30 Dec It’s 2020 Folks – No More Fucking Excuses

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-By Caleb Jones
Put your shit down.
Read this.
This is important.
Not to me, but to you.
I know you.
I know exactly who you are.
Some of you are guys who casually consume self-improvement information because it’s entertaining or mildly interesting. It’s fun to think about but you don’t actually take any action on it in real life.
That’s because you’re too comfortable. Your life sucks, but it doesn’t suck quite hard enough for you to get off your ass and actually do something that might be temporarily uncomfortable for you so you can make your life better.
So, you just keep on reading and watching self-improvement material while your life continues to suck… or get worse.
Some of you guys read self-improvement content and actually take action on some of it. But then it gets scary. It doesn’t work. Or you fail. Or a girl yells at you. Or you lose $300. So you get mad, which is a nice way of saying you get scared. You get mad at yourself, or mad at me, or mad at someone else, and you stop taking action.
It’s hard to take action to improve yourself while you’re mad.
If someone calls you out on your inaction you declare that it’s not your fault because you tried it and it didn’t work. So, don’t blame you, you say, you gave it a shot. You’re a victim.
Some of you really want to take action on the self-improvement information you learn but it’s just too scary. It’s too far out of your comfort zone. You’ve never seen anyone in your life actually do it, so you doubt if it’s even possible for you.
Make $75,000 a year from location independent income where I can live and travel wherever I want? No way. That would be a dream come true, but there’s just no way you could do that.
Have a sexual relationship with two or three or even four cute/hot women all at the same time? Never gonna happen. You’re too skinny. Or too fat. Or too ugly. Or not the right race. Or don’t make enough money. You’re doomed because your SMV is too low. That manosphere guy you read all the time said so, so it must be true.
So, you read the self-improvement information, sadly and vicariously, wishing you could actually do it (which you could) but you… “can’t.”
Some of you take action to improve your lives and it actually works! You start making more money. You start getting laid. It’s good! But then you get distracted. You see some new cool way of making money from some random YouTube guru and stop what you’re doing and start doing that instead. You have sex with a few attractive women but then one who is Not Like The Rest™ comes along and you start rationalizing you don’t need to have sex with other women because She’s So Awesome™.
So, you settle. You improved your life a little, but just a little, and you start rolling back into old habits.
Some of you guys are mad. You’ve been mad for so long it’s all you know. Two or three groups in particular make you really mad. SJWs, Republicans, PUA gurus, Christians, atheists, feminists, whoever… someone makes you really, really fuckin’ angry.
It’s fun to be mad… while you’re mad. But when you’re done typing fun trolling comments on the internet and circle-jerking with those other angry guys who agree with you and the emotions pass you have just yourself, your shitty life, and your anger.
And that’s all.
When you look in the mirror, you know deep down that being mad isn’t fixing anything. That makes you even more mad, and you go back to doing nothing… except being mad.
Some of you are comfortable. It’s not so bad. You don’t have location independent income, but you do make decent money. You made $82,000 last year. Hey, that’s not bad, and your mom thinks it’s great. Sure, you pay 40% of that in taxes and your job is really boring, but still. It’s not bad. Right?
You have a woman in your life. She’s about a five or six in looks and you don’t have sex as much as you want, but hey, she’s an okay person, and you don’t need to go on any dates with new women or anything. It’s boring and lame sometimes, and you fantasize about much hotter women when you jerk off, but it’s not bad. Right?
Why bother doing anything? Things aren’t good, but they aren’t bad, so it’s not worth it.
So, you continue to do nothing. Your life continues. Everything stays the same.
Except you get older. And older. And older.
In a few days, the human race is going to enter the 2020s. We will be entering the future in a very real sense. We have now entered into the high-tech Golden Age most sci-fi TV shows, novels and movies of old fantasized about. That fantasy is now real. 2020 is really here.
Most of the men in my audience I just described are going to spend the next year doing the same thing they’ve been doing for years already. They’re going to keep making excuses and rationalizing their shitty lives.
They’re going to keep complaining that it isn’t worth it, or that they can’t do it, or that they don’t need to do it, or that so-and-so won’t like it, or that people like me are lying, or that they need to spend their time doing something else, or that they can’t do it now but maybe they can do it later, or that they tried it once and it didn’t work, or that it used to be easy but now it’s impossible, and so on.
I can’t do anything about those guys. I have nothing against those guys, but I can’t help them. They don’t want to be helped.
That brings me to the real topic of this article, which is the smaller percentage of my readers who aren’t like this.
I’m talking about you guys who have had enough.
You’re tired of being angry.
You’re tired of being scared.
You’re tired of not having sex, or tired of only having sex with average-looking women.
You’re tired of arguing with women (and friends, and co-workers and family members).
You’re tired of that stupid fucking corporate job you have to go to every god damned day with the snooty co-workers and your boss who doesn’t know shit.
You’re tired of not having enough money to do what YOU want to do and buy what YOU want to buy.
You’re tired of the semi-regular financial problems.
You’re tired of being dependent on your loser friends or your high-drama family.
You’re done being comfortable. You’re done settling. You’re done making excuses.
Now you’re going to take action. You’re going to get this shit done. This year. Now.
You know you can do it. You still have doubts, and you’re a little nervous, and you’re not 100% sure about what to do, but you have the basics enough to get started. And you’re going to get started now. You can’t live like this anymore. Things have to change. They will change. You will change them. Or you will die. You’re not going to live like this anymore. You refuse.
You’re tired of being a scared beta male slave who doesn’t live is own life. No more. You’re going to own your life now. Period.
You’re tired of being an angry, touchy, over-worked Alpha Male 1.0 who spends way too much time fighting people and stressing rather than being happy and doing the things you love. You’re going to change that. Now.
2019 was the last year you’re going to live on other people’s terms. 2019 was the last year of your shitty life. This year, 2020, the era of the future that is now, is when you’re going to change this. You’re done putting up with this bullshit.
No more.
You guys, you small percentage of my audience, the elite of my readers, you are why I am here. You are why I write these blog posts every week for free and post audio, video, email and other content every week for free. I do this for you guys, you men who are tired of living like slaves and are actually going to make a change and get out into the world and do something right the fuck now.
I’m here for you. You’re actually the only reason I’m here.
I have the entire year of 2020 all mapped out, including all free content and content I’m going to charge for. I am going to produce more free content this year for you guys than the last five years combined. I have books, courses and other materials I’m going to publish that will cost a little money for those of you who are interested. All of my content, all of my effort in this Blackdragon/Alpha Male 2.0 company is for you, you guys who are taking action right now or are going to start taking action in a few days when 2020 is upon us.
If you’re still too comfortable or scared or mad or lazy to take any action to make your life better, that’s fine. Read my free content and enjoy it while your life continues to worsen.
