I’m a business consultant with 25 years of experience. I’ve worked with literally thousands of people and hundreds of companies in the business world. I have personally seen some of the dumbest, ugliest, most awkward entrepreneurs with the hardest, shittiest personal backgrounds start their own businesses from literally nothing and built them to make at least decent incomes (and sometimes, better than decent). You can too. Not everyone… but you.
3. What if everyone stopped doing monogamy like you recommend? Then the upper 5% of Alphas would get all the women and millions of betas would be sexless and left behind to jerk off in the gutter and the human race would die out because not enough babies would be born oh NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
Read what I said above in item number one about how not everyone will do this. If the comments on this blog over the last many years are any indication, as well as comments in PUA and manosphere blogs and forums all over the internet, you can tell there is a huge population of men who are zealously clinging to monogamy as best they possibly can, despite the literal mountains of data in their face clearly showing that absolute sexual monogamy clearly doesn’t work.
Therefore, the idea that “everyone” will someday stop being sexually monogamous, particularly because of little ‘ol me, is ridiculous. Society will always have religious people, traditional people, low sex drive people, hyper-jealous people, old people, people who don’t like sex, overly controlling Alpha 1.0’s, overly controlling female Dominants, and high-ASD women. These groups, and many others, will continue to stupidly embrace monogamy, at least serial monogamy. You have nothing to worry about.
4. Not everyone can be rich!
It is not my recommendation that you be rich. It is my recommendation to get your income up to $75,000 US per year, since numerous studies have shown that income will make you the happiest. It is also my recommendation that you pay off all of your debts and remain debt free for the rest of your life once you do so. Getting to $75K per year, ideally under the Alpha 2.0 model that I describe, and paying off your debts, is easily doable by any man reading these words.
$75K per year is not rich. Because of the destruction of the value of the US dollar over the last 100 years by the Federal Reserve, it’s not even close to rich.
That being said, if you want to be rich, and that’s an important goal for you, by all means, go right ahead! That’s awesome. I also acknowledge that there are some men who would be unhappy with just $75K per year and would be happier with a little more income than that (I am one of these men). Also great; go for it. I’m just saying the baseline minimum is $75,000 US year, not bazillions of dollars. Anyone saying that I’m telling guys they have to be “rich” is either stupid or is purposely misquoting me.
5. What if everyone took your advice and no one went to college like you recommend? Then everyone would be stupid and we’d all be blue collar laborers and the economy would crash and we’d all be fucked OH NOOOOOO!!!!!
A. As I said above, my advice is not to “everyone,” just you. I don’t advise “everyone” to not go to college. Just you shouldn’t go to college. Let all those other idiots burn up their money and their futures and waste their key four years of early adulthood.
B. You should go to college if you are 100% sure you want to be a doctor. That’s perfectly valid.
C. You should go to college if you’ve got a free ride (scholarships or parents) to an Ivy League school like Harvard and your goal is to be an employee for the rest of your life. Yes, a degree from someplace like Harvard will indeed open doors for you…. if you goal is to be an employee and work for someone else. If you’re following my Alpha 2.0 advice, your goal should instead be to own 2-4 small diversified businesses that make a total of $75K per year or more. College is not only useless under this model, but in most cases it’s actually harmful to it, because of all the false Societal Programming college will fill your head with.
But yeah, if you want to be a wage slave as a corporate drone for the rest of your life, and you can go to some Ivy League school for free, then go ahead.
D. I understand that a lot of you Europeans can go to college for free. I still don’t recommend it unless your goal is one of the two exceptions above (a doctor or Ivy League corporate drone). The opportunity cost of blowing away the most important four years of your life, age 18-22 or so, where what you do pays dividends for the rest of your life, is far too high.
E. “Go to college” was good advice in the pre-internet age. However, may of you college nerds seem to forget that you have just about everything you could possibly learn at college is accessible via the phone that’s in your pocket right this minute. This is even above and beyond a recent invention called “books.” I’m literally one of the most educated people I personally know, and I never went to college. Why do you think that is?
So even if “everyone” didn’t go to college, which will never happen, the world would still be full of very, very educated people.
I could go into more details on this college thing, but hopefully you get the point.
6. Not everyone can bang a bunch of girls!
You’re misquoting me. I never said you should bang a bunch of girls. One MLTR or OLTR and one FB on the side is all you need. That’s just two girls, and two is not a lot. Read this.
7. What if no one got married? Then we’d have a society full of sex addicts and everyone would be running around fucking each other and no fathers would be raising children and all the kids would be raised wrong and then we’d all be fucked OH NOOOOOO!!!!!
