27 Sep Bridesmaids

Just like I have analyzed several movies in the past for hidden nuggets of reality (links to which are at the end of this article), today I will analyze what I believe is the only good chick flick ever made, one that’s not only funny, but strangely accurate in displaying relationships and marriage, as well as the behavior of women, beta males, and Alpha Males.
-By Caleb Jones
The 2011 movie Bridesmaids was able to pull this of by having an R rating(!) and is shockingly anti-Disney for a movie written by women and aimed at a female audience (with the exception of one quick scene at the end, but frankly, as I’ve shown in the past, all comedies these days, even “guy” ones, have bullshit Disney endings). Despite this being what looks like a chick flick, it’s actually very funny and worth watching. Again, this is perhaps the only chick flick ever made where I will say this.
There will be spoilers.
The movie stars Annie, a single woman in her mid-thirties, the hardest decade for women. She works at a low-income job at a jewelry store where she constantly gets into trouble when she doesn’t go into Disney fantasies with her customers when selling engagement rings. She tells them things like “your love won’t last!”, pissing off her boss, who only hired her because her mom sponsored him in Alcoholics Anonymous.
The first scene is her having sex with a good looking Alpha Male. He fucks the shit out of her treats her like a “fuck buddy” and actually refers to her as his “number three.” Being a girl, she wants more from him but he only wants to bang her and kick her out as soon as he’s done, which he does.
She then goes to visit her mom, who is divorced and constantly bitches about her ex-husband leaving her for a younger woman, likely because the younger woman gives him blowjobs when she would not.
Yep. That’s how it works. If men won’t get what they want from their wives, they’ll get it from somewhere else.
Her life-long best friend gets engaged. Annie tries to put on a happy face but feels jealous of the Disney and attention her friend is getting. Annie becomes the Maid of Honor and then goes to meet the other bridesmaids for the wedding.
One is Exasperated Mom, a long-term married mother of three boys who utterly hates her life. She complains about her three boys constantly. She says boys are cute when they’re young, but when they “reach that age” they are “disgusting, they smell, they’re sticky, they say things that are horrible, and there’s semen all over everything.” “The other day I cracked a blanket in half,” she says.
As I examined here and here and here and here, long-term monogamous marriage, when it “works” and people don’t get divorced, does not make people long-term happy despite the massive false Societal Programming that says otherwise.
Next is Goody Two-Shoes, a young woman who recently married her new beta male husband and is still in hardcore NRE. She was a virgin when she married him and is super excited. More on her later.
Next is Fat Girl (played by Melissa McCarthy, back when she was actually funny), a masculine, aggressive, ugly, overweight, and very horny single woman.
Lastly, she meets Fancy Girl, who is beautiful, elegant, confident, charismatic, cultured, married, and wealthy, everything Annie is not. She quickly becomes Annie’s nemesis throughout the movie as they vie for who is the “best” best friend to the bride. Later, they have a “friendly” tennis match where Annie and Fancy Girl spend the entire time angrily smacking the tennis ball into each other’s boobs rather than trying to score points.
While angrily imitating Fancy Girl in the car, Annie gets pulled over by a timid, beta male cop. She tries to use her sex appeal to get out of the ticket, but since she has none it doesn’t work. Regardless, they eventually hit it off after they realize they live near each other.
At one of the bridesmaids’ events, Goody Two-Shoes talks to Exasperated Mom and says she can’t wait until she’s married as long as she’s been married and can’t wait to have kids. Exasperated Mom rolls her eyes at her naivety and says, “Last night I spent hours making a beautiful meal for my family. My son came in and said he wanted to order pizza instead. I said, ‘We’re not having pizza, I made dinner instead.’ He says ‘Mom, why don’t you go fuck yourself?’ He’s nine!”
Annie goes on a blind date with a random beta male. She goes to his house, overhears him talking to his ex for whom he still has oneitis. He’s clearly not over her and Annie hears him complain that Anne “isn’t even pretty!” His son eats one of her birth control pills and she leaves, going back to Hot Alpha Male where she knows she can get good sex.
Women always come back to Alpha Males. Always.
After sex, she timidly asks him if he would like to come with her to the next bridal gathering as his date. He laughs and says no, coming up with the clever excuse that he doesn’t want to embarrass her by telling everyone they’re just fuck buddies. She tries to play it cool, and says she can just ask another guy she knows named George Glass (an inside joke for those who know pop culture well; “George Glass” was the name of Jan Brady’s fake boyfriend on the Brady Bunch).
