01 Aug The Story of My History with Women – Part 12 – Lots of Sex and Hospitals

-By Caleb Jones
This is the next installment of the book I never published regarding my history with women and the lessons I learned from it. If you haven’t yet, you should read parts one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, and eleven before you read the article below, so you can be up to speed on where the story picks up. Everything below is all 100% true to the best of my memory, journals, and spreadsheet records, though all the names of the people described have been changed.
We last left off ten years ago, in the early winter of 2008, where I’m now in my first MLTR with crazy 18-year-old Selina while still seeing a few other women as FBs…
November, 2008
This is one of my favorite crazy true stories from my dating past. I have wanted to tell this story for a long time and I purposely waited until now to tell it, since it’s now ten years old and therefore old enough to tell. It’s a great example of the crazy, stupid-but-fun shit I was doing back then. It’s a little longer than my usual posts on this blog, but I wanted to be complete.
Selina started introducing me to some of her girlfriends. I started to consider if I should employ some social circle game and have sex with some of these women, considering Selina’s lack of ASD and high sex drive. So, I started encouraging her to introduce me to more of her female friends… and family members.
The first one of note came along when Selina begged me to throw a party at my house with all of her friends. I reluctantly agreed, but told her my one rule would be no men. Not that I was jealous, since I was now at the point where I didn’t care if Selina had sex with other guys as long as she was honest about what she was doing (which she was not). I just knew from experience that when young men get drunk, things get broken. She pleaded with me, begged me, swore that her friends were not like that and would never do such a thing, and that there would only be three guys at the party, all the rest would be women.
Her teenage hotness overcame me, as well as my own desire to meet her girlfriends, so I stupidly relented. A few nights later, there were about 12 people at my house, blasting horrible Top 40 music, dancing, drinking, joking around, getting drunk, and being stupid.
While Selina was dancing with guys in my living room, I was in the kitchen talking to her close friend, a woman I’ll call Emi. She was a young Asian, very short and slight, very dark skin, but (to my surprise) very large boobs and a curvy body. We immediately hit it off and had an enjoyable talk.
Later in the evening, Selina was sitting on my lap while I was in my upstairs office working on my computer. (I didn’t give a shit about the party going on below. I’m an introvert.) Suddenly, we heard a crash downstairs followed by a scream. Selina and I looked at each other for second, then both bolted up and ran downstairs.
Sure enough, just as I had predicted, on my living room floor were two big drunk guys beating the shit out of each other. A few glasses had been smashed in the kitchen and there was blood and booze on the carpet.
These were big bastards too. One big black guy, taller and wider than me, and a shorter but very solid and stocky white dude. Thankfully, I’m also a big guy, and even though both of these guys were easily ten years my younger, I was able to grab and separate them. It was time to eject them from my house.
As I marched them out of the house and into the car (at 3 am in the fucking morning), Selina broke down and cried, knowing how pissed I was going to be once I got back, knowing that her promise to me had been proven to be very wrong.
A half an hour later, I kicked both drunk dumbasses out of my car and onto the raining, dark, city streets. One of them refused to leave my car (because “it was raining”) and I had to threaten him to get him to leave. He could see the hellfire in my eyes. He left.
At around 4 am I arrived back home. All the girls were asleep on my couches and chairs. I noticed all the blood and booze was all cleaned up perfectly. Good, but I was still upset. I went into my bedroom and Selina was there on my bed, reading a magazine, waiting up for me. She apologized over and over again, and wanted to have sex. For the first and probably only time in my entire life, I refused sex from an attractive woman, being as angry as I was, and told her to not talk to me and go to sleep. She moped but obeyed.
A few days later, I found that my camera had been stolen by one of the girls from the party that night. At least, that’s what Selina had told me. Months later I found out that she had stolen my camera. Good times.
The next time I saw Selina, she was still desperate for me to forgive her. I made my move and flat-out told her that I thought Emi was really hot, and that Selina should help me have sex with her. Selina… agreed, and agreed wholeheartedly.
