20 Jan How to Handle Inexperienced Women

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-By Caleb Jones
Sometimes you will encounter women who are inexperienced with men, dating, sex, or a combination of those. Examples of these women include:
- Much younger women (though still legal; please don’t break the law you idiots) who are sexually inexperienced
- Extremely religious women
- Virgins
- Certain types of foreign women from more conservative cultures
- Type 3 VYW younger women who are sexually experienced but have never done anything with a much older man if that’s what you are
- Recently divorced women who were married young and have near-zero dating experience because of it
- Women who are sexually inexperienced or sexually nervous because of a sexual or medical trauma they experienced in the past
I have a decent amount of experience in this area. I have been with several women from most of the above categories, including where I was literally the second man they ever had sex with. These women have ranged from 18 years old to 41 years old (she was a recently divorced very religious woman). I’ll address each of these categories and how to approach them on the second date when you want sex to occur.
Younger women need to be treated in a way where you act very safe, normal, and non-creepy. Men their age don’t need to worry about the “creepy” or “dangerous” factors, but you certainly do if you’re much older than her. I have an entire book about how to attract much younger women right here so take a look at that if you want all the details on how to navigate this.
Extremely religious women break down into two categories. The first are women who have always been very religious and this way if life is nothing new to them. With these women, there is no major difference in sexual escalation other than you might need to wait one extra date. I have reached sex very quickly with lots of women in this category and they really are no big deal. (A common red pill myth is that very religious women are somehow less sexual than non-religious women. Uh, no. In the Western world I have never found this to be the case. In many cases it’s the opposite.)
The second category of religious women are very different. These are women who were never religious but are religious now. See, before you came along they were normal girls having sex with guys and loving it. But one day they looked at themselves in the mirror and said “OMG, I’m a total slut. I can’t keep fucking guys like this. I need to embrace Jesus.” So now they are hardcore Christians (or Muslims, or whatever) as a way to reform themselves from their overly sexual ways.
When you encounter a woman like this, give it a good shot two or three times and then move on. The odds are very low you’re getting to fast sex with a woman who is going through this temporary phase. You’re just a victim of bad timing. Leave her for the betas who don’t mind waiting five dinner dates before maybe having sex with her.
Virgins are workable but you need to take things very slowly. Sexual escalation with them are often one thing one night, another thing another night then full-on sex the third night or something similar. Just be very, very nice, always move the process forward, but do not push things too hard and be prepared to be very patient and understanding.
I personally think nervous virgins aren’t worth the trouble, but that’s just my opinion. I’ve had much better luck getting to fast sex with women where I was the second guy (or perhaps the third guy) instead of their first.
Conservative foreign women are hard to generalize. A sexually conservative woman from an Islamic country might be just fine as long as you’re a little patient, whereas a sexually conservative Provider Hunter woman from India will be a nightmare. You need to take these women on a case-by-case basis. As always, don’t go past three dates or so with zero sexual activity if you’ve tried no matter how hot you think she is!
Type 3 VYW are much younger women who are just as sexually and/or dating experienced as any other girl except that they’ve never had sex with a much older man. Unlike Type 1 women, they’re not opposed to having sex with a much older guy; it’s just that it’s out of their experience and thus out of their comfort zone. They often take a little longer to get to sex but not much longer. I’ve been with many Type 3s and they were all fantastic. Again, you need to do everything right and be a little patient. I address Type 3 younger women in detail in this book.
Recently divorced inexperienced women break down into two categories. The first category are those women who are inexperienced, recently divorced, and yet are somewhat normal. They are not hardcore Provider Hunters, nor do they have any sexual hang-ups. The only difference with these women is that they may take an extra date to get to full-on sex, particularly if they’re over the age of 33.
The second type of women in this category are very different and I’ve run into many of them. They are inexperienced, recently divorced, but are now hardcore Provider Hunters. Being married to a man is all they know and all they want. They loved being married (even if the marriage was bad!), utterly hate being single, and completely hate the entire concept of dating. Their only objective is to find another husband as fast as humanly possible and get married again as fast as she can so she can stop feeling weird by being single.