Hot Alpha Male just rolls his eyes, doesn’t give a shit, and kicks her out of his house.
The bridesmaids discuss where to have the bachelorette party. Exasperated Mom angrily screams that she wants to go to a “fantasy location” and “balls in her face” so she can “actually have sex with her husband again.”
If you get traditionally monogamously married, you need to plan on eventually either not having frequent sex with your wife, or having sex with her but her not being into it at all (wife sex, as I described here).
So, they decide go to Vegas.
On the plane, Goodie Two-Shoes tells Exasperated Mom how the only man she’s ever had sex with is her new husband. Exasperated Mom explains how terrible that is, and that Goodie Two-Shoes clearly doesn’t know what she wants. That’s why, she says, you go through your “slutty college years,” to get laid and find out what you want and like sexually.
As I’ve said many times, most women go through a slutty phase, usually between ages 15 and 23, where they go get laid a lot, then eventually calm down and get back to normal. Women who never go through this phase often do indeed have problems later in life, usually including them cheating on their husbands/boyfriends or eventually getting divorced.
Goodie Two-Shoes asks Exasperated Mom what she does during sex. Exasperated Mom answers “Thinking about other things and wishing it would stop.”
Yep. Wife sex again. That’s exactly what you’ll be looking forward to if you ever get traditionally, monogamously married. Fun!
Goodie Two-Shoes starts getting depressed and starts drinking alcohol. (She actually tells the stewardess, “I’d like a glass of alcohol, please.”) Both Goodie Two-Shoes and Exasperated Mom get drunk and start making out.
While Fat Girl aggressively tries to fuck the resident air marshal on the plane, Annie also gets drunk and causes a scene. She gets arrested when they land, and the entire group has to immediately take a bus back home, ruining the entire trip. The bride fires Annie as the Maid of Honor.
Sad and lonely, Annie goes to meet up with Beta Male Cop. They go to a bar, then back to his place and have sex. He’s super excited because, being a beta, “this kind of thing has never happened to him before.”
The next morning he immediately gets needy, and surprises her with a bunch of baking stuff in his kitchen, knowing she likes to bake, and says they should bake together. His neediness instantly turns her off and scares her a little, and she leaves. He’s heartbroken.
As always, it’s usually men these days who get too serious or too needy to quickly. This is truer now than ever before, due the prevalence of beta males in society. (And will get worse.)
Later, at her job at the jewelry store, when a teenage girl asks about a BFF necklace, Annie tells her that she won’t be friends with her BFF forever, and how it’s all bullshit. An argument ensues which demonstrates classic differences between a stressed-out over-33 woman (who calls the teenage girl stupid and slutty) and the dumb teenage younger woman (who calls Annie old and ugly).
If you want to watch an extended 10 minute version of this argument, it’s right here. It’s a fantastic performance, a great example of two dumb women fighting, and really funny, most of which was completely ad-libbed by both actors:
Anyway, at the end of the argument, Annie calls the teenage girl a “little cunt,” and promptly gets fired. She also gets kicked out of her apartment and moves in with her mother, to her mother’s joy, who has been begging Annie to move in with her forever.
Old people always think that getting married guarantees them companionship forever, but that’s almost never the case, as I examined here.
Later, at the bridal shower, when Fancy Girl gets the bride a better present than Annie, Annie loses her shit, starts screaming at everyone, and runs around and starts trashing all the catered food at the party. Annie and the bride argue. The bride says, “Why can’t you be happy for me then go home and talk behind my back like a normal woman?”
Yup. That’s normal.
Annie gets into a car accident on the way home and gets into an argument with Beta Male Cop. While they argue, Hot Alpha Male pulls up in his nice sports car and takes Annie away, much to the chagrin of Beta Male Cop.
In the car, Hot Alpha Male tries to get Annie to give him a blowjob while he drives. Annie gets pissed, has him pull over, and leaves the car. He says, “You’re no longer my number three!” and drives away.
Fat Girl comes over and tells Annie to man up. She tells Annie about how she was tormented and ridiculed in high school and now she’s financially successful with 6 rental properties, all because she busted her ass instead of whining about her problems. She says, “I don’t associate with people who blame the world for their problems. YOU’RE your problem, Annie. And you’re the solution.”
Sound familiar? I seem to know a blog written by a guy who says that a lot…
Moving on, Fancy Girl tries to make peace with Annie, revealing that her marriage is terrible, that her husband never wants to see her, and that he travels most of the year.