I already addressed that in items number one and two here. To summarize, I am pro-family, pro-children (as long as you fully understand what you’re getting into), and pro-pair-bonding, particular long-term pair-bonding. I have a family and love them. I have two children and I love them. I generally prefer being pair-bonded to one woman (or close to it, in the case of a high-end MLTR), and I am right now. I’m having a wedding ceremony next year, for fuck’s sake. So anyone implying that I’m against families, children, or long-term pair-bonding is clearly an idiot. I’m not a culturally suicidal left-winger and I’m for all that home and hearth stuff.
What I am against is A) absolute sexual monogamy, which is impossible over the long-term for most people under the age of 60, and B) the legal, financial, and logistical threats men incur when they get married in the traditional, legal way.
As I’ve explained many times on this blog and in my books, you do not need to be absolutely sexually monogamous nor traditionally, legally married in order to love/live with a special woman and raise kids with her. And if you don’t believe that, you have been brainwashed by outdated Societal Programming and really need to work on washing that bullshit out of your mind; read this, this, and this for more details on how you can get married and have kids under these new, safe models instead of the outdated, broken, and dangerous ones recommended to you by angry Republicans.
8. What if everyone moves out of the Western world / Europe / USA like you recommend? The entire world economy would collapse because Western Civilization is the only thing holding the world together!!! Not everyone can move out of the country you know!!!
You don’t need to move out of the country and I never said you have to. I just said that I am, because I’m tired of being called a racist and sexist for no reason while paying some of the world’s highest tax rates so dickweeds like Trump can bomb little girls in other countries. If that doesn’t bother you and you want to stay in your slowly collapsing nation, that’s perfectly fine. You can instead structure an Alpha 2.0 financial and sexual lifestyle where you are detached from the system to the point where if your country/economy does collapse, the damage to you is minimal.
Actually moving out of the country and following a Five Flags system like I’m working on is a very good idea, but it’s by no means required. It’s simply the “next level” to the Alpha Male 2.0 lifestyle I talk about, but it’s optional if you follow all of my other advice regarding nonmonogamy, not merging your finances with a woman, owning your own business, diversified income, low or zero debt, low monthly expense footprint, completely location independent income, international investing, etc.
I explained this in more detail here.
9. Not everyone can bang 19 year-old supermodels!
People who pull excuses like this out of their asses are purposely misquoting me. Never have I said anywhere that you should bang 19 year-olds or supermodels. I’ve never had sex with a supermodel. (Models, yes, but not a super one.) I have had sex with many 19 year-olds, but that was a personal preference I had a few years ago and I don’t really mess around with women that young anymore (at least not really). Been there, done that, a lot, and I don’t need to keep doing it.
What I have said is that the women you have sex with (and again, most men only need two!) should be attractive to you, and that regularly having sex with women who are average or ugly to you is a bad idea long-term.
In going along with my attractiveness scale of ugly, average, cute, or hot, most or all of your women should be at least cute, to you. Getting two or three cute women to you is not difficult. They don’t need to be 19 and they don’t need to be supermodels. Stop being and idiot and STOP WITH THE EXCUSES.
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Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.
Posted at 05:53 am, 2nd October 2017I agree with you should bang the more attractive women (those you assume higher smv than yours), because i had an intuition, the girl hook faster, you might probably not expecting if your smv is higher than hers, and that’s not ”game”, ie good looking guy’s game.
Posted at 05:56 am, 2nd October 2017BD,
Minor typo under 5A. You used “collage” instead of college at the end of the second sentence.
This part made me laugh out loud, “millions of betas would be sexless and left behind to jerk off in the gutter” 😀
Thanks for another good post.
The New Yorker
Posted at 06:00 am, 2nd October 2017Hey BD,
Not here to give excuses. Just here to ask some questions I couldn’t find the answers to without some help.
With regards to point 2 (Entrepreneurship) and point 5 (College),
– (About Entrepreneurship) You explained that a person has the first option of initially working shitty jobs while continuing to search for better options, or the second option of to ideally pester a large, interesting company in a growth industry with your resume until they hire you. I have a hard time believing that nagging companies until you’re hired is a viable option. Could you explain your reasoning and provide some evidence for that option?
– (About College) One of the biggest reasons everyone still bothers me to go to college was for the stupid diploma. Could you explain why a college degree/ diploma doesn’t really help with getting hired by large companies? And specifically why doesn’t a college degree help with becoming an entrepreneur? If you could also offer some evidence for this problem, I would very much appreciate it.
Pyro Nagus
Posted at 06:31 am, 2nd October 2017There was, is and always will be a hierarchal system when it comes to social animals like humans. Betas will always outnumber Alphas. A fraction of these Alphas will be chill Alphas. A percentage of these chill Alphas will adopt the Alpha 2.0 lifestyle.