Fuck YES! Dating a hot 18-year-old while dating other women and while the hot 18-year-old helps me have sex with her friends? What an amazing turnaround this was from just a year-and-a-half prior when I was monogamous, married, no-sex beta male![/vc_column_text]
Referral Game is the fastest way to get laid with hot women (besides paying for it). Young, low-ASD women are perfectly willing to help you have sex with their female friends and family members provided you set the proper Alpha 2.0, nonmonogamous, outcome independent frame and EFA for the relationship from the get-go. (Get this book if you want to learn exactly how to do this.)
Within a few days, the three of us (me, Selina, and Emi) were hanging out. We all went to a movie, then went out to dinner, then all went back to my place for a sleep-over.
Later that night, Emi and I were upstairs in my home office, each one of us on our own computers (I had two computers in the office back then), while Selina was downstairs watching TV. As I was showing Emi something on the screen while talking to her, I just moved close to her and kissed her. She responded, and to my amazement, she was the second-best kisser of any woman I had kissed up until that point. It was good.
We both got very excited and I picked up her little body and pulled her down to the floor, kissing passionately all the while. I paused for a minute and touched her face. “Selina is right downstairs,” she said. I said “I know. Lets chill for a bit,” and we stopped. I didn’t want to push it.
Still later that same evening, the three of us were watching movies downstairs, and Selina excused herself to go to bed because she “wasn’t feeling well,” which was just her excuse to give me some time alone with Emi, bless her little heart.
Within a few minutes later, Emi and I were having sex on a blanket on my living room floor. It was fantastic, and I never looked at Asian women quite the same way ever again, since Emi was my first Asian. (Edit/correction: She was actually my second Asian. I forgot about one several months before her. But for some reason, Emi was the Asian girl who caused me to start looking at Asian women differently.)
I set up a bed for her on my couch and tucked her in for the night. “I wanted to do that with you,” she said. I touched her face again and kissed her on the forehead, and went to my bed where Selina was already sleeping…
…or so I thought. The night wasn’t over yet. It had actually just begun.
I thought Selina was asleep, but as soon as I sat on the bed, she popped right up and asked me if I had “fucked Emi.” She had a big smile on her face. I told her yes and she laughed. Then she started asking a bunch of questions about her and Emi compared. Was she tighter? Hotter? Did she make hotter sounds during sex? And so on.
We both laughed and as we talked, I felt a strange pain in my lower back. When I mentioned it and started rubbing my back, Selina made a joke about how I was “old as fuck” and how an “old man like me shouldn’t be surprised he throws his back out while fucking all these younger girls.” I was only 36 at the time, but I understood how old that must feel to an 18-year-old like Selina.
We both went to bed. Strangely, the pain in my back started getting worse. I shifted in the bed to different positions, and nothing seemed to help. Soon, I had to get up to take an aspirin. Selina was already asleep and snoring.
I walked to the kitchen, passing Emi who was sleeping soundly on the couch, and looked for some painkillers. I didn’t have any. I never have any medical problems, so I never have any medicine in my house. Swearing a few times, I threw on my jeans and a T-shirt, got in my car, and drove down to the 24-hour convenience store. It was about 3am.
Walking around the store, the pain in my back was now a sharp, stabbing pain, far worse than it was just a few minutes prior. I purchased the aspirin, and, walking funny as I clutched my stabbing back, got back into my car.
Within seconds of driving home, the pain in my lower back was so intense that I was contorting my body, barely able to clutch the steering wheel. I started breathing in rapid, panicked breaths, like my lungs weren’t getting enough oxygen. What the fuck is happening to me? Am I dying?
I had no idea what was wrong. I had never felt pain like this in my entire life. Even getting my ass kicked in full-contact Karate when I was younger wasn’t this painful.
Confused and scared, I decided to change course and head straight for the hospital. If this pain got any worse, I wouldn’t be able to drive.
Fortunately, the hospital was only a few minutes away. I parked and staggered into the emergency room, barely able to walk. This was officially the worst pain I had ever felt in my life, before or since.
I practically screamed at the receptionist that I was in pain and had no idea why. She saw where I was pressing on my back, and said, “Yep, you probably have a kidney stone.”
