04 Dec Q&A Regarding My Move Out of the Country

Over the past year or two, I have received a lot of questions regarding my relationship and life logistics when I move out of the USA in a few years. I’ve included all the questions I commonly receive about this below, along with their answers. I will consider this a living document, and will regularly add new questions to this article as they arise, and will continue to respond to on-topic comments at this article indefinitely.
-By Caleb Jones
However, and this is important, for this article I am limiting the queries to only questions about my relationship and woman life, as well as very general, overall questions about me living abroad. Questions about specific logistical, legal, financial, or governmental areas are for my other blog, and I regularly address those issues over there; I will not address them here, and any questions about such will be simply answered with a link to my other blog.
Before I get to the questions, here’s a very quick summary of my current plans for leaving the Collapsing West. These plans are not set in stone. Aspects of these plans could and probably will change before I make my final exit in a few years. Here’s the current plan as it stands today, in December of 2017:
Pink Firefly will move in with me in a few weeks, and we will live as husband and wife (OLTR version of course), since I personally consider cohabitation and marriage as the same thing (if you live with someone, you’re living the married lifestyle, regardless of what you do legally, financially, or sexually). Our wedding ceremony is in August of 2018. I will not disclose the legal/financial details of this, though it’s pretty easy to guess. We will have no children (PF has no kids and doesn’t want any, thank god, and I have two kids, but they are already grown). I will continue to maintain 1-3 FB’s on the side (one long-term primary FB whom I’ve already chosen, plus two sporadic backups). Over time, my activity with FB’s will slowly decline in frequency but will never go to zero, since monogamy doesn’t work.
From now until 2025, I will shift as much of my income as I can from the West to non-Western sources. I will continue to make long international trips at least twice a year. At some point in the next few years, I will establish a part-time office in Hong Kong. Per my five flags plan, I will set up foreign business entities and start moving all of my investments offshore (most are offshore or stateless already) with the possible exception of some real estate. I will also work on acquiring one new passport, and later, a second passport, for a total of three (including my current USA one).
On or before 2025, when I’m about 53 years old (or sooner), PF and I will move to New Zealand (or it could be Argentina or even Australia, not 100% sure yet). We will establish our primary residence there and get a house (that will be rented, not purchased, since in accordance with five flags I don’t want to own any assets in any country I live). If needed, will only be there 5.9 months out of the year to avoid incurring any taxes there. Then we will spend three months in Hong Kong to cash in on financial opportunities in the Rising East, and then three months in the USA during the summer to visit friends, family, children, and (by then) grandchildren. We will continue to make this circuit every year until we slow down and settle more permanently somewhere that we both like. We’re in no rush.
That’s the current plan. Here are the common asked questions about it.
1. You have a large roster of ex FB’s and MLTR’s. When you move out of the country, won’t you lose all those women and have to start over?
I will lose the majority of those women, yes. I will not lose all the women, especially considering that I will have plenty of time to “prep” the women I’m with by then and keep at least one or two in place in the USA if needed. If I have to go the sugar daddy route and throw a little money around to do it, I shall. Money won’t be a problem by then.
2. Why the hell are you moving to Asia when women over there are more sexually conservative / have higher ASD?
I’m not moving to Asia. I’ll just be visiting Asia a lot and doing business there. I will be living somewhere like New Zealand or Argentina.
3. Why the hell are you moving to China? They’re authoritarian! They do all these horrible things to people who live there!!!
I’m not moving to China.
4. Why the hell are you moving to Asia when you like big-boobed blonde women?
See the question above. I’m not moving to Asia. This seems to be a common misunderstanding with people who read my content. You can escape the Collapsing West and take advantage of the Rising East without actually living in Asia. I’m going to live somewhere Western-like (NZ, Argentina, etc) and do business in Asia and visit Asia a lot, not live in Asia. I love Asia, but I’m not huge on most Asian women (too flat chested), the climate is harsh, the air quality is poor, and the some of the governments are a little too authoritarian for my tastes.
5. What if Pink Firefly doesn’t want to spend a full three months in Hong Kong (or whatever) and chooses to stay in New Zealand or the USA a little longer?
Then she’s more than welcome to stay wherever she wants. I’m an Alpha 2.0, therefore I never tell women what to do. That includes PF. She’s free to do what she wishes… and so am I.
6. If Pink Firefly goes back to the USA (or wherever) for several weeks without you, will you have sex with FB’s in your home, even though you two have a rule against that?
That depends on which country we’re in if/when that happens. If it happens while I’m in New Zealand, the answer is no, since that will be our home and I’ve made a promise to not have FB’s in the house (unless she wants them in there, and sometimes she does). If it happens while we’re somewhere like Hong Kong or elsewhere in a temporary apartment, then probably yes. PF and I will have to feel our way through that as we execute the plan.
7. How are you going to find new women once you move abroad?
The exact same way I find new women now; online dating plus a little sugar daddy game. It won’t be a problem (cuz, you know, I’m Blackdragon). I’ve had plenty of sex when I’ve traveled abroad and it’s never been a problem for me, though that’s not why I travel.