Some don’t know how to. A lot of them don’t accept it consciously. And some can’t emotionally accept it. And here are people worrying about everyone becoming rich Alpha 2.0s. lol
Gil Galad
Posted at 07:29 am, 2nd October 2017I’m in a highly ranked European university for free (-ish) AND with scholarship from my home country, starting a 3-year doctorate (will also be getting the country’s citizenship and looking for a job, but might plan to leave the West on the longer term). Is it that bad ? I could drop out once I have the citizenship because then I no longer need to be a student to stay in the country.
(btw I’m immune to whatever SP they throw at us there, and they definitely do, lol)
I don’t remember which country you were planning to reside in, but if it’s NZ, won’t you be facing the same kind of political correctness etc ?
Posted at 07:31 am, 2nd October 2017I can’t agree more wholeheartedly.
My first wife was average, second wife was ugly…..then one other ugly girl……then a hot, yes, 19 year old, who I was with for 4.5 years (and is still a great friend, it’s interesting having a spy in the enemies camp). It was an absolute revelation fucking a girl that hot, and that into sex.
I tried fucking that ugly one again, she’s finishing her PhD……it was absolutely awful and a terrible mistake.
I randomly made out with a hottie recently and it stoked my desire hardcore. I have too much going on for night game, though. Guess I’ll try OKC again. People lament that the girls on OKC are lower quality, blah blah blah….the girl I mentioned above keeps finding pretty good guys there, fucks on the second date, and is open to FB/MLTR but guys are too Beta/jealous/hungry to tolerate it.
I think there’s real opportunity here. Outside of Provider Hunters, whom I’m useless to, it really seems that it’s men pushing monogamy.
Posted at 07:33 am, 2nd October 2017Hello BD,
Quick unrelated question: I bought your ebook bundlea few days ago (the one on online dating and getting to sex fast, and I was wondering if the getting to sex fast would help me get girls at my University if I didn’t want to focus solely on meeting girls online and when I’d be getting emailed the newer version of said ebook. I already sent an email to you so I’m not sure if you’ve seen it already.
Also, if you don’t think that your ebooks can help with the university game, do you have any recommendations of programs I could try?
Posted at 08:16 am, 2nd October 2017BD, quick question: While having an OLTR, how do you deal with ”do you have a girlfriend” question? I’ve been pushed for an answer in date with potential new FBs, after already tried to deviate with funny/sarcastic replies.
I didn’t have that problem when dating MLTRs, but an OLTR is different and it sounds like lying if I say ”I don’t have yet” or ”just dating around”.
Posted at 09:56 am, 2nd October 2017One thing I’ve always wondered that’s related to this topic is: If more people used your techniques or any other techniques from personal development books, seminars etc, will the techniques become less effective?
I’ve always had that road block in my mind when I read a helpful book. I couldn’t help but think “if more people would use this knowledge, would it still work?”
Posted at 10:02 am, 2nd October 2017Anyway, “what if everyone did x” is always a stupid question, no matter x. “Oh, you’re a blogger? Bu what if everyone did that? What would we be eating?” “Oh, you’re a farmer so that we have things to eat? But what if everyone was a farmer? Who’s going to protect us in case of fire/sickness/attack by another group of men/etc.?”
Posted at 10:15 am, 2nd October 2017Right, “what if everyone did X” is logically incorrect. For everyone to start doing X that’s not being done today, there must be some cause C that’s not present today, and so we can’t judge this possibility from the viewpoint of the current society that does not have cause C.
In other words, “If everyone jumped off the bridge, would you do that, too?” “Well, all those people must have a very strong reason to do so, and what’s more likely—them all becoming crazy at once or me missing some important fact?”
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:39 am, 2nd October 2017Fixed. Thanks.
You don’t nag them for the position of Senior Vice President of Marketing. You nag them for something entry level. If it’s entry level, you’ll eventually get in if you nag enough and nag enough companies. Read about how I did this right here.
It can help with large companies, depending on the industry and the level of position. However,
1. Once you’re in that company, you can often rise just in that company as fast is you’re a badass employee regardless of the degree. The degree just helps open the initial door… sometimes.
2. As I said in the article, it only helps (maybe) if your goal is to be an employee for the rest of your life, and you shouldn’t be.
Because customers and clients don’t care at all about whether or not you went to college, only if you can help solve their problems.
If you’re a company looking at me for productivity consulting, do you care if I have a college degree, or do you more care about other companies I’ve helped in the past?
If you’re looking at buying one of my Blackdragon ebooks, do you care if I went to college? Does that influence your decision at all?
And so on.
Yes. Going to college for 7 years (or whatever) to get a doctorate is very bad. You could leverage those 7 years far better in so many other ways.
Getting citizenship is good only if the country’s passport is good and they don’t tax you on external income in any way whatsoever. Even then, there are easier ways to get citizen than sacrificing 7 years of your life (or whatever the specific number of years for your doctorate is).