When you see traditionally married people, it’s rarely as good as it seems. Almost never, in fact.
At the very end of the movie, there is, yes, a Disney wedding, but the scene is mercifully short, lasting perhaps one minute. As the new married couple drives away, Fat Girl reveals to Annie that she put a loaded pistol in the groom’s suitcase as a joke. “TSA is gonna rip his ass apart,” she says. The final scene of the movie is Fat Girl filming her first-time sex with the air marshal (a short, ugly beta male) where she eats a giant sandwich off his body.
The End.
There’s more to the movie that didn’t really warrant me describing it here. If Hollywood actually made more rated-R anti-Disney chick flicks like this, I’d go see them. Sadly, I’m pretty sure this is the only one ever made (though I could be wrong).
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Dwight A Brown
Posted at 05:16 am, 27th September 2018It is a classic movie. Very funny and yes the best chick flick out there. Not even a chick flick, just flat out funny.
Posted at 07:35 am, 27th September 2018Agreed this is the only chick flick I’ve ever enjoyed and still didn’t watch it until a girlfriend told me it’s “actually funny”
@BD – Have you watched 30 Rock? Similar sense of deprecating humor from a female protagonist (Tina Fey) who’s always shown to be less competent than her male counterpart (Alec Baldwin). It’s only about 10 years old but I doubt this show would exist in 2018
Dandy Dude
Posted at 08:06 am, 27th September 2018How the hell was this directed by Paul Feig?
Posted at 09:20 am, 27th September 2018This is what happens when you get married. Have to watch shit like that, for whatever reason. Whether its to be fair (she watched your movie) or to quiet down the bitching. Why doesn’t matter, just that you had to.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:23 am, 27th September 2018I’ve watched lots of clips but never an episode. I don’t really like TV.
I agree.
Exactly my point. It’s seriously crazy this film ever got made. That’s one of the reasons a film like this was never made again; I think it was lightning in a bottle.
The logistical answer is that Feig only directed this and it was someone else’s material; it wasn’t his lovechild like Ghostbusters was.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:36 am, 27th September 2018Incorrect. I watched this movie back in 2012, years before I ever met Pink Firefly. I recently watched it again by myself because I chose to. I actually asked her if she wanted to watch it with me and she said no.
I have an OLTR Marriage and I’m Alpha 2.0. This means I never watch movies I don’t want to, nor force her to do the same. Mutual suffering “to be fair” is TMM stuff.
Posted at 10:04 am, 27th September 2018Love this movie. The plane scene, the car scene, and the “fucking cookie” all hilarious. Great actors, genuine humor. Also great representation of what I call the mistake (fuckboy in the beginning) vs the guy worth a damn (cop).
Posted at 10:13 am, 27th September 2018As I’ve said before, videogames is where the last good Alpha stuff is.
Hollywood went to shit a long time ago. Same with traditional TV. Entertainment plainly sucks these days if you’re looking for good Alpha examples.
Everything is either disguised left-wing garbage or open right-wing indoctrination. Yikes!
In the 80s my heroes were Stalonne and Arnold. Today I have to look for the Geralts (The Witcher) Kratos (God of War) or Joels (Last of Us) of this era as the last bastion of Alpha spice.
Just sad…
Posted at 10:52 am, 27th September 2018I don’t follow movies too much anymore, but in the 2000’s, there were still a lot of films that I would categorize as red pill. I guess it would depend on the viewer though.
For example, some would say that the Break Up was blue pill, but i though it did a good job depicting an alpha that wouldn’t fully commit/take shit from his chick, which is why they broke up.
Crazy Stupid Love was a classic story depicting alpha/beta dichotomy.
Movies like Wedding Crashers and the American Pie series were epic red pill.
Movies that show players and sluts like Vicky Christina Barcelona, Magnolia with tom cruise, and Alfie with jude law.
Wolf of Wall Street was pretty good and made in 2013.
I guess all those were pretty much 2011 and before, so maybe this might have to do with this new fourth wave feminist paradigm which coincidentally started in 2012.
Since then we have had gamer-gate, so called rape culture and yes means yes, #me too, all kinds of men like Charlie Rose and Bill Cosby getting accused of “sexual harassment,” women filmed getting “harassed” while walking around NYC etc.
Posted at 11:22 am, 27th September 2018It’s funny how we as men have been told for YEARS to be like the Cop, because he’s a keeper.