If I was 10+ years younger, I’d also do daygame, but I’m too old for that shit now in my opinion (age 45) and will definitely be too old for it by then (early 50’s).
8. How are you going to maintain women if you keep moving around like that all the time?
It’s going to be a challenge, but I’m pretty good at this stuff so I’m not worried about it. And again, if I have to use a little sugar daddy game to maintain women in two or three different countries, I don’t mind doing that. As I’ve said before, sugar daddy game is a perfectly viable option for higher-income men who have game.
9. How the hell do you know that the USA/West is going to collapse?
I don’t know. I just know it’s the most probable outcome. I could be wrong, and if I’m wrong, that would be great!
10. What if you’re totally wrong about the USA collapsing? What if you move away and the USA does great? Aren’t you going to feel stupid? Are you going to be mad you missed out?
If the USA’s economy booms after I leave, that would be fantastic! I would make even more money from the USA while paying barely any taxes as a five flags expat. Moving away from the USA and having the USA boom economically would be the best case scenario. However, it’s extremely unlike to happen. As always, I play the statistical odds rather than follow my feelings. Feelings are nice, but they’re usually wrong.I’m not moving out of the Collapsing West just because it’s collapsing. That’s reason number three. Reason number one is to save money on taxes. I don’t like paying some of the highest tax rates in the world so that the assholes who run my government can use my tax dollars to bomb civilians in other countries, bail out millionaire bankers, or give it to lazy people who don’t want to work. I think that’s evil and I want no part of it, but that’s me. If that doesn’t bother you enough to move, great.
My goal when I move out of the USA will be to get my overall legal tax burden to 4% or less, which is very doable under the plan I’m following. I’ve talked a lot about this at my other blog.
11. If you knew for sure the USA was never going to collapse, would you still leave?
Yes. I hate America’s taxes, I hate America’s laws, I hate its new left-wing direction, I think the right-wing’s big-government nationalist over-reaction to the left is the exact wrong way to respond, and as a minarchist libertarian, I despise 99% of everything my government does. I’m also disappointed, almost to the point of disgust, with the modern-day versions of America’s political left voters and political right voters. It was Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump in the last election, folks. Get me the fuuuuuuuck out of here.
12. Okay, okay, what if you knew the USA would never collapse and your total taxes here dropped to 4% or less? Then would you stay? I know it’s not going to happen but just pretend it did.I don’t do fantasy hypotheticals. “Hey BD, would you fuck a mermaid? I know they don’t exist but just pretend they do.”
13. What if Pink Firefly decides she hates living wherever you’re living and wants to move back to the US?
I’m an Alpha Male 2.0. That means that PF is free to move wherever she wants with zero drama or resistance from me, but I’m never moving back to the USA unless something very unusual and improbable happens with its economics, government, and culture.
14. Are you actually going to renounce your citizenship?
Yes, though it will be well after 2025 (unless something unusually horrible happens within the USA sooner). I was always considering it, but wasn’t actually planning it, but then this happened. If insane American voters elect authoritarians like Tantrum Trump who, with a stroke of a pen, can bar legal residents from entering the country, or socialists like Bernie Sanders who can jack up my taxes into the stratosphere even if I don’t live in the USA and don’t use any of its resources, then fuck it, I’m done being an American. Long-term, I need to base my citizenship in a country with a less aggressive government. It’s sad and I don’t like saying that, since I truly love what my country used to be, but honestly, I see no reason not to move on at this point.
15. Are you aware that you are still liable to pay USA taxes even if you move out of the country?
Duh. Yes. I’ve done a lot of research on this and I’m well versed on this issue. The first $105,000 of income is exempt from almost all American taxes (provided certain things). I’m not really worried about it. And I’ll eventually renounce citizenship anyway.
16. Are you aware that you may have to continue to pay USA taxes up to ten years after you renounce your citizenship?
Duh. Yes, I’m aware that’s possible, depending on various factors. Even if they do it, again, the first $105,000 of income is exempt anyway, so I’m not concerned.
17. What passports are you looking at getting?
That’s a big and complicated topic that I’ve discussed in great detail over at the Caleb Jones Blog. Go over there and check out the article guide and the archive.
18. Won’t it be difficult to constantly have to get new women in these countries? Especially when/if you tell them you have a girlfriend/wife already?
The difficulty bar will be raised, yes. Will it be a huge problem? No. Will I be able to do it? Yep.
Also, the older I get, the less side-sex and side-FB’s I plan on needing. I’ll never be monogamous because monogamy doesn’t work, but it’s not like I’ll be constantly banging FB’s week in and week out for the next 50 years.
19. How are you going to handle health insurance when you move abroad?
There are various international health care plans, and I may have two, one for the USA and one for my new home country. Not a big deal.
20. Dude! Girls in are ugly!!! You’re not going to be able to find any hot babes there!
There is no such thing as a country with zero hot girls. (Okay, maybe China. Just kidding!) Again, I’m not some Thrill of the Hunt player or young pick-up artist who needs to bang tons of chicks. I’m way past that phase. One FB per country is all I’ll need, if that, and I’ll have to replace her occasionally. That’s it. Any country in the world has a pool of cute/hot girls to satisfy that very small need.