1. I will not be a citizen of NZ. I’m following Five Flags.
2. I will be in NZ only 6 months a year, not all year.
3. I will own no assets in NZ and paying no taxes to NZ, so I don’t really give a shit about what their government does (unless they go totalitarian, but it’s fucking NZ; not a risk).
4. Political correctness is everywhere white people are (except Russia) so you can’t escape it completely no matter where you go.
Yep! It doesn’t teach daygame though. You should combine Get To Sex Fast with a good daygame resource (like Tom Torero or Good Looking Loser) for maximum results.
This entire article is written for people who have that stupid, irrelevant, irrational fear.
Go back and re-read the answer to very first question in the article, “What if every man on Earth became an Alpha 2.0?”
Exactly. It’s literally stupid.
Posted at 11:12 am, 2nd October 2017so is it that the bar really isn’t that high? but many peoples'(?) is just somewhat low? Thus leaving a chance to jump into this 2-5%!!!??
Posted at 11:31 am, 2nd October 2017These are ridiculous concerns because “Everybody” won’t be doing any of the things you listed here, no matter how rational. And by ‘everybody’ I even mean more than 5% of the male population, to be honest.
Yes, if “Everybody” in society massively changed their behavior/ tactics/ goals/ end game, that would completely change the game, obviously. But that doesn’t happen. We live in a cause-effect universe. The average person just plods along in life. They’re told to chase a career in the job market, try to get married somehow, pop out kids, etc.
They’re too lazy to work hard or work out hard or basically do anything hard. They eat eat eat, self medicate with food/ booze/ drugs, work 9-5, then plop down in front of the idiot box for about 5 hours to watch TV, play video games, jerk off, then sleep til sun-up.
It’s just a baseless concern.
Posted at 11:37 am, 2nd October 2017Another thing to think about regarding this “concern” is that those who historically broke from what everyone else was doing ended up making great discoveries and changed how we live. If 100% of people did the same shit, we’d never progress.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 01:18 pm, 2nd October 2017That’s a very good question. The bar is actually not set very high. The problem is people think the bar is set high because of their own biases, experiences, and rationalizations.
For example, if I say, “You should be an entrepreneur and have your own business,” some people immediately think of owning business like General Motors or Amazon and say, “WTF? I can’t do that! Not everyone can do that!!!” When in fact, all I’m talking about is business with no employees that you run from your home that makes you a few thousand a month so you don’t have to work at a soul-crushing corporate job for the rest of your life. The bar for that is pretty low.
If I say, “You should never be monogamous,” some people immediately think of having sex with ten different super hot girls on constant rotation. Of course they think, “”WTF? I can’t do that! Not everyone can do that!!!” When in fact, all I’m talking about is one main girl and one girl on the side who are at least moderately cute to you. The bar for that is pretty low.
So yes, the bar is somewhat low, much lower than a lot of people assume. You just have to be careful about not artificially pushing the bar too high in your own mind.
Posted at 02:17 pm, 2nd October 2017Damn, this is really good stuff!!
I’ve noding my head several times.
donnie demarco
Posted at 06:21 pm, 2nd October 2017This article, rephrased as a conversation between honeybees:
Worker Drone #1 (out of 1000): “OMG! What if all of us had sex with the Queen?! How would our colony function?!”
Worker Drone #2 (out of 1000): “What if no one did the hard labor required to upkeep the hive and feed the colony?! We’d go extinct!”
Worker Drone #3 (out of 1000): “You see that bee over there *gasp* fornicating with the Queen? He’s such a douche. When will he get his shit together and be like us?”
Alpha 2.0 Masta Pimp Bee #1 (out of 12): “I’m sorry, idiots, I couldn’t hear you over the sound of me smashing the hell out of the Queen Bitch”
Fellas, shut up and take responsibility for the choices you make in life.
And to That One Guy who will no doubt reply with something like “oh, this analogy doesn’t work because honeybee mating patterns differ from humans in the sense that blah blah blah”: You are a worker bee.
Posted at 07:42 pm, 2nd October 2017BD
Only a small percentage of people make 75k U.S a yr worldwide. Less than 10% of people I would estimate, and a good percentage of those inherited it from rich parents. Also how come people in some other countries seem less stress and happier than people in U.S and also look healthier(less obesity issues) but make lot less money especially when factoring in currensy exchange rates?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:35 pm, 2nd October 2017Irrelevant. I don’t speak to the entire world here, just the Western world, and only a very small percentage of that.
False. And left-wing bullshit Societal Programming. Only 20% of millionaires inherited their wealth, and the vast majority of people who make $75,000 a year are not anywhere near millionaires, driving this 20% figure even lower. Here’s just a few sources:
Because Westerners in general and Americans in particular tend to be touchy and shallow, are horrible at achieving happiness. That’s what my book is all about. There’s also the factor of viewing the West as a civilization in decline, which it is, so of course most Westerners are going to be unhappy.