If you’re ready to take action and become an Alpha Male 2.0 or at least set up those aspects of Alpha Male 2.0 you desire, fantastic. Get to work. I’ll be there to support you in numerous ways (with new ways I’ll be announcing soon). You are part of my life Mission. I’m here to help.
If you’re on the fence, and you’re not quite sure, then you’ve got a fucking decision to make. Keep being unhappy, keep suffering, keep getting the life slowly sucked out of your soul… or stop making your bullshit excuses and start taking action.
You don’t need to take massive action (though I would). Just devote 10-15 hours per week on building your Alpha Male 2.0 life. It’s not that hard. We’re not talking about being a multi-millionaire or banging supermodels. Not even close. Alpha Male 2.0 means you make $75,000 per year in location independent income and you’re having sex with at least two women you consider at least cute. Simple. Doable. Within the realm of any man reading these words given a little effort.
I did it.
Thousands of men all over the world have done it.
You can do it too.
I will help you.
Or you can sit on your ass.
In 2021 we’ll see which men have chosen to rule their worlds and which men have chosen to continue to be slaves.
The choice is yours.
Want over 35 hours of how-to podcasts on how to improve your woman life and financial life? Want to be able to coach with me twice a month? Want access to hours of technique-based video and audio? The SMIC Program is a monthly podcast and coaching program where you get access to massive amounts of exclusive, members-only Alpha 2.0 content as soon as you sign up, and you can cancel whenever you want. Click here for the details.
Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.
Posted at 05:34 am, 30th December 2019ok boomer
(lol sry, j/k, j/k)
Posted at 06:35 am, 30th December 2019This really hits home. Thanks for the kick in the ass!
Posted at 06:37 am, 30th December 2019I know this is just a simple motivational speech, but I needed it.
Posted at 07:26 am, 30th December 2019Great tone setting for this important tike of the year.
Too often do men everywhere settle for comfortable things in the present for compromised present and future freedom.
Time for a year of eight hour sleep, working out several times a week, dating regularly, and sowing seeds of financial independence.
men, start with the basics, sleep on time instead of staying up, not compulsively eating junk, not compulsively jacking off, not getting into debt or buying stupid shit, it will be well worth it. This decade is also in my opinion going to be way more turbulent that the stagnant 2010s.
everyone is going to have some level of discomfort, might as well be on your terms.
Posted at 07:45 am, 30th December 2019I’m not generally a fan of NYE resolution type blog posts, as NYE resolutions to me are bullshit. If you’re always waiting till the start of a new year to realize there’s things you need to fix, there’s something wrong with you, so every day of the year should be January 1.
A better title for this post, is what blog topics (on here and/or on the CJ blog) in 2020, do you want Caleb to write about, if there’s something he’s ignored covering. Or maybe he wrote about it in 2019 or earlier, but you think he did so mediocrely for whatever reason, or that he wrote about it and you think he needs to update what he said.
Posted at 07:45 am, 30th December 2019Holy shit this was an awesome read!
And yeah…
I can’t believe this used to be a lifestyle of mine…it’s a temptation I need to refuse to this day, but checking in here and reading awesome articles like this help me through it.
I proved to myself that I can be self-employed (ish) and hack it on my own this year. So now its time for the next level and do even better.
Same with chicks. I need to stop being lazy with chicks. I see college chicks with beta looking dudes and I say to myself “bruh there is no way I can’t get with a chick like that, I’m just settling for overweight single moms cuz they are ‘easy…’ come on, my dude, you’re better than that!”
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:06 am, 30th December 2019I realize that’s a cute internet joke right now, but for the second time, I’m not a boomer (not even close), I’m Gen X, and I consider being called a boomer an insult, because it is (and insults are against the rules here). Also, calling me a boomer is going to be very confusing for newer readers to this blog.
Therefore, the next person who incorrectly calls me a boomer, especially if that’s the only response you have to a point I made, even if you’re being 100% sarcastic and just making a joke, will have his comment deleted and will be instantly banned from this blog. Thanks.
You’re actually not kidding and you’re not sorry, or else you’d have a more substantive response to what I said. That’s the problem.
I have a post going up about Go Time at my other blog on Thursday.
Posted at 09:07 am, 30th December 2019People have this bad habit of staying in current uncomfortable situations because fear of the unknown is worse in their minds. It’s that whole “devil you know” philosophy and it causes a kind of paralysis. We all know lots of people in our lives that stay in crappy jobs, marriages, relationships, etc.. because they’re so afraid of change. But the truth is, life is non stop change-nothing is permanent. It’s what makes us grateful for experiences and times in our life since we know it’s not forever. It’s why vacations are so much fun-we know there’s a definitive end so we enjoy every possible minute.
It’s a heavy read but there’s a book called “Denial of Death” and the overarching theme is how we make all these lame attempts at permanence in our lives since deep down we know we’re going to die one day-no other living thing on earth has this knowledge.
Great motivation for the next decade! Personally this is my year for career changes in the 2.0 direction and I’m fucking excited. Got the woman thing chugging along well (MLTR/FB model), spent time in 2019 “minimalizing” by cutting expenses, paying off some debt and getting rid of crap I don’t need.
A very Happy and prosperous new year to you Caleb! Thanks for all your work here helping guys who want to be helped.
Posted at 10:27 am, 30th December 2019Thank you BD. Reading your words “This year I’ll put out more free content than the last 5 years combined” made me feel what it means to have a Mission. Thank you for that.
Eric C Smith
Posted at 11:26 am, 30th December 2019Quest accepted!
Alexander Romanov
Posted at 11:51 am, 30th December 2019That combined hella nicely with a sword image! Thanks for showing the way, Caleb, I truly appreciate everything you do, here and in your courses 😀
Wired For Success
Posted at 12:02 pm, 30th December 2019Speaking of wasting time trolling SJWs or circle-jerking like-minded people on whatever pisses you off this week, is there an article on “anger porn” in the works for one of your 2020 articles BD? That in my personal experience as an ex-anger porn junkie would be an invaluable article to all the guys out there who think their joke of a life is going somewhere “owning the libs” or ranting for 10-15 minutes on Youtube about whatever stupid shit somebody from Lucasfilm or Marvel said on Twitter.
(Ironically, this is the same exact shit SJWs do. Make a mountain out of a molehill!)
Don’t get me wrong, political correctness is bullshit. Western media has its gems, but in general blows right now.
Also, I can understand being pissed for example about how Disney defiled Star Wars these past few years with the Sequel Trilogy.