21. Are you going to keep writing on your blogs after you move away?
I have made a commitment to my audience that I will continue to post here until 2024, and I always do what I promise. I play the long game. The entire Blackdragon / Alpha Male 2.0 business has always been a 15 year project, started in 2009. 2009 + 15 years is 2024.
At 2024, I reserve the right to stop posting here, or start writing somewhere else, or start writing on different topics, or just keep posting here as usual. It really depends on how I feel, so I don’t know what I’ll do specifically with my blogs by then. I’ll keep posting until 2024 though.
22. Where are you going to have sex with your side-FB’s when you’re abroad if you’re not allowed to do that in your home?
It depends on where I am (NZ, USA, or HK). I will use a combination of hotels, my separate office, perhaps a second residence (studio apartment), and likely a nice boat. It also depends on how much sex I have with FB’s when PF is involved (she likes to watch). Maybe some or all the side-sex I need can be done in the house, depending on which country I’m in at the time; PF will like it that way; but that’s only a guess.
I’m not a control freak and I’m not an Alpha 1.0. As long as I can have sex on the side whenever I want it / need it with no drama, I’m very flexible about details.
23. How often will you return to the USA after you move abroad?
At the moment, I plan on spending 2-3 months per year (in the summer months) initially, for the first few years at least. Over time, as I emotionally detach from our collapsing nation, I will spend less and less time there. I will still always sporadically visit the US for business reasons (seminars, conferences, etc) and family reasons. However, regarding family reasons, both of my children have expressed strong interest to move out of the country as well (my kids are adventurous and smart), so long-term, they may not be in the USA at all. And my parents will eventually pass away, leaving me literally no reason to visit the US other than for business reasons.
24. What international investments do you have / will you have when you move?
As always, it is my policy to not reveal personal financial information over the internet to millions of strangers. That being said, I have discussed some of my investments (current and future) and some of my investment strategies over at the Caleb Jones Blog. We also talk a great deal about investments at my monthly coaching program.
25. Aren’t you going to miss your kids and your family?
With my summer visits, plus email, plus things like Skype, plus new technology coming down the pipeline (like where your entire wall is a screen and you can “Skype” people using the entire wall, like you’re actually there), not really. We live in the 21st Century, folks. It’s not required to always physically be in the same room to visit loved ones.
And like I said, my “loved ones” are really just my two kids and my two parents. That’s just four people who in a decade or two will be just two people, since my elderly parents will no longer be alive at that time. Two people is not a big deal. I’m not one of these “family people” who’s really into his extended family (siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, etc).
26. What will you do for work after you move away and your Mission shifts into phase two in 2025?
Writing and seminars, as well as several diversified sources of residual income, both from investments and residual businesses. I will shift towards topics such as self actualization, philosophy, and fiction, but I will always talk at least a little about achievement as well (business / woman success) since that’s such a big part of my life. I just won’t be focusing on those things anymore.
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Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.
Societal Benefit
Posted at 06:08 am, 4th December 2017How if the scenario is that eventually you have a major/big health problem? (Wether it’s happen when you still in those plan range of time you’ve mention above, or possibly when you’re already in old age)
How you do deal with that situation?
Who’s gonna take care of you when you’re sick? and probably a serious one..
Have you considered a situation like that before? Or it doesn’t matter because you are the great AlphaMale 2.0 who definitely can handle everything by himself alone.
Posted at 07:37 am, 4th December 2017Well, as BD mentioned above, he will own 2 or more international insurance, so chillex.
So my question would be as following
How do you get clients as an American? While you speak a different language and the skill sets might not apply to the culture.
How can you farsee yourself focusing on other topics when you currently being extremely passionate about biz and women?
Posted at 08:16 am, 4th December 2017Hey blackdragon!
It seems like New Zealand is your current top choice with Argentina being your second choice. Out of all the countries you listed in your second blog, what caused you to settle on these two countries? What would it take for Argentina to become your top choice? Thanks as always.
Posted at 08:48 am, 4th December 2017He did say the country he’ll live in will hardly be a factor in choosing who he’s going to work with. There’s this thing called the Internet, you know.
Also I don’t think tutors of New Zealandian (obviously female and pretty) are that hard to come by.
Posted at 09:10 am, 4th December 2017I think it’s important for guys to notice that when anyone asks “What if Pink Firefly doesn’t want to do ABC…” your reply is basically “she’s free to do as she pleases”. Too many people make big life decisions to appease a significant other mainly because they are afraid to lose them. Make all your big decisions pay their own rent. Ask yourself “would I still be doing this if she wasn’t in the picture?”.
Posted at 09:19 am, 4th December 2017Do not move to Argentina. Trust me on this one, I live there. Ask me anything if you want to know more.
Posted at 10:43 am, 4th December 2017Why not?
Posted at 11:03 am, 4th December 2017HI BD,
Which country will you plant your business flag in? Estonia? Hong Kong? Singapore? Others?
And which country will you use to do your banking?
