09 Apr 10 Goals All Younger Men Should Have

In preparation for the Alpha Male 2.0 Younger Man Lifestyle Toolkit coming out in a few days, you younger guys need to make sure you’re focusing on the right things. One of the biggest reasons for problems, chaos, and other challenges experienced by younger men is that they have the wrong goals.
-By Caleb Jones
I made this mistake myself back when I was a young guy in my twenties. I thought I was “supposed” to get married, so I very stupidly got traditionally, monogamously married when I was 25 years old.
I thought I was “supposed” to have a “big company” in order to be “successful,” with a building and lots of employees and all of that other crap. So, I spent my late twenties and early thirties building a business just like that and it made me miserable. Today I have not one, but several companies that look literally nothing like that. I live an amazing life, making a very high income that is extremely stable (even largely coronavirus-proof) that doesn’t take me long weekly hours to maintain.
A lot of young guys today think they’re “supposed” to invest in bitcoin, or “supposed” to go to rallies supporting Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump, or “supposed” to be life coaches, or “supposed” to go to college, or “supposed” to make their parents proud, and all kinds of other distractions that sound like the right thing to do but are actually the wrong place to focus their energies.
In this article I’m going to lay out a specific set of goals that younger men should focus on. These goals assume the following:
- You are between the age of 18 and 34, or very close to it
- You live in the Western world. As always, my advice is targeted towards men in the Western world, not Asia or the Middle East or Africa or whatever (though most Alpha Male 2.0 concepts and strategies do work in most parts of Asia and South America)
- You want at least some of the Alpha Male 2.0 lifestyle I talk about. Ideally you want all of it, but you don’t have to. (For some reason I have a decent amount of regular readers and commenters who actually don’t want the lifestyle models I teach here. I’ll deal with you guys in an upcoming article.)
With that in mind, here are the goals you should have as a young man (under age 35) listed in no particular order:
– Move out of your parent’s home. Your goal should be to either live alone (ideal) or live with roommates who are not related to you (not ideal but still okay).
– Get your Alpha 2.0 Business started on the side. That means a business that is niched, high-margin, location-independent, doesn’t require a lot of infrastructure, and doesn’t require a lot of work once it’s up and running.
– Get your income in your Alpha 2.0 Business to at least $75,000 per year in pre-tax net profit in US Dollars or the equivalent.
– Find out how much sex you require on a regular basis for maximum happiness. A huge percentage of men don’t know what this is. I myself didn’t know what this was until I was in my early thirties, and that was a mistake on my part. Some guys are very happy having sex 1-2 times per month. Others need it once a week. Some horny fuckers like me need it three times a week. Some crazy bastards need it literally every day or close to it. Whatever it is, figure out that number. To be clear, this is not the amount of sex you think would be optimal or ideal; we’re just talking about the minimum amount of sex you need on a regular, ongoing basis to keep you happy and not distracted.
– Get at least two women on rotation. These women can be in the FB or MLTR categories, your choice. The point is that you need two. Just having one woman is monogamy, and that won’t make you happy in the long-term. Having zero women means you’re not having sex, and that really won’t make you happy in the long-term. It’s also not good for you physically or mentally.
If you’re not having sex right now; you need to get some women. It also means that if you have a monogamous girlfriend right now, you need to either eventually end that relationship or convert it to an open one. Speaking of girlfriends:
– Avoid girlfriends until you are at least 30 years old. I already talked about that here. You also shouldn’t live with a girlfriend or wife until you are at least 35 years old. You can date and have all the sex you want. You can even have a high-end MLTR who is almost like a girlfriend. But you can’t have a girlfriend as a younger man and expect all of this to work out.
– Avoid having any children when you are younger. Amazingly, some of you guys still haven’t realized that this isn’t the 1950s anymore. In the 21st century and in the Collapsing West, having children is only for older men with higher incomes who are 100% sure they really want kids, not young guys like you. Refer to this and this for more information.
– Learn how to get enough balls to tell your parents to fuck off. Stop putting up with their demands and complaining. I realize this is hard. If you are Asian, Indian, or Hispanic, it’s even harder. Don’t care. Set a goal to literally tell your mom or dad (or both if needed) to fuck off and let you live your life the way you see fit. Temporarily remove yourself from their lives if you need to (and some of you do). You cannot be a truly independent adult until you learn how to do this. There are millions of men out there who are in their thirties or forties who still don’t have the balls to stand up to their mom or dad. Pathetic as fuck. You can NOT be one of these men.