Posted at 09:17 pm, 2nd October 2017What? What is this?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:46 pm, 2nd October 2017You obviously haven’t been keeping up with this blog.
Posted at 01:07 am, 3rd October 2017Many moons ago, I did just that. I decided I wanted to be a trader, so bought a book on the subject that listed all the local based firms, and I wrote to each and every one, just under 100 companies, asking for an interview.
Anyway, 2 interviews came out of it, one for an excellent role as a trader (which I screwed up) and the other for some ultra junior back-office role, and I got that one, and so my foot was in the door and my career began. Just be realistic and accept that you’ll be doing shit work for shit money for many years.
The beauty of this is the very fact that they won’t.
Look at health. It’s not like people don’t know the “secret” to good health is healthy eating and regular exercise but how many act on it? The “secret” is not the advice, but the will to act on it and stick to it over the long-term. Only a small minority will ever do this despite the advice being known by the vast majority of people.
Posted at 08:27 am, 3rd October 2017Not sure if it is an excuse or not, and I am willing to take the time and effort to do something like this. I just pretty much have no idea how or where to start and the thought of it is quite overwhelming. Writing is pretty much the only thing I am good at, and although I own a couple of blogs, I have no idea of how to monetize them correctly. What is the first thing I should do in this position?
Also how should I go about getting a “regular” job nowadays? If I’m gonna start my own business (pretty much making money off writing stuff lol) I’m gonna need at least a part time job. Should I just go on a bunch of organization websites, apply to stuff, then like BD says, nag them for an entry level position?
I agree. College may as well just be relegated to a hobby nowadays. I don’t regret going to college cuz I’ve met some really cool people and did some really cool things in college, but I do regret taking out disturbing amounts of student loans in college.
Doug C
Posted at 11:50 am, 3rd October 2017“You don’t need to move out of the country and I never said you have to. I just said that I am, because I’m tired of being called a racist and sexist for no reason while paying some of the world’s highest tax rates so dickweeds like Trump can bomb little girls in other countries. If that doesn’t bother you and you want to stay in your slowly collapsing nation, that’s perfectly fine. You can instead structure an Alpha 2.0 financial and sexual lifestyle where you are detached from the system to the point where if your country/economy does collapse, the damage to you is minimal.”
I am right there with you Caleb. Great Article
Posted at 12:29 pm, 3rd October 2017Blackdragon,
Why are you having a wedding ceremony, no matter how good your woman is? You are the one who taught us that such ceremonies bind you to the state contract anyway (and you could owe palimony, etc.).
No matter how good she is, what gives?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:01 pm, 3rd October 2017Awesome! Yes, that’s exactly what I’m talking about. Well done!
Yes, that’s an excuse.
Sit down and brainstorm several market niches that you’re aware of, then in a second column list their biggest problem or need. Do the research if you have to.
A wedding ceremony alone does not make me liable for palimony in my jurisdiction. And WTF? Do you seriously think I would ever do anything that would put me at personal risk for something like palimony? Read this and give me a little more credit next time. Your question is insulting.
Posted at 02:52 pm, 3rd October 2017I don’t, which is why I was surprised to read it, and requested a clarification.
Good. But remember that they do change laws that then apply retroactively, going back years or even decades.
An Australian man, age 80, is liable for ‘marital rape ‘ that he allegedly committed on his wife in 1963 (when the term didn’t even exist).
Caleb Jones
Posted at 03:46 pm, 3rd October 2017I’m doing Five Flags. I won’t be living in the US nor even be a US citizen by then.
I’ve done the research, covered all the bases, and I’ve got it all planned out, my friend. All of it. Don’t worry.
Posted at 09:48 pm, 3rd October 2017@ Leon
“While having an OLTR, how do you deal with ”do you have a girlfriend” question?”
Recently, I got the woman into me on a date and in a completely outcome independent way invited her over that night. I said something like, “I have no expectations but before we go, you should know I am in an open relationship. I totally understand if you are not cool with it.” She came over and we had great sex.
Note: I only tried this once but it worked like a charm.
Posted at 06:46 am, 4th October 2017I’m cool with college being 99,9% stupid, useless and a money sucking machine.
But (sorry if I missed anything) what about if you want to be an Architect or Engineer and design and build stuff…don’t you need a degree for that?
Posted at 07:38 am, 4th October 2017Hey B D, you often say your material is aimed at those I the West and you never say your model is intended for use outside western countries. I wonder how you feel about the application of your material here in China. I live in Shanghai and have lived in China for over six years. Do you know how much marriage is a last of women’s social conditioning here?