These women are absolute nightmares. As soon as you realize a recently divorced woman is in this category, you need to politely move on right then and there. Do not waste your time with these women. I ran into many of these women years ago before I identified the pattern. Learn from my mistakes and bypass these women fast.
Women who are experienced but have some kind of trauma in their past I tend to view the same as I view virgins. Sometimes they’re fine, but more often than not the time and effort it will take you to get to fast sex just isn’t worth it. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with these women, my heart goes out to them, and I wish them all the best. The point is we’re talking about fast sex here, getting to sex on the second date with minimal money spent, and these women usually don’t fall into that model.
Are there exceptions to this? Sure. I’ve been with a small handful of women who were reluctant to have sex initially mostly due to a recent or semi-recent medical or sexual trauma they experienced, and went on to have happy, long-term FB or MLTR relationships with them. But these were the exceptions. The rest of them required more time and effort than I was willing to commit.
In terms of all the above types of women, as I’ve said hundreds of times, no matter how hot, fun, or smart she is, there is another woman right around the corner who is just as hot, fun, or smart as her who won’t make you wait a long time for sex. Never, ever forget that.
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Posted at 06:38 am, 20th January 2020Oddly, one of my longest on/off fb’s is this category. She has compartmentalized me as a “fill-in-the-gaps” fb. She is hardcore looking for a provider husband, but whenver she is really pissed at this guy or she is currently broke up and is single, she’s a consistent fb. When her Mom asked about me she told her mom I’m not the relationship type. Any other guy proposes being fb to her, she is pissed and hard nexts him. So I believe it is possible to be an fb to these women if you can get them to accept you as such and also if you don’t mind the insconsistency.
Posted at 06:47 am, 20th January 2020In your experience what are the tell tale signs you’re dealing with the recently divorced woman who just wants the new husband right away?
Posted at 07:00 am, 20th January 2020Hi,
do you have sex with a chick who shows you she cut herself (past wound on left wrist) on first date?
or im paranoid she might cut my penis off or futurely chase me down with multiple texts
Pseudonymous User
Posted at 07:56 am, 20th January 2020What was her dating/marital status at the time you met her?
Posted at 09:18 am, 20th January 2020Hi Blackdragon,
If after the first date , the girl refuses to come over to your place in the second date ( but still seems interested but is just conservative , inexperienced etc )
What should you do on that second date ? Talk about same topic as last time? ( sex talk , past relationships, kino )
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:48 am, 20th January 20201. Over age 30 or so.
2. Demonstrates massive ASD when it comes to having sex. (Though not making out or other stuff; she’s likes that because it’s romantic.) She will probably demand monogamy before having sex.
3. Demands nothing but event dates; pretty much refuses to do anything unless it’s an event date (or at least a nice dinner date, but even that irritates some of them).
4.Constantly bitches and complains about having to go on dating sites and first dates to meet men.
5. Talks about her last marriage and marriage in general all the fucking time. She also brings up a lot of topics like finding a man with whom she has “chemistry” and with whom she’s “compatible” and so on.
6. She assumes your entire interaction will lead to something very serious and committed, and very soon.
If she’s hot and nice to me, which are my only two requirements for sex, then yes, gleefully. She’ll just stay an FB.
The problem isn’t having sex with problematic women (FBs). I’ve done that hundreds of times and never had a problem. The problem is when dumbass men start dating these women (MLTR or above).
Keep those kinds of women as FBs and you’ll be just fine.
Yes, you’re paranoid. Read about the 2% Rule.
Go to a different bar. Ideally one close to your home so you can bounce her there afterwards.
You can follow the same basic model if you want, but don’t talk about the exact same things. That would be boring for her.