I’m not saying you should refer to Women as #3 or so, obviously that was for effect.. I don’t think it’s Alpha, Badass or Masculine at all to be disrespectful to Women.
BUT why the fuck should sacrifice, compromise, and overall not be as happy for the greater good of Society and the Big Picture?!
All the while shooting ourselves in the foot and driving the women away that we wanted.
Posted at 11:24 am, 27th September 2018Yes. Series too. This is gonna sound absurd but How I Met Your Mother (2005-2013) had a lot of red pill in it (though more in the early seasons, less – but still some – in the later ones). Granted, it also had a disgusting crapload of blue pill/ Disney/ SP in it, from first to last season, but I found the mix interesting. In the last season, Barney’s character drops a nuclear bomb on the concept of “forever after”: he states that one could consider a 3-year marriage ending with peaceful divorce as a “successful marriage that happened to last three years”, rather than failure. This is very anti-SP, though flawed.
It would be impossible to make HIMYM now.
Posted at 11:48 am, 27th September 2018I had a 4.5 year relationship, with the last 2.5 having a firm expiration date (when she left for grad school). In fact, I thought I had 1.5 years to go when we had “the talk” (‘I owe it to myself to date others when I get to grad school’ she said, and was correct) but she blew the GRE and ended up taking a gap year with me. That year was absolute bliss for both of us, eating and drinking and walking and fucking and talking and it was highly, highly successful and beneficial for both of us….I even drove her out to the Left Coast when the time came.
This led me to BD’s blog….the concept of having MLTR’s and letting them LSNFTE you was revelationary. I’m not a pump ‘n dump kind of guy, nor much of a Thrill of the Hunt player, but I’m damned guarded over my freedom. BD’s model squares the circle quite nicely, because closed ended relationships don’t exactly fall from trees.
Posted at 11:58 am, 27th September 2018Ok BD, I hate chick flicks. Refuse to watch them. So looking for an honest answer here. What caused you to watch this movie originally?
Posted at 12:13 pm, 27th September 2018I never got this. Men sacrificing themselves does nothing good for society, it only makes women and children more comfortable. These entitled women and children get everything they want. The women end up on antidepressants; and hell so do the children when they grow up. Combine this with the leftist victim academies known as college, and you have a society made up of mindless and useless debt based consumers, who end up needing therapy because life is too hard.
Same happened to Two and Half Men. Started off really red pill then Charlie started becoming whipped by the end of it. Then when Sheen left they flipped the script. Kutcher was beta as fuck, while Alan started being with multiple chicks/chicks with boyfriends.
There were actually a bunch of shows on cable that were good like Californication and Shameless. Even the mainstream stations are putting out some good stuff. ABC ran a sit-com this year called Splitting UP Together with Jenna Fischer and Oliver Hudson. It was about a couple that split up and the guy ended sleeping in the garage/back of the house. It showed both characters dating other people and moving on with their lives, while still raising their children in healthy co-parenting environment.
Don’t know if the show will get popular, but I think shit like this signifies that we are shifting to a different paradigm which promotes arrangements that provide an alternative to TMM for middle class whites. Couples are starting to break up or divorce quicker, get married later, not have children or get married at all, or agree to a co-parenting plan ala BD from the beginning.
Posted at 12:42 pm, 27th September 2018It will be interesting to see if the quarantining (and probable removal) of the Red Pill will affect BD’s traffic.
Posted at 02:04 pm, 27th September 2018I avoided this movie thinking it was the exact opposite …guess I should give it a watch.
this is why I am fond of movies from the 20s, 30s, and some 40s…. There was actually a movie in the 30s about a nonmono relationship between a woman and two men (Design For Living, 1933). another movie about a beta husband uwittingly raising his wife’s lover’s son as his own while the wife still sees her lover behind his back (the title escapes me, sorry). I’ve seen both on Turner Classic Movies.
Posted at 02:43 pm, 27th September 2018Ha! Funny, my favorite “romantic comedies” are this one and Knocked-Up.
I have brought sooooo many chicks home for wine and a movie, and for a while I was putting either one of these films. At that point I can recite the dialogs with my eyes closed hahaha.
I don’t know if it is part of your game to pitch a second date at your place to watch a movie, but if so it would be funny to see which movies you pick, and why. I have been doing it for years, so now I have a good list of the most effective movies to get to sex quickly, depending on the type of girl I bring home.