Also, you state above that you can cohabit and have children with a woman without marrying them. Not in China you can’t, if she doesn’t break it off with you due to pressure to marry from all sides, then there are laws in place to tame your ass. For example, to deliver a baby in a hospital here, you need to show the doctors and nurses performing the delivery your freaking marriage certificate. You can’t give the baby rights to schooling later in life without this. It is not registered in the hukou system… Doesn’t have a place that it belongs and can get simple benefits later, like buying a house or car. I’m not even sure a kid born out of wed lock can get a national ID card. Although you said you’re not attracted to Asian women so much you’re also said that you plan to move to Shanghai possibly.
Posted at 08:54 am, 4th October 2017Not all of your ideas are easy to implement. To give one example, I would argue that to pull of sex talk correctly on a first date is something only very small percentage of men can do, and that for the rest it would require unreasonably long “training” time.
Posted at 10:19 am, 4th October 2017I would argue that to pull of sex talk correctly on a first date is something only very small percentage of men can do
I’m one of them that it doesn’t (yet) work for. I probably miss some lays because I haven’t learned how to pull it off, but oh well. I can still pull within a couple hours of meeting someone.
I’m also one of the 90% BD mentions. My woman life is Alpha 2.0 but that’s about where it ends. I neither have, nor want, a mission. My income has a very different trajectory — namely, I work for someone else, and plan to continue working for someone else until I retire. Then I’ll live off investment returns.
Starting a business is something that’s very difficult for me. Actually the hard part is coming up with something to do: I’ve spent hours thinking about niches and needs that need filling and come up completely blank…so I focused on increasing my income by working for someone else, with a plan to limit the amount of time spent doing that by having a high savings rate.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:42 am, 4th October 2017If you want to be an employee for the rest of your life, possibly. If your goal is to be a free man and own your own business, no. You need training, but not a degree. Two different things.
They told me the same thing when I was young. “Oh, you want to go into computers/tech? Then you NEED a degree.” Nope; they were wrong. I just needed training. Training doesn’t require college.
One of the projects I’m working on is The Chinese Alpha Male 2.0; a way a Chinese man can implement my concepts within the restrictions of the Chinese culture (at least as much as possible). It will take a while though, and I need a lot of help writing it from Chinese men.
Oh yes, very well. You’ve got all these college girls who are still virgins waiting to get married. It’s crazy. Like the 1950’s.
Chinese men are also turning into betas, getting addicted to Japanese anime porn, much like what’s happened in Japan. China has a very interesting future. By the way, I just posted a big article about China this morning right here.
As I’ve said many times, China is not the Western world and I only address the West here at this blog. I am well aware there are restrictions on men in China that don’t exist in the West. I promise I will provide something for you guys in China at some point. It’s a big, important project for me. You Chinese have a lot of money and are the future of the world… and I want some of that cash.
(The easiest long-term solution is, of course, to not live full time in China.)
No. I eliminated Shanghai from my move-to list quite a while ago. Instead I’m going to spend part of the year in Hong Kong. Here’s my current plan.
I never said they were. I said they were doable by the average guy who is willing to put in some work.
1. Incorrect. Any man can do it, given time, and it doesn’t take “unreasonably long” to do it, unless there is something uniquely wrong with you.
2. Even if you never sex talk a woman on a first date, that alone won’t hamper your results as long as you do everything else correctly. In other words, your reluctance to implement that one technique is not an excuse.
Posted at 10:43 am, 4th October 2017Yeah, I can see how it would work theoretically, as I have seen some of my ex’s who went crazy hot for me when we started talking this stuff, plus it will quickly make the girls who normally are there to just waste your time run away (good!) as added bonus, but it will also creep out a lot of girls who would otherwise be genuine interested if not done perfectly right. Well I also still get women, just have to work hard for it, and not every date ends with continuation but many do anyway regardless of this, it just makes it slower to getting into the bed, which is fine for me at the moment. Still learning.
In this case I kinda had a clear direction for myself beforehand already. Its easier when you are doing something spiritual.
For me it was the same until recently where I realised I had enough of job hunts (these days job security is really low), fixed working hours, and most importantly lack of interest in almost all jobs that exists and therefore never giving it anywhere near my full – when its my own business if I want to work less fine, I can, if I want to work more I will be directly rewarded for it (in a corporate job you still get the same salary when you do extra most of the time so employees often just do random shit during working hours then go home…).
Posted at 12:32 pm, 4th October 2017If everyone had at least 2 sexual partners, wouldn’t that greatly increase the spread of disease? I know, but that wouldn’t happen…
Posted at 01:57 pm, 4th October 2017Got it. I really need to start reading Unchained a bit more carefully. I am certain the book mentioned it.
Yeah that’s where I’m at too. I do agree with BD that it IS an excuse however.