– Minimize the distractions that consume most of younger men’s time. These include, but are not limited to:
- Video games
- Porn and/or masturbation
- Netflix or other binge TV watching
- Smoking weed
- Drinking
- Watching political stuff on the internet/bitching about political stuff on the internet
- Killing time with friends
- Spending too much time with the girlfriend (which you should not have in the first place)
I’m not saying you should never do any of these things (except the girlfriend one). I’m saying you need to set a goal to minimize time spent on distractions. Put these things in little boxes, only to be let out once you’ve gotten your key tasks and key work done for the day (and when I say “work” I’m referring to your woman life as well).
– Get organized. Operate based on pre-set goals and plans instead of just handling every day as it comes.
The upcoming course, the Alpha Male 2.0 Younger Man Lifestyle Toolkit, will show you how to do all of these things, plus more. Click here to register for a free, live webinar training, with a Q&A session I’ll be doing on April 16th at 2pm EST when the course becomes available for just five days.
Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.
Posted at 07:04 am, 9th April 2020Great advice Caleb! I’m no longer a younger man but damn do I wish I had a “Uncle Caleb” in my younger years to tell me this stuff instead of all the typical societal programming bullshit we’re mostly all fed. Luckily I didn’t succumb to some of those things (never married or had kids for example, moved out at 25 on my own…) BUT I did do the standard “go to college and get corporate job”.
Standing up to your parents and family is a big one in my opinion-I see so many guys make life altering decisions because mommy and daddy or grandma, or whoever, pushes them to do it. Here’s the thing, one day, these people will be dead and gone and you’ll be left to deal with the consequences of your decisions for the rest of your life potentially. You get one shot a this life and time goes by very quickly, as us older guys can attest to. I’m always shocked how fast the years go by now (even though the world seems to be standing still right now cough cough).
Young guys reading this blog-heed this advice now. Your 40+ year old self will thank you immensely. I know most guys won’t listen, as I’ve myself tried to tell young guys this stuff and they think they know better. Hence why Alpha 2.0 stuff only will reach about 5-10% of men.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:46 am, 9th April 2020I wish the same thing!
Posted at 09:14 am, 9th April 2020Caleb it’s funny, but getting screened for TRT before being rudely interrupted by COVID-19.. I’m 31
I’m hearing more and more that low T is hitting guys in their MID 20’s now.. As crazy as it sounds. I almost feel stupid saying it but yea that is a factor they should look into/get checked. Science isn’t my wheelhouse so I don’t wanna pop off too much..
And if they have Depression they should most def look into it because depression will knee cap your Testosterone for sure.
Posted at 10:58 am, 9th April 2020It is interesting that you mention for sex frequency what is the minimum one needs as opposed to what they ideally want. That is very important distinction and its good idea to think that way.
It comes important when setting woman goals I find since for me I have found I get the minimum sex covered with two women on rotation but more realistically if they are 3. And that is the minimum. It puts things into perspective. (this is assuming they are not live in together gf and I follow the usual rules…)
Posted at 12:12 pm, 9th April 2020So is there ever a time where one should forfeit sex for a bit to instead focus on business? Like if I’m having trouble with focusing, should I just pick one? Or would the scenario look more like me focusing on Improvement Work that ONLY relates to business, and when it comes to women just give minimal effort (I.e whatever it takes to get one or two fb’s in rotation)? Or do you recommend getting the sex solved first?
Posted at 01:29 pm, 9th April 2020Hey,
do you offer payment for young guys course in installments. Like even 2 would do for me. I just moved to a western country to earn to pay my debts and this course date took me by surprise
2) in younger guys course you say you checked areas of business for good profit. I am skilled and driven in music production. Selling regular stuff doesn’t ignite any fire in me compared to production. Will I benefit from the course equally if I’m looking for audio related business? Can there even be audio business that checks all the a2.0 business checkpoints?
Posted at 07:12 pm, 9th April 2020The way the current economic trends are going in the Collapsing West, within 10-20 years I’m thinking even guys who make lower six figure incomes like me won’t be able to afford even one kid; you would need to be in the top 5% of men to even fathom having a child by that point.
IMO the best thing to do these days for young guys with some savings is build a tiny house an area with very low cost of living, very low taxes (esp property taxes) and little to no zoning/building regulations. This way:
You don’t lose money to rent that you can never recover; by owning a tiny house, you own an asset you can sell off any time and recover more than you paid to build it, provided you sell during an economic upturn.
Your taxes barely put a dent in your income.