What I can’t understand are these outrage YT personalities who wouldn’t stop bitching about TLJ for two years straight paying to go see Episode IX of Star Wars after being burned so badly on Episode VIII. Paying for a product you know full well you won’t like at all seems counterproductive to voting with your wallet which I, of course, have since Episode VII, but whatever I guess. I tried explaining this awhile back to some now ex-friends of mine, but unfortunately, they lashed out at me saying I’m not an authority on anything or that I’m not fit to give advice on what these moral outrage junkies should do with their lives instead of ranting about media they thoroughly don’t like week after week for pitiful ad revenue and stagnant sub counts. (that is make their own entertainment.)
One guy I knew in that group actually made his own stuff, yet he was still going to go see Episode IX in theaters! Yeah… the same guy who abhorred The Last Jedi and was like everyone else in the group, strongly anti-SJW. I used to think I was the odd one out in social circles being on the autism spectrum, but honestly, at this point, I can’t help but feel everyone around me are robots as opposed to being a robot myself.
It’s like that quote “They laugh at me because I’m different; I laugh at them because they’re all the same!”
Anyway, I just ignore “anger porn” crap as much as I can even if I would agree with what’s being said. Needless to say, I’m much better for it now filling my free time working on personal projects or listening to podcasts of substance that keep me motivated for working on my own version of the Alpha Male 2.0 template as it would apply to my personal life. Right now my main focus is making money. The hunnies can wait till I’m good and ready.
C Lo
Posted at 12:11 pm, 30th December 2019I thought he was joking. Problem was it’s not that funny.
Point being, even if the “OK, BOOMER” trope is 100% true (I’m inclined to believe it’s true because it’s a considered a pejorative ), it’s also 100% buffer. Just because they’ve taken away the societal programmed lanes doesn’t mean you have to have a shit life.
There are ways to be successful if you are innovative and keep at it. Blaming entitled old people for acting like entitled old people ain’t gonna get you there.
In a roundabout way, that’s kinda the point of BD’s post today, isn’t it?
Posted at 01:05 pm, 30th December 2019Wow, a lot of this is spot on. A little bit of cold-reading tactics going on, but still the points stand. The only thing I haven’t (yet) encountered on your checklist is the cold bedroom/ not enough sex from a particular woman. Usually if they’re in rotation they’re good to go, but maybe I’ve only met the submissive type. If a woman started playing games with that, I’d (think) I’d just dump her.
But yeah my life is complacently sucky. Corporate job with middling income, boring, etc. I need to crawl out of this rut. I have a few good hobbies and women going thankfully but it’s not nearly enough massive action.
I agree NYE resolutions are BS and destined to fail. They are made year after year, but if THIS YEAR is not meaningfully different somehow (and no, a new year’s eve “pump up” speech ala Tony Robbins is not meaningfully different after about two days of hype) — then why do you believe you’ll actually change this year? There MUST be an impetus. Either hitting rock bottom, a grand epiphany, a new emotion — a shocking death or near-death –something. Not a fleeting motivation speech.
Luckily I vowed never to intentionally start a weight-loss plan on New Years because that’s repeating the broken cycle. I started one in November and am down 8 pounds (beats gaining 8 pounds) over the holidays. The journey continues.
I think ONE key for me this year is going to be more short-term goals. Maybe bi-monthly (twice a month) check ins. Short term goals spark motivation and make it real. I tried a “diet bet” app — not sure I’ll do it again, but clear goal, time frame, money at risk (chump change, but more like ego/ competition) provided clear motivation.
We humans are not as complex as we believe. Without setting up the right environment or impetus to change, the year 2020 will be no different than 2019, even if it “is” a new decade.
Posted at 01:26 pm, 30th December 2019Talk about writing with IMPACT… Bamm!!! Excellent job.
I’m curious, who is this elite/ small percentage you’re talking about…
are they the Pareto (80/20) principle or the top 10 (10%) of readers.
Thanks and Happy New Decade!!!!
Caleb Jones
Posted at 01:50 pm, 30th December 2019Added to the topic list.
He was making a joke but he wasn’t 100% joking.
Two facts:
1. The Baby Boom generation is, on the overall, the worst generation in American history.
2. The Millennial generation is the laziest generation in American history.
Millennials seem to think that #1 is somehow a justification and excuse for #2. Wrong, bitches. It isn’t.
We GenXers got fucked by the Boomers too. We GenXers had really addictive video games too. We GenXers had access to 24/7 porn too (video tapes, Skinimax, Playboy Channel, etc). We GenXers had a really rough time getting laid too. (I didn’t have sex until I was 23 years old.) But we didn’t sit around all day and bitch and moan smoke weed and jerk off and demand the government give us free shit… not nearly to the degree the Millennials are… not even close.
Boomers suck, my generation sucks, Millennials suck. But pointing at other generations as the cause of your shitty generation or your problems is not only a pussy move, but isn’t objective nor factual.
Shut the fuck up and look in the mirror to see the primary source of all your problems. It ain’t the fuckin’ entitled boomers lecturing you. It’s you.
Posted at 02:37 pm, 30th December 2019I needed this as I am embarking on my first trip to SEAsia to scope out the scene.To see if getting a job is viable or perhaps making some money online. To be quite frank its somewhat daunting!
Posted at 02:46 pm, 30th December 2019On this subject, and on the subject of making changes, updates to your material this coming year, etc.
Are you planning on updating your ‘fill your calendar with dates’ material? Your stuff worked great back in the day with POF/Match/OKC traditional dating sites, but it is completely outdated and ineffective on the apps where all the girls are now, such as Tinder/Bumble. Or are we SOL on this subject since you yourself are no longer actively dating enough that you would be able to do the research and figure out a system that works in the modern online dating world?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 03:12 pm, 30th December 2019Yes. More news on that coming in the next few weeks.
Posted at 10:55 pm, 30th December 2019What if I have an extremely well remunerated career that allows me to live where I love, and work with some of the brightest minds in the world? It doesn’t make sense to leave my career just to become location independent. I have a hard time imagining someone being completely location independent. People have ties to a specific location. They’d like to live in a certain place to be close to friends and family. They have a certain preference for the type of weather, politics etc. For example, I know I’d never want to live in Thailand and work from a beach on my laptop. I love working with smart people in an office that overlooks skyscrapers! Anyways, I understand for some people location independence is paramount.
Eric C S
Posted at 03:55 am, 31st December 2019Im bookmarking this to remember how I felt this over the holidays, at work, in certain relationships over the year, and how just taking some action worked and to stay on top of it.
BD knows his market!
2020. the year and decade of taking souls. lets get medieval motherfuckers
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:45 am, 31st December 2019Ohhhhh this is going to be sooooo fun…
Literally every sentence in your comment is full of either blazing Societal Programming or wholly false assumptions, in addition to a healthy dose of limiting beliefs. It’s so juicy that I’m going to make an entire blog article eviscerating it as a prime example of when men defend fear and false societal conditioning. You’ll love it. Coming soon.
