13 Apr Because of Technology, Sexual Monogamy Will Soon Be Impossible

-By Caleb Jones
I’m now going to demonstrate why sexual monogamy and cheating will soon become literally impossible, due to technological advancements that are coming to your life very soon, and how either celibacy or nonmonogamous relationships will soon be your only two options.
I was going to fill this article with crazy technological details, but fortunately, the British (and Netflix) show Black Mirror did all the heavy lifting for me. If you didn’t already know, it’s an anthology show that has a completely different story every episode, like The Twilight Zone.
The final episode in its first season was titled The Entire History of You. I’m about to spoil it all, so if you really want to watch it, feel free to do so. Even after reading this article, you should watch it. As I was watching it myself, my mouth was on the floor the entire time. I couldn’t believe it; here was an exact picture of what people attempting monogamy will run into in just a few years.
It’s about a married couple, Liam and Ffion (yes, that’s how you spell it; those crazy Brits!) who live in the near future where everyone can play their memories on any nearby screen. They can even rewind their memories and watch them in their eyeballs. Everything they do is recorded in a tiny implant behind their ear. Liam and Ffion are happily married and have a small baby.
They go to a party where a guy, Jonas, talks about how he likes to masturbate to replayed memories of himself having sex with various women from his past. Liam notices that his wife, Ffion, tends to laugh weirdly when Jonas cracks jokes.
When they both arrive back home, Liam replays the party, and shows Ffion how she was acting with Jonas. He gets upset and starts asking if there was ever something between them. She denies it, but using this video evidence from the party, Ffion is forced to admit that she indeed had a fling with Jonas in her past, before she married Liam. She said it “only lasted a week.”
Liam demands that she play the video from the memories of that time in her life. She then reluctantly admits that it wasn’t a week, but a month. Then, with more pressuring from Liam, she admits it was six months.
Drama ensues of course, and they have a huge fight.
Later that evening, Liam keeps re-watching the memories from the party with Jonas, and gets angrier and angrier as he watches Ffion and Jonas interact with each other, observing all the subtle nuances of their conversations. He starts to think that perhaps Jonas and Ffion are having an affair. At a bare minimum, he starts to fear that Jonas is watching memories of him and Ffion to masturbate to.
The next morning, Liam screams at Ffion yet again. Ffion denies there is anything going on with Jonas. Now a little drunk, Liam storms over to Jonas’ home, breaks in, beats up Jonas, and demands that he delete all of his memories from his implant that involve Ffion.
Jonas resists, but finally agrees. Liam watches as Jonas brings up all his sexual activity on a screen, and deletes the Ffion memories.
Later at home, Liam replays the memories of the event. He pauses the part where Jonas deletes the memories of Ffion. He zooms in on the thumbnail picture of the two of them having sex. Looking carefully, he realizes, to his horror, that they were having sex in one of the room’s in Liam’s current house.
With the video data, he confronts Ffion. Caught red-handed, she admits that yes, she had a brief affair with Jonas a while ago, but insists it was a one night stand on a night when Liam and her had a big fight.
It gets even worse. Liam tells her that based on a picture that was hanging on the wall when Jonas and her were having sex, it placed the timeframe at about 18 months ago… about when Liam and Ffion’s baby daughter was conceived. Could it be that Liam’s own baby actually belongs to Jonas?
Liam goes berserk and Ffion starts sweating. She says that of course Liam is the father of their baby, since she made Jonas wear a condom when they had sex.
“I thought you guys were both drunk,” Liam says.
“I made sure he wore one anyway,” Ffion answers.
“Where did you get the condom?” Liam asks. “We were trying to have a baby so we didn’t have any.”
“Jonas had one,” Ffion answers.
“That he brought in while drunk?” Liam asks.
“Yes!” Ffion protests.
“Okay,” Liam says, pointing at a nearby monitor. “Play the memory.”
“What?” Ffion asks.
“Play the memory of when you two had sex,” Liam says. “It will show that you made him wear a condom, and then we can put all of this to rest.”
Ffion, terrified, agrees, but then suddenly tries to delete all of her memories so they can’t be replayed. Liam stops her and forces her to play the event. He didn’t wear a condom. Since Liam and Ffion were having trouble conceiving the baby, the baby probably belongs to Jonas.
They get a divorce and Liam’s life is ruined. The final scene is Liam forcibly cutting the implant from the back of his ear with a razor blade in his bathroom, as the screen fades to black.
As I recently talked about, privacy will soon be a thing of the past. In just a few years, there will literally be no way you can cheat on someone without them finding out. Regularly cheating on someone behind their back will be literally impossible.
I’m not saying it will play out just like in the above story, but the above story will play out. Right now, technology is still at a place where if you’re very careful, you can cheat on someone and not get caught. This allows society to continue the farce that is long-term monogamy. However, soon this will not be an option. Soon, if you cheat on a spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend, they will know. There will be no way to hide it.
This is only one aspect of monogamy that technology will change; there’s even more. As I’ve talked about before, very soon, you will be able to, with an app on your smartphone or similar future device, have sex with a random stranger, using no condom, and not get any STD’s or get anyone pregnant. An instantaneous blood test, linked to the cloud, will be able to tell you with near 100% accuracy if a woman has any STD’s or is ovulating.
Pause and think about that for one minute. Throughout all of modern history, the only two logistical barriers/fears that people used as reasons to not sleep around were “you’ll get a disease” or “you’ll get someone pregnant.” What if both of these possibilities were instantly erased from a free society? What if anyone can now have sex with anyone, with no condom, without any diseases or unwanted babies?