Posted at 02:01 pm, 4th October 2017As always with the responses in these direction you are completely forgetting that many people have many partners already. How many people these days have just one partner they stay with for the whole life never dumping them and getting a new one and never cheating? If you do the usual serial monogamy / cheating business you probably have at least 5-10. Now… doesnt that increase the spread of disease? With polygamy you can have actually more stability long term so its less risky id argue.
C Lo
Posted at 04:43 pm, 4th October 2017All of this is really easy. You just gotta take responsibility for your life, and start making changes.
The more you internalize it, the more you acknowledge and reject societal programming, the more you recognize and handle your obsolete caveman wiring, the more you squash your neediness, the better it gets.
Soon, you realize you are playing life on easy mode because everyone else is clueless and still plugged in.
Let em be. Makes it easier for you.
Posted at 08:38 pm, 4th October 2017I do have fixed working hours. For me, job security is an odd thing…I can find a new job paying almost exactly (or more) than my current job in ~2 weeks of looking if anything happens. ~1 week is probably more realistic. So, I don’t always have security at my current job, but I do have security in that it won’t take me very long to find a new one if I want. I have to do it periodically anyway, to get raises that match the increase in value I can provide.
Posted at 02:32 pm, 5th October 2017This sounds like some kind of IT / tech consultancy / contractor who has a very good network. Then you can realise you could easily do this independently and charge more – the lack of overheads means it will cost the client the same.
Posted at 08:20 am, 6th October 2017This sounds like some kind of IT / tech consultancy / contractor who has a very good network. Then you can realise you could easily do
Nope, while I will not reveal exactly what I do on a public forum, I will say that I do not work for a consulting agency. Besides that, consulting work still has all the same problems as working for someone else…you can still only directly trade your time for $.
Posted at 03:04 pm, 6th October 2017Thats not the point. The point is if you can do what you are doing independently you have flexible schedule and are not limited by how much you can earn: If you work for someone else you get X salary and Y number of tasks. If you do YYY tasks you still get the same X, but you cannot do less than 1/2Y. If you do this independently then YYY translates to XXX, or XXXXXXX if you find a way to charge more, and if you decide you have enough and more spare time you can work 1/5Y. This is based on a standard corportate job vs doing similar work independently, though even if you have some unusual arrangement with your employer it will still apply to some extent. Also consulting work just means you are selling your knowledge and expertise, not necessarily your time; BD does both – selling time directly by offering 1 on 1 coaching and getting passive income from membership schemes and book sales.
Posted at 09:51 am, 7th October 2017US still has it better than basically the entirety of Europe and a bunch of other places:
Posted at 10:47 am, 7th October 2017I can’t imagine how much that has to suck. Its like “oh, you made more than all the broke people and less than all the rich people? Time to take 2/3 of your money to give to both.”
Its gonna eventually be like that in the US by the 2030s or so.
Posted at 12:13 pm, 7th October 2017This is only relevant if you have your own business, and then you just pay in the country where your business is based. I think I have an idea: international business that isnt based anywhere so I do not pay taxes anywhere. A corporate employee doesnt care what the tax is, he only cares what he gets on his account at the end of the month, its a huge burden for the employers though that they have to spend that much more on their employees AND that is on top of the tax from profit they already paid. The corporations basically get double taxed. No wonder many of the big ones are doing all kinds of shady stuff to avoid taxes.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:05 pm, 7th October 2017Utterly incorrect. Tax receipts as a percentage of GDP has no bearing at all on the individual tax burden of the typical citizen. All countries have smaller GDP’s than the USA, therefore taxes per GDP is going be lower in the USA. Relevant to the economists, but not relevant to you or me.
Americans, unlike most other country’s citizens including those in Europe, pay federal income tax and state income tax and payroll taxes and (often) city/county income tax and property tax and (usually) sales tax and a myriad of hidden excise taxes. Add all of that up, and the average American pays more in taxes as a real percentage of his income than any other country in the world, in taxes he sees and taxes he doesn’t see, with the exception of a few cities in Scandinavia.
Posted at 11:41 am, 8th October 2017Is this being said by guys with no experience again?
Regularly traveling to new city girls date guys who are the same.
Alternative music bar going girls date guys who listen to alternative music at the same bars.
Alcohol free girls do alcohol free activities with guys who seldom drink.
Weed hardcore rap girls hook up with regular weed users who listen to hardcore rap.
The above is reality. An alternative music regular doesn’t enjoy rap. People who need to go to a new city as many weekends as possible don’t mesh with people who don’t care for it. Someone who is non alcohol is not going to be dating someone who does weed daily.
Everyone’s going to do that? Can you switch from singing the lyrics of all rap songs to those of alternative? Can your body tolerate daily alcohol and weed to going to alcohol weed free? Can you be a pick up and go explore a new place person each weekend to some guy who doesn’t leave his megacity even once yearly? Everyone’s going to do that? No. Doesn’t even make sense.