Posted at 02:05 pm, 31st December 2019Hey Caleb do you think going out to day game 2x a week for 3 hours is chasing women?(I’m building my business on the side) There are a few channels on YT (I won’t name them) that say cold approaching women is a waste of time and to only rely on choosing signals, and they say to focus on your purpose then the Women will suddenly appear, when you have a business and your life together.
Whats your thoughts on this?
Greg G
Posted at 03:59 pm, 31st December 2019You’ve inspired me to finally get a divorce. I’ve been reading the blog for awhile, looking for hope of what my post-divorce life can look like. I know I’m about to have a rough time for several months or possibly a year or two but I have to do it. My married life seems similar to how you’ve described yours but I’m about 5 years behind you in the timeframe. If my life at 45 is even close to as good as yours at 40ish, I will be a happy man.
Posted at 04:15 pm, 31st December 2019Happy New Year Caleb!
Posted at 04:56 pm, 31st December 2019Hahaha. Usually I’m contemptuous of new year’s resolutions, but I gotta say, this one is the best I’ve heard so far this decade. G’luck!
Posted at 05:15 pm, 31st December 2019Caleb, I’ve seen a few posters make off topic comments on a number of your blog posts, thanking you for what they’ve got out of your posts and materials and courses. How about a post where you actually elicit feedback or ask people: What have you got out of this blog? I’m not naturally effusive, but I’m happy to acknowledge it when someone gives me something useful.
For me, for the past year, the best thing I got was being inspired to finally start TRT. Life changing! And I did get the push from you. I felt a lot of resistance, so I started with very small steps: a goal of reading a book about it before I made a decision, a goal to look at the YouTube clips to learn about administration, another one to at least find a doctor and have a consultation about it and so on, until I finally did it. I ate the elephant in small slices.
But yeah, reading your posts here was the start. So, thanks! Good luck and bon courage with your ventures!
Caleb Jones
Posted at 05:39 pm, 31st December 2019If you’re already getting laid a lot with attractive women, yes. If you aren’t, no.
Do they provide facts and statistics to back up that claim? Like I do when I make big claims like this?
And do you know how many successful, high-income beta males with really stable lives I work with in my consulting practice who can’t get laid? (Or who can only get laid with bitchy or ugly women? No one “appeared” to them for some reason. I wonder why?)
If you’re unhappy in your marriage and you’ve tried everything else, then yes, you need to get a divorce.
My divorce was one of the best, if perhaps the best decision of my entire life.
Stay the course and get it done. It’s more than worth it.
Sure, good idea. Added.
Wow, outstanding.
I consider TRT an Alpha Male 2.0 requirement for men over 40 (barring the lucky genetic freaks who don’t need to do it post 40).
Posted at 09:46 pm, 31st December 2019Thanks for the kick in the pants. I worked hard and made it to the 75k goal a couple years ago, and this past year i managed to transition to working from home full time. Im actually moving back to the midwest to help my old man with his health issues. Its become part of my mission i guess. Plus I’ll save bank compared to California. Next goal is to get the side hustles up and hopefullly find some SBs in the midwest who weigh less than me !
Posted at 11:42 pm, 31st December 2019This video from Alex Becker addresses Anger Porn perfectly.
I also write extensively in my blog about how bad Anger Porn is and how trolling SJdubs makes you an SJdub yourself only for a different side.
No difference.
Being obsessed with external solutions (like SJdubs and those who attack them) is a tragic waste of time and energy and it’s extremely rude and arrogant. Activists demand that people who are supposedly marginalizing them change their lifestyle and culture so that the “marginalized” can be convenienced. It’s an arrogant endeavor based on that alone; better to go somewhere where you are treated better.
This is true no matter who the activists are or what they stand for.
Posted at 01:42 am, 1st January 2020Thanks for the speech! I agree with 95% of what you say in general and specifically one of your recommendations changed a lot for me (no details).
Before 2019 I ridiculed people who cannot control their weight. I had said: “Just stop eating”. “Go to the gym”. “What is the problem loser?”. This changed because in 2019 I tried hard to get out of my own comfort zone and spent a lot of resources on the PUA project. I understand now what is holding me back. It is my lack of social interest/competence/connections in general.
Yes, I want to have sex with young, beautiful non-prostitutes. But nothing more. The concept of day/night/whatever-game, interacting with 20 to 50 women to get laid once is a nightmare to me. Yes I can do that, but I do not like it. It means paying a high price for sex that is supposed to be for free. Like someone who is fat would claim “I could lose weight, but I just like eating more than being in shape.”
For me it seems that it I can only choose between “no sex” and “doing things that I dont like for getting sex”. So I can only choose between two options that I do not like. Cool. Does this sound like an excuse to you?
Posted at 09:31 am, 1st January 2020If you don’t enjoy it, you won’t succeed. It’s the same with fitness, money, and other kinds of stuff.
Yeah. That’s what people who stay out of shape say. It’s a rationalization.
Look, I was the same with income for the last decade or so: “I could make more money, but it would mean that I would need to pay more taxes/be more productive/increase my prices etc.”
I’m not BD, but yeah, that’s an excuse: And it’s a pretty weak one. If you do things you don’t like to do something you do like, then why do anything at all?
A rationalization/excuse like this is a fast track to a nihilistic existence where you’ll find yourself not having any ambitions at all because of those kinds of observations, that you can only choose between “no sex” and “doing stuff I don’t like to get sex.”
You need to learn to love the grind.
Posted at 09:53 pm, 1st January 2020It appears that the sequel to The Misandry Bubble has been posted (although it is housed within a larger article).
It starts at Chapter 11.
Kudos to the author for doing what he said he would do a decade ago, to the day.
Riddle of Steel
Posted at 12:15 am, 2nd January 2020Excellent timing. Looking forward to seeing what you post in the future. I have a list of requests and I haven’t organized them as I just relocated to SE Asia as I read this.
After being in Shanghai I can say I agree with you absolutely 100% that the east is rising and the west will decline. The future is China and specifically Shanghai. They are doing things so progressive while the U.S. will sink like the Titanic it is. A cannibal system.
Being in China was like experiencing my own version of Chinese myth-busters.
There’s a lot of propaganda in the U.S. generated by blatant ignorance.
Many hot Chinese girls with the beautiful, long black hair and pretty faces. Check.
Sophisticated, classy, and know how to dress. Check.
Curves and asses. Check
Tall girls. Check.
The government stepped in to keep people from doing speculative investing in real estate. Safe and remarkably clean. I’ve never seen a city so clean. No drugs with strict penalties enforced. While the U.S. will have a dispensary on every corner eventually. Guess who’s producing and distributing marijuana for fat, lazy Americans. China.