If you plant your business flag in another country, will you be able to deposit the money in another country?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:07 am, 4th December 2017If I get sick when I’m very old, either PF will there, or if she isn’t, I will have plenty of retirement money and medical / elder care insurance to pay doctors or elder care workers to take care of me. That’s exactly why saving and investing is so important for the modern-day man; you can’t rely on government or other external people/entities to take care of you in your old age. Your money needs to do this for you.
If I get sick with a sudden debilitating illness when I’m still young, my current health insurance will have to take care of me, plus my current net worth. I’m very healthy though, so I consider this a 2% Rule scenario and I don’t sit around worrying about it.
I always focus on English-speaking clients when I do business internationally.
Also, in the near future, your phone (or other small device) will be able to translate on the fly, so soon there will literally be no language barrier in the world.
Because business and women aren’t the only topics I’m passionate about. I’m very passionate about a few other topics that I’ve never discussed publicly.
NZ – English speakers, calm and relaxed atmosphere as compared to Asia (where I’ll spend a lot of time), very close to Asia and Australia, low debt, relatively stable government.
Argentina – Super fucking cheap, reasonably safe, high marks from other Western expats who seem to really like it.
For a problem to arise with NZ. If NZ is too expensive (a definite possibility), or if there are too many earthquakes, or something else unforeseen.
I will go to both NZ and Argentina next year to make my first round of evaluations.
Your opinion only matters if you’re a location independent expat like me who is not an Argentinian citizen. If you’re an Argentinian citizen I will not be in your scenario (five flags).
Posted at 12:10 pm, 4th December 2017Hey BD,
Let me chime in with a couple of my opinions.
1. Australia has turned itself into a leftism/socialism/SJW’ism madhouse. They have gun bans and attempts to ban other things that might be “potential weapon” that are at the level of ridiculousness found in the UK.
While I love Australians, and I find most of them to be trustworthy, straight shooters, so many of them- even regular guys- are naive, self-cucked individuals with no idea of how the world really works.
Australia is still a great place to do business, though, as long as you stay away from anything politically incorrect.
2. I know a few Canadian & American guys who’ve moved either part time or full time to Argentina, and they love it, in spite of all the bad news you hear about currency crises and debt defaults &tc. &tc. . . . They say a lot of it is hype, and Argentina has a lot going for it. Of interest to me is the fact that a number of tech-savvy Argentinians are diversifying into Bitcoin and Ethereum to get around currency controls and the economic volatility.
I also know some who’ve tried out Chile, and they’re way more enthusiastic. Chile is open for business, the social and economic chaos that still erupts from time to time in Argentina is a thing of the past in Chile, and land is a great investment.
A positive to me, having talked to both native Argentinians and Chileans is, that they have long memories about the abuses perpetrated by the United States in their respective countries, and the electorate is massively resistant to US attempts to meddle in their affairs.
The place in Latin America that is exploding economically is Colombia. What intrigues me most of all is the large number of Colombian professionals I’ve been meeting who’ve come to Canada to learn English, and they have no plans to leave Colombia. They’re learning to improve their skill sets for promotion, and are going back to Colombia. That’s always been a prime sign to me that a country is on the move.
There are places with great climate and natural beauty there, and some guys are making money hand over fist, and living a great lifestyle on less money per month than an apartment would cost in a North American city. Medellin seems to be the place most Gringo expats are gravitating to, because of the great climate and the fact that it’s easier to function in English there. OTOH, the US is still deeply involved in the place though, and some political shit that concerns me is still going down there.
Posted at 01:25 pm, 4th December 2017What are reasons number 2, 4, 5 and 6 for moving out of the country?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:06 pm, 4th December 2017https://alphamale20.com/2012/08/26/why-im-moving-out-of-the-country-in-a-few-years/
Gil Galad
Posted at 02:13 pm, 4th December 2017@OldFart: I want to know more. The northeast part of Argentina (Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires) has one of the best climates I’ve managed to find in my obsessive search for a place outside of the West to eventually move to, and the country seems to be doing okay for now. If there’s something seriously wrong there I’d like to hear it. Thanks.
Posted at 03:06 pm, 4th December 2017Wow, what a difference a few years can make… OK… I guess things change. 🙂
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:41 pm, 4th December 2017Yep. These plans can and will change as I uncover new information. Five years ago I wasn’t aware of the workablity of Five Flags, today I am, so now I can live in an extreme left-wing, socialist nation and not be affected financially by it. Speaking of which…
I know. I said exactly that back when I first visited it. The amount of left-wing Societal Programming blasting out of there is quite incredible. Doesn’t matter, doesn’t apply to me if I choose to live there under Five Flags (other than as an irritant, but the entire planet is shifting left so you can’t really avoid that). I really like Australia other than the SJW stuff; beautiful country, really cool, chill people. Very attractive women in Sydney too. My only hesitation is that it’s expensive, particularly as compared to somewhere like S. America, and that’s a big problem. I want to save money by moving, or else there’s no point.
Niteride Mick
Posted at 05:09 pm, 4th December 2017bHey Throughfare why do you yanks need so many guns Americans are still dying in mass shootings One wonders if that is one of the reasons BD is leaving the US get away from the gun culture !!! Cheers
Posted at 05:30 pm, 4th December 2017Australia is a beautiful country and has beautiful women with sexy accents. I’m biased, one of my past girlfriends was Aussie.