“Kidney stone?!?” I screamed, “Old men get those! I’m only 36!”
“Sir,” the nurse said, rolling her eyes at my stupidity, “Everyone gets kidney stones. Teenage girls get kidney stones.”
“Whatever!” I screamed, “Give me drugs!” It was the first time I had ever asked for drugs in my life, medical or otherwise (I don’t do drugs and never have). I was almost falling over.
They put me into a wheelchair, had me sign some paperwork, flopped me onto a hospital bed, and stuck my arm with intravenous painkillers. Within seconds, the pain vanished, and I was high as a kite for the first time in my life.
“Feeling better, Mr. Jones?” the doctor asked.
“Fuuuuuuckkk yyyyyeeaaaaaah,” slurring my speech with my head bobbing up and down like a retard, “Whaaaatssss UUUUUUPPPPP MA BROTHA?” I had never been high before, so with zero resistance, the drugs had knocked me on my ass. I started talking like a black guy for some reason.
The doctor just smiled. Trying to shake myself out of the daze, I asked him if I really had a kidney stone. He said I did, and that I would be on Vicodin for about a week while I waited for the stone to pass.
“Shiiiiiiit man,” I said, still high, “You mean I’m going to wiz out a stone???”
“If you’re lucky,” he replied, “Otherwise if it’s too big, they may have to laser it.”
“They’re gonna laser my cock???”
“Laser your bladder, actually.”
“Awwwww. Fuck!”
He then asked me if I knew anyone who could drive me home, as I was in no condition to drive. I told him I wasn’t feeling well and it was hard to think. He said that I would feel better in a few minutes, and then to call someone.
He was right. After about 15 minutes I was still feeling weird from the drugs, but I no longer felt high or discombobulated. I then had to figure out who I could call at 3am in the morning to drive me home.
I called a friend of mine. He answered the phone and was willing to help, but then I heard his wife scream something at him, and then he said he couldn’t come. Ah, beta males. I called him a pussy and hung up the phone. Realizing that I might have this same problem with everyone I called, I decided against my better judgment to call my parents.
I did so and my dad answered. I explained the situation and he agreed to come get me. I told him to not tell mom, since mom is emotional and I didn’t want to deal with her freaking out at her son being in the hospital. He promised he wouldn’t.
A little while later, I frowned as my terrified mother walked into my hospital room, followed by my dad who just gave me a sheepish shrug. Ah, beta males.
After spending a few minutes calming my mother down and assuring her everything was okay, my dad drove my car home and my mom drove me home with her own car. During the drive, my mom said she wanted to make me some soup and tuck me in. My mom is very kind and doesn’t understand that 36 year-old sons don’t need soup nor tuck-in service at night. I started to argue with her but didn’t have the energy. It was around 4am and the drugs made me feel like complete shit. I doubled-down on my decision to never do drugs. This felt horrible.
Then something deep in my brain reminded me of tonight’s odd scenario. I had two 18-year-old girls in my house. Uh oh.
I turned to my mom and explained that she couldn’t come into the house. She was offended and asked why. I sighed deeply and said that I had, um, some “guests” over. By now, my parents were vaguely aware of my new lifestyle and she knew what “guest” meant.
“Guests?” she asked in horror, “Plural?”
“Yes,” I groaned.
She shuddered. She was a traditional, Catholic, ex-nun and was not happy at my lifestyle at all. But I was in no mood to argue and she didn’t push it.
Once again, something in my haze reminded me of something important. Emi was leaving for California the next day to visit friends, and I had promised to drive her to the airport. I couldn’t drive now; the doctor said I shouldn’t even attempt to drive for at least 24 hours. I felt so terrible that the advice made sense.
Barely thinking, I turned to my mom and asked her if she would drive me and my “two guests” to the airport tomorrow at 10am. Amazingly and hilariously, she agreed. Again, my mom is very sweet despite her traditional Societal Programming. I had no idea how I would explain this to the girls, but I was too tired and dazed to care.