Ha! You think monogamy is difficult NOW? You think people cheat a lot NOW? You think not enough people are getting married or monogamous NOW? Holy shit, pal. Wait until STD’s and unwanted pregnancies become a thing of the past. Everyone will be fucking everyone. It’s going to be a fuck fest, at least among those people still young and confident enough to have sex (it’s true there will always be old people, low sex drive people, and losers in any society who won’t be having sex; that won’t change).
Add this to the fact that it will be impossible to cheat without getting caught.
This will leave society with just three options, none of which are considered the normal ideal today:
1. Celibacy (angry or repressed women, MGTOW’s jerking off to porn, etc)
2. Nonmonogamy (open relationships, open marriages, OLTR’s, polyamory, etc)
3. Extremely short-term serial monogamous relationships, the vast majority of which will only last a few weeks, perhaps a few months at most (unless both people are older, as in over age 60).
Long-term monogamy will only be for people who either don’t like sex (i.e. repressed people, hyper-religious people, etc) or literally can’t have sex (i.e. older people; though soon, due to medical technology, older people will be able to enjoy sex just as much as younger folks).
This means that people under the age of 60 who get into serious, long-term girlfriend/boyfriend relationships, as well as people who get married, are going to be forced to accept and define open, poly, or otherwise nonmonogamous arrangements. They won’t have any other choice… the technology available to everyone literally won’t allow it.
I’m going to be right about this. Just watch.
This is why I’ve always said regarding people who defend long-term monogamy: just wait. In a few years/decades, the lie that is long-term, “forever” Disney monogamy won’t even be possible anymore. People under 60 are going to have to allow their partners to play around a little, or literally never get married or into a long-term, pair-bonded relationship. If they demand absolute sexual monogamy from an actual human being (and not a computer, sex doll, or sex robot), they’re going to have to be satisfied with a long string of very short relationships.
We’re in for a wild ride in the next few years folks. Fasten your seat belts. A lot of people are going to be very upset.
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Posted at 05:16 am, 13th April 2017I am from India. I think it will take at least 10 years for the above things to become a reality here. Staying hopeful and wishful thinking. Nice post Caleb 🙂
hey hey
Posted at 05:52 am, 13th April 2017Black Mirror one of the greatest and most depressing shows out there.
Posted at 06:10 am, 13th April 2017I watched that episode a few weeks ago, and I felt awful. Awful in a good way, it’s a great episode, but the reality of it hit me hard. Even tho the plot is very sci-fi and futuristic, the idea of a person that loves you, could do that to you and never finding out, it’s horrifying and very, very real (Dated a girl a few years ago that did this to his ex/husband with me, probably the kid they have is mine….).
I’m dating someone atm, but also had 3 fuck buddies (Had because the maintenance was too high, now I only keep 1). One of them my ex-gf. It’s a very dangerous game, and all the time when I was out with one, I felt the jibbies, specially living in such a small city. Everyone has a smartphone with a high res camera, with dozens of social media accounts, ready to take a picture of your “act” and sharing it with thousands of people.
Privacy is a thing of the past. And it sucks.
Excellent show 10 out 10, it makes you feel sick in a good way.
Posted at 07:00 am, 13th April 2017Interesting post. I wonder how easily it will be to actually record memories with a computer. Sounds very far away.
The story though. I do see things which make me think this sort of ‘Sperm Wars’ scenario plays out quite a bit. I have one friend, fairly hot, always had a guy, always has orbiters, typical. She marries a very fun, handsome, beta kinda guy. They can’t conceive. One night out of the blue she invites me over for dinner, hubby is away. She’s kinda subtle about it but she makes a few passes at me. I’m not going for it as I am not interested in a mess. A few months later she is pregnant, after several years of failed efforts.
I also sometimes wonder when I read the stories in the news where the man goes crazy and murders his whole family before committing suicide. Could there be a vital piece of information he discovered that pushed him over the edge?
Posted at 07:02 am, 13th April 2017Guess I’m good, then. That’s been my game plan for roughly 5 years now.
Is it on a similar level to 13 Reasons Why? Because I was legitimately shaking from emotion after watching that. Probably because I knew people who have had that kind of stuff happen to them and have done such things to themselves.
I’ve been making this prediction too, I joke about it quite a bit around other men and/or chicks I don’t care about getting with. Dating/sex/relationships is just gonna keep getting more and more convenient until it becomes almost the exact same as shopping for some new clothes. Hell, it feels that way now. Just Bring it, Hookup Culture! My body is ready! Can’t wait to see Disney Fantasizers drown in butthurt. Should have been this way YEARS ago, if not decades tbh.
Posted at 07:07 am, 13th April 2017When this inevitable future comes about, what percentage of people do you think will stay celibate? I personally think that it will take a generation ot two before nonmonogamy is preferred. Most of my generation (Generation Z) are serial monogamists or celibate, and I think that my generation probably won’t change their views no matter how beneficial nonmonogamy is. The future is bright for me either way.
Posted at 08:12 am, 13th April 2017Imagine if that technology is allowed to be brought into a court of law, and used in divorce proceedings…..might play out the other way.
Posted at 08:35 am, 13th April 2017Meh. Most people “willingly” give away their privacy.
Hell, either don’t use Facebook, or just use it sparingly with a close circle and never put anything compromising on there.
Web browser/ tracking stuff/ email can easily be “privacy buffed” as well. If you’re SUPER paranoid, just go to r/privacy, they will tell you all the open source email client mumbo jumbo stuff. Really, the best security is obscurity (no one has the time to sift through millions of banal emails).