Posted at 03:15 pm, 27th September 2018This is already getting worse. I see the DMs that my FBs get from pretty much every outlet, and hoo boy. It is hard to see. So much butthurt neediness.
Yeah, if only actual fat chicks had this mentality…
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:40 pm, 27th September 2018Correct.
The Break Up was one of the most painful movies I’ve ever watched. Red pill or blue pill, it’s about a man who clearly either enjoys extreme drama or doesn’t mind it. It made me physically uncomfortable to watch their constant, stupid screaming matches in that film. Jesus.
Never saw it. I was tempted to but it looked like there was a lot of sappy romance shit in it as well.
Utterly incorrect. As I analyzed here, Wedding Crashers follows the usual guy-comedy pattern of starting as a red pill movie but ending as an extreme blue pill movie. It is an insult to red pill, not an example of it.
American Pie is more red pill (somewhat), but that was the 90s before this stuff got really out of control.
Those were good but as I said above, they mostly demonstrate high-drama Alpha 1.0s.
(Which I suppose could still be classified as red pill, but not Alpha 2.0. You’ll notice I don’t use the blue pill / red pill terminology very much, because to me Alpha 1.0 vs 2.0 is a much more helpful distinction. I don’t see the point of being a red pill Alpha if you’re spending regular time arguing with angry women.)
Me too. This was an exception.
I only give honest answers here. Otherwise I would not give them.
Back in 2011-12 I figured it was just another chick flick and refused to watch it until I saw some scenes from it on YouTube and noticed they looked very different than other chick movies. So I decided to watch it one night with HBM (I think it was HBM) but warned her that if it turned out to be sappy chick shit that I would end the movie and we would watch something else. It turned out to be good instead, much to my shock.
You guys trying to look for beta behavioral patterns from me are going to be consistently disappointment. (Yes, even post-Pink Firefly.)
I have started to more appreciate older movies as well, yes.
It is not. I don’t want to watch a movie on the second date. I want to have sex on the second date, and a movie would distract from that (but if it’s been working for you, great).
Haha! Exactly!
Ah, Hollywood…
Posted at 05:27 pm, 27th September 2018I wonder why BD didn’t quote his excellent article: https://alphamale20.com/2012/05/24/why-you-allow-her-to-emasculate-you/
Pancake Mouse
Posted at 08:25 pm, 27th September 2018Stuff is definitely changing. There was an article in Bloomberg today about the plummeting divorce rate among milennials: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-09-25/millennials-are-causing-the-u-s-divorce-rate-to-plummet
Posted at 02:08 am, 28th September 2018Its not even hollywood, I pinpoint it more to the internet slowly becoming a standard way of communicating and replacing physical, in person communities and sources of social capital with digital communities. And because it is way easier to act like a victim and not face repercussions for it online, its created hive minds of victims.
Manosphere incels act the exact same as the body positive movement, to where they create hugboxes for their own kind where they immediately shun anyone who disagrees with them and now they are stooping so low to have activism of their own. They are BECOMING the fat feminist assholes they *supposedly* despise.
Posted at 06:40 am, 28th September 2018Hey Blackdragon can you please make a post about this article, I love to read some of your opinions on it haha I cringed quite a bit.
Posted at 08:55 am, 28th September 2018I remember watching this movie in theatres with whoever I was dating at the time. I lost my shit at the “cracked a blanket in half” line.
Brace yourself to be grossed out, but when I was a teenager there was literally a crunchy part of my carpet because I would just jack off directly onto the floor like an animal.
We can be pretty nasty sometimes.
C Lo
Posted at 09:06 am, 28th September 2018I remember that Alpha bro giving her bad sex, as she looked completely dissatisfied. To the point where it was so one sided it didn’t look even enjoyable for HIM.
My philosophy is if she’s having a good time I’m having a fantastic time. Let’s face it, I’m a man and it always ends well for me.
Which probably proves BDs larger point about women needing attention and men needing sex.
I guess the movie was okay, but I remember being bored to the point where I stopped playing attention and was just waiting for it to end. Clearly I don’t enjoy sitcoms or comedies (I find them trite).
Posted at 09:23 am, 28th September 2018Blackdragon i am surprised you have not watch “crazy stupid love” , it is about a pua, and about the realities of marriage (you would love this part)…. Of course the end has to have the bs twist for the masses….
I highly recommend it, you will like it, the same with the ugly truth…
Posted at 09:35 am, 28th September 2018You busted me, except that I am not hoping to see that behavior from you, just looking to see if you sometimes exhibit them. I fuck up and do sometimes still, so just kinda checking on you here. But no, I would be disappointed if I noticed beta patterns coming from you.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:52 am, 28th September 2018You’re the second guy to show me that, so I probably will.