If it sounds like I am getting thoroughly disgusted with the U.S. I am.
So I left.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:06 pm, 2nd January 2020Cool. Good for you. I’m moving out of the USA next year.
Partially correct. The future is China, but it’s also SE Asia.
Eh… China is doing some very good things and some really stupid things (authoritarian, president for life, butting into Hong Kong’s business, stupid real estate bubble, etc). But it will be on the rise regardless of these problems, yes.
A matter of opinion. I’m not attracted to Chinese women. (I wish I was.)
In Shanghai, absolutely. Very much so.
Uh… in China? No. You’re going to have to fly to nearby Japan (asses) or Cambodia (boobs) if you want an abundance of those.
In China? No.
China’s government has utterly mishandled their real estate and they are continuing to do so. It’s an embarrassment. If it was more free-market economy it would have avoided 90% of those problems.
Outside of the air quality, which is quite bad, Shanghai is a reasonably clean city, yes, particularly in the Bund and Pudong regions (which is where you should be if you’re a Western expat).
Yes but I am against this. All drugs should be legal at the federal and state/province levels and any enforcement (if any) should be left up to each individual neighborhood.
Probably true. Most Americans are drug addicts already (prescription drugs, coffee, and/or weed at a bare minimum).
Many countries are profiting from America’s cultural decline, particularly Asia and South America. Yup.
I’m not disgusted with the USA. Deeply disappointed would be a better description for me. It’s just a place in which I don’t belong anymore, particularly in the long-term. I understand your feelings though.
I am too. I won’t be moving to China but I will absolutely be doing a large amount of business and investing there over the next 25 years.
Posted at 05:08 pm, 2nd January 2020BD, I got a topic suggestion: internal dialogue and whether it affects a person’s frame or alpha/beta status, eg when you coach yourself and one of the “internal voices” is essentially the boss and the other the guy who was about to or did screw up and has to comply to the boss and get back on the 2.0 track, etc. I’ve found that a man could easily have all the alpha-beta range within himself so to speak – indeed some of the baddest alphas probably have the occasional whiny omega voice inside, they just silence it easily – , and I’m curious if this could be managed in a way that affects the final, external attitude of the man and how he deals with life.
Riddle of Steel
Posted at 06:13 pm, 2nd January 2020Lesson learned: writing with jet lag but excited to share the thoughts.
Much better wording. This really captures the alienated feeling of late.
Yes, I wasn’t attracted to Asian girls that much in the past but my tastes have changed over the last few years. Not to say there’s a proliferation of attractive girls in Shanghai but I was pleasantly surprised.
China and Shanghai have their issues but on the whole there is no question they will surpass the west. President Trump is trying to fuel competition for companies like Huawei and ZTE as currently none exists in the United States.
Maybe I was lucky (Right now I have to relearn Chinese. I took it at the university. Forgot it.) but the people were very kind and helpful in China. We all have good luck in certain places and not so good in others. But the small things are important to me as they usually reflect an underlying principle and it’s reassuring to have more harmony as you transition to another part of the world.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:00 pm, 2nd January 2020Not sure if I’m qualified to speak on such a psychological subject.
Correct. And sooner than most people think.
dante (with a t) demarco
Posted at 11:38 pm, 2nd January 2020YOU’RE NOT MY SUPERVISOR!!!
jk man as usual, your timing is spot on. back in 2018 i landed the perfect job, and was planning on staying there for a year or two to build my war chest before i ventured off into the world of 100% independence.
then i went to prison. then i got fired.
i thought about getting another regular jobjob but realized, what’s the point of burning another couple of years when i’m already planning on getting out anyway? i have enough savings already, i might as well just GO now.
2020 is the year. it’s the wild wild west for me now baebee!
Posted at 12:41 am, 3rd January 2020At the moment, China and America are like conjoined twins who hate each others guts — can’t stand each other, can’t live without each other. But China’s prospects for decoupling and prospering on its own are much better.
Posted at 06:04 am, 3rd January 2020Thank you so much for this. I’ve been feeling this sentiment very strongly as of late, and have even begin taking action. Its my 30th year on this planet and I’m so tired of being a boy/child.
One problem I find with taking action however, is indecision, on what path to pursue, what advice will work best for me.
I understand if you find this off topic and don’t respond, but it feels relevant to me and I do hope you respond. Basically I’m constantly torn on whether your system regarding women is the best for me personally, and sometimes it stalls me in terms of action. Obviously you designed it for yourself, based on your own trial and error, and it works fantastically for you. The advice of yours I have followed has worked pretty well for me, in particular the first date rules. However your personality and mine seem to differ in a fundamental aspect, that is in that you’ve stated you’re not a strongly emotional guy, and sex is the most important aspect of a relationship to you. Now don’t get me wrong, sex is important to me, and obviously I’m in a better place when I’m having it. But to me, non-sexual physical affection can be as, if not more important. For example, I sometimes enjoy cuddling while falling asleep after sex more enjoyable than the sex itself. To me a relationship that is all sex and no affection is completely unfulfilling. With this difference I often wonder how some of your advice could apply/work for me, and sometimes even wonder if a serial monogamy route would work better for me (I’m very aware the highs would be high and the lows would be very low). I wonder if you have any advice for guys like me, or if perhaps I need to start from scratch develop my own models, the way you have. I’d really appreciate if you have any advice.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:00 am, 3rd January 2020Incorrect. I have never said this nor believe it.
Sex is the most important aspect for an FB relationship. It is not for an MLTR or OLTR relationship, rather it is one of several very important things.
That is perfectly compatible with my system, just as much as with monogamy.
That’s fine but that means your woman life will be much more difficult regardless of what models you choose. Read this.
Simple. Just do MLTRs.
Monogamy vs non-monogamy has literally nothing to do with the issue you’re describing and it’s odd you believe so. You can cuddle all you want with MLTRs or an OLTR. I used to cuddle with my MLTRs (that didn’t lead to sex) all the time. I cuddle with my OLTR wife with no sex all the time. And so on. It’s sounds like you’re just looking for an excuse to be monogamous.
Posted at 03:55 pm, 3rd January 2020Tired of being a boy/child? Cuddling is more enjoyable than sex? Run to the doctor ASAP and get your testosterone levels checked. You sound like a seriously estrogen poisoned.
dante (with a t) demarco
Posted at 07:04 pm, 3rd January 2020when people ask me, “what are you looking for in a relationship?”, i tell them three things:
when i say the first thing is trust, everyone nods in agreement. yes, trust is important.
when i tell them the second thing is friendship and mutual happiness, they again nod in agreement and say yes, friendship is important.
but when i tell them that sex is the third thing, everyone loses their minds and starts vomiting the “a relationship based only on sex blah blah blah” speech. like they completely forgot that i just said trust and friendship are required too.
this idea that sex is a mutually exclusive element in a relationship is societal programming. snap out of it.