Posted at 12:13 pm, 20th January 2020“no matter how hot, fun, or smart she is, there is another woman right around the corner who is just as hot, fun, or smart as her who won’t make you wait a long time for sex. Never, ever forget that. ”
This should be printed out and stuck on your bathroom mirror. Too many guys put up with endless bullshit because the girl is soooooo hot or whatever. I don’t even use dating apps (yet) and I’ve not had any sort of dry spell for many years-I meet new women all the time. I’m by no means the best looking guy in the room nor the most successful, etc.. and I have no trouble. If you think that you “can’t live without her…” you’ve lost and you’re fucked. Enjoy your life of servitude.
Posted at 01:36 pm, 20th January 2020Married/cheating when I met her. Got divorced while I was seeing her, immediately got a boyfriend and LSNFTE me for almost a year. Since that one, shes been a dating roller coaster, I might see her a week or two then she’s with a new guy, then she might go 3 months half-ass dating but mostly just taking a break and sleeping with me.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 07:42 pm, 20th January 2020Oneitis is men’s default psychological setting. Long-term happiness is impossible for a man until he learns how to permanently overcome this.
That exactly what I as thinking when you first made your comment. That’s the only reason she worked as an FB. Women in the category I described would never agree to become an FB (or even an MLTR)… she was not in this category when you started to have sex with her. Now you’re grandfathered in.
Vic Rattlehead
Posted at 11:44 pm, 20th January 2020Yes!
Recently divorced inexperienced women
Not only that, but lack anything desirable and appealing.
I don’t know what’s with the U.S. but this is a dumpster fire. In Mexico, Colombia, and Brazil it is not an issue. I know someone might say that I am bashing America but my experience has been women listing photos on Tinder with their four children. Looking for a ready-made provider just as Caleb says. (In the west: California, Nevada, Arizona) It’s that or the most disgusting ghetto girls I’ve seen. This BLOG often talks about the decline of the west. Indeed. I can’t be the only one with type of experience.
Women who are experienced but have some kind of trauma in their past.
Uh, had a run for a while where this was the majority of my dating experience. For a few years. Broken angels with broken wings. They seem to revel in it. Feeling sorry for themselves or whatever Goth bullshit they wallow in. That was a learning experience. Any sign of that passive-aggressive reverse psychology bullshit and I’m gone.
Lesson learned in life and in dating is the opposite of how I was raised.
The overriding principle is being a dick or douchebag will net you more pussy than being nice (Guess I need a man-bun). Unfortunately, I am nice by default so it takes work to be a dick. Until I get sick and tired of people taking advantage. Friendly and nice does not mean weak and gullible. But, being an outright–sometime outrageous–dick does do the trick.
Posted at 04:54 am, 21st January 2020I’ve chatted to girls online who’ve said they were a virgin, but they’re incredibly ultra flaky normally and it’s a struggle to get them to meet up 99.99% of the time.
Posted at 06:32 am, 21st January 2020Oh I agree 100%, but this is evidence that they do still accept being FB’s, so the question I have and I know you will likely say there is no solution… How could we get grandfathered in now? Yes she instantly nexts new guys who suggest being FB, but how might you approach such a woman to get your way in strictly as FB? Is it really not possible? Because these kind of FB’s are my favorite. I have more than one like this and they come and go a lot, but that’s also great because I keep a steady roster and when these women jump back in the roster it always gives a boost of excitement and happiness.
I’ll admit I have no insight, but if a woman is ok with having a “grandfathered-in” fb, logic (which I realize isn’t congruent with women) would say there is some way to become that guy to her (if she has no fb’s already) if we could only figure out how.
Dandy Dude
Posted at 09:08 am, 21st January 2020What, are you implying that a good christian virgin who is not like the rest™ is a myth? Absurd, I say!
On a serious note, these girls are easier to pull if you don’t share her religious background, and even easier if you’re a non-believer/atheist. Field tested.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:24 am, 21st January 2020Incorrect. Many of these women are extremely hot and/or have no kids. The last one I encountered was a former professional model with a high income and no kids. You’re over-generalizing.
Being an asshole to women will, at the very best, net you a some one-night-stands and that’s about it. If that’s all you want, great, be an asshole. Otherwise the best model is the 85/15 I lay out here.