Haha yes.
At that point, he was just getting his rocks off. The kind of sex where you’re just pounding a bitch even though you know damn well she’s not enjoying herself is just a notch above masturbation. But some men need that sometimes.
Women enjoy sex the most when they’re putting on a show for you and it’s clear that you’re honestly enjoying the show.
Men enjoy sex the most when it feels really good physically.
Two very different things.
(Yes, these are both generalizations and there are exceptions.)
Ok I’ll give it a shot.
Ugly Truth was okay. A little silly but okay.
I’m sure little ones happen every once in a while because I’m human and no one is perfect. That being said, the vast majority of my behaviors that could be construed as beta are actually outcome independent behaviors because I don’t give a shit at all about life’s details (and many Alpha 1.0s do).
Example: Whenever PF and I go to a restaurant and we can seat ourselves, I always tell her to pick where we sit and let her seat us wherever she wants. That’s not beta; it’s because I honestly and truly don’t give a fuck about where we sit, and as a woman she is more likely to care than me. But from the outside in without this context, this might look “beta” to some even though it isn’t.
Posted at 12:37 pm, 28th September 2018Blackdragon,I think its Stupid to make a post on the article that BRUCE had linked,which is about some beta in a marriage and proving again that TMM doesnt work and its for weak losers.In the future this blog will become like THE Red pill Reddit,a bunch of betas who read other manosphere blogs,commenting about what other betas like them are doing and requesting other posts about other betas.(without implementing the A2.0 model).I think it will be wise that you do posts on guys who already have taken action and are good in PU,instead of doing posts like “Look how beta that guy is”,”Proving that monogamy doesnt work part 435″
ITS your Blog and you provide content for free(So you can write whatever you want),and i thank you for the A2.0 Model ,but i think its very stupid to make posts about things that we already know are bad and I think that you should write more on topics about improving,success, A2.0 lifestyle.
Dandy Dude
Posted at 01:48 pm, 28th September 2018That reminds me of a quote from Pierre Choderlos de Laclos’ classic, Les Liaisons Dangereuses:
“Man enjoys the happiness he feels, woman the happiness she gives. This difference, so essential and yet so seldom noticed, has a marked difference on the whole of their respective behaviour. A man’s pleasure is to satisfy desires, a woman’s is chiefly to arouse them.”
Caleb Jones
Posted at 03:46 pm, 28th September 2018I agree with you, but as I’ve explained many times here, in order to keep this blog thriving and growing, I sometimes need to post “red meat” articles that satisfy the needs of A) a strong component of the audience and B) new readers. (Remember that just because you are not a new reader doesn’t mean there aren’t lots of new readers here all the time. I have to write for them sometimes.)
These post are always the exception to the rule, as you’ll see when you look at my archive. But they will still happen from time to time. You’re tough; you can handle it the occasional post you don’t like.
C Lo
Posted at 05:14 pm, 28th September 2018The one time I ever had sex like that I literally stopped in the middle and put my clothes back on.
If you aren’t enjoying her why fuck her? Find someone else you do enjoy or get some therapy!
Posted at 02:59 pm, 29th September 2018Totally off topic (I just don’t know where to ask this)
Hello Caleb!
Do you plan to write about how to minimize or avoid problems when doing daygame? I plan to start approaching in a couple months (once I organize some things in my life) but the truth is with all this feminism thing spreading around I’m a bit scared, what if some crazy woman decides to record me or call the police?
Thanks Caleb.
josh stone
Posted at 04:26 pm, 29th September 2018Hey, BD
Watched Bridesmaids on your recommendation, and it was pretty good and pretty red pill as promised.
I do have to say though, when it comes to red pill entertainment created by a woman, nothing really compares to the English tv series “Green Wing” created by Victoria Pile.
The basic idea is that it is a hospital comedy where no one ever helps or cares for a patient, and everyone is either trying to have sex with or dominate everyone else, including and especially the women.
The strong get what they want, and there are alphas, betas, and omegas among the men and the women, and the strong make the lives of the weak hell, both within their own gender and across genders.
I have never come across better comic dialogue in my life, and obviously because it was created by a woman, it can’t be red pilled all the time, and it suffered in its second season. It was also funny as hell, along the lines of the English “The Office.”