Posted at 07:01 pm, 4th December 2017If you’re trying to get away from taxes, I’m puzzled as to why you would choose New Zealand. I had a fuck buddy who lived there for 6 months and according to him sales tax was super high. As an example, he smoked and said cigarettes were $14 a pack due to taxes.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:27 pm, 4th December 2017I love the gun culture. I hate the mass shootings. You can have a gun culture and millions of guns in a nation without mass shootings, like Canada now and what America used to be before it began its collapse.
Disagree completely. The Australian accent is a very masculine one, so in my opinion, its sounds great when men have it, but it’s a huge turn-off when women have it, even very hot women. This is the exact opposite of the British accent (specifically the standard James Bond / Princess Diana version) which sounds more feminine to my American ears, so when men speak it, it sounds a little gay, but when women have it, it’s super attractive. Purely my opinion of course.
Your MLTR (You’ve never had a FB because you hate those) wasn’t following Five Flags and I am. The fifth flag is to buy your stuff in other countries where you don’t pay a sales/VAT tax, or at least a very low one. Yep, NZ is a ridiculous socialist country so it has a huge ripoff sales tax of 15%, but I’m only going to buy groceries there and similar. And I don’t smoke because I’m not stupid. (I’m not even going to buy a house there, and I’m going to try hard not to buy a car.)
I’m more than happy to pay a high sales tax on my groceries if all my other income taxes are 4% or less. That’s a fantastic trade!
Posted at 08:57 pm, 4th December 2017He was a fuck buddy. There was no emotional relationship, just sex. He lived out of town so would come and take me out but more in a friendly way than a “date”. We saw each other less than once a month. That’s not a MLTR.
Posted at 11:47 pm, 4th December 2017I have already lived in both NZ and Argentina (Buenos Aires). Interesting that you narrowed it down to those two.
Why is that?
NZ I will predict that you will find too quiet and get bored. Argentina initially seems very appealing but the two things that got to me and made me leave were the lack of food variety and the women.
For food there is BBQ (their steak is amazing), pizza (they like it greasy with lots of cheese) and empanadas (a smaller version of the British pasty) and that’s all.
Being hungry and having a choice of only 3 things every single day is horrible especially when you don’t even like empanadas – I find them too dry. So basically it’s a choice of steak or pizza CONSTANTLY.
Yes there are international restaurants in BsAs but they are mostly terrible. I went to the “best” Mexican in town and it was so bad it was almost inedible.
I guess it’s just part of Argentina being a mono culture. The history of what happened to the black population is quite sad.
The other thing is the women. They are histéricas which basically means crazy in a hot / cold way. It drives you up the wall.
They have more psychiatrists and plastic surgeons there per capita that pretty much anywhere.
There is a collective identity crisis in the psychology of the country. They desperately want to be European and rich and not S.American and poor.
The country is run by the corrupt and incompetent. Argentina should be rich but it’s poor.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 03:47 am, 5th December 2017Uh…….to overthrow the American government if the government becomes totalitarian in the opinion of the American majority! Duh! This is pre-school shit, dude!
Here’s some Declaration of Independence for you:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident. That all men are created equal. That they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.”
Alternatively, guns are a political weapon designed to be used as a psychological barrier against excessive governmental force, since the government doesn’t want to lose the public relations battle, knowing that a huge shootout with a group of citizens would make the news, whereas using government guns to break up a knife fight would not. Guns, therefore, act as a psychological check against the government, the same way that nuclear weapons are used to prevent war via psychology, not by using them, but just by having them.
Correct, because of gun control and gun free zones, which make the shooters feel safe and comfortable. Imagine being required to have a gun if you want to fly on an airplane, and have the airline provide you with one if you don’t have it. There would be no more hijackings. Imagine an end to “gun free zones.” There would be no more shootings.
An armed society is a polite society. Just like every country having nuclear weapons would result in permanent world peace. The problem is that liberals and socialists are creating hell on Earth by dragging us in the opposite direction because “feelings.”
Also (assuming you’re an Australian), the solution to “hate speech” is more speech, not less. Your hate speech laws are sickening!
No. BD isn’t brainwashed by PC nonsense! America’s problem is an anti-gun culture which disarms innocent people in the name of protecting them!
Newsflash: You don’t protect the innocent by robbing them of their human right to defend themselves. I call this, the theory of DUH!
Posted at 05:53 am, 5th December 2017Too old for daygame? Isn’t that a silly statement? Obviously you could be successful at it if you put your mind to it at any age. Wouldn’t it be more accurate to say, “I am no longer interested in daygame,” or “daygame is not a productive use of my time,” or “I don’t want to put the work in required to master it,” or, “online game is more efficient for me”????
Posted at 06:23 am, 5th December 2017@LoverGirl
I like to read your feminine insights, but I don’t quite understand why you are so insistent on using the term Fuck Buddies in this blog, where it is clearly defined as something precise, when it clearly doesn’t match the definition and analysis of this blog. If you were going out, in this blog, it’s called an MLTR, perhaps a ‘low end MLTR’ more than a ‘high end MLTR’, but certainly not a FB… It doesn’t matter if meeting once per week or once per month. It doesn’t matter how emotionally involved the relationship is. What matters are the actions, as per the definitions and articles in this blog.