You can configure this living space to have very low maintenance costs.
Unfortunately, you may have to live in the boonies to actually pull this off (which is doable if you have a hermit personality like I do), since even most outer suburban areas have annoying zoning/building rules.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 07:16 pm, 9th April 2020In my opinion I’d rather you get a low-end FB just to have SOME sex while you focus on your business. Having ZERO sex is going to cause you to be frustrated and distracted which will often harm your business effectivenss rather than help it.
Exactly. And you don’t need to go out and do a bunch of pick-up stuff just to get a minimal FB. Go back an hit up women you’ve had sex with in the past, or fuck a woman who you already know, etc.
For $297 I’m not planning on it but I may consider it if I get a huge amount of guys who ask for it.
Yes. You can sell products, information, or a service. Any of those are compatible with an Alpha 2.0 business. You’re talking about a service so that’s fine.
Doing audio production? Absolutely. You can do that in a purely location independent way whenever you want. Just make sure you NICHE! Don’t just do “music production” since that’s not a niche. A niche would be “I do music production for indie hard rock bands” (for example).
Posted at 07:28 pm, 9th April 2020Absolutely. I’ve struggled with depression and other really bad mental health for most of my life and I’m pretty scared to see how low my T levels are. As low as they probably are now, they were probably even lower 15-20 years ago. Makes me think: Is someone depressed because they are Low T or does the low T make someone depressed?
I mean when your goal is “feel less pain” and “whatever you do, resist the temptation to hurt yourself” for your entire 20s, something is wrong, right?
This is why even though I’ll be 38 in a few months, I may as well be 10 years younger because I pissed away my entire 20s trying to fight depression and other stuff. I’ll be getting the younger guy course for sure, I need it.
Eric Smith
Posted at 08:47 pm, 9th April 2020Blocked off the parents during/at the end of the holidays. One showed up to my apartment a month and a half later.
Now for the distractions and reorganizing.
Posted at 01:19 am, 10th April 2020the single mother is the new normal more and more the case in many places in the west now.
i would not really consider it having kids if i made some woman pregnant who doesnt want to see me anymore or perhaps even doesnt tell me about it but it can be a way of producing kids if thats your thing without raising them
there are certainly legal and semi legal way to get a woman pregnant and you dont need to worry about paying
Caleb Jones
Posted at 07:18 am, 10th April 2020Stop focusing on the past, which can’t be changed.
Posted at 08:35 am, 10th April 2020Solid advice ,but for college like me just curious that
1.) In colleges you still get ” peer pressure” to ropleplaye gf bf . I dont know how to avoid it.
my solution–un pick up girls(idiot slution) https://www.returnofkings.com/7365/best-of-the-manosphere-how-to-un-pick-up-girls any suggest?
2.) when come to seduction, for young guys 20s what should come first?
smv > pua technique or pua technique > smv
for me, smv= you looks good + you get compliment all time+good social circles +famous in locals etc,,
pua= pass shit test + dont do beta shit
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:54 am, 10th April 2020You just say no. Have some balls.
You need to address your phyiscal appearance as best you can before you start. Don’t worry about those other things you listed; just take action.
(It’s fascinating to me how it seems like every man on the planet has their own unique definition for the term “SMV.” It makes discussions regarding that topic very difficult.)
Posted at 10:07 am, 10th April 2020Awesome, looking forward to this one. I found this blog years ago when I was googling around about nonmonogamy, and my position hasn’t changed much since then: love many of the concepts and intend to apply them, but probably won’t implement the full package in my life.
I’d like some details on how this works and what are the do’s and don’ts, including girlfriend status and whether to reciprocate “I love you”.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:43 am, 10th April 2020It won’t apply to you since you intend on doing some of what I’m talking about. The upcoming article are for those who don’t intend on doing anything I talk about.
Read this book. The archive also has articles on that.
Posted at 11:10 am, 10th April 2020If I could go back 15 years, it would be this:
Financial stability (yes this IS relevant when it comes to the opposite sex now more than ever) —–> Sexual Market Value (Appearance + Value) —–> General people skills —-> Learning invitation basics —–> Flirting/Sexual escalation skills. Most dudes can and should work on these at the same time. I know I’m always trying to improve these.
Master those things and the opposite sex becomes nothing more than a numbers game.
PUAs have sold an entire culture of incels on that ridiculous term to get them to waste time on forums and communities running their mouths about how to “pass shit tests” instead of getting them out in the world approaching and risking getting shot down.