You could give a whole seminar on men and woman based on clips from the show.
All the episodes are available for free on Youtube. Am including a sample episode, and anyone who watches it is doing themselves a favor:
Caleb Jones
Posted at 05:49 pm, 29th September 2018https://alphamale20.com/2013/12/22/the-2-rule/
I’ll check it out.
Posted at 10:35 am, 30th September 2018BD,
Wasn’t sure where to put this question, so I went ahead and decided to ask on your most recent article:
When it comes to fuck buddies, do you treat the first few meetups differently from the rest of the relationship? For example, once you get the “lay,” do you attempt to see the girl in quick succession to ensure that you achieve “lock-in,” or do you wait at least 7 days after the first lay to see her a second (and/or third) time?
I ask because I’ve had mixed results waiting 7+ days after the first lay to have the second meet. It seems like some women will assume it was a one-night stand by that point, and they’ll go into auto-rejection and will stop responding to you. At the same time, if it’s an FB you’re going for, you obviously don’t want to set the precedent that you’re going to see her multiple times a week. What are your thoughts here?
Posted at 11:05 am, 30th September 2018Oh, I read that. Now my question is, how do I measure if this is worth the risk or not? what numbers do I use?
That post was 5 years ago, and things have changed (for the worse).
What numbers or evidence are you actually using to say “this only has 2% chance of happening”.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 03:23 pm, 30th September 2018No difference whatsoever.
Whatever data and statistics are available to you, which is a lot, since you have internet access.
You’re the one worried about it; what statistics or other data do you have that even remotely suggest that the odds are good that a normal, non-rich, non-public figure individual doing daygame in your region actually gets fined or thrown in jail by the police because of feminism? How many incidents like this have actually occurred in your region in the last 5 years?
And so on.
2% Rule dude. Just relax and proceed. And read this and this.
Posted at 03:46 pm, 30th September 2018@Mariano – No girl is going to record you or report you to the police for going up to her in the street & paying her a compliment.
Loads of guys (myself included) have been doing daygame for years and the worst response you’ll get is a simple “sorry, I have a bf”.
Posted at 12:27 am, 1st October 2018Women’s groups have defined almost exactly what they despise. So just avoid doing that. Treat chicks like any other dude–no catcalling stupidity, no baby talking, just have a normal conversation with them. Even the assholes in the women’s groups like that and find it “refreshing” when dudes approach them with class.
Don’t be a beta (sucking up to them) or an alpha 1 (treating her like a piece of meat) and you’re good. Done deal.
Start now. If you keep waiting, you’ll never do it.
I approach chicks literally every place I go, even the women’s movement assholes. In terms of day game approaches in general, I go through probably dozens of hundreds a week. Haven’t gotten in trouble once in nearly 15 years of cold approaching during the day and night. This INCLUDES at my JOB, where I would also hit on chicks. Aggressively, might I add. I mean like inviting them places 3-4 minutes after chatting with them.
I have a feeling you’re following the current popular PUAs, which are virtually all snake oil salesmen who I theorize are working with women’s movements to 1) give women’s movements more social significance, and 2) get more men sexually frustrated so that they do more violent things. These people need to be avoided at all costs.
Some of them preach running up to chicks and approaching them from behind, or kinoing them seconds after the approach to “show masculine energy.” These things WILL get you in trouble, no matter who you do them to. How would you like it if some random dude did this to you? There you go. As far as the whistling and saying cringey stuff like “you should smile more (can someone tell me WHO came up with that as an ice breaker, please?)” goes, come on. You’re better than that.
There are only two purposes for day game:
1) Get the chick to be comfortable with your company.
2) Invite her somewhere.
3) Rinse and repeat. Invite 20 chicks somewhere per week and boom. Think PUAs preach this? Nope.
That’s it. To put this in perspective, JMULV, one of the best dating coaches out there, has the most “beta” ice breaker ever: Hey, may I approach you and chat with you?
And he has an INSANE track record.
Posted at 12:37 am, 1st October 2018Hey BD,
In the comments you said that, out of context, someone might consider your behavior with girls as Beta, while it’s actually OI.
Internally, I agree, there’s a big difference. Externaly though, isn’t the behavior relatively the same. And if so, how will the girls know that it’s actually OI, and not complacency/laziness/oneitis?