Your comment demonstrates someone who is very jaded and angry. You need to take a deep breath and get a little rationality and objectivity.
No, they won’t. The woman you fucked was not in the “divorced but immediately looking for another husband” category. She wasn’t even close to that. She was in the “married and cheating on her husband” category, which is a completely different type of woman. Married women are easy to have sex with. I’ve had my share. The fact she happened to divorce her husband while fucking you has nothing to do with it.
You can’t get grandfathered in unless you were already there before she made the change. That’s what grandfathered means.
Correct. It’s not possible for the “divorced but immediately looking for another husband” category.
Then don’t go after those kinds of women. I don’t.
I’m not sure why you’re so desperate to go after these extremely difficult, high-ASD, “divorced but immediately looking for another husband” women. Forget those and go after single younger women instead and get all the FBs you want.
Haha. There are a tiny handful of Christian virgins in the Western world, but traditional conservative guys like to forget that these women are still women, and will still eventually behave like women in both dating scenarios (fuck guys, serial monogamy, attention whoring, etc) and marriage scenarios (divorce your dumb ass and replace you as soon as she gets frustrated or bored).
I have had a lot of fast sex with extremely Christian women who were sexually inexperienced (in the first category I talked about in the article). The first two times it happened I was shocked because I bought into the bullshit too. Live and learn. 🙂
Posted at 10:21 am, 21st January 2020If I’m reading this right, it sounds like the advice here is to give difficult women a few extra dates, but don’t over invest or get attached.
My default setting is to be very nice but challenging, as long as they’re nice back. Kino is how I communicate my intention to be sexual and not a man friend. Once they get enough comfort to come out of their shells, damaged women can be a lot of fun. Just not wives.
Posted at 11:17 am, 21st January 2020I recently started hooking up with a girl in two of these categories – a Christian virgin, at 26 years old, in a ‘serious’ relationship with a guy for 4 years. He has never even seen her naked let alone touched her or even _kissed_ her. A virgin at 34. Hard to believe any man could exist like that, especially considering she is super hot and turns out, completely willing.
Took 3 meetups to get to sex with her- she is extremely sexual and cums easily.
Trouble is, the guilt factor. She honestly is afraid she’s going to hell now because she had sex without a legal contract, since that is the one thing that is extremely important to the most powerful being and creator of the Universe, obviously.
Have you ever been in a similar situation and do you have any tips for helping a girl like this to begin to escape the brainwashing a little bit to the point she can actually enjoy being a human being?
Dandy Dude
Posted at 01:36 pm, 21st January 2020Priceless!
My two cents: enjoy her while she lasts, then let go. It’s an entire life of social programming and peer pressure against any rational argument you can come up with (and it’s not like those tend to convince people anyways).
The one off chance I could recommend you is looking online for christians who interpret their bible differently and come to the conclusion that premarital sex isn’t against god’s wishes. That way, you can use her religious convictions to turn her around.
Still, I wouldn’t set my hopes too high…
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:55 pm, 21st January 2020https://alphamale20.com/2016/09/15/theres-one-girl/
Gretsch Guy
Posted at 07:05 pm, 21st January 2020Hey BD,
Since virgins catch feelings real easily, are they harder to keep around as FBs for over 6 months? (Assuming I do everything right)
I would assume that they might leave after realizing they’re not getting a boyfriend/ hubby or having their Disney fantasies fulfilled.
For context, I’m in East Asia.
Posted at 01:08 am, 22nd January 2020@Gretsch Guy,
I spoke to two women about their first sexual experience over the past month or so. They both said that they just decided to find a guy to fuck to get it done. One was a one night stand, no emotional involvement, no regrets, nothing. The other one just decided after a month or so that she got the idea, but she thought she could find someone who could do a better job. I wouldn’t over romanticize virgins if I were you. They are just women who haven’t had a dick in their pussy yet.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:55 am, 22nd January 2020I’ve never tried to establish an pure FB with a woman who was a 100% virgin so I can’t answer that question. However, in the Western world what you’re saying about them catching feelings easily is very inaccurate (see below).