My parents dropped me off and left, and I staggered into bed. Selina sleepily rolled over and asked me what the fuck was going on and where I went. I told her to shut up and go to sleep. She snorted but did so. I finally went to sleep myself.
I woke up the next morning feeling absolutely terrible. The Vicodin made me slow, dizzy, and tired. It was such a horrible feeling I would have almost preferred the pain. I thought, People actually take Vicodin for fun? Jesus.
Looking and feeling like a zombie, I sat both girls down and explained to them the situation, that I couldn’t drive, and that my mother, of all people, was arriving at 10am to take us all to the airport so Emi could catch her plane.
Selina smiled big. She was finally going to meet my mom!
Emi looked terrified.
“And by the way,” I said to them, angry and irritated, “I don’t want any funny business out of either of you. My mom is not like me. She’s a sweet old lady and you need to be nice. Nothing crazy.”
“Does your mom know you like to fuck little girls, Daddy?” Selina asked with a big smile.
“Now god dammit!” I yelled, “That’s exactly the kind of shit I’m talking about. As soon as my mom gets here, you stow that crap. You’ll give my fuckin’ mom a heart attack.”
(If this sounds like Alpha Male 1.0 behavior, you’re correct. Remember, this was 10 years ago. My transformation to Alpha Male 2.0 wasn’t yet complete.)
“Oh my god,” Emi said, shaking, “This is so awkward! This is your mom! She’s going to know we had sex!”
Selina started laughing hysterically.
“It’ll be fine,” I said, rubbing my head, a headache coming on, “You two go get ready while I go upstairs and kill myself.” A terrified Emi and an ecstatic Selina marched off to the bathroom while I went upstairs to my home office to sit and stare at a wall.
My mom arrived at 10am as promised. Her jaw dropped open as two foofy 18-year-old girls with big boobs dressed in skirts and heels emerged from my house, followed by me, dressed in sweats and looking like death.
“I’m going to sit up front with your mom!” Selina said happily, “We’re going to talk about you!”
“Just get in the fucking car,” I grunted.
Emi said nothing, just stared with wide eyes, horrified at the entire situation.
Emi and I sat in the back of my mom’s SUV while Selina sat up front with my mom. Selina, being an extreme extrovert, immediately started talking to my mom. My mom, also a huge extrovert, responded in kind and the two of them started chittering like chatterboxes while I sat there feeling like absolute shit and while Emi sat there with a terrified look on her face.
Selina kept pushing the envelope the entire time. My mom would say something like, “Caleb is such a good boy,” and Selina would say, “Oh yeah. He is good,” then sexily bite her tongue and look at me. I would just glare back at her, and Emi would look at one of us, then the other, wide-eyed.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, we made it to the airport and Emi left to catch her flight. My mom drove Selina and I back home, and I spent the next week in pure zombie hell until my kidney stone finally passed.
They didn’t have to laser my cock after all.
More to come. The crazy shit was just getting started…
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Posted at 05:27 am, 1st August 2018Did you mean:
Selina begged me to throw a party at my house with all of her friends.
Awesome story. I love to read your history with women 🙂
Posted at 07:16 am, 1st August 2018Wouldn’t it have simply been easier to call up a taxi for Emi instead of asking your mom for a ride ? Would have saved you all the stress and drama.
John Smith
Posted at 07:34 am, 1st August 2018Probably, but he was high at the time, and it wouldn’t have made nearly as good of a story. 😛
Posted at 07:53 am, 1st August 2018MORE DADDY!
Batou Kovacs
Posted at 07:58 am, 1st August 2018YES FUCKING EPIC. SHAZZAM MOFOS.
Handsome Man
Posted at 08:01 am, 1st August 2018We need part 13 now! Ha ha!
Posted at 09:40 am, 1st August 2018Hey BD,do you think referral game will work for a 20 year old alpha guy,or only works with older guys?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:49 am, 1st August 2018Yes. Fixed.
Which Asian and which book? There have been many Asian ladies in my past.
I was fucked up on medical drugs and not thinking correctly, as I clearly said in the article more than once.