Posted at 07:07 pm, 3rd January 2020Hey Caleb I have another question.
What are the best places to pick up Younger Women other than the Mall? (I’m 19)
Getting tired of walking around the mall with slow walkers tryna scout for women haha.
dante (with a t) demarco
Posted at 10:29 pm, 3rd January 2020if you’re 19 i recommend targeting older women (33 and over).
Posted at 11:22 pm, 3rd January 2020Glad you could infer so much about me from one post. My testosterone is above normal, thanks for your concern, I’ve had it checked several times since I’ve taken SARMs and needed to make sure I didn’t get suppressed. I’m 29, lean and muscular, and have a very high sex drive.
There are personality factors that are outside the realm of purely hormones, I happen to be extremely high in big 5 personality trait openness which includes emotionality. It could definitely be connected to neurotransmitters, quite possibly I have higher than average levels of oxytocin, which definitely doesn’t bother me. I’m quite comfortable with enjoying affection, and no it doesn’t mean I’m not still extremely sexual, as they are intertwined for me.
Posted at 11:30 pm, 3rd January 2020Thanks heaps, that’s exactly what I needed to hear. I appreciate the advice. I’m not sure if it’s exactly that I’m looking for an excuse to be monogamous, more that I find it hard to trust that your way is necessarily better for me just because it works for you. Perhaps it may be an excuse my subconscious is giving me, but it is hard to trust what one stranger in the internet says is the best way. But I know that I can’t know without trying, so I will commit 100% to giving it a try and applying it in my life. And you do have years of consistent blog posts to back you up, plus I remember Tubarao from the old sedfast forums had a similar system/philosophy that also seemed to work for him, and I’ve found his advice on social circle game very helpful.
Thanks again.
Posted at 11:35 pm, 3rd January 2020Dude, I’m not sure how you got to that from my post, but sex and sexual compatibility are absolutely one of the most important aspects of a relationship for me.
I have no societal programming that says sex is a mutually exclusive element in a relationship. My whole point was that both sex and affection are both extremely important to me. But just like a relationship that was all love and cuddles but no sex would be painful and unfulfilling, to me so is a relationship that’s all sex but no love and cuddles. Do you get me?
Posted at 04:06 am, 4th January 2020Ok, I’m in. I already started making some 2.0 changes, and it is working. I think 2020 will be the beginning of the rest of my life.
Posted at 06:34 am, 4th January 2020Live or die. Make your choice. – Jigsaw
Abdul Nguza
Posted at 09:38 am, 4th January 2020Lol why?
Posted at 11:00 am, 4th January 2020A lot to be said for older women when you are young and younger women when you’re older. It’s a good way for a young guy to learn about sex. Also, older women are not likely to be looking for a provider if they hook up with a young guy. She’ll probably be a dominant and he’ll probably be a beta, but it doesn’t do that much damage at that point in his life. Conversely, older guys can give women much more sexual pleasure than an inexperienced young guy, and that’s always fun for us, too.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 01:10 pm, 4th January 2020You’re welcome.
You are.
1. Monogamy (serial monogamy or Disney monogamy doesn’t matter) won’t make you happy in your life long-term. It has literally nothing to do with me. It has to do with you, your biology, and the biology of the women you want to have sex with. Read this and this for more details.
2. I am not “one stranger on the internet.” As you well know, I represent a vast network of hundreds of thousands of men (perhaps even millions though I can’t prove that) all over the world, built up over the last 10 years, who are non-monogamous, including in serious and cuddly relationships, and it’s working for them too.
Tubarao is a friend and a great guy. Haven’t talked to him a while.
Posted at 07:02 am, 5th January 2020He was awesome! His philosophy taught me a lot about relationships and women in general.
Posted at 02:49 pm, 5th January 2020This is a good way to get banned from a mall/get accused of harassment if you are not careful enough.
Do NOT believe what they PUAs say (or even what they “do” with their very edited “infield” footage, where they hire actresses). Doing day game at the mall is not easy nor is it a good use of time or energy. Going to the mall to approach should only be done if you want to improve your general people skills (although it would be better to get a job at the same mall you are doing day game at).
If you are still interested in meeting VYWs and don’t want to go to the mall, night game is practically your only option. College related events too. Dive bars where there are a lot of regulars are another good place. Night game atmosphere, day game “pace,” good spots for hunting chicks so you can get them out on dates.
If you are under 25 and are hunting 33+ chicks, this gives you an instant competitive edge. Most 33+ chicks don’t expect much from dudes under 25 when it comes to providing, so this gives them an “excuse” to have fun with those types. Also most 33+ chicks are getting with 25+ dudes who suck in bed because they don’t have the energy that dudes under 25 do. That’s another competitive edge.
If I could go back 15 years, I would hunt for 33+ chicks much more than chicks who were my age at the time. And I probably would have been much more successful.
The reverse is true if you are an older dude. If you are a dude over 35 you should be hunting for chicks who are under 25. Cuz those chicks don’t really care for young dudes who currently suck at life so they are looking for dudes who are not sucking at life and most of the time that crowd is over 35.
If you are over 35, young looking, can still perform really well at sex just like any dude under 25 can, then go for VYWs and leave chicks over 25 alone.
Pretty sure BD wrote an article about this too.
Abdul Nguza
Posted at 04:09 pm, 5th January 2020OK then what are some alternative places to pickup women during the day?
I don’t know, is that possible for a 19 yr old like me to get with 33+ Yr Old women? Isnt that weird, if you have women around your age to already talk to?
Posted at 08:52 pm, 5th January 2020Yes. Anything is possible. Crazy little thing called online dating. Plenty of 33+ chicks on there looking for dudes 10+ years younger than them. Use it.
Not really, just add 33+ chicks to the pool of other chicks you are hunting. Big deal.
I already mentioned a couple. Like I said, dive bars (they technically count as “night” game, but it may as well be day game since dive bars are much different and better than giant clubs) and college related events/shows/fairs etc.
Use your imagination. Think outside of malls and clubs etc.
Posted at 03:55 am, 6th January 2020College campus, gyms, fairs, festivals, coffee shops, evening classes…
Posted at 05:03 am, 6th January 2020i remember it took me around 250+ set (hit and run HELL A LOT) to get to that ultimate ONE daygame lay few years back i was solo daygaming. That was a dream, flirting in person is definitely different skillset compared to online dating, even though you may’ve routine going during a date, but the rush, adrealine of talking, walking into the unknows definitely makes a man feel ALIVE.