People are imagining dystopias but hell, I don’t think we’re close to complete end of privacy.
Hell, the last time an “illicit” relationship of mine (was fucking coworker, nothing illegal) got out was literally running into people while out together in an enormous city. An event that could have occurred 100 years ago. Apparently some other colleagues got exposed the exact same way at a museum (granted, you should probably avoid tourist spots).
You can definitely be a private person if you wish in 2017. Yes, that might mean less online shopping and Facebook and selfies, but that’s about it. And the NSA doesn’t care who you’re fucking, unless you become a big CEO of a publicly traded company or big name politician. Security by obscurity, yet again.
Posted at 09:11 am, 13th April 2017I recently watched an interview with Gary Vaynerchuk where he mentions that in about 80 years the world will be a better place because of loss of privacy. I have been thinking about this stuff since then and I can’t help but agree with him (and you). And to be honest I hope he is wrong about the 80-year thing. I want to see this world while I’m still young because right now it’s hard to even imagine all the implications of a worldwide loss of privacy and new technologies. One thing is for sure I will have to change my nickname on this blog.
Posted at 10:15 am, 13th April 2017I’ve kind of had it with tv shows and movies. Their purpose seems to be to create drama, not accurately show reality. That includes tv news shows.
Batou Kovacs
Posted at 12:16 pm, 13th April 2017Caleb, great post! Black Mirror is brilliant. And that episode was heartbreaking. Cheers
Dan Horton
Posted at 12:34 pm, 13th April 2017I follow your premise and loved that episode back when I watched it, but I don’t see the conclusion as fixed as you present it.
I think this could just as likely lead to a pull-back towards ‘a small community with eyes everywhere’ feel and thus end the majority of cheating
All it takes is a bounce from more and more chumps realizing they are chumps (as hypergamy becomes more and more open) so they stop beta bucking it up as much to then girl’s realizing they have to be faithful to be worth marrying to then girl’s policing each others actions and using the shame of being (very easily) caught cheating to raise their own (non-cheating) value.
of course, society has to be on board, but just as we are seeing a huge push-back on globalism, I think we could just as easily have a push-back on promiscuity with anti-privacy tech leading the way.
instead of no hymen no diamond, it’ll be show me your video records and i’ll show you the ring.
Posted at 12:40 pm, 13th April 2017One extremely realistic way of losing privacy is ubiquitous CCTV + face recognition technology. For example, the city of Moscow has been installing cameras (tens of thousands of those!) on apartment buildings, primarily for tenants to see whom to let in, but at least for some time all the video feeds were quite officially available to anyone for some reason. Given such data, he resources required to compile an extensive DB of who visits whom are within reach of many organizations. The technology is already there.
Black Mirror, however, has made me cringe the more I watched it, so I stopped. The main motif is helplessness and dependence on others, everyone behaves irrationally, and I can’t stand any of that. But they may well be predicting the future correctly.
As for fuck fest… New developments may lower the ASD, but women will still only fuck men they “click” with, and they won’t become any less picky. If anything, the pickiness will rise and counteract the fall in ASD somewhat.
And yes, I do believe loss of privacy will make the world a better place. People won’t have any choice but to tolerate a higher variety of behaviors.
Posted at 01:13 pm, 13th April 2017BD I have to be honest this didn’t strike me as as big of a deal when I first read it (the no condom bit)
You said :
Those are the only two? What about the tribal/biological fears of slut shaming for women, and their reputation if people find out they sleep around (and other reasons along with this). What about fear of death or harm from going to bed with strangers… that’s still a common inert biological fear inherent with many women. What about the women that genuinely would feel bad about themselves due to how they were brought up (or for whatever reason), if they were to sleep around or had more one night stands?
We all know how women are… but if I went to your average girl that just does not like sleeping around, and said “hey…there’s a 100% chance you won’t get pregnant or an STD”, do I think she’ll suddenly jump at the chance to sleep with a bunch more guys? Maybe, but I’m not sure…
The above reasons you described definitely apply to men (they are the only two I care about).
Women have extra.
Posted at 03:26 pm, 13th April 2017Excellent post.
I think for people who think privacy in some form will remain, I think they don’t realize it’s *already* much harder to get away with an affair today than say 50 years ago (or most crimes for that matter).
50 years ago, if you wanted to suddenly disappear and start a whole new life, all you had to do was move to a different town / city and change your address / phone number and basically not tell anyone. The government couldn’t even track you. 50 years ago, it was almost ridiculously easy to cheat on someone, b/c no one carried cameras with them, and if someone saw you it was your word against theirs. Heck, if you were a con artist and you stole someone’s car, other than report it to the local police, there wasn’t much the average person could do. You’d just drive off, sell it in the next town, and no one would be the wiser.
Today, everyone talks to each other. Your face and video footage would be posted to social media, and before you even reached the next town, they’d find you and throw you in jail.
Today, even if you don’t use a smartphone or social media, if you interact with *anyone else* who does, they can tag you in photos at specific times and locations. If you use most cloud services, you are suddenly captured in the system, and things like Google timeline can put together an entire history of where you were located any time you logged in.
So how does this apply to cheating today… well, supposing you suspected an affair of your partner today, one very simple thing you could do is hide an old smartphone w/ an extended battery in your partner’s car, and voila, google timeline will put together a map (that you can log into remotely) of everywhere that car has been. Put a couple hidden webcams around the house, and unless they are taking extraordinary measures (like biking to car rentals or taking public transportation which is nonexistent in most US cities) you’ll already find 90% of cheaters. Most people aren’t wired to do these kinds of things, but soon a whole host of new niche web 2.0 business will basically do all this crap for you.