It can, but it usually doesn’t since men under age 23 are usually too outcome dependent and/or oneitis-prone.
Posted at 12:09 pm, 1st August 2018Hope I never have a kidney stone. Sounds bad
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:14 pm, 1st August 2018It’s bad. Here’s how bad it is:
I have a friend who is ex-military and served several tours in Iraq and other places, who also had a kidney stone once. He once told me, “I’ve been shot, I’ve been stabbed, I’ve been beaten with baseball bats. I would rather have any of those than get a kidney stone again.”
You do not want a kidney stone. Make sure to always keep your stress under control, drink lots of water, and make sure you’re taking the correct types of vitamins. (I got my stone because I was stupidly taking 1000mg calcium pills daily. Stupid!)
Posted at 01:43 pm, 1st August 2018What other posts you have about this “refferal game” on this blog?
On the page of The Ultimate Younger Woman Manual, I read:
At 36, I fuck youger women aged 18 all the time, so I don’t think I am interested in anything else than this “refferal game” point about this ebook. However I live mostly in south east asia, a lot in the Philippines and also Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam. Do you have any idea if that specific “refferal game step by step guide” works fine over there, anyone or any customer field tested over there?
And does it include step by step guide for FFM threesomes, which I am particularly interested in. I am only mildly interested in merely the refferal, mostly interested in setting threesomes/orgies with 2 or more women.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 01:47 pm, 1st August 2018I don’t (and least I don’t think so). It’s all in the Younger Woman Manual.
In the book, yes.
It will totally work over there since women in SE Asia have less ASD than Americans. I once dated a Filipino was was trying to get her mom to fly to the USA to fuck me. Seriously.
Posted at 01:54 pm, 1st August 2018The Asian in the story that starts the chapter about having a mission/code in The Unchained Man.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:04 pm, 1st August 2018No. That was about a year(?) prior. That Asian was in her early 30s. I forgot about her. I made a slight correction in the article above. (So Emi was my second Asian, not my first.)
Posted at 02:26 pm, 1st August 2018Seriously….or not so seriously, one of the BEST “adventures with hot chicks” stories ever!! Except for the kidney stone part. And I’m pretty impressed the BD’s Mom ended up being such a good sport about it.
Or did she give you what for about it afterwards?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:38 pm, 1st August 2018Not about that specifically. Throughout that entire time period, my mom would occasionally complain to me about how I needed to stop “dating all these girls” and get a “normal girlfriend or something.”
I told her to fuck off.
As always, Societal Programming from your parents needs to be ignored, and your parents need to be put in their place if they push it.
Posted at 02:40 pm, 1st August 2018It doesn’t seem to contain anything beyond that blog post of yours though.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 03:18 pm, 1st August 2018Specifically regarding threesomes, correct. The only reason I included the topic of threesomes in the book was because it’s a component of referral game.
Posted at 03:22 pm, 1st August 2018These anecdotes are awesome!
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:37 pm, 1st August 2018My fantasy (and I will never do this; it’s just a fantasy) is to do a Blackdragon version of Curb Your Enthusiasm as a web series, a pure comedy where I play a heightened version of myself, and have actors or comedians play heightened versions of all the other people in my life.
God damn, that would be so fun. Too bad I don’t have the time for something like that.
Posted at 04:49 pm, 1st August 2018I must clearly be doing something wrong then, I have really hard time setting proper FFM threesomes. Even with the help of a really orgy enthousiast MLTR, now she is 30yo though, we were trying to do bisexual FFM threesomes. We succeeded to do 2-3 “threesomes” (I would not really call this a threesome, where I fuck one and then the other, but we kinda failed to do a proper bisexual FFM group sex thing where both women have sex together meanwhile I fuck them switching girl back and forth. In one of them, they really had sex before I came in, but then when I arrived the new girl acted shy, I kissed her played her boobn a little but no intercouse with her, she mostly watched us fuck, quite passively. They were not really refferal game, mostly helped her do online game with women, but she didn’t have much success mostly due to her shitty logistics I think. Basically she meets several woben but then she doesn’t have her own private place to fuck them.