Abdul Nguza
Posted at 07:15 am, 6th January 2020Exactly that’s why I prefer Daygame over Online. I’m a naturally extroverted person and enjoy talking to people.
I’ll definitely hit up College Campuses and Festivals when it gets warmer here, right now it’s the Winter time and I live up here in B.C. Canada. So I’ll have to be doing Pickup indoors.
Abdul Nguza
Posted at 07:18 am, 6th January 2020Ok, I’ll start doing that and come back here with my results.
Posted at 08:35 am, 7th January 2020So I’m there, got the income and financial stability (altho I do have a corporate job but I like it and I’m in a top position so my employer let’s me do “what I want”). Also I’m not interested in traveling (so boring, sit in a transportation vehicles to see a view or two or and old monument or waste money in casino or whatever. Also working out/eating properly becomes more difficult) so I skip the location independence part.
I’ve also managed to get a solid rotation and obtain an ability to renew my roster when on girl drops in few weeks.
Pretty much every aspect in your checklist is there except the mission. Which makes all these other achievements to feel insignificant. I have no clue what my mission is or what it could be. I have no passion nor desire to do anything long term which could give me “the purpose”. Women (and by that I mean having multiple women at the same time) was the last thing “to fix” about 2 years ago. I thought that’s the final piece and didn’t believe others who said “When you get it, you notice it wasn’t it”. – Well it wasn’t
So my point is, even tho you reach these little goals (which are actually really easy to achieve in the end – it may just take time) – they mean nothing if you don’t have purpose (mission) which makes you feel that you matter and you actually achieve something or make a difference.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:17 am, 7th January 2020Then you’re not there. You’re comfortable, but you are not free.
1. The only reason you’re “skipping” location independence is because you have a job. You’d have a very different view about this if you had a location independent business with a 100% flexible schedule instead of job.
2. Location independence does not mean you travel a lot. For some reason there’s a huge misunderstanding about this with a lot of my readers so I’m going to publish an article explaining this soon.
Good. Well done.
Reason number one: You’ve rationalized and surrendered to having a bullshit corporate job. Whether you realize that or not, that’s your mental nexus of all of your possibilities. Stop for a minute and imagine if you didn’t have that job anymore and didn’t need it. You now have 100% freedom of time and location. Now what would you do with your life? Think it through. Hard.
Posted at 01:55 pm, 7th January 2020First of all, I’ve followed you already about two years and bought two books. Good stuff as well as this blog.
Then there is that thing. You are so sure you have found a one single on size fits all formula/mold for long term happiness that you see no other options or tweaks to the foundation. If I actually had a normal corporate job, I would probably agree with you but we do things here differently than in US and I have almost “entrepreneurlike” position right now.
Having a location independent job is a different thing than having no job at all or a job which takes no time. So basically you are changing premise here. I’ve traveled on my free time and I’ve always thought it’s waste of money while trying to give traveling “a chance” again and again and I don’t really see any other countries where I would live. 99% of them are shit holes anyway. If I wanted I could drop out to do part time job 4 day work week 7,5h hours day and still reach 75k dollars per year income.
Now ofc I thought about this and I’m not sure if I wanted to not work at all. I’ve played with a thought about winning in lottery and realized that I would probably still keep my job. Partly because it challenges me and secondly because community and colleaques are great. You seem like a guy who doesn’t have friends (by choice – you don’t seem so interested) so I think that you don’t consider social non-professional connections outside woman life so important (atleast you barely ever write about them).
I’m also surprised that you ignored the mission part. I still think it’s a missing ingredient. If I didn’t need to work, I’d probably fill my days by working out more and do more sports – maybe I’d find some new hobby with my extra spare time but it’s hard for me to see that any of this would give me fulfillment.
And talking about rationalizing. I haven’t ever seen you to make up so many bullshit excuses and rationalizing than you did on your weight cut update (and no, you don’t love weight lifting or cardio) but maybe it made you feel better to write them down. But I understand, we all have our demons. And now when you have already cut a nice amount, don’t stop there, keep going until you get to the hardest part – keeping the weight down for rest of your life. Funnily enough, for me: 1. fitness 2. women 3. business
dante (with a t) demarco
Posted at 05:05 pm, 7th January 2020there is no such thing as an “almost entrepreneur”. that’s like the head coach of a football team saying he’s “almost the owner”. they might enjoy many of the same privileges and authority, but there is a world of difference between the two.
by working for someone else, you are carrying their flag. to be completely free, you must carry your own flag. what does your flag look like? what does it stand for? when you can answer those questions, your mission and purpose will begin to surface.
and what was your purpose for bringing this up here?
Posted at 01:58 am, 8th January 2020Yes there is. I’m having the freedom as I would as entrepreneuer (ofc not exactly at the same level) but the customers are the ones who define my schedule (as they would if I was actual entrepreneuer if I want to keep them as my customers). I’ve reached a point and environment where I really see no reason to start my own company. I already work where I want (Internet required) and whenever i want (as long as I participate the meetings with customers – usually online). The only solid argument is that I have low passive income (only dividends from stock market and income from appartment I rent) and that’s sort of a problem but I’m working on it too and I believe that I’m able to achieve the level of passive income that could cover my “running expenses” in 5 years without starting my own company.
You write like you assume that mission comes with your business and work. I disagree strongly. For me work is more of an enabler to do stuff I like (no, I can’t make business of them. No one pays me to work out or fuck for example).
Because I suggest that maybe we all do rationalizing regarding “lower priority” things in our lives. For me it might be the business and work, for BD it is fitness and health. We both know that they are important and do “sufficient” effort to better them. We both know that the things could be better but why make exponential effort because it’s the last minor thing to fix before reaching the holy trinity of “alpha male 2.0-“hood.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:45 am, 8th January 2020Incorrect. Alpha Male 2.0 is only for 5-10% of men, at best. It is the exact opposite of a one size fits all.
Are you able to work literally whenever you want and not work literally whenever you want?
Are you forced to go into a certain office at specific times or intervals?
These are yes or no questions, not levels of degree. If the answer is yes to the first or no to the second, then you are not free. That is not my opinion, that is fact.
If your response is that you honestly don’t care and your level of happiness on a typical day is an 8 or higher on a 1-to-10 scale regardless of this lack of freedom, then that’s wonderful, I honestly wish you the best, and you don’t adhere to the Alpha Male 2.0 target market, which is fine. (The problem is your comment didn’t demonstrate very much happiness. Thus my response.)
Travel and location independence are two completely different things, as I already stated. You can be a 100% location independent Alpha Male 2.0 and live in the same city year-round, which is perfectly fine. Read this.
Yes, a life Mission is 100% critical to long-term masculine happiness. If you’ve read my books and my blogs you should know how much I talk about that and how critical I think it is.