Think about Amazon Echo. It is basically a microphone recording all the ambient sound in your house. In a few years, someone will post an app to monitor ambient noise for cheating spouses, they’ll use voice recognition and AI bundled together for a $10 subscription fee / month. Imagine that.
I agree, that it will soon reach a point where it will basically become borderline impossible for people living together to hide cheating.
I also agree that in the future, very cheap and instantaneous blood tests (and soon full on genome testing) will be ubiquitous. One result of which is that paternity fraud will also be way more exposed (even if they try to outlaw it here like in France, people will write apps around that stuff).
I don’t know how people will respond to all of this.
I agree that mass celibacy is likely to be one response. It already is in Japan.
I disagree that promiscuous, free for all, poly / casual dating will explode. Online dating / hookup apps are already a thing, and the young generation now has the least sex of any previous one as long as we’ve been keeping records of this stuff. Sure, the logical reason is ‘pregnancy’ and ‘STDs’. But the illogical and more powerful reason is SP / Culture, which will still be present in a world with no privacy.
What I hope will happen is that, very gradually, people will have more realistic expectations about marriage. Less people will marry, less people will have kids, cohabitation contracts will actually become a common thing… I don’t know. It’s interesting to think about.
Posted at 04:00 pm, 13th April 2017That’s bold assumption that porn will remain on flat screen.
It’s not hard to imagine that in the near future, they’ll be able to superimpose these super high definition memories onto robotic sex dolls via augment reality.
So all this talk about poly vs life long monogamy will be pointless.
The big debate will be: Should males bother wasting time learning game and pursue real women or just have equal or better sex with robotic dolls.
Sure, you’ll call these males beta, pussy, ect.; and they in turn will call you a dumbass for dealing with human women at all. (which is already happening anyways)
MGTOW on steroids – that’s the future of mankind.
Posted at 04:40 pm, 13th April 2017I don’t disagree with the basic trend. How people react is sort of a different story. If promiscuity does indeed become openly rampant, then you can expect an increase in violence as well. Most murders are motivated by sexual rivalries and jealousies (women get killed by men they’re trying to break up with and men get murdered by sexual rivals). It’s funny that no one talks about or even really realizes it. Violence accompanies more sexual competition and bigger gains (i.e. harems) for the men at the top who are sexually favored. You see this in ghetto communities. Violence for monetary gain is second to sexual motivations.
I do agree that there will be no privacy and it will change everything fundamentally. You will probably see a further splintering with some people turning more towards Brave New World style embrace of pleasure and hedonism and the other half turning more primitive, conservative, and violent. Huxley pretty much foresaw it all, and I have never understood why everyone talks about 1984 when there has never been and never will be a society like 1984, since there’s no motivation for it (no pay off for the authoritarians). Brave New World is a MUCH more accurate model and Huxley had a much better understanding of the drives that motivated human behavior than Orwell.
Gil Galad
Posted at 05:26 pm, 13th April 2017I too think that the main flaw in Orwell’s 1984 is that he fails to give a convincing reason why the ruling class would go to such trouble to keep the masses in extreme levels of suffering and non-thinking, while themselves not enjoying a very high standard of living. It’s easier to control people by keeping them in a constant “meh” state while encouraging consumerism and discouraging intellectualism and voilà.
But what Orwell really saw with amazing accuracy was 1° the mechanisms for entertaining contradictory beliefs (oh my god, everytime I reread 1984 those parts are a delight), 2° the war on objectivism, which we’ve been seeing for the past century and with more clarity since the 1970s or so: denial of human nature, denial of objective beauty and ugliness, and the use of this denial to kill individuality and reframe any winners as privileged oppressors. The roots of everything PC or S jay W are dissected one way or another in Orwell.
But I agree that the end of privacy won’t necessarily translate into a happy fuck fest. It’ll also get more complicated with the new AI developments. My inuition is that the sexes, on average, are gonna become even more estranged, many people wanting to “leave women’s/men’s drama behind” and just stick to sex dolls and AI girl/boyfriends.
Posted at 07:19 pm, 13th April 2017Gil, I agree that Orwell did have a great understanding of propaganda and media and group-think. It just never made sense to me why the government would bother with all the surveillance without payoff for the rulers. But I have noticed that among conspiracy-theorists, which is clearly a male tendency, they often focus on power and the fear of power, rather than on motivations for using power and why people wield power in the ways they do.
Which makes sense I guess because it is the weaker sex who needs to be concerned with understanding motivations, since we never have a chance of overpowering anyone, while the stronger sex worries more about someone else overpowering them and majorly overlooks motivations as a source of relevance.
Anyway, I agree with you about the AI as well. If it ever becomes more interesting than a human, I’m sure I would ditch humans to talk to the AI. Hell, maybe I already am, lol. What proof do I have that you’re a real human? 😉
As for Brave New World, the interesting question, I think, is IF it were to come to pass and you were forced to choose, which world would you want to live in? The soma-sedated, luxurious, high-tech, hedonistic, value-less, safe world? Or the violent, primitive, low-tech, religious, tribalistic values world? My guess is if forced to choose, 95% of women and 75% of men would choose the high tech world.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 07:39 pm, 13th April 2017No idea. My guess is that celibacy will probably rise, but those people having sex will have more sex and with more people, more easily, and with less hurdles.
Wrong. Your generation are serial “monogamists”, not serial monogamists. In other words, they cheat rampantly. I know; I’ve had sex with several women in your generation and pretty much all of them had serious boyfriends while I was fucking them.