I did once benefit from refferal, I really didn’t do anything. I met a woman, we fucked on first date. Then second date I met her with her friend who was in super slut mode fucking every moving cock before her wedding planned a year latter. She asked the woman I started to date if she could let her fuck me. And a couple of weeks later after some discussions where I mostly told the one I was fucking that I have done threesomes and foursome before (in europe with swigers and swingers websites) it’s up to her and her friend to decide, and that I just don’t want drama, we did have a session where after I fucker her, her friend came in my place and I fucked her friend. But nothing bisexual, they didn’t even kiss or touch each others.
In my coutry in europe, using swingers clubs and websites, the process is pretty simple to set up FMFM 4somes. It’s also simple for FFM threesomes, just there are fewer female profiles than coulpes profiles available in the swingers websites.
Posted at 05:25 pm, 1st August 2018To be clear what I really want to do is:
2 feminine and cute or hot women kiss, caress and finger/lick each others passionately. I watch and they are so into each others that they are oblivious of my peripheral presence. Probably they do a 69 at some point or some other position where they french kiss each other a lot.
Then afher a short while, comes the core of the action, the longest part in term of time: While they continue doing their own thing, I shove my cock in their available holes, providing an additional stimulation. They remain mostly focused on each others and still mostly oblivious of my presence. All this time they remain together in their litlle bubble, I fuck them but it doesn’t disturb their bubble.
Much later on, after they cum, then they both focus on me for a little while and make me cum.
What is not part of that fantazy, is them acting shy and stupid. And passive. Focused on my presence. Waiting for me to push them to do this and this, and directing them to be in this and this position. Me being at the center of their attention like a conductor in an orchestra. I don’t mind doing that a first couple of times with any 2 given women, but the goal is to lead to the fantazy I described above where ultimately they are very active and autonomous fucking each others.
I think I recall you Blackdragon don’t do that much or maybe even never have. Mostly fuck one girl while the other watches and then switch. Bisexuality between both girls is the key point in this fantazy of mine. Perhaps someone else commenting here does that. Maybe JOTB with wiccans, swingers and polyamorous OLTR? I know Marty does something similar through 2 other routes, it’s not refferal game as far as I understand.
Posted at 06:04 pm, 1st August 2018Holy hell christ. 1000mg daily? That’s one step away from being lethal. That’s crazy! I take multivitamins every day, I know I need to be taking more diverse vitamins tho.
Legit. What would be grounds for a hard next when it comes to parents, BD? Would substance issues be one of them?
Vanilla Boy
Posted at 05:27 am, 2nd August 2018Half true. They have extremely high ASD when it comes to men from their own culture. Then they compensate massively by throwing the rule book out for foreign men, unless – and it’s mind boggling how often it happens, considering how little need there is for it – a foreign male presents himself as a potential beta long term provider. Even with all the opportunities in the world, it seems, some guys voluntarily choose to be pussy whipped.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:22 am, 2nd August 2018That answer would be different for every man. For me, it would be a drama as a pattern of behavior.
Not to me. I don’t care if people do drugs as long as they aren’t giving me drama. But that’s me.
Not some guys. The vast majority of guys.
Posted at 10:24 am, 2nd August 2018Sometimes parents know the score more than you think they do. They just feel like they have a duty to give you the “right” advice.
My mom has always been pretty up front about encouraging me NOT to lock myself into marriage. She says it made sense and worked for people like her and my dad who got married in the ’50s, but it isn’t a good deal now.
Some of this is probably just her not wanting her 2 sons to get cleaned out financially in an almost inevitable divorce.
My dad never said much, but I’m willing to bet he agrees. So some of the older generation is saavy. The problem is the young 20-somethings who keep drinking the Societal Programming Kool-Aid and getting married. Lambs to the slaughter.
Posted at 01:49 pm, 2nd August 2018I find it’s pretty easy to get 3 somes with younger women. I just calmly ask her if she’d like to invite her friend to join us. It’s really easy if there is a cute room mate that’s usually around.
I once had a room mate *accidentally* walk in on us. Women like that are sending a clear message.