However, since you’re not in the West and you’re in East Asia (and THANK YOU for that clarification, I wish more non-Western commenters were more clear about this when they post comments here), then yes, you may run into a problem with some virgins there, not because of feelings, but because of Disney. As usual, Asian women have less ASD but much higher Disney.
But so what? ASD is a serious problem but Disney is perfectly manageable. I’ve had FBs with lots of Disney that lasted many years (off and on of course). Just have her get her Disney from some beta while you’re the Alpha in her life.
You know what? Yeah, I have seen exactly this several times in the last few years myself. It’s a new thing with young, virgin Gen Z girls. They’ll be virgins but they hate being virgins because they can’t have conversations with all of their girlfriends who aren’t virgins and they feel left out, so they’ll just find some random guy on Tinder (literally!) who doesn’t look too scary, go over to his house, fuck him, then delete him and never see him again, and then “relax” that she’s not a virgin anymore and now be considered normal by her social circle. Crazy.
(And this is the generation the right-wingers hope will (haha!) be conservative (haha!) and save the USA. Haha! Not true, folks. Not true at all. )
Posted at 09:04 am, 22nd January 2020Another type of inexperienced girl I’ve ran into twice now is bisexuals that swear off men for long periods of time or just flat have little experience with men.
They are used to having sex, so no issues there, but often make comments like “I can’t believe I did that” and such after doing things like giving head.
Also heard the same “I’m afraid it will hurt” that I’ve heard from virgins.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:44 am, 22nd January 2020I have seen a huge upswing in the amount of women like this, particularly bisexual women who prefer women. They’re not lesbians, since they’ll still fuck a guy under certain conditions, but they strongly prefer girls.
This could be a regional thing just in the Pacific NW where I live, but I doubt it since I’ve heard about other men mentioning it. Huge increase in the number of women like this as compared to 10-15 years ago.
Posted at 11:03 am, 22nd January 2020Are you sure you can’t comment on the guilt issue? It seems right up your alley since you work with eliminating societal programming, plus your wife is a Christian of some kind. It really is straight up evil, if you ask me, raising kids to think this way about sex.
Posted at 11:43 am, 22nd January 2020A few of you here have said it’s easy to lay married women. How do you pitch a date with them? Aren’t they going to act disguised?
I suppose if she rejects you, you could say oops, didn’t see the ring. Then you could add something about it not being wrong and how discreet you are, etc…
Posted at 01:30 pm, 22nd January 2020There’s been no “date” with any of the married women I’ve been with. I do very indirect for daytime stuff, getting their number cause “we know each other” lots and lots of texting that goes from friendly, to flirting, then sexting. Then they’ve made it a point to let me know when something can happen. (Can you come over and move a couch for me?)
Basically I gain some trust then they pursue it. I’m pretty heavy on the comfort at some points too, like letting her complain about how horrible her husband is. Unless she’s a woman on a mission to cheat it needs to feel like it “just happened” and not feel to her like she was pursued and I was trying to get her to cheat. She’s married, so likely she’s miserable…I try to be the polar opposite of that and make her feel good about herself.
Posted at 01:42 pm, 22nd January 2020One of my current FB’s is like this, but still claims she is a lesbian. Hadn’t been with a man for over a decade until I ran into her in a bar and an hour later we were fucking.
At the very least she still prefers girls and is sleeping with 2 women that I know of. And absolutely will never mention she is fucking a dude cause she doesn’t want to be judged by other lesbians.
Very weird haha
Posted at 01:45 pm, 22nd January 2020“divorced but immediately looking for another husband”
I’ll also add to this group, formerly married, recently engaged and dumped by their fiance for another — usually younger, hotter women without her 33+ years of baggage, kids and expectations of relationship and marriage.
Posted at 04:22 pm, 22nd January 2020re: immediately looking for a husband
Over a year ago, I opened a woman, she was over 33 if I remember correctly. Don’t remember if she was divorced or not.