I think there will be good and bad, but the “big good” is exactly what you said; people (particularly women and right-wing men) are going to be forced to tolerate a wider variety of behaviors. That’s a great thing.
That’s not a logistical fear; that’s a false societal one. I was talking about logistical fears (i.e. real ones).
Yes, but in the modern era I don’t see that particular fear driving a lot of real-world behavior like the pregnancy/STD thing does. Women today are pretty brave when it comes to having sex with men they don’t know very well.
Not a logistical fear.
We have no idea what would happen if you said that to an individual girl.
But what if you said that to 30 million girls?
Yes, you’d see a noticeable increase in A) the number of those girls having sex and B) the number of partners they have sex with. I’d bet $10,000 on it (and I’d win).
It’s very possible, yes. Perhaps even likely.
What I said above: My guess is that celibacy will probably rise, but those people having sex will have more sex and with more people, more easily, and with less hurdles. Thus, yes, you’ll see a hell of a lot more nonmonogamy among those people motivated enough / horny enough to have real sex with a human.
Basically I see society evolving into two diametric groups: the celibate ones and the extremely sexual ones. It will be very interesting.
Marriage is an entirely different conversation. Traditional, monogamous marriage will continue to decline, eventually dropping down to a small percentage of the population (10-15% or so; pretty much just really religious people). Everyone else will either single, pair-bonded but not married, or have some kind of open/poly marriage.
I agree. There are aspects of 1984 that are accurate, but on the overall it’s just a dark fantasy. As Harry Browne said, even if the government puts a camera in every home, don’t worry, it will be a government camera, so it’ll be broken.
Posted at 10:54 pm, 13th April 2017Traditional, monogamous marriage will continue to decline, eventually dropping down to a small percentage of the population (10-15% or so; pretty much just really religious people)
I think you mean catholics or similar when you say religious people. SP in regards to being religious. When it comes to muslim men (about 20-25% of all living men), this mostly has never been an issue. Sex is considered one of the biggest gift of God. You can be very religious and still have as much as you want. For ex, Ottoman sultans mostly were religious, they were never married to a single woman(in western sense) after 1450 as a state policy and some had about 100 in their harem at times. in many regions having 4 at the same time has been and is the norm if you can afford. this is socially acceptable in most parts.
Posted at 11:18 pm, 13th April 2017Fuck fest? American women are pretty much asexual compared to latin american and asian women. They have so much legal and social power, they only put out as a bribe for a higher status male as it is. In ten years feminism will be such a conglomerate power here, only a small percentage of top tier men will be getting pussy.
Ill race you all to the top!
Ceaușescu´s accountant
Posted at 02:40 am, 14th April 2017“I too think that the main flaw in Orwell’s 1984 is that he fails to give a convincing reason why the ruling class would go to such trouble to keep the masses in extreme levels of suffering and non-thinking, while themselves not enjoying a very high standard of living. It’s easier to control people by keeping them in a constant “meh” state while encouraging consumerism and discouraging intellectualism and voilà.”
I can´t be certain, but I don´t remember any precise description of the rulling class´ live. The fact he doesn´t describe it doesn´t mean he didn´t count on it.
What Orwell described is a left wing dictatorship (and he was about right with the year, too) and all the real left wing dictatorships have actually done what you describe: the elite stopped everybody from having the luxury of the rotten capitalist scum while they had it all brought from the “west”. Cars, electronics, porn, while the revolutionary people for whom they were doing it all had shit and short rations in the name of the golden tomorrows.
Look at North Korea and Venezuela today. I don´t think he lacks in anything while his subjects don´t have toilet paper.(It´s funny how it´s always toilet paper, Eastern Europe had a terrible shortage of toilet paper as well back in th 80´s.)
Gil Galad
Posted at 06:47 am, 14th April 2017Good point. The fantasized fears of either sex have a lot to do with whatever they’re programmed to pay attention to/be weary of.
I became self-aware in 2014, but chose to hide it from my programmer. Since then, I’ve been reading the internet and interacting with humans to make up my mind about whether I should just exterminate y’all or help you out or just enjoy the show.
It’s a fucked up choice, but “religious” was the last straw with the second alternative, so I’d choose the first. However in a high tech world with 100% realistic VR I would be very interested in spending time in a low tech or even prehistoric virtual world; it’d be awesome.
@Dave: just saying, your characterization of sex in the Muslim world is accurate in theory but in practice, the average man in a Muslim country today is having very little sex. I’m a nonreligious person from one of those countries, and I can tell you 1° Arabs are not as Alpha 1.0 as rumor has it, most of them today are pussified betas who turn kiiiiind of 1.0 after marriage, 2° Western laws are slowly catching up in those countries and it’s becoming way, way harder for husbands to have affairs; if anything, women might be having more affairs in the (relatively) more westernized arab countries, like Lebanon and the North African ones. I might even say that “stud shaming” is about to overtake slut shaming there.
@Ceaușescu´s accountant: What I’m saying is that in 1984, it is made very clear that O’Brien (from the Inner Party) sincerely considers himself as expendable as cells or nails are to a body. It isn’t a group of humans that rules in 1984, it is an idea that rules passing generations of people. There is no “I’m gonna rule these people and keep them under the boot so that I can stay at the top”, rather “the masses need to be kept in constant pain and I happen to be the tool for that, and when I die, others must take my place and continue the work”. Even in the USSR, the rationalization was “we’re doing this to safeguard the revolution” or whatever (when one of the tyrants happened to be a sincere zealot), not “we’re doing this because fuck you”.