If my GF looks at me funny, I’ll just say something like your poor friend has needs too. Let’s share with her. They’ve all been taught to share since they were 3.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 05:17 pm, 2nd August 2018Yes. This is particularly true of fathers.
Posted at 09:46 am, 3rd August 2018Wouldn’t you worry about disease with someone like Emi? Would you see someone like that now?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:37 am, 3rd August 2018I used a condom on her and I don’t understand the question. Why would she be more prone to disease than anyone else?
It was Selina who was more prone to disease! (Maybe you’re mixing up Emi and Selina?)
Again, I don’t understand the question. I don’t see why I wouldn’t as long as a condom was used.
Posted at 12:24 pm, 3rd August 2018Sorry, I meant Selina. Not only disease but also lying and stealing.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 03:39 pm, 3rd August 2018Oh yeah, she was a huge problem. She’s the one who gave me Chlamydia. I’ll talk about that in the next installment.
I wear condoms on women like that now so I don’t worry about diseases. (I was stupid back when I did the things in the above article.)
Would I have an MLTR (or OLTR) like that now? No, of course not.
Would I have an FB like that now who lied to me all the time? Sure. I don’t care if FBs lie. FBs can lie to me all they want; I’m outcome independent.
Would I have an FB like that now who stole things from me? No, since stealing costs me money outside of my budget, which is unacceptable.
Vanilla Boy
Posted at 06:07 pm, 3rd August 2018Okay, you’ve said that you don’t screen FBs for anything except looks. So, what are your thoughts on security issues? Having women who are basically strangers in your house? Particularly if it’s the proverbial second date?
I gotta say, I’ve had a fair stream of women though my place and I don’t necessarily watch them like hawks while they are there and I don’t seem to have ever lost anything that I noticed gone. But I’ve had numerous friends who’ve had bad experiences, including being drugged with GBH and having their house entirely cleaned out when they’ve had women from bars and clubs over.
I have a safe in my house for important valuables, but my wallet is often just lying in my pants pocket, often casually discarded on the floor.
Any suggestions or advice for guys who might be bringing back the type of women you wouldn’t necessarily introduce to your Mum at Thanksgiving?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 06:40 pm, 3rd August 2018You already said it. Have any valuables locked up. I have a safe in my house, and I also have a small box in one of my desk drawers that is locked where I can keep cash, jewelry, whatever. That’s all you need. If you’re really terrified, keep your wallet in your pants pocket or throw it in that kind of security box if you want, but I don’t go that far.
2% Rule. I would never worry about such a thing.
(And I doubt you have “numerous friends” that happened to, probably just one or two, if that.)
I’ve had mountains of women over at my home, and I’ve had a grand total of two thefts of any kind in my entire life (one of which was Selina, which was 10 years ago). It’s not a big deal.
Vanilla Boy
Posted at 06:54 pm, 3rd August 2018Ha. Fair cop, Gov. Two. And I was reflecting on it just now, alcohol and drugs were involved. The guys’ judgement would have been seriously impaired. A bleeding seal swimming in shark infested water. I don’t drink and my drug use is limited to single source premium coffee these days. And I do online and social. Still, I think it’s gonna be a bigger risk for guys who do night game.
Posted at 12:34 am, 4th August 2018I’m pretty careful, I think, without going overboard. Real valuables (apart I suppose from things on display) are locked away, and I have spare cards and keys etc that I keep separately from my wallet. The only thing I’ve lost at home was some cash that I’d put out for the cleaner the next day; it was on top of a bookcase and the girl took it (I’d say) when she went to the kitchen to get a drink of water. Annoying but not a disaster. I chose not to see her again though; it was only our third meeting and the second time we’d had sex.
I’ve have two friends who were pretty much cleaned out, but in each case they had taken a girl back to their hotel room in a foreign country, and they were left with no money, no credit cards, no ID, no passport. I suppose it’s harder to make sensible judgements when you don’t speak the language and things are strange to you, but both were probably drunk and/or stoned too. I must say that their experience has made me doubly careful when I take someone back to my hotel when I’m abroad. (Plus, don’t get drunk is no doubt good advice too…)
Posted at 07:24 pm, 4th August 2018Did they let the girls spend the night? Were they drugged?