No more Mr. nice guy
Posted at 11:52 am, 8th October 2017BD wrote:
‘Americans, unlike most other country’s citizens including those in Europe, pay federal income tax and state income tax and payroll taxes and (often) city/county income tax and property tax and (usually) sales tax and a myriad of hidden excise taxes’
After living in the US for many years, I recently returned to Canada. I know for a fact that Canadians also pay most and perhaps all of the taxes that you list here. I suspect that is true in a lot of other countries as well.
If you don’t like the GDP comparison, take a look at this, which Compares the TOTAL tax paid for the average worker.
To see the surrounding explanation for the chart, go here:
And you will see that they have included many, if not most, of the other taxes you mention.
The conclusion is very different to what you state – the average American worker pays taxes at a rate somewhat lower then the OECD average, NOT the highest.
Now I know this is just another website on the Internet, but I find it persuasive. It is consistent with what I have read from other sources that I believe are reliable.
If you can point me at an equally persuasive argument for your conclusion, I would be very interested.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:05 pm, 8th October 2017Those charts, as far as I can tell, don’t account for state, local, sales, or property taxes. But I’m not having a debate about tax rates on this blog. That’s what my other blog is for. If you really think Americans pay less in total taxes than most other countries, then next time I talk about taxes over there (and I do all the time), free free to bring this up over there.
Posted at 12:08 pm, 8th October 2017And if, when running your own business, you do 1/2Y you make 1/2X or less. You also have quite a few extra responsibilities like “finding clients” or “finding customers” and “advertising” or “marketing” that are not what everyone wants to do. I’m very happy to outsource all thoughts of who the end user is to someone who is not me.
Plus, while this isn’t your point, for me, personally it would take 5-10 years minimum to replace my current income if I never got another raise. Of course I’m living on less than my current income, but if I just proceed with my normal path I’ll be done with work in ~7 or so years. And by done I mean done. Not “oh, but I need to write another blog post to get viewers” or “I need to write a book to get people to pay me” but…”I don’t need to get up at any given time, or do anything all day”. I could sit at home and play videogames for a month straight and no one would notice and I’d still get the same $. That, to me, is worth more than a location independent semi-passive income stream I still need to put in a couple hours / week of work for (or significantly more than a couple hours).
Look, I get wanting to run your own business, I’ve tried it and it’s not really for me. I may try it again in the future, with a different approach, but right now I’m making enough money where I’m on a trajectory that I’m happy with. If I were making less $ than I am right now, I’d feel differently — if I were only making 50k/year, of course I’d be looking for ways to replace that. 50k/year isn’t much compensation for the shit you have to go through when working for someone else.
Posted at 01:04 pm, 8th October 2017Are you working corporate?
Posted at 01:43 pm, 8th October 2017What does that mean? Yes I work for a company, that company makes a product. I do things that help the company make their product. I do not interact with sales, and I do not spend any time thinking up new features for the product, that’s done by someone else in the company. I have worked for companies with thousands of employees, and for companies with tens of employees. I currently work at a place somewhere in between those two extremes.
Posted at 02:21 pm, 8th October 2017Yes thats what I meant. Sounds like your salary is very high and you have huge savings and investments from it, which is def very doable while working for someone else but usually comes with huge working hours and unflexible working times, which doesnt seem to be the case for you. I understand why you are satisfied with what you have, I wouldnt change in that position either, but thats def not the norm. So for normal people it makes more sense to start some consultancy company.
Posted at 04:50 pm, 8th October 2017Entry level salary in my field and area is ~100k. Throw in college and you’re looking at 110-120k starting, not including perks like 401k, medical coverage, etc. And that’s for someone with virtually zero experience.
Posted at 03:43 pm, 9th October 2017Clearly, I’ve been doing something wrong.
Posted at 10:28 pm, 9th October 2017Black dragon.
Your posts are getting softer and softer every post. All you’re doing is trying to rationalize all your lifestyle choices and trying to make sure all what you’ve said is consistent. Appreciate that but who really cares about that. Let’s be men here. Give us more posts on implementation and strategy. No one feels guilty about living this lifestyle if we’re reading your blog consistently. And if they do they truly can’t live like this anyway.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:20 am, 10th October 2017Incorrect, as I’m about to demonstrate, but if you really feel this way I suggest you stop reading this blog and go elsewhere, because I’m never changing.
That has nothing to do with this particular article. But even if it did, I don’t see how that’s any different from anything else I’ve written over the last many years, nor how that’s any different from any other manosphere blogger.
The readers, since this post you don’t care about is one of the highest-trafficed posts in the last several weeks.
Just two days ago I posted this,
Just in last 2 months, I’ve posted this:
and this,
and this,
and this,
and so on. If that isn’t enough implementation and strategy for you, you should unsubscribe from this blog and go read someone else. Thanks.