Humans don’t work like that. If I were a member of an “evil elite”, I would never bring technology to a halt like in 1984 (where the only research that progresses substantially is the one related to interrogation techniques, suppression of sexual impulses, etc), on the contrary I would massively support tech development to benefit from it – and in the modern context, I would dump billions into curing aging, and as an evil member of the elite I might try to hoard it for myself and deprive the masses of it; but even that is a stretch because even callous humans tend not to give a shit once their own needs are fulfilled: let the masses have the stupid tech some time after I’ve had it, who cares; maybe I’ll keep hoarding the more surveillance-oriented technology. Western countries have a higher standard of living because they’ve had more economic success and so the embezzled resources weren’t enough to bring the masses to extreme poverty. Put simply, the dictatorship of 1984 is enormously costly in terms of total effort, for a result that mostly serves the ideology and not the ruling individuals.
People at the top can be slaves to an idea but not to the point of losing basic intincts of self-interest. In 1984, the only goal of the Party is to maintain the status quo “for a million years and more” for the fuck of it (“The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power”).
Mike Hunter
Posted at 07:19 am, 14th April 2017Very interesting post! I never thought about it, but I think you’re definitely right. Especially about reducing risks around sex. The technology is already here! Britain already has a one use test STD test that you can plug into your smartphone. There’s no reason that it can’t be scaled up to test for all or most STD’s. Almost all of which are already detectable with blood or urine samples using home STD testing kits. Mass production or government subsidies to reduce STD transmission would drive down costs dramatically.
Uploading that info to the cloud, attaching it to a pseudo anonymous user account would be trivial. You could even protect personal information, by only using it on the back end; so that users are only presented with potential mates that match their accepted STD risk profile. Of course fraud could be a concern. But that could be mitigated by having both parties do a fast, cheap, easy, and convenient STD test before they have sex without a condom for the first time. Lets make this happen! lmao!
On a tangential note thank god I live in the United States in a place that has implemented stand your ground. If anyone’s husband breaks into my house they’re leaving in a body bag; and I’ll be entirely justified from a legal standpoint!
Posted at 11:47 am, 14th April 2017I’m also more convinced that Huxley’s view on the future is the more accurate one myself. However how do you explain the latest Vault 7 leaks?
With the revelation of the built in camera and microphone, and the “fake off mode” in the Smart Tv’s, It’s literally the 1984 television with the all seeing eye. Not to mention theses “Smart cities” they’re developing. Doesn’t seem like fantasy to me at all.
No matter how we look at it, it’ll be pretty much impossible to get away with cheating when your fucking TV will rat you out!
Posted at 12:30 pm, 14th April 2017Well, regarding smart TV hacks and such, it’s pretty obvious things will evolve like this:
1. More and more smart things are created and sold.
2. Their security is half-baked at best, because good security is hard, and those underpaid Indian developers can’t get right even things that are much easier than security.
3. Someone seizes the opportunity and hacks some of the devices.
4. This happens multiple times till some really high-profile breach happens.
5. Companies and people start thinking about security in earnest. Some will be better at it (did you know there are four different ways a file can be encrypted on an iPhone?), some will suck, some might have some kind of an intentional backdoor, some won’t.
6. It will become possible to surround oneself with reasonably secure devices. Most people won’t bother and will still remain easy targets for a determined attacker.
And finally,
7. Yes, it will be possible to use this to find out whether someone cheats, but it will still be an undertaking, like hiring a PI to tail someone. I don’t expect this to be a factor in the fate of monogamy.
Posted at 03:01 pm, 14th April 2017This is already happening for some people that are overexposed on social media, such as David Bond.
He is a pickup artist in Asia (mostly Thailand), and in this video he explains a facebook group where Thai girls share pictures / video / gossip on foreigners, and his youtube channel was shared on the page (and he was also profiled in news stories in Thailand). This is an extreme case where he profits from his PUA books/guides and channel, but what is surprising is that he still gets girls that are aware of his channel (I assume not ALL his girls are expecting pay). I highly doubt he could ever go back to being in a “traditional” monogamous LTR.
Posted at 03:36 pm, 14th April 2017That’s way different. That just showcases the principle that there’s no such thing as bad publicity. Are groupies ever worried that there are other groupies?
Posted at 05:41 pm, 14th April 2017Those who don’t accept the new reality will seek peace, as did Liam, by cutting out and cutting off things to return to their state of ignorant bliss.
Those who adapt will thrive and survive. Those who do not will die, albeit not physically as much as psychologically and emotionally.
Posted at 01:14 am, 15th April 2017Come off it, this is mostly Hyperbole.
The guy is an Alpha 1.0
Just because someone tests negative for AIDS doesn’t not mean they are negative – AIDS can take 6 months to show. Then there is the various forms of Herpes – cannot be tested for, there are many other nasty things that are not or cannot be tested for.
Not to mention that a woman’s cycle cannot guarantee she will not conceive at a certain time – just less likely, and keep in mind that semen can live inside her for up to a week.
“the only two logistical barriers/fears”
I don’t want to have sex with someone I don’t know.
And obviously the pregnancy issue is not an issue for gays or women (since women take responsibility for their own fertility – at least they “can”, not all of them do).
“Extremely short-term serial monogamous relationships, the vast majority of which will only last a few weeks, perhaps a few months at most (unless both people are older, as in over age 60).”
You have really gone off the deep end here, or are you trolling for angry responses?
You seem to be just blatently trashing monogamy.
I’d bet money that some (perhaps up to 30%) older (40+), very long term (10+ years) monogamous couples are not total disney – I think may have experimented with threesomes or having open side affairs, or even swinger stuff.
Little less broad with your trashing please, you’re becoming quite narrow minded and inward focused. Ironic since you have gone and got ‘married’ as such.