She completely ignored questions in my opener and sent me this message (Google Translate with some manual corrections – I’m from central Europe):
“Hi. I invite you to read the content of my profile. As I wrote, I’m looking for a husband here. What are you looking for here? I would like to know more about you before a meeting: how tall are you, who do you live with and where do you live, what is your education and what do you do for a living, do you have any addictions (which ones?) and what is your marital status (bachelor, divorced, etc.) and how many children do you have? Regards. [her name]”
Obvious copypaste, since some of details she asked for were on my profile.
I did not respond. I’m not an expert, but I guess that was a good decision… 😉
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:31 pm, 22nd January 2020One of my FBs is like this too. It’s “cool” in certain social circles for bi-sexual women to identify as lesbians or gay. They’re bi-sexual (since they will fuck a guy under certain conditions and enjoy it) not lesbians (who would never fuck a guy and find the entire experience disgusting), but they pretend to be lesbians, identify as lesbians or gay, hang out with their lesbian/gay social circles, to all the gay pride marches, and so on.
But they’re not gay. They’re bi.
Wow, a lot of you have had run-ins with this type. Maybe I should do an article on this. We could all swap stories. 🙂
Posted at 04:52 pm, 22nd January 2020Very unlikely. At the most, they will enjoy the attention and say no. Just ask them out for coffee. I dont think most married women in the 21st century are going to think its appalling to just have a coffee with a guy. It might be different if you pitched meeting in a motel room the first time you met them. If they say yes to coffee, proceed as normal. Dont talk about them being married unless they bring it up. It’s a good sign if they dont, but even if they do, deflect it. If they keep on harping about it, it’s probably not gonna work out. Let em talk, be polite, offer assurance, dont bad talk the husband or encourage them to do so. Its tacky and it just brings everyone down.
(Most of my personal experience with married women is in SE Asia. But I bet the same rules apply elsewhere, too, except in extremely conservative cimmunities)
Posted at 02:10 am, 23rd January 2020This doesn’t ring true to me. If you ever find yourself trying to convince her that it’s “not wrong,” then she obviously thinks it is wrong, and your insistence is going to be counter productive. Same with discreet — you’ll convince her you’re discreet more by NOT talking about things.
Sorry, but yuck. I can’t imagine anything worse than this. And it’s not my experience that married women want to do it. My favorite married FB has mentioned her husband exactly TWICE in two years of regular meetings — once after she’d just had a fight, I somewhat reluctantly said she was welcome to talk about it, and I just listened without really offering advice or expressing an opinion, the other time she referred fleetingly to their non existant sex life. The other one obviously does have pangs of guilt. I tell her politely and nicely that I dont want to interfere with her private life and that if she needs to break it off, I’d accept it and give her my blessing.
(Again, the women I’m talking about are Asians. Again, i think the rules apply across cultures)
Pseudonymous User
Posted at 04:53 pm, 23rd January 2020It’s OK to be kind, but bad to be meek.
It’s OK to be assertive, but bad to be conceited.
I’ve heard the idea that women committed to monogamy will actively avoid encounters of this kind. They won’t hang out with men one on one, won’t go to vacations alone etc. Therefore if she is there with you, she is at least somewhat interested in the same thing you are. Things to avoid on your side include being too upfront (depriving her of plausible deniability) and being too indirect (she might genuinely think you’re meeting her for some other reason).
Sounds like a very lengthy and a very uncertain process.
Posted at 05:45 am, 24th January 20201-they need to trust you from the get go;
2-they need to know you gonna give them an “amazing experience”;
3-they need to know you are a discreet man who knows how to keep things for yourself;
Once steps 1-3 are met, they will meet and fuck you on the first date….in a matter of minutes (providing you don’t fuck it up).
Posted at 05:52 am, 24th January 2020How to pitch a date?
Just gain her trust, show you are funny/witty, but very serious about the dating stuff.
Tell her you are also open to a new very discreet experience with the right woman, and that you are not looking for someone to introduce to family or friends or get into a formal and serious relationship with.
What you want is someone to have a good time and be an amazing company to be with on those moments.