I don’t understand why you refuse to admit that you just don’t like doing FBs, as defined in this blog, and therefore do only MLTRs. There is nothing wrong with that. Myself I am not super comfortable with FB, and less so with OLTR, so most of my relationships are MLTR of various intensities including very low end, but very very few FBs.
Sure a lot of people, outside of this blog, probably also call FB what is here called ‘low end MLTR’. But here these categories are clearly defined in a very specific way to be able to discuss their technicalities and details. Don’t take it personally if these definitions are different than the way you are used to speak about FBs, outside of this blog, it’s just a way to make the technical discussions easier.
Posted at 07:17 am, 5th December 2017Ive had plenty that fit this definition….
Posted at 09:09 am, 5th December 2017@LG
That’s the detailed post I have in mind. There is also discussion on very specific exceptions.
Clearly the experiences you talk about are more in the MLTR zone than FB zone. Remember MLTR don’t have to be romantically intense and can even not be romantic at all, just friendly. A “low end MLTR” can feel like a FB, it’s just that you are doing these other stuffs in addition.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:04 am, 5th December 2017Unlikely. I’m a 45 year-old introvert, virtually never go out, and I’ll only be there 6 months out of the year. Hong Kong will be my exciting place to “live,” NZ will be my relaxing place to “live.” After 3-4 months in HK and the USA I’ll probably crave the relaxation of NZ.
Yes. Agree.
I didn’t say that. I clearly said in my opinion. Daygame is fine for guys even into their early 60’s if they look decent enough. But I don’t want to do daygame at that age. I don’t even want to do it now at age 45. My individual opinion.
Macro Investor
Posted at 08:57 pm, 5th December 2017I’ve done a lot of thinking about leaving the US. It appeals to me in some ways. During the financial crisis I thought I needed to better protect my assets. Bloggers like sovereign man got me worried enough to look into it. I’ve mostly concluded this is a lot of scare mongering to sell books.
Even though you seem like a very analytical person, I doubt that you will save money having all those “flags”. Before renouncing, it will be expensive to maintain the foreign legal and tax structures/reporting. It will cost perhaps $250k for each of the new passports. It won’t be cheap to maintain multiple residences. Plus having to fly around to deal with unexpected problems all the time. That all needs to be factored into a cost of living as overhead. Of course you know all this — what I’m saying is IMHO once you do the spreadsheets the idea won’t pan out.
If you renounce, be prepared for possibly never being allowed into the US again.
Rich people who do this can afford a team of lawyers, accountants and business managers to take care of the huge amount of work involved. They just get into airplanes and show up. For individuals who are not rich, it’s much simpler to just diversify investments. For a person aged 45, the US isn’t going to “blow up” in his lifetime. Even if I’m wrong on the timing it won’t blow up so fast an aware person couldn’t save everything. I gave details on the other blog. Repeating here w/b off topic.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:37 pm, 5th December 2017I partially agree. I really like Simon and the rest of those guys, but I agree that a lot of what they talk about is purely negative hype.
No it won’t. I’ve already looked into it. There will be some extra fees I’ll have to pay accountants, and that’s about it.
WTF? Do you seriously think I’m going to spend $250K buying a new passport? You really think I’m that stupid? Even if I do get a passport by purchasing one, you can get a Comoros passport for just $45K, as just one example. You’re being crazy here.
I won’t maintain multiple residences. Just one.
Like what? I don’t have any “unexpected problems” now that would require me to fly back to America on a regular basis.
I have. Most of my international travel is free, in that it’s paid by whatever business I’ll be doing at the destination. And even this will improve with time as I get more international business. (But even if it didn’t, I’d still be good to go.)
Your data that backs this up?
Correct and I’ve said that before. Five flags is complicated. It’s easier to just stay in the US and develop an Alpha 2.0 financial structure.
A. You don’t know that. You might be right, but you don’t know.
B. That’s only reason number 3 I’m moving away. Clearly you didn’t read the article above where I said even if the USA was doing great and never going to collapse, I’d still leave.
Macro Investor
Posted at 10:04 pm, 5th December 2017I wasn’t suggesting you were dumb. All of the purchasable passports I PREVIOUSLY heard of had some pretty hefty costs. Others required investing hefty sums, which amounts to the same thing. Some will CONSIDER you after living there for many years (perhaps a decade). Or marrying a local — guess that’s out 🙂
No link for problems visiting after renouncing. Source is anecdotes from other blogs. May be total BS.
Can you even get a foreign bank account before renouncing? I’ve heard (again anecdotally) that the US beats them up so much they just refuse to take american customers to avoid the hassle. Perhaps that can be avoided by using a US bank that has branches spread around the world.
Posted at 04:27 am, 6th December 2017Argentina is a cluster fuck of a country.
Even the locals will tell you so.
When I lived there I have had locals tell me (on finding out I am English) that the British mix of anglo and saxon works really well and admires how smart we are (this was before brexit obviously) and that Argentinians are a mix of Spanish and Italians and that this mix does not work at all.