Dandy Dude
Posted at 07:12 am, 1st October 2018@Mariano
Listen to Neil, it’s the truth. Even if your city is a feminist trove, the vast majority of women will be at least polite to you during the day. In my experience, it’s easier to get the fabled extremely negative reactions at a club, and even there it’s a rare thing. This is probably just your subconscious looking for excuses to stop you from leaving your comfort zone and actually take a chance.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:48 am, 1st October 2018To a degree, yes, but some of this is unavoidable in an an OLTR, particularly a live-in OLTR. As I’ve talked about before, in a live-in scenario, your Alpha frame is going to take at least a 10% hit regardless of how perfect you are. Your job is to make sure it doesn’t go past 10%.
In a FB or MLTR, no, you’re more or less 100% Alpha (otherwise you’re fucking it up).
Good question.
Posted at 11:01 am, 1st October 2018Just wanted to say thanks everyone for your answers.
No, I don’t follow any PUA, I never did in fact (and I’m aware they are cringey as fuck).
Posted at 02:40 pm, 1st October 2018Hell those types do exactly what they demonize if they are horny enough haha. I’ve been on dates with these types and they are obsessed with sex lol. It’s the sex negative ones that are assholes. And those are very rare and look like normal chicks actually.
Dandy Dude
Posted at 02:36 am, 2nd October 2018Totally! I’ve been with enough of them too (the fashion world is infested). Like I tell my friends: all ideology disappears in the face of horniness. The same woman who calls herself a feminist will ask you to choke her and pull her hair, later clinging to you like a virgin, if she’s attracted to you.
Posted at 01:39 pm, 2nd October 2018Don’t generalize man!
Some PUAs are great and improved the lives of thousands of men around the world. Some even do it for free! Plus few PUAs comment on this very blog, thus giving you the answers you needed. Not all are the same you know.
About entertainment, there’s a Netflix production going on for The Witcher with Henry Cavill playing Geralt de Rivia (if you didn’t know this already, I don’t know on what planet you live in).
IF they’re faithful to the source material (the books, not the games), we’ll finally have a big TV show featuring an Alpha 2.0 as the main character.
(but I still have my doubts because they’re trying to find a black teenage woman to play Ciri…and she’s an elf…ಠ_ಠ…)
Posted at 11:51 pm, 2nd October 2018Key word…some. Not all, like the manosphere likes to say, and not even most, which is what any blue pill person who isn’t a crazy feminist would say. Some. Like 1 in 10.
The other 90%? Those are the ones who influence the most. More people know about RSD and Roosh than Squattn Casanova and JMULV.
Posted at 09:51 am, 4th October 2018What’s a PUA? I’m pretty sure Roosh and the other guys on his forum don’t identify as PUAs. Hell I don’t remember RSD ever referring to themselves as such. Krauser is the most notable guy who has it as part of his name. The term is out dated and has a negative connotation.
Posted at 10:36 pm, 7th October 2018IF they’re faithful to the source material (the books, not the games), we’ll finally have a big TV show featuring an Alpha 2.0 as the main character.
(but I still have my doubts because they’re trying to find a black teenage woman to play Ciri…and she’s an elf…ಠ_ಠ…)
I’m pretty sure the black Ciri thing is just rumors/talk. I think Netflix have a good shot at sticking to the source material. I don’t know if Geralt is an alpha 2.0 though, otherwise he would’ve ended up with both Triss and Yenn. But hey that’s the games not the books.
Posted at 02:21 am, 14th October 2018Can’t remember you doing a full post on this sort of stuff but would be interested to see one. As a guy with a live in OLTR I find this a very important distinction between Alpha 1.0 and 2.0. 1’s care about so much shit and are so controlling. Where 2’s don’t give a fuck about hardly anything apart from the really important stuff. So a girl with a 2 is going to have so many more options to get what she wants. Just not the really big stuff. I find this can sometimes confuse my girl. I’ll give her the run of so many things I don’t care about and then she’ll try me on something important and get stone walled and be all surprised about it. I have to keep reminding her of who she’s with and what the key things are for me. Fun thing is its crazy addictive for them as they get to run riot over you (in their head) and then all of a sudden you an the immovable Alpha rock they got hot for in the first place. Push/pull at its finest in some ways! 🙂
Posted at 03:05 pm, 14th October 2018Just watched this in its entirety with an FB of mine, it was quite awesome. It’s almost like a female version of Swingers. There were a LOT of similarities between the conversation that Annie and the big chick have and conversation the Jon Faverau and Ron Livingston have in Swingers.
Bridesmaids is definitely a nice crash course in female psychology and how a 30+ chick thinks.