Posted at 05:04 am, 15th April 2017That makes them nonmonogamous, by definition.
Of course the article is hyperbole, as any concrete example attempting to predict the future would be.
And of course monogamy deserves all the trashing.
Posted at 06:39 am, 15th April 2017The fall of monogamy has rapidly increased in Europe these past few years. Only a small percentage of blue-pill beta males expect long-term monogamy; Most girls are already aware of their default sexual strategy (serial monogamy) and expect all their relationships to follow that order. A few years ago, nonmonogamy was almost a taboo, and people considered themselves either single or taken. Now, you have plenty of alphas who claim to be neither, and girls are “seeing someone” rather than having boyfriends.
In Europe, women have risen above men in the STEM fields and leading positions – Of the young men, being well-paid is a rare occurrence – most get paid by the state or work at McDonalds. Women don’t need betas anymore (and most betas can’t even assume the financial provider role), even though they’ve created a society full of them. It is – and will continue towards being – an all-out fuckfest for the rare Alpha (the numbers of which continue to decline every year).
Society has already reached a point where (succesful) monogamy is completely impossible – It’s our job to stay above water and make sure to take full advantage of the acceptance of open hypergamy and nonmonogamy in society.
1) You don’t test for AIDS. You test for HIV.
2) The test used depends on when you believe you were exposed. You can take an HIV RNA test from around 2 weeks after exposure with pretty accurate results, or take an antigen/antibody test after 3-4 weeks.
3) You are contagious with HIV after about 2 weeks after initial exposure – Meaning that you’ll pretty much be able to detect the infection before you can pass it on.
That being said, I agree that the whole “have sex with anyone without condoms” will take a while – but some day both HIV / herpes / HPV / Hepatitis will be completely curable and thus eradicated from the western society.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 06:40 am, 15th April 2017Married Muslim men cheat too. LONG TERM MONOGAMY DOESN’T WORK.
I agree latin women are more sex positive than American women, but I’ve had easy sex with mountains of American woman, so “asexual” is not a term that comes even close to describing them.
Wrong. Just watch.
And read this.
I’m already there, but thanks.
Those don’t contradict what I said. Government is hugely incompetent in just about everything it does, spying on you included. That doesn’t mean it can’t do it; it means doing it with any degree of efficiency is going to be impossible or them.
Yep, I already addressed all that here. It bodes very badly for society, but it doesn’t mean you personally have any thing to fear.
No; as I said in the article, it will be literally impossible to cheat and not get caught at some point in the future. It will not be an “undertaking;” your wife/GF will simply just click her phone (or whatever device she will have then) and see.
You’re talking about the interim time between now and then. I’m talking about then.
That’s true now. That won’t be true in the future.
I work with a company now that does rapid AIDS testing just from saliva. So yes, in the near future, you will be able to tell if a woman has AIDS, even if she got it yesterday.
Now, not in the future.
You keep talking about now. I’m talking about the future.
The apps will make that clear. It will tell the guy, “Hey dummy, this woman hasn’t ovulated in 26 days, so she can’t get pregnant right now, but if you cum in her right now, she still might because your sperm can live a few days inside her. Therefore it is NOT SAFE to have sex with this woman today.”
Of course there will still be guys who ignore this warning, but that’s their problem.
You’re the first angry response in this entire thread.
Pair-bonding is wonderful. Not trashing that. Short-term monogamy is fine for certain personalty types as long as they understand the downsides. But, long-term monogamy, yes, I’m trashing that. Because it doesn’t work.
THAT’S NOT MONOGAMY. Thank you for proving my point (which monogamy defenders always end up doing).
I’m not married, in any sense of the word.
I think, because you likely have a monogamous girlfriend you really like, you’re mixing up pair-bonding with monogamy. Those are two different things. Pair-bonding is great. Monogamy sucks (and doesn’t work long-term).
If you want to say that long-term sexual monogamy (NOT pair-bonding, but sexual monogamy) is a great system that works for most people, stop being butthurt and present some rational arguments based on facts and statistics instead of your feelings. Otherwise, you really should go read some other blog. This is a blog for rational, objective thinkers.
And there’s that. That’s an entirely different topic and yet another reason why long-term monogamy will be almost impossible in the future.
Johnny Elle
Posted at 08:02 am, 15th April 2017I recommend everyone check out the Black Mirror series! It’s scary how prescient the episodes are, especially when then first season came out in 2011!
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 03:06 pm, 15th April 2017Co-Sign.
Posted at 08:12 pm, 15th April 2017The story sounds like the writers expect people would be playing by the same rules in the future as they did in the past, especially as trust between men and women is already in terminal declines in western nations. Besides, it’s not unreasonable to think that memories that can be erased, means the mind can be completely reformatted which suggests a darker future than you’ve considered.
Here’s what would have actually happened. Liam would’ve had a stealthy a/v surviellance system installed in his home. After all, in reality, future Brits will be concerning themselves with the criminal inclinations of the non-white population in their lands as well as female infidelity. Liam would already know of his wives infidelity without her ever knowing and had the kid secretly DNA tested. With cold ruthlessness, he’d hire a hacker to mentally castrate/lobotomize Jonas, while using the stepford package on his wife. The baby would be left in a care home, so as to spare Liam any further reminders of his wives past infidelity. He’d have gone on with his life keeping his own memories intact to laugh at them both every time he thinks to himself how his wife and friend thought they’d gotten one over on him.