Think the stupidity of Franco mixed with the fascistic nature of Mussolini.
Everything from ‘la guerra sucia‘ to ‘los desaparecidos‘ to the fact that they seem to have an economic crisis every 10 to 15 years because they have not got the corruption out of the running of their economy yet.
Might not effect you so much as their is no reason for you to be doing business in that culture. As easy life if you’re living there is just to put your money into cheap ETFs and manage your portfolio online and keep your cash as far away from the peso as possible other than basic living expenses.
You can use the corrupt and fucked up nature of the country to your advantage. Economic collapse creates cheap prices.
This collapse for example meant rich millionaires living in mansions who had no money for groceries to feed their families and sold their 2nd or 3rd homes at bargain prices. You could buy and nice 1 bed flat in Palermo for about 12-15k USD back then.
All the corrupt and rich keep their cash now away from the peso and in bank accounts over the river in Uruguay. You can take advantage by going there, going to the local casino and playing poker against those guys in the casino. They are terrible players.
Turned $300 into $3,300 in about 4 hours the last time I tried it.
The culture of histericismo will drive you nuts in dating. I don’t see how it can’t.
If you want to know the culture more then read the typical jokes that people tell about Argentinians and their egos like this and this.
The 2nd link will give you a chance to practice your Argentinan spanish but it’s worth it. It’s spot on.
Posted at 05:09 am, 6th December 2017PS I am not advising you not to live there. I could live there again and I might do so but I can only take it in small doses.
Pluses – steaks are the best in the world, good weather, decent looking women and as you said you don’t mind doing the sugar daddy thing then that could get around the hassle of the dating scene.
I like the red wine (malbec). Side trips to Mendoza are very pleasant (you actually may prefer to live there if you have not checked it out yet).
Also I like the climate and I like the European style of BsAs buildings. In the 1920s it was known as the paris of s.america and parts of the city do feel like walking through paris at times like parts of Olleros.
Gil Galad
Posted at 06:17 am, 6th December 2017@JJ: Thank you, I’ll keep that in mind.
What you said about steak/pizza/empenadas is also pretty depressing, lol. Here in France, I rarely eat out, I just buy easy to cook/eat stuff (meat/fish/veggies/whole bread etc) and occasionally go have burgers or tacos outside, it’s fine. If those things are easily available and I don’t need to search too much for basic food groceries like the above then I should be fine.
Basically I want to have my cake and eat it too: get away from the West and everything about its politics and culture that I don’t like, while continuing to enjoy its advantages (infrastructure, food, transportation, etc). Teleporting Paris to a more chill and man-friendly latino country seems like an adequate summary.
And as for dating, I’m thinking of two strategies: 1° date Latinas very casually, as FBs and low end MLTRs, to minimize the drama you’re talking about. 2° find non-Latina chicks for higher end MLTRs either right there or by continuing to spend a few months per year (and do online dating) in Western Europe.
Posted at 06:57 am, 6th December 2017Thanks blackdragon. Definitely makes sense. I just reread your original article on the topic. Why did you cross Chile off the list when it originally was your top choice?
Gil Galad
Posted at 07:21 am, 6th December 2017BTW I really wanted to keep Chile as an option but all those earthquakes really make me nervous. For people just visiting it’s obviously within the 2% rule and I’ll probably try to visit there (and Peru), but for long term residence, 2% odds per year (for example) accumulate to about 55% over 40 years. Not good. At least the west of Argentina is outside the danger zone.
Posted at 08:51 am, 6th December 2017What’s your favorite food?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:30 am, 6th December 2017I don’t think you’ve been reading my other blog (and if you have, you need to work on your reading comprehension). Hopefully all of the passports I get will be done by living temporarily in those countries, which costs me zero. There are many ways to get a passport besides buying it; not sure why you think that’s the only way.
Absolutely wrong. Some South American countries will give them to you after just 3 years, sometimes 5.
You’re not well versed on this stuff so this will be my last comment to you on this topic.
Then why are you quoting possible BS as points to your argument?
(Don’t answer. I’m just demonstrating the problems with bizarre comment above for the other readers.)
You’ve got to be kidding.
Next time you want to argue a point with someone, have your facts in order first. And thanks for wasting my time regarding obvious topics I’ve talked about a million times before.
Bingo. As usual with Five Flags, you live in the country without being a citizen while exploiting its positives and negatives, instead of getting abused by its negatives like its citizens do.
It was never my top choice, it was one of my top choices, and it still is. I consider it at about number 4. The reasons NZ and Argentina beat it out so far are,
– Not as cheap as Argentina
– Earthquakes
– Pollution
– People not as welcoming to foreigners as Argentina
I have no favorite food since I love all types of food. It’s one of the reasons I’m still chubby.
Posted at 11:56 am, 6th December 2017Did you check out Mongolia in your research by any chance ?
I heard that it was rapidly growing, taking advantage of its close relationship with China, without the authoritarian regime.