Incorrect. I love exercise and I always have. I just finished an hour workout, as I do 5 times per week, and I feel great. I actually dislike my rest days. If you seriously think I’m lying, you’re welcome to believe whatever you like. Not that I see how any of this is relevant to our discussion. The fact you’re lashing out like this says something about your level of happiness. (See my point?)
Incorrect. I have said numerous times and fitness/health is a one of the three core priories for men over age 35 (in addition to money and women), as I’ve said in my courses and videos and last blog post about this. I did say that, of those three areas, that is the one where I am weakest. I did not that I consider it least important (for men over 35).
You are now purposely misquoting me. Again, the fact you’re doing this, and doing this about an irrelevant topic, clearly says something about where you are emotionally.
Posted at 01:13 pm, 8th January 2020Well, you kind of underlined your problem here. In addition of binary thinking you don’t even consider what I tried to say before going defensive. I’m not attacking here. I’ll clarify and then we can agree to disagree.
What I meant was that you can live Alpha Male 2.0 a bit of different priorities (core priorities in different order) as long as you have all the foundational things in check. I think the Alpha Male 2.0 concept is yours so then I guess I should call “my” “soft” version of it Alpha Male 1.9 because it let’s you slack a bit in one sector (for example, no necessarily be entrepreneur or you can be a bit fat – altho monogamy isn’t ofc an option).
I’m bringing your weight into discussion because in my opinion it’s the most important thing to keep weight low and yourself healthy (it’s surprising actually that you chose easy route to take your testosterone as pills/injections instead of getting your weight and eating habits in check but I don’t judge.). So here we Alpha Male 1.9s are talking because we both lack one essential piece of the pre-requirements if we follow strict ruleset.
Yes, in current situation I don’t care. The level of freedom is quite enough. If I wanted I could make a remote work contract with my employer so I would need to show up to office only couple of times a year (excluding half-mandatory live meetings with customers 2-3 times a month) but I won’t because I like going to office to see my colleaques and it gives me nice routine between freetime and work. And yes as I admitted openly, my comment did not demonstrate happiness because I’m still missing my mission – which I have thought through plenty of times.
I agree on this and I know you consider it important and that was my point. Without it mission, all these other goals don’t matter too much. I think I should have just asked “Any tips on finding your mission?” instead of giving feedback or my view of things.
Nope, it’s not about my happiness. As a fit guy who has been working out and doing sports for many years, I know how the guys look like who excercise 5 times per week year after year. I look at the results so naturally I assume you arent necessarily speaking truth because I don’t see results and that’s why I called you out (well ok, if you count stretcing and fucking into that 5 hours in a week, then I believe you). Maybe your nutrition or workout program really suck then. Also if you have been exercising years (assumption because you said exercise hasn’t nevern been a problem), you suddenly gain muscle mass while losing weight…?
Do you think someone goes “Ok, this guy loves to exercsise and/or exercises a lot” when they see you? There is no muscle definition, no muscle mass on shoulders altho you have naturally have broad shoulders so they would look great with proper training. Especially missing traps give you out which would show even under fat. Even if you lost another 40 pounds you wouldn’t still see your abs. Only some definition on the outline. It’s really important to understand this to be able to visualize weight drop. There is still ~40 pounds of extra fat turning your testosterone into estrogen and fucking up your lipid profile. I’d say your BF is around ~25% currently. I know you live in US but don’t live by US standards by being “US fit”. Live by the actual healthy standards. All the fat people around you make your own mirror image look better.
I really stress that this is not a personal attack against your physique – it’s about kind of double standards of yours because your physique is like my “almost entrepreneuer”-thing but still you think location independent business is strictly required but healthy and fitness not so much. Also I explained why I questioned your post. When you are expert on one field, you get annoyed when you see something which can’t be true without some sort of polishing.
But once again, we have different priorities and abilities considering the foundations. It seems like you can be happy with an average physique which is totally ok. Maybe someone can be happy without being full on entrepreneur? Maybe there is some slack on every core priorities in the end?
Also moving abroad or moving around 2-3 times a year is tough for your social connections. Like I stated before, you don’t seem to be having a broad social circle outside business so you don’t see this as a con. I understand why you hold location independence is so high value and it’s understadable that you see it as a requirement for alpha male 2.0 lifestyle.
I know and that’s why I put “lower priority” into quotes to express that I was talking about the three core priorities and that they have a different order/priorities depending of the person, lifestyle and situation etc. It seems that was bad communication from my part.
Your stuff is absolute gold for beginners and intermediates – all the clear frameworks but I’d like to state that more advanced guys get the more they start rising eyebrows while they read your stuff altho you do have some “whatever floats your boat” disclaimers here and there. But yeah, you gotta have your target audience.
John Smith
Posted at 11:25 am, 9th January 2020I went back and read the update again, and I don’t see excuses and rationalizing. Just the opposite in fact.
It seems like an excuse would have been saying something like “I didn’t make my scale weight goal, BUT I added muscle (or it was the holidays or whatever), so I’m offering everyone a discount anyway.” The rest just seemed like a post-game analysis: what went right, what needs to be improved, etc.
It does lead to a question I’ve had though: where does the line between excuses/rationalization and useful self-reflection lie? And if you’re asking for help, how do you explain a struggle or sticking point without sounding like you’re making an excuse? I know I’m 100% responsible for everything in my life, and if I make an excuse, I’d like to be called out on it, but I also know that stating the reason for a situation or behavior isn’t necessarily the same thing as trying to abdicate responsibility for it.
dante (with a t) demarco
Posted at 02:37 pm, 9th January 2020i’m not the one here asking for help with determining my mission and purpose.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:58 am, 11th January 2020I haven’t been exercising 5 types per week year after year and never said I have. That level of intensity and frequency is new as of last year. (And still not relevant to the discussion.) Misquoting me. Again. Childish.
That’s wonderful, then our conversation is over. I congratulate you on your success, I hope you can find someone else who can help you, and I honestly wish you all the best.
Posted at 07:41 pm, 11th January 2020Great post here! In the middle of some pretty major changes now…due to a re org I lost my corporate finance job a year and a half ago, then started my own company and now and in the middle of a divorce after two decades of marriage. Haven’t made this little money since the 90’s, will be moving from very nice suburb to a house one fifth the value but I haven’t felt this optimistic maybe ever. Looking forward to an amazing 2020. Thanks for keeping up your website it’s very much appreciated!
Posted at 03:19 am, 13th January 2020I actually wrote pretty long response to this trying to explain that I’m not attacking. But I think it’s useless. Thanks for the responses anyway.
No you don’t, you don’t care enough about one random reader which is totally ok and normal. We don’t do meaningless empty wishes here where I live 😉