Posted at 06:00 am, 24th January 2020Exactly my experience. My best guess is it’s a social circle thing: these women are hyper horny and have really a hard time to deal with ASD (they have to pretend all the time they don’t need constant sex). Pretending to be somewhat gay puts them on a very liberal environment where they can openly express their internal desires.
Posted at 07:23 am, 24th January 2020I am reading all of this and feel sickened by it. This advice should be shunned rather than accepted. I can’t believe the acronyms created and promoted – as if you are creating a whole attitude and lingo towards women that continues to objectify them and seek them as sexual objects with a price tag. A price tag that isn’t even worth 2-3 dates? Come on. Women are worth more than that.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:25 am, 24th January 2020Then you have only read this one article and haven’t read anything else I’ve ever written. Allow me to catch you up. I teach men how to get into long-term relationships with women without lying to the women or ever telling them what to do. What I teach is the exact opposite of objectification. Feel free to ask my wife.
The first step in creating a new relationship with a woman is, of course, taking her out on a few dates and getting to sex with her as fast as is fair for both the woman and the man. (Not just the woman, and not just the man, but both. It’s called fairness.) Men don’t like going out on 5 or 6 dates with no sex and most modern-day women are perfectly happy with having sex with a guy on the 2nd or 3rd date, therefore that’s what I teach. Then have a long-term happy relationship with her that lasts many years.
Harry Flashman
Posted at 10:11 am, 24th January 2020As an older guy who dated in his forties, so much of this rings true. If only I had discovered you ten years ago! I’ve literally experienced all of the above. What you say about religious girls is so spot on. One of my most memorable FBs, and a complete shock, was a Type 3 VYM who worked in my office. Super religious Catholic girl, and very hot with an amazing body. One night while out with friends, I ran into her at a bar. We wound up having sex in my car that night. I wouldn’t have guessed I would ever have sex with this girl under any circumstances. Apparently, she had a crush on me and I had no idea. After having sex in my car she announced I had just taken her virginity! If I wasn’t shocked enough that this had happened at all, this floored me. We went on to have many great nights together, with little fuss and for almost zero dollars. That girl loved to give BJs more than any I’ve ever met. She was one of the horniest women I’ve ever encountered. She declared herself a born-again virgin as she approached 30 (that’s actually a thing) married some beta and moved to the Midwest. Last I heard she was a happy stay at home mom. Wonderful girl and great memories.
Dandy Dude
Posted at 12:58 pm, 24th January 2020Same here in Brazil, or São Paulo at least.
As you said, these girls aren’t lesbians, they just say they are, but they still sleep with men. In my experience, it’s both because it’s “the cool thing” and because it’s less of a hassle than dating men. What I’ve observed is that many of them prefer men, but dealing with the opposite sex is always more challenging, so they play lesbian for a while (usually when they’re younger), until they hit it off with a guy and date him for a long time. After that, they’re “lesbians” only for hookups or threesomes.
Posted at 09:51 pm, 25th January 2020“there is another woman around the corner, never forget that”…hmm… well then I really wonder just where in the hell are these type of women because I definitely haven’t experienced it! In fact, it doesn’t matter how many other women are in your area if none of them are actually willing to give you a chance/aren’t interested in the first place
Posted at 10:29 am, 28th January 2020I genuinely believe that if a woman really likes you, she will have sex with you RIGHT OFF THE BAT. If she makes you wait for more than a date, if she shows ANY signs of ASD, finds lame excuses not to get nailed immediately, then she is not into you after all, man.
Think of this, this way. If you were Brad Pitt or any celebrity or a super model, would she still give you the shit that she doesn’t do hookups or whatever? Of course not! She would blow you in the bar bathroom right here right now! She is not that attracted to you, so she will think of any possible way to make it hard for you. Everything else is mental masturbation. Sorry to spoil it for you, guys, but it’s the truth. If you meet a smoking HOT woman, will you make her wait for 3-4 dates, because you want to get to know her better? Or would you get horny and want to bang her ASAP? Answer for yourselves