I despise the term and I think it is the main source of mental masturbation that holds all kinds of dudes back.
You will not encounter any shit tests if you do things right. If you have normal conversations with chicks, get your invitations in, and flirt without hesitation, you’ll either get a hard yes or a hard no from them and that is what you want. Chicks usually know within seconds if they want to have sex with a dude or not.
A shit test implies that there is a gray area in a chick’s attraction. There shouldn’t be. Either the chick wants to hang out with/have sex with you or she does not. “Manipulating” that by trying to overcome a chick’s shit test is not natural or ethical. BD talks about three buttons that chicks have when dealing with dudes. You need to make sure they are mashing the “yes” or “no” button, but never the “make him wait” button.
And guess which button a chick is mashing when they shit test dudes? You guessed it, the “make him wait” button. To me, the “make him wait” button is pretty much the “no” button.
And not doing beta shit is part of an overall lifestyle, doesn’t have nearly as much to do with the opposite sex as the PUAs say.
Abdul Nguza
Posted at 04:33 pm, 10th April 2020I’m excited for this, definitely going to get it and I’m 19.
Posted at 07:20 pm, 10th April 2020Hi BD,
Great article as always. One thing I would recommend adding to the list is getting and staying in shape, as this does get a bit harder with age.
Could you post more articles on Thrill of the Hunt vs Pleasure of Sex guys in the future? Like how TOTH guys can still make their lives enriching independent of women?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 07:40 am, 11th April 2020Health becomes a priority at age 35 and over. Prior to 35 health and fitness for most men under age 35 are an option but not mandatory because when you are under than 35 your health / fitness can actually sort of suck yet you can still be a reasonably effective person. This changes when a man hits 35, when it becomes mandatory. I went into more detail about that here.
Yes, and I already have written many TotH-centered articles. Read this and this and this as just a few examples.
Posted at 11:51 pm, 11th April 2020How useful would the Younger Man Lifestyle Toolkit be to someone who fits in the target age range but has already achieved all of these goals, and is already past the Breakout life phase?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:34 am, 12th April 2020Depends on what you mean. If you already make $75,000 location independent income from your own location independent business and you have all the cute/hot women on rotation you want, the Toolkit will only be moderately useful at best. If that I just described does not describe you, it will be much more useful but not 100%.
Posted at 11:28 am, 13th April 2020Please stop making statements that only apply to guys who aren’t going after smoking hot girls. Your philosophy is literally to not approach girls much above you in looks.
El Barto
Posted at 06:44 am, 14th April 2020While tailored to younger men, this is advice that many men in their 30’s and 40’s could benefit from as well.
So many friends in my age group that are still stuck in many of the same vices they were in their twenties:
Videogames, Netflix, too much alcohol. Watching and bitching about political stuff online.
Now is the perfect time to get off your ass and build something! Working at home gave me between 1 and 2 hours extra free time a day. Time I now can spend on building my Alpha 2.0 business. And if you don’t know what type of business you want to build, take a course at the very least. Learn how to code, coywrite or study a new language. Anything that will increase your skillset, which will be very important in the coming years.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:13 am, 14th April 2020True.
Posted at 08:17 am, 23rd April 2020Just wanted to second this. It is scientific fact that your body’s rate of aging as it pertains to muscular strength, coordination, and recovery markedly decreases around age 35. It’s no coincidence that pro athletes in many sports are in noticeable decline by the time they enter their mid-thirties. I’m not denying that there are plenty of people over 35 who are in fantastic shape, but I guarantee you that 99% of them move slower, are less nimble/agile, are more likely to get hurt, and generally experience more aches and pains than those who have comparable fitness regimens but have yet to hit this aging milestone.
I recommend that all people establish a good fitness routine by 32-33, i.e., before this decline starts. It’s a lot easier to keep an existing habit going than to start a new one, and this particular habit will get more difficult to start and stick with once your body is in decline.
Another tie-in here, and I apologize if this is slightly off-topic: BD recommends waiting until you’re older to have kids. I agree with the reasoning behind his advice, but do keep in mind that following it means that you’ll be in physical decline while raising babies/toddlers. Being a father, especially to young kids, can be very physically taxing. They have ways of challenging every muscle, tendon, and ligament in your body, and even the most laid back toddler has ten times more energy than you do. Do yourself and your child(ren) a huge favor and make sure you’re in at least decent shape by the time your first bundle of joy arrives.
Rio Yang
Posted at 06:43 am, 7th June 2020I’m 20 years old young. Let’s get it baby!