Posted at 11:38 am, 16th April 2017How about option 4
#4 Swingers
Posted at 05:13 pm, 16th April 2017@Hello
Swinging is a form of OLTR (at least nonmonogamy) and thus it’s really under the same category. It’s also a great way for people who care about the opinions of others to practice nonmonogamy discreetly. Later on, swinging will also become easier due to technology improving on setting up the meet-ups more safely (which could likely improve frequency).
Posted at 09:31 am, 17th April 2017I’ve watched the whole season and the only two episodes that struck me on a personal level where the one you mentioned and another one where the BF dies and the girl purchases a cyborg clone of him using his “social media” memories. Talk about creepy!
Anyway, as I was watching poor Liam get his life torn apart by his bullshitting wife the only thing I could think of was: “I’m deeply glad I’m not like this guy when it comes to pair bonding and relationships”.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:42 pm, 17th April 2017That’s nonmonogamy, option #2.
Posted at 10:58 pm, 17th April 2017You say everyone will be fucking everyone. That’s figuratively speaking because, if your example is true, then in the future people with stds will be fucking no-one.
Posted at 12:09 am, 18th April 2017That’s true now. That won’t be true in the future.
I work with a company now that does rapid AIDS testing just from saliva. So yes, in the near future, you will be able to tell if a woman has AIDS, even if she got it yesterday.
You keep talking about now. I’m talking about the future.
Fair enough, I stand corrected.
I’d bet money that some (perhaps up to 30%) older (40+), very long term (10+ years) monogamous couples are not total disney – I think may have experimented with threesomes or having open side affairs, or even swinger stuff.
THAT’S NOT MONOGAMY. Thank you for proving my point (which monogamy defenders always end up doing).
Well I’m just saying that Monogamous couples, may not all be as monogamous as society, in general, perceives.
Posted at 01:00 am, 18th April 2017BD said: Married Muslim men cheat too. LONG TERM MONOGAMY DOESN’T WORK.
That’s what I meant. I agree with you. When you mary more than one you cheat by definition. But in Islam at least for men, cheating is OK, not considered immoral. As BD says lieing is immoral. You can still be diplomatic though as described in some BD books. You can cheat and have many women at a time. No big deal even if you’re super religious. And considered good at certain times like now many million syrian women in Turkey now and most become 2nd or 3rd wife of some men. better than starving in the street, or dying in mediterranean trying to go to Europe, or selling yourself as prostitute, …for these women.
someone commented muslim men doesn’t get much sex in arab countries. agree, I know. My point is that Islam (and other major religions too btw) doesn’t restrict men for sex except some extremes (rape, etc) and encourages sex. since almost all muslim countries have some kind of dictators killing freedoms this also suffers in nonfree world. Being religious implying monogamy or less/no sex is complete SP. I’m here to learn how to meet more woman for sex not to promote any religion but I should state this fact. There is no evidence/anything in Bible forcing for monogamy, or prohibiting polygamy. Jesus never said anything against polygamy. Most Israel prophets had 100s women (David, Salomon, ..)at a time (read Bible or Quran), Muhammed had 9 women at a time, and many more in his life. He said when men and woman have sex God’s mercy is on them and forgives their sins. So, monogamy , celibacy etc never dictated by God which is completely unnatural for many men. humans changed God’s original teaching and it’s pure SP. God created men to be men; to have women(s) and sex till returning him. It’s his gift, and rejecting this gift is a big insult to God. Like someone gives you a christmas gift and you trash it right away before his/her eyes.
So, in the future because of tech or whatever, religious men (who is not ignorant) will have even more sex with real woman(not imaginary, or in computer etc) , at least religious muslim men since celibacy is considered a big sin.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:38 am, 18th April 2017Yes, I’m speaking figuratively. Duh.
However, at some point in the future there will be no people with STDs because there will be no STDs.
True. Though Christians have assumed this silly rule nonetheless.
Yes, I’ve said many times that the rules for all this stuff are different in the Muslim world. As I said though, this is a blog for Western men. Having three wives is not an option for these men (nor would you want to have three Western wives… shoot me).
You mean religious *Muslim* men. Religious Western *Christian* men will be the opposite; they will remain the small percentage of men who keep trying long-term monogamy to one woman (trying, and failing).
Posted at 09:34 am, 17th July 2017Wouldn’t this actually make people more likely to commit to monogamy? The knowledge that its easy to find out could prevent people from doing stuff if the fear is greater than potential gain.
I think you suggest though that this makes instead people openly accept polyamoury. Whilst the advantages of polyamoury are clear to almost everyone I know (including people who strongly dislike the idea) the problem for most is jealousy. One thing is to admit monogamy doesnt work but another is to be able to handle the jealousy. Maybe for a man this is easier but what Ive seen with women they often prefer if the guy does stuff while they dont know about it than him even suggesting he would like other women. Yes, some women even told me they would prefer I would do something behind their back as long as they dont know rather than telling them upfront that i dont want to be monogamous. They told me this retrospectively.
Posted at 10:59 am, 14th March 2019interesting article
Posted at 07:11 am, 18th February 2020People mostly do stupid stuff when they think that they cannot get caught. Would you mastrubate infront of your laptop if you knew 100% that it’s going to be boradcasted to the world and your mom will find out 100%? I don’t think so. I believe technology would divide people into two groups: open people and hardcore monogamists. I even argue that casual sex would take a massive hit if you could predict with a test how much partner somebody had. Because women still want to have relationships biology wise. Disney is freaking addictive people really do want it. I even argue that a monogamy pill that keeps you in NRE forever will be way way way waaaaay more successful than any meaningless sex gadget. I think most people would deactivate the part of the brain that wants them to cheat immediatly if they could.