Posted at 01:12 pm, 6th December 2017BD must feel like a mechanic searching for causes of some malfunction, surrounded by endless “Have you checked the frobnicator?”, “Could it be the jiggerer?”, “Maybe the supercontrivance is undercontrived?” etc. : )
Caleb Jones
Posted at 07:41 pm, 6th December 2017No. I tend to ignore landlocked countries, but maybe I should take a look just to be safe.
Pretty much. But I chose to be a blogger; no one forced me. ‘Tis the path I have chosen.
Niteride Mick
Posted at 09:43 pm, 6th December 2017Hey Jack did the box fall on your head What a load of dribble What do you think will happen when someone fires off a gun in a jet aircraft flying at 35,000 feet plus would you fly if every passenger is given a gun Now I know why BD wants to leave the USA !!!
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 10:10 pm, 6th December 2017Yes. It would be the safest airplane on the planet. My peace of mind would be immeasurable. If some diaper head were to try to hijack the plane, we’d all kill him together.
And if every country had nuclear weapons, we’d dismantle our military and have permanent world peace and global friendship.
Then you need to learn how to read. He listed his reasons specifically. It has nothing to do with him believing in left wing garbage. In fact, he rejects it! Here’s is BD:
Any more questions?
Posted at 12:37 am, 7th December 2017Mongolia is cold 3/4 of the year.
Upper class Mongolians live outside of Mongolia most of the time and just return for the summer from what I heard.
Posted at 09:15 am, 7th December 2017BD,
Where can I find more info on #15 ($105k of income excluded from US tax)? A quick google search isn’t turning up anything.
Hard to disagree with anything in your post… Best of luck on executing the plan, and as you already know, this isn’t about luck, it’s about planning, research, and execution.
Looking forward to future posts on how things progress.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:47 am, 7th December 2017Looks like its $104K instead.
It’s all based on facts, as usual.
Posted at 06:10 am, 8th December 2017Nervous? C’mon, man! Grow some balls …
Chicks get nervous. Alpha men assess risks, make a decision on a course of action, and carry it our without fear.
But more seriously: As someone who has lived in earthquake zones and been in earthquakes for real (the biggest a 7.9) I can say they’re not all they’re cracked up to be. They’re quite survivable as long as you learn the principles of safe behavior, indoors and out. DAS.
Guys need to be aware of the psychology of risk perception.
For example, I was in Iowa sitting around with a bunch of business associates & their wives one time and the ladies started going on about “how can you live where all those earthquakes happen? Aren’t you scaaaared?”
My reply was that they were actually living in a far more dangerous region than any of the mountainous “earthquake zones” like Japan, or California for that matter.
Iowa is part of Tornado Alley, and tornados injure and kill far more people per year in the USA than earthquakes ever have. (The chicks did not like this reply, BTW. I think for women, the feeling of safety is more important than actually being safe.)
Also, check your geography:
The western part of Argentina is the Andes Mountains, and various foothill ranges.
They do get earthquakes, although the Pacific side of the cordillera is where the biggest ones occur.
It’s the East of Argentina that is outside the earthquake zone.
But guess what. There’s a Tornado Alley in South America pretty much the same as in North America, because of pretty similar geography. DAS on Pasillo de los Tornados, if you’re interested. Have a look at this map:
Argentina’s northern & eastern regions are pretty much in the epicenter of Tornadoland.
But this is all bullshit anyway. Risks from these natural disasters aren’t 2% issues, they’re 0.2% issues, even when you live in those areas. And learning earthquake safety and tornado safety principles is something you take personal responsibility for.
What is most important to your personal safety and the safety of your loved ones is: 1) driving culture, and 2) crime.
Look seriously at these whenever you’re considering a place to spend time in.
Gil Galad
Posted at 06:44 am, 8th December 2017Reread my comment. “Assessing” a cumulative lifelong risk is exactly what I did there, though the number itself – 2% – was merely for illustration, ie that even a low risk can become significant if you’re staying 40 years.
Point taken.
That was a brainfart, I meant the east and was visualizing the east. I’ve also been researching Tornado Alley in the US for other reasons.
Posted at 08:33 am, 10th December 2017Hey @Gil,
Rereading my post I realize it was edgy, when I want it to be inspiring. Don’t feel dissed, and there’s nothing to defend. I am proud to be associated with the guys here who are genuine 1 percenters: the guys who are refusing to believe the BS fed to them by mass culture, are researching what is real, and most of all, are taking action
Good on ya, Man!
Keep learning. Make your decisions . . . and live long and prosper!
Gil Galad
Posted at 02:52 pm, 10th December 2017@Throughfare: we’re good, and thank you 🙂
Posted at 08:07 am, 20th December 2017How will you go the sugar daddy route, since you are not allowed to date other women while having an OLTR?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:30 am, 20th December 2017You don’t date sugar babies. You just fuck them. Sugar babies are FB’s, which are allowed.
Posted at 12:33 pm, 22nd December 2017I mean when you meet them for the first time. You will have to take the sugar baby out on a date, not to mention an expensive one.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:50 pm, 22nd December 2017First dates/meets are allowed, since they’re required to meet someone for the first time, particularly if you follow my system of very cheap and fast first meets. Once you start having sex, no dates are allowed.
Ethan Anderson
Posted at 06:11 pm, 7th July 2020macau? lichtenstein?