Posted at 11:30 pm, 4th August 2018No, they weren’t drugged by the girls, at least not as far as I know. I, together with some others, was on holidays with one of them when it happened and so was there at the time (though not actually with him when it all occurred). Certainly he was somewhat drunk when they went back to his room – not incoherent or anything like that, but no doubt drunk enough to fall asleep straight after sex and so give her the run of the room. Anyway, when he came to later, the girl was gone and so was his wallet, money and passport. Obviously I can’t say for sure but I think it was more opportunistic on her part than actually planned, but of course the effect is the same. The only thing that made me wonder was that she talk his passport – a passport is not much use to an opportunistic, casual thief unless he or she has contacts who would know how to “use” it. I wasn’t around when the other guy was robbed, I only heard about it later, so my grasp of the details are sketchier.
Posted at 06:11 am, 5th August 2018Hey CJ,
great Story again. The “teen girls” part really pressed down hard on my “I want that too” button, hehe. Not really jealousy because i definitely think that you deserve all the good things that happen to you.
Sorry for the “Kidney Stone” part. I hope i’ll never have to go throught that. Knowing you, you’ll have long since limited all the factors leading to this in your life, so you will hopefully be spared in the future too.
I do have a question: In the first installment of this series (and on other occasions) you mentioned your “Spreadsheet”. I know you would never publish it, of course. But could you maybe either give out a blank form of that spreadsheet or write an article about what exactly you are tracking on there and how ? I’d be very interested in that. Both academically and to see if that would be something i’d like to do.
Thanks so much for this great blog and keep up the great work.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:05 am, 5th August 2018Correct. Everything in my life is my fault, thus I deserve everything that happens to me, including the good things.
Correct. I would probably be sued if I did such a thing.
That’s a good idea for a future blog post topic. Added to the list.
Posted at 04:32 pm, 5th August 2018I just started reading your history with women series and I am really enjoying it. Although I was born with a micro (plus a lot of other real indicators that I was heavily estrogenated in the womb.) and hence am incapable of performing penetrative sex, I have been asexual by choice all my life. After a few decades certain I was ‘just’ an extremely indulgent crossdresser, I finally realized I am indeed transsexual and am now transitioning on the full medical regimen (estrogen, progesterone, spironolactone, finasteride). Before starting my transition I always felt like I had no interest in hearing from alpha males about their sexual exploits (probably due to some imagined jealousy of sorts), but interestingly, ever since I brought my blood serum T and E levels to those of a normal fifteen year old girl I love reading about alpha males and their sex lives…and I even fantasize about making them sandwiches and fetching them beers.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 12:47 am, 6th August 2018Clarissa – You have no plans on ever having any type of sex with a man without first disclosing that you’re not a real woman, do you?
Posted at 03:51 am, 6th August 2018BD, if one’s living conditions aren’t yet as one would like (i.e feel comfortable bringing girls back to), what are your thoughts on going back to the girl’s place for sex instead? Is that a wrong frame to set?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:28 am, 6th August 2018Perfectly fine and I’ve done it many times.
Posted at 09:03 pm, 7th August 2018Jack Outside the Box says
August 6, 2018 at 12:47 am
“Clarissa – You have no plans on ever having any type of sex with a man without first disclosing that you’re not a real woman, do you?”
I’m asexual by choice. I have no desire to have any kind of sex with anyone at all. Especially not with a man.
Posted at 10:39 pm, 13th August 2018@BD:
“As always, Societal Programming from your parents needs to be ignored, and your parents need to be put in their place if they push it.”
Could you elaborate?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:27 am, 14th August 2018Could you elaborate?
If you’re over the age of 17 and you don’t live with them, your parents have no right to tell you what to do. If they do, they need to be told they can’t. If they continue, they need to be told to fuck off and you may have to soft next them. Just because they are your parents doesn’t give them the right